
Chapter 48

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer


For the past two weeks, I trained with my team trying to teach them as much as I could before we left to fight the war, giving them the rings I had crafted, to ensure that my little pupils would have a better shot at this, at least when I wasn't around.

Like every moment of peace in this ever-changing world, the day to go fight for Konoha had arrived, and today I was leaving with my team, from Konoha to the command point. Where the tactical commander of the central attack division was waiting for us, who would be my superior for the time being, my students were prepared, at least better than I was when I went to my first war, which gave me a little peace of mind about this entire ordeal. My orders upon arrival were clear and quite simple. I was to go to Amegakure to assist the allied forces battling inside Amegakure.

Amegakure was a place or rather the place, that was being devastated in a catastrophic way by this war since all the villages had basically decided to fight within the small country, in a way to prevent catastrophic losses.

"Remember, trust no one." A cynical comment perhaps, and somewhat obvious if you think about it, but I had to tell them, Nawaki and Duy especially, for they needed to engrave in their heads that no one but me was their ally, at least during this war.

"Don't worry," Duy smiled, as always showing a cheerful demeanor in the face of everything.

Don't worry? How could I not? That was my mission, to worry about them, if they died I would be the only one to blame for their demise, even though our ages were not so different, they were my students and as long as that was the case, I would worry about them. "Nawaki stay alert, the enemy could be near."

Nawaki with a smile tilted his head, expanding his sensory area. As Fugaku looked around, "Sensei," Fugaku said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"This ring you gave me, what happens to it if I die?" Fugaku asked, clearly worried that the enemy was going to steal the ring after killing him.

"Nothing, the ring you all have is special," With a smile, I began to explain vaguely how I had planned about this specific scenario, "The ring you guys have has a special seal that prevents anyone but you from benefiting, if an enemy were to take them off say from your corpses, they would go from being a weapon to a cheap piece of jewelry, so don't worry, no enemy will be able to use them."

Fugaku sighed with relief, "My clan wanted me to die for the ring you had given me if necessary, I am glad to know that if I die I will not be dishonoring my clan by giving power to the enemy forces."

Nawaki looked at me, and with a smile asked, "Can you create other things like this?"

"Yes, and I won't... I need a lot of money and materials to do so, creating them without reason is stupid," Especially when I have to make sure my creations don't fall into the hands of my enemy, or some of my allies.

"And the scrolls you gave us to summon potions and the like...?" Duy asked.

"Those... yes, but only if they have one of the potions out before they die, since the scroll only works on your blood and if I allow it." A summoning seal that had a permission to use seal above it, which I could authorize from a distance or deny, preventing or accepting access to my potions.

"Oh... then I'll guard the scrolls with my life!" Duy declared with such excitement that a beautiful rainbow and sunrise appeared behind him.

"We're almost there," Ending the conversation I said, as I focused on the mission at hand. Expanding my sensory area, I could feel, one... two, ten, thirty enemies, ten kilometers away from us, they were waiting for us most certainly, "In two minutes we will be ambushed, you three make formation four, and fight as a unit while I take care of them, remember alone you are weak, united you are strong."

Nawaki, Duy and Fugaku nodded in agreement.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two.... one, like the alarm of a clock, the shower of shurikens fell upon us, no less than a hundred shurikens I thought, with a sigh I closed my eyes and sent the barrage of shurikens flying back at them with an air style Jutsu, then using blink I moved to the center of the enemy formation as I whispered, "Arcane Explosion," with a single use of my arcane explosion, twenty-four of the thirty enemies dropped to the ground dead, their skin scorched by the arcane power of my attack.

"This is... impossible!" One of the enemy ninjas who had survived only because he had been too far out of range of my blast cried out in fear, slowly walking back.

"You flatter me," teleporting behind him using Shadow Step, I whispered as cutting his head off in one swift motion.

The last five survivors trembled in fear seeing how the ambush was turning out to be, and in a last-minute decision decided to flee, a wise decision I had to admit, but a little too late to be running, creating five clones I looked at them the fleeing ninja with a dull uninterest as my clones pulled a tanto from their backpacks and said, "Death Grip!" the attack worked as intended, pulling them towards my clones, without escape the last five enemy ninja died tasting the edge of my sword.

"So, how many you guys killed?" I asked, turning to see my genin team.

"How many? We didn't even get to fight!" Nawaki protested.

"Such power…" Fugaku muttered.

"Impressive… it took you twenty seconds to kill thirty enemies…" Duy added in awe. Soon after that, my poor genins started to throw up. I guess the awe of my power stopped their first reaction to seeing a human die.