
Naruto Uzumaki in DC Universe

The story is written by Jebest4781

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
56 Chs


"With all this product, I sometimes wonder how it gets so dusty the day after I clean up." Muttered a spectacled man as he placed back each item back onto the one bookshelf after cleaning it. "Must be all of the dust accumulating in this closed off shop." He shook his head before making his way to do the same process on the next one. "I knew I should've gotten the one with more windows to air out the place."

It's been a slow business day inside of Mr. Janke's Curio shop, or rather a slow week, as he didn't get many customers or browsers come in at all. All that he could do was dust the shelves or read one of the many books he occasionally had on hand to pass the time. The owner would try to do what he can to sell his merchandise by little advertising and acquiring items that peaked his interest in hopes of someone would purchase from him.

Now you would wonder why he wouldn't he get much business if he's selling home decorations, jewelry, clothes and accessories like any typical curio shop out there. Well he does, but it's more of what kind of theme and taste that is making it hard to sell his wares. For you see, the man sells quite a bit on Gothic, medieval, and occult-like material from throughout the world just so he can be out of the norm from other curio shops in the buisness.

*Ding Ding* *Ding Ding*

The front entrance bell sounded off, getting Mr. Janke to realize a customer has finally decided to enter his shop… either that or another delivery guy.

"I'll be right there!" Mr. Janke spoke out as he made his way towards the front. When he got there, the store owner saw three men and a woman by the counter.

One was an ordinary caucasian male wearing a bomber jacket with a cigar in his mouth, which was almost gone given it's remaining length. One was a man from India given his nationality and the turban he wore on top of his head. The woman hand long blonde hair with a white fur coat to match her pink sweater and purple jeans. And lastly, there was a man with dark red hair with a white streak through the side of it as he wore a black turtleneck, grey jeans and a brown leather jacket to finish off his attire.

Mr. Janke was about to greet the potential customers in his usual fashion when he noticed the woman. "Oh, Miss Mark!" Spoke the shop owner with a growing grin. "So good to see you! It has been a while!"

As a good businessman, one needs to remember all of his past customers to know their dislikes and interests. So Mr. Janke tries to have a good conversation with each and every one of them so he could possibly draw them back into the store sometime later on. It's mostly hit and miss on this approach, but regardless; it's good to see a familiar face, especially a frequent customer that is currently in his shop.

From what he knows about her, Glenda Mark works in retail and enjoys being in museums quite often.

The blonde woman waved a little at the owner with a small smile as she spoke. "Yes, it has."

"Are you here to purchase another item for your home, my dear?"

"Maybe, but not because I planned on doing so today."

"Oh? And why would that be?"

The woman turned towards the dark redhead with the white streak while still addressing the curio shop owner. "Mr. Janke, I'd like you to meet a good friend of mine, Jason Blood."

The man seemed familiar to the shop owner before things started to click when gazing at the strange redhead. "You mean the world-famous occultist?" Seeing Jason nod with a small grin, Mr. Janke grew a larger one and quickly grasped the redhead's hand and shook it with glee. "You honor me and my little shop by stopping by, good sir."

Jason Blood is indeed the world renowned expert in the occult and in demonology. His knowledge confused many when trying to dwell into the subjects, even ones that have studied the topics for years. There have even been times Jason had been a consultant on various cases that dealt with the occult to understand how the killer worked and thought.

Returning the handshake, Jason spoke. "Why thank you, sir. Glenda has spoken highly of your establishment." Turning towards the two other men in the group, who were now looking through most of the merchandise, he continued. "My friends and I were eager to see your collection of antiquities."

Over with said friends, the turban wearing man looked at his smoking friend as the man heavily gazed at a statue of a long horned satir. "You seem to have found a friend, Harry."

Harry Matthews is a man in his thirties with him being an executive in the advertising department over at Spiral Publishing. Looking back at his friend beside him, Harry shook his head while chewing on the last of his cigar before tossing it in the nearby trash can. "I dunno, Randu. Kinda reminds me of my last blind date. Maybe you should get this for your wife, Gomali."

Randu Singh is the US delegate of India and long time friend of Jason Blood. While his main occupation is being a US delegate, he does dabble into the occult as a hobby all due to his redheaded, white streaked friend. "Unlikely. She'd want to either sell it back or burn it if I know her well enough for our time together."

"Eh~ Her loss." Joked the advertiser.

Back with the others, Mr. Janke was showing Jason some of his merchandise. The occultist nodded as his eyes scanned through the wares and liked what he was seeing. "...You'll not find a more extensive collection in this city, Mr. Blood."

"I might take your word for it, sir."

Glenda's blue eyes scanned each of the items before they soon landed on a metallic silver decoration. Picking it up, her eyes took in all of the details as she saw the many towers and bridges in the design. "Oh, this is beautiful! What is it, Mr. Janke?"

Looking back at his previous customer, the store owner fixed his glasses to see what she was referring to. "Oh, er… You best be careful with that, Miss Mark. I just acquired it and I'm not really sure…"

Glenda merely waved him off before noticing something off in its side. "Would you look at that. There's some kind of catch on the side. I do believe it opens whatever this is." Sliding the little switch over, the blonde heard the faint click and opened up the lid slightly…


But that proved to be her undoing as a metallic spike shot forward and pierced her chest. And before long, she screamed out in horrific pain.

"GLENDA!" Jason cried out as he saw his lover being surrounding by some metallic substance before turning into some sort of tower. The stores other occupants stepped back in horror as the tower started to grow right before their eyes.

"She… She's been consumed!" Randu called out as he and Harry were ready to defend themselves.

"No! Transformed!" Corrected the occultist with gritted teeth. "Changed into a perfect model of some building!" His eyes kept trained on the created structure as it kept shifting onto itself. "And it's growing! Growing and- DUCK!"

Jason fell onto the ground as a series of spikes jotted out from the building's center. But his warning came too late for the others as they were quickly pierced and started to get consumed. "HARRY! RANDU! MR. JANKE!"

Once the others became small buildings as well, spikes started shooting all over the place, causing Jason to use his reflexes to maneuver out of the way from the continuous assault.

'They're being transformed too! It's as if a miniature city is being created in the middle of this shop!' He thought before seeing the spikes trying to attack him at all fronts. 'And now it's after me!'

Leaping over the store counter for a bit of cover, the occultist gritted his teeth before realizing he'll be needing his help on this one. Opening his mouth, he started to chant. "Gone, gone the form of man! Rise the demon Etrigan!"

The results were instant as a fire appeared and consumed his very being. His body and clothes started to shift and churn into something else entirely. His skin started to turn yellow as his hair receded into his skull while a pair of horns took their place. His calm brown eyes turned red with fury as his ears became more reptilian in nature. The man's modern clothes and physique took on more of a medieval appearance as chainmail and armor covered his growing muscle mass. To finish off his appearance, his leather jacket shifted into a tattered, purple cape to complete the frightening form of a demon knight straight out of Hell.

Once changed, the armored demon deflected the metallic spike with his arm as it could not penetrate him. "This mystic artifact is not strong enough to pierce a demon's hide!" The demon heavily glared at the growing structure. "But the friends of my other self are still it's helpless victims!" As much as he'd like to leave them to their fates, his 'roommate' wouldn't like that while this magic smells… familiar to him. "Etrigan must find a way to save them!"

Maneuvering his way from the continuous assault, Etrigan the former rhyming demon from Hell thought to himself. 'But how?! The towers continue to grow… Soon they will burst out of the shop. How can I contain them, without harming the mortals they were?! If, in truth, those mortals still live!'


"...Are you sure we got everything Rachel?"

"I'm sure." Answered the ashen ward as she looked at the bags in her hand. "I got the books that both Harley and Pam were eying on, from what you told me, in this one bag. And the other has a bunch of gift cards you bought for a lot of places they apparently like going to."

"Great." He said as he took the book bags from her since she was now struggling a little on the weight. "I think we might be done for getting their birthday presents."

It's been a few days ever since the HARDAC fiasco and things were in a recovery period from what actually happened. From what Naruto knew of the aftermath, Cybertron CEO had been investigated but was proven innocent as the captured Gothamite elites, James Gordon and his daughter helped prove the man's innocence with the man's AI going rogue. Even the man was cleared of the charges, Karl Rossum still felt the guilt with him being the one that caused the whole mess.

As of right now, the former CEO is currently living outside of Gotham on a farm he purchased once he dissolved his company.

Sometime after Naruto and Bruce helped get the captives and the Gordons over to the GCPD, they went back to their respective homes to rest. While Bruce got a well deserved sleep, Naruto didn't get one all that well. Mostly because he was hounded by his three girlfriends on not just what happened, but also with the fact that Selina told Harley and Pam that Bruce was the Batman earlier in the evening.

And suffice to say, their reactions varied.

-Flashback Start-

"No. Way."

"Yes way."

Harley groaned with the pittiest look the changed blonde could muster. "I'm so jealous right now."

"On what exactly?" Asked the thief as she emptied Naruto's fridge of all of it's yogurt and cream. Yeah… she's gotta need to control her milkish hunger. "The fact that Naruto fought several hordes of robots with the Bat all by themselves?"

"No… Well not just that since that would've been awesome to fight off a bunch of Terminators." The psychologist glared at her boyfriend, who merely raised a brow at her. "Why didn't you bring me along~? I would've enjoyed bashing those metallic skulls in."

"Well I had to help Batman out on this and there was no time to make any other stops."

"Right~ And how's Brucey, by the way?"

"He's doing fine, I… Wait." Blinking in surprise, Naruto realized what Harley just asked before looking at Selena with a small glare. "You told them, didn't you?"

Selina merely gave him a smirk in response. "And how was I supposed to explain how I got these bandages during our date at Wayne Manor? I had at least tell them the truth on the matter."

Naruto groaned as he rubbed his eyes and was about to speak back to her when Harley leaped onto his back as she wrapped her arms around his neck with her legs secured around his waist. "Oh don't be mad at kitty, puddin~ You two just found out Brucey's big bad secret. It would probably be a little easy to spill the beans on such a subject so soon."

"I agree. And besides…" Taking a bite out of some yogurt, the thief continued with a little mouthful of the delicious treat. "It's not like you would've known this beforehand, right?"

The Uzumaki didn't say anything as he looked away from them, causing suspicion to rise out of them. For as long as they've known him, they have been learning his little quirks and traits that made them know him better than himself. From knowing if he's getting memories back from his clones to moments when he's about to do one of his rare pranks.

Now they've just noticed that he's keeping a secret from them and they want to know what.

Pam rose up from her seat and walked towards her lover with a narrowed, critical eye before speaking up for the first time in the conversation. "When?"

"When, what?"

"When did you know of his secret before this evening?"

He didn't say anything, but he felt Harley's hold on him tighten. His neck felt constricted with his waist felt like it was starting to get hurt. Naruto didn't need to look behind him as he felt the narrowed glance his blonde girlfriend was giving him. "She asked you a question, puddin. So spill."

"Ek… It was… shortly before I... got into your dream worlds, girls." Rasped out the publisher.

Feeling the slack Harley soon made from her hold, Naruto soon told the girls on how he actually gained access to the Dreaming and the Dream Spirits. Dream of the Endless, once he explained who exactly the man is exactly, approached him on doing the one mission that had him go into into Bruce's head to get him to wake up. In the process, Naruto stumbled upon learning the billionaire's secret from there.

Selina was clearly surprised when hearing that in the dream, she was going to marry Bruce. She thought on how odd it would've been if she were to be called 'Lady Wayne' as some memories flashed of her time in her childhood of seeing her mother in such a position. The thief thought it was more odd that Bruce could still had some subconscious feelings towards her that not even the infamous Batman would've realized.

The psychologist in the room was processing what she heard as things were making sense to her. There wasn't much on her part in that specific dream, but part of her knew there had to be some way Bruce had to escape through the trauma he was dealt with as a child. So being all intimidating and scary once putting on the cowl is just his way to sooth the pain.

Which is something she'll need to talk to the dark haired billionaire about to make things more comfortable on his long overdue recovery process.

As for Pam, things were a little harder for her to handle as her hand went towards her belly. Her heart sank once hearing about her being married to Naruto and pregnant with his children. Not only that, but her green eyes went towards Rachel's room as the ward's dream persona was her daughter through adoption. And with hardened eyes, the botanist felt a bit more determined on her little goal more than before to make it happen.

Almost missing the full expression made by his redhead lover, Naruto spoke up. "This is pretty much the reason why I couldn't really talk about it since it was rather sensitive. I knew that you girls could somewhat handle the details but I didn't want to risk it. Asides from that, I wanted to keep Bruce's little secret to myself before I could properly confront him about it. Though I didn't expect it to happen on the way it did."

"That does explain a little why you weren't fully honest during our sessions." Muttered the blonde doctor. "You said they were just little nightmares that you wanted to talk to me about… Didn't realize there was more you held off from me."

"Sorry about that Harley."

"It's fine." Soon a glint appeared in the psychologist's eye. "Though there is one thing that might makeup for keeping this from your doctor."

"...And that is?"

"Take me to the batcave."


"Take me. To the batcave." She said with a cheeky grin.


"WHAT?!" Harley yelled out, causing Pam and Selina to lean back a bit. "B-But why? Selina got to see it and I highly doubt Red wants to."

"Don't presume I don't want to, Harl!"

"You, shush!"

"...Don't you shush me!"

Ignoring her botanical friend, Harley focused back on her boyfriend. "Come on puddin, I wanna go see it and I highly doubt I'll be able to all by myself."

"Obviously." Remarked the thief.

"Don't make me pull out the catnip and hide your special tuna, kitty." The blonde threatened the ravenette before speaking again. "Seriously~ I've been a good girl and my birthday's coming up~ Can't that be my present?~"

'That's not what you keep telling yourself as you play with yourself almost every night before going to bed~' Spoke Harley's plushie, from his placement in her purse, causing her to madly blush. 'I mean, you kept saying that over and over and as you want 'your puddin' to punish you while having his way with you.'

All of a sudden, Harley dashed towards her purse and fished out Foxy the Pirate before tossing him to the nearby sleeping Isis. Said black cat woke up in a pissed off mood and eyed the offending object that woke her up. A feeling of malice radiated off of Isis, causing Foxy to sweat imaginary bullets as he pleaded to be spared.

'...Nice kitty~ ...Good kitty~'

"...Wanna tell us what that was about?" Asked the Uzumaki with a raised brow, causing Harley to flip around with evidence of a blush on her pale white face.

"N-Nothing!" She stammered while the imaginary screaming could be heard as Isis started messing around with the pirate themed plushie all over the loft.

-Flashback End-

Regardless, Naruto knew he'll need to talk to them a bit more and hopefully not delay revealing certain information to them for now on.

"Naruto?" Rachel asked softly.


"What's love?" She asked bluntly causing her guardian to almost lose his footing and fall onto the ground.

"...I'm sorry, but what? Love?" He responded with his own question. She nodded before seeing him scratch his head a bit.

"Love… I mean… you love and care for Harley, Selena and Pamela almost equally. Is that normal?" She honestly asked as she saw Naruto pull on his collar looking rather flustered on the topic. "Almost like you love them… in… well…" The young ward trailed off, trying to find the proper words to explain her thoughts.

"To tell you the truth, Rach, it's a bit complicated. With Pam, I grew interested in her as I wanted to get to know her. We got close and things just… happened." Naruto said as the corner of his mouth twitched upward. "Pretty much the same occurred with Harley and Selina as I became good friends with them. But things were unexpecting as we seemed drawn to each other. I don't know how it happened with them, but it just did."

The ashen girl nodded seemingly to be satisfied with his answer. "So it's just you...? Thank you for telling me..." Rachel said softly, turning her gaze away from her guardian.

"Why did you wanna ask me that anyways?"

"I just feel bad… I guess…" she muttered out.

"About what?"


The Uzumaki sighed as once again, his ward was avoiding things. Sooner or later, Rachel will need to at least talk things through to him or at least friends or her surrogate guardians. Taking a look back at her, Naruto realized something throughout the shopping experience today.

"I noticed you didn't get Harley or Pam anything," he said before ushering to the bags in his hands, "while I got all of these for them."


"Well… Don't you wanna get something for them for their birthdays? I think they would appreciate it if they got something from you."

"...What if they don't like them?" The young ward whispered softly.

"I don't think they would hate it, kiddo." Bringing a hand on top of her head, he ruffled her violet locks, causing her to swat the appendage away. "They care about you a lot and would love to get something from you, if that would be possible."

Rachel pouted at the little nickname, but smiled nonetheless at the kind words. "Well… Can't I just have my name added to some of what you got them today?"

"I could on the gift cards and books, but~ you didn't chip in to pay for them, for starters."

"What about the ones I saw wrapped up in your closet?"

"...Some of those would not go well with your name on it." He vaguely said as he didn't meet her eyes.

What Naruto was referring to was some mature gifts he wanted to get for his two lovers. These were on top of the gifts he got for them from both today and from his trip back West, which consisted of really nice dresses that suited their respective tastes. But from there, Naruto wanted to spice things up for both his redhead and blonde lovers for the bedroom, especially for the later since he plans on going all the way with her on her special day.

"Huh, why?" She said now her child curiosity making Naruto cough into his hand. "What's wrong in putting my name on them?"

"You'll know when you're older." Coughing into his hand to really fight off the blush trying to appear on his cheeks, he continued. "Besides, some of the other stuff that could work wouldn't have given off the kind of feel that would work with you."

"Mmh…" The young female pouted once more before kicking his shin.

"Ow~" He said in a mockful, hurt tone.

"Hmph." Rachel cross her arms with a proud smile on her face.

"But where should we go?" Naruto said as he rub his injured leg while looking around. "Not much stuff besides restaurants and cafes…"

Rachel's eyes wandered around before landing on a curio shop across the street that drew her attention. She passed by there several times in the past, before being taken in by her current guardian while she was still the Sewer King's 'subject'. Rachel sometimes went in there and wandered around in that shop for hours on end as the ashen child enjoyed looking and reading through the merchandise that seemed to click with her.

Noticing the child's gaze, he smiled. "Wanna go in?"


"Do you wanna go over there, Rachel? I don't mind at all really?"

"You sure? I mean, it's dark and-"

"Come on." Naruto smiled as he push Rachel in to the store, "You're not talking your way out of being nice."

"Wha- Hey, let me…" Rachel started until what appeared to be metallic towers breaking through the shop in question. "What the-?"

Naruto quickly pulled her back as the towers started to expand and grow. For each passing second, t was consuming the nearby buildings and crushing everything in their path.

"I'm guessing this isn't part of some urban renewal scheme." Naruto muttered as he carried his ward away from the scene. With the ensuing chaos, he quickly went into his hero persona as he formed a clone to keep his ward away. Once at a safe distance, he brought forth his ice shield. "Let's see if I can't slow these things down from spreading, even if it's for a little bit!"

Slamming Haku onto the ground, Vanitas formed ice spikes that quickly shot out of the cement and pierced the tower's walls. Seeing the structures starting to slow down, the hero created several more clones and repeated his previous action with his ice spikes piercing the walls. He then summoned all of his Kazekage lances as he disbursed his clones, except for the one with Rachel, and formed them together to take down the structure from the sky.

Just when he was about to form a wind sphere from the tri-pronged maw, Vanitas heard a voice from behind. "NOOOO!"

"Wha-?" The hero voiced before he was quickly knocked off of his combined weapon. Falling from up high, Vanitas regained his bearings and saw a shocking appearance in front of him. All that he could mutter was what was on his mind. "A demon?!"

"Don't you dare strike them down!" Etrigan growled out as he punched Vanitas into a nearby building. The hero tried to get himself out but was quickly slammed back in as the horned demon assaulted him more and more.

Seeing this happen from the sidelines, the Vanitas clone briefly looked to Rachel and saw her wide eyed expression. He figured she was practically shocked on what's going on. Knowing that the original needs help, the clone

"I'm gonna need you to stay here." Said the clone before running off to stop the demon beating up the real Vanitas.

As it went away, Rachel kept her widened gaze at the fight before her as she felt her heart stop several times. "I-It can't be… H-How is…?" Moving her eyes away for a brief moment, Rachel gazed at the towers before seeing something odd coming onto the ice spikes. "No… Is that…?"

Getting tired from the blows, Vanitas channeled power into his hands to grasp the demon's fists. The two struggled for dominance for a brief moment before the clone made earlier kicked the medieval-themed creature away. Just when he was about to hit the ground, fire erupted from the yellow-skinned demon's hands before a jagged, curved broadsword appeared before the creature slammed the blade down to stop his movements.

"I don't know why you are here or how you're involved in this," said the original before he called back his lances to him before his clone summoned the ice shield, "but if you are hampering in my way of stopping this mess; then you got another thing coming bub."

Glaring at the helmeted hero and his powered copy, Etrigan channeled demonic power into his free hand and fired his attack as he spoke. "You must not harm the towers!"

The original quickly moved out of the way with his lances boosting his speed, but the clone took some of the fiery blast as he moved away. The attack latched onto the clone, causing him to yell out in pain before disbursing into smoke. Feeling the effects of his clone, Vanitas started to shake as he leaned against his lances for support.

'I-It's not… hurting me physically… yet it did.' Muttered the masked Uzumaki with widened eyes. 'It feels like it's… burning right through my head… my soul?!' Soon the lances dispersed into smoke, causing Vanitas to fall onto the ground while the ice spikes holding against the metallic towers started to crack. 'I-I can... barely concentrate…' Lifting up his hand, void energy started to gather as a Rasengan was being formed. 'Need to take him down.'

Before Vanitas could fire his attack, Rachel ran in between Vanitas' attack path. "STOP!"

"...Rachel?" Her guardian voiced out as worry filled his very being. "What are you doing?! Get out of here?! He's gonna harm you!"

"No, he's not!" She cried out as she pointed to the metallic towers once the ice spikes broke away, causing them to grow. "He was only trying to stop you from damaging the towers!"

Etrigan nodded and was about to speak when a bit of wind picked up, causing the former rhyming demon to take a sniff. With widened eyes, the demon looked towards the ashen child and realized who she was. 'A halfling?... No… Not just any halfling… His.'

"What are you talking about, Rachel?!" Vanitas spoke out as he was able to get back up.

Stepping forward, the demon dismissed his blade as it went into a pillar of flame before it went away. Before long, he rose his hand as he spoke. "Etrigan begs you, hero of Gotham! Stay your hand and look at the towers!"

"What? What are you…" Gazing at the towers, Vanitas' zooming ability activated and saw what appeared to be a dark red liquid seeping through where the ice spikes pierced the growing structures. "Oh kami… Is that blood?"

"Indeed it is, Vanitas." Said the demon in a grave tone. "Blood. Blood of the innocents! Innocents I, Etrigan, had struggled to protect!" The former rhyming demon then growled. "For each of these towers are transformed human beings! And many now are mortally wounded by your actions! Many are now dying because of you!"

The Uzumaki's heart sank as he shook his head in disbelief. "N-No… H-How… How could… I-"

"It's not your fault, Naruto!" Rachel spoke as she went by her guardian's side. "You didn't know!" Gazing at the demon looking straight at her, she asked him. "How could this have happened, Etrigan."

The demon didn't answer as he gazed over at the towers and shook his head. "That matters less now than how it may be undone."

Snapping out of his little funk, Vanitas quickly processed on what the medieval themed demon just said. " Undone? You… You mean there's still a chance to save these people?"

"Yes and it could've been a tad easier if you didn't harm those people."

"...I'm sorry." The masked hero said with his head held low before looking back up. "How? How can this be fixed?"

Etrigan started pouring magic into his hands as a purplish glow started to build up. "It's less 'how' than 'when' Vanitas." Walking towards the hero and his ward, he continued. "The damage here and now is already done. The only way to save these cursed folks is to stop and prevent the harm before it even happens." The power kept building up and up to the point that things seemed to appear warped to the guardian/ward pair. "With the spell of Tempus Frangit!"

"Tempus Frangit?" Voiced the Uzumaki.

"It's old latin." Rachel answered as Etrigan released his grasp on the glowing light, causing them to be blinded. "It means Time…"

-Somewhere, Someplace… Some other time-


Vanitas didn't know how Rachel knew this as his eyesight started to return to him. He was going to ask her when he took in their surroundings. What was previously a modern day city was now a darkened grassland with the pair standing in a dirt road. "What the… Where is this place?"


Whirling their heads around, Rachel and Vanitas saw what appeared to be a hologram image of Etrigan's head.

"Hey! Where are you? Better yet, where are we? And why did you send the two of us instead of just me?!"

Etrigan merely glared at the hero before answering. "I remain in the 20th century as an anchor to help bring you back since I could not cross my own timeline to travel with you with the spell I have casted."

"But that doesn't explain why she's here with me!" Vanitas said as he pointed towards his ward. "She could be in danger of being brought back to where and when we're currently at!"

The demon ignored the man and just went to the point. "Hear me. I have mere seconds to speak before you two are left on your own. You are now in the year 1162 AD, the time period which the magical source that created the living towers originated." Nudging his head towards the side, Vanitas and Rachel looked and saw a faint outline of a city or town upon the horizon. "In yonder town, you'll find the help you need to vanquish this evil, if vanquished it may be!"

It was then Rachel stepped forward and spoke to the demon. "And who is it that we must find?"

Looking at the ashen child, Etrigan answered. "His name is Jason Blood, halfling spawn." This caused her to flinch when hearing this as the former rhyming demon continued. "You both only have one hour before the spell I've woven breaks and the pair of you return back to the present… Hopefully with everything fixed without the incident earlier."

"Jason Blood?" Muttered the hero with a raised brow. "The name sounds familiar." Vanitas was going to speak about it when he saw Etrigan's image starting to fade away. "Etrigan? Hey, Etrigan! Get your spectral ass back here and answer my questions!"

"He's gone, Naruto."

Vanitas breathed out a sigh. "I know, but it would've been better to at least answer a few other questions, at least." Turning towards his ward, he continued. "Like, why did he send you with me… or even call you a halfling spawn."

"...I don't wanna talk about it." She said as she walked away from her guardian, who had a concerned look underneath his helmet.


"I said, I don't wanNA TALK ABOUT IT!" She yelled out as black bursts of power shot out from underneath of her feet and broke the ground around her.

The glass dome of his helmet dissolved away to show Naruto's surprised face. "You have powers?"

Rachel hung her head down a bit before answering. "Magic is the more accurate answer."

"...Why didn't you tell me that you have magic, Rachel?"

"Because it deals with a lot of my past, which I never really talk about."

"And is that the reason why Etrigan called you a 'halfling spawn'? Because of something from your past?"

She stopped walking and slightly nodded as Naruto came up to her. Rachel then felt Naruto pull her into a firm hug. Nothing was said for what felt like eternity, even though it was only just a minute.

"...When I was at your age, even younger, I was called a demon by many of the residents at the one village I used to live at. All because a catastrophe happened on the night I was born and people needed someone to blame. And for years I was ridiculed and looked down on by the majority of them." Ending the hug, Naruto looked straight in her face to show that he was telling her the honest truth. "You can keep your past a secret, Rachel, but it's good to at least talk about some of it. Even it's just snibits here and there. But don't think that I'll ever think less of you with what is going on with your life."

Rachel hung her head down to not show what else was going on across her features. But Naruto had a feeling she was getting rather depressed on what's going on. With a sigh, he formed a card platform underneath them to help get the pair closer to the town's borders.

-In Yonder Town-

In the streets, many people carried the faces of sorrow, anguish and despair as they wallowed in the muck and filth.

*CLANG* "Bring out yur dead!"

It was not just because of their impoverished lifestyle as they could hardly afford bread for the day.

*CLANG* "Bring out yur dead!"

But it was the fact that the plague had recently swept through the area and killed off many loved ones.

*CLANG* "Bring out yur dead!" Cried out Clave the mortician, who stood alongside several workers hauling a cart full of dead people out of town so their corpses wouldn't make things worse. Bringing down a small hammer onto a broken bell, he kept up with his duties. *CLANG* "Bring out yur dead!"

"Here's one." A man called out, whom Clave recognized as Marcus, as he carried a corpse over his shoulder.

"That'll be threepence." Clave said as he held out his hand for the money since the cart-men could at least get paid for helping out on this debacle. Marcus was about to hand it over when a voice was called out.

"I'm not dead!"

The mortician raised a brow on hearing this from... the dead? "What?"

Marcus shook his head. "Nothing. Here's yur threepence."

"I'm not dead!"

"Oi! He says he's not dead!"

"Yes, he is."

"I'm not!" Said the 'dead-man'.

"He isn't."

"Well, he will be soon." Marcus said as he tried to fix his claim. "He's very ill."

"I'm getting better!"

The man turned his head back and spoke to the 'dead-man'. "No, yu're not. Yu'll be stone dead in a moment."

Clave sighed in frustration when seeing this happen. "I can't take 'im like that. It's against regulations."

"I don't want to go in the cart!"

"Oh, don't be such a baby."

"I can't take him…"

"I feel fine!"

At this point, Marcus adopted a pleading look on his features. "Oh, do us a favor…"

"I can't."

The impoverished man scratched his head with his free hand at this. "Well... can't ye hang around a couple of minutes? He won't be long."

The mortician shook his head. "Naaah, I got to go on to Robinson's. They've lost nine today."

Marcus sucked in his teeth when hearing this as they were a nice family, but now they've dwindled to a handful in their house. "Well… when is your next round?"


At this point, the 'dead-man' was shaking a little while trying to flee a little. "I think I'll go for a walk."

"Oh, yu're not fooling anyone y'know." Getting his attention back at the mortician, he pleaded once more. "Look, isn't there something you can do?"

"I feel happy~ I feel happy~"

This conversation was becoming a bit too long for Clave's taste as he decided to go against his better judgment on this one. Bringing up his hammer, he brought it down to bash the 'dead-man's' head in to actually make him dead.

"Ah, thanks very much." Marcus said in a pleasant tone.

"Not at all." Holding out his hand, the mortician spoke. "That'll be sixpence."

"...But I thought it was three."

"It was, but you made me kill a man."

The peasant groaned before fishing out the extra coin when a voice spoke up. "Excuse me."

The mortician and peasant turned to the source and saw some bloke that wore what appeared to be exotic black/white armor as it clung onto him nicely like a second skin with a glassy helmet. Next to him was some child… or a dwarf... that wore a dark cloak to cover their features.

"Yes… What is it?"

"Do you know… er." The helmeted man said before coughing a little to clear his throat. "Sorry, I mean, knowest thou where I might find a man called Jason Blood?"

The two men looked at each other in confusion when hearing that name when the mortician spoke up. "Ye seekest out the strange one?"

"Yes." Spoke the armored being. "My companion and I have business with him and need his help on some matter."

Marcus gave the pair an odd look before speaking. "I don't know why any traveller would stop in this accursed place. Hells, I plan on moving soon."

"Are ye know?" Clave asked.

"Yup. Got a bit of contract with a trading company and they asked me to join them."

"Well that's good, I suppose."

"Excuse me." The armored man interrupted. "Jason Blood's wearabouts?"

"Oh, yeah right." Pointing down the street, the mortician gave the directions. "He dwells over yonder, in the final house upon the left once you turn right at this street's end."

The glass domed man nodded his head before he and his small companion moved forward.

As the pair was earshot, Marcus spoke up. "Who were them fellows?"

Clave merely shrugged. "Must be some king, I warrant. Or at least a noble or some lordly knight."

"Why's that?"

"He hasn't got shit all over his armor and the child or dwarf is just the same."

With the time traveling pair, they were walking through the filthy streets towards their destination.

"...Still thanks for the cloak, Naruto." Said the ashen child as her hands clenched onto the clothed sides to keep it closed to hide her appearance.

"No problem."

When they got close to the town, Naruto had to make something for his ward to use to not only hide the 20th century clothing she currently wore, but also her unnatural skin and hair color. Now he wasn't all that good in coming up with clothing ideas, unlike his current attire since it literally came to him. So the Uzumaki used his powers to form a simple, dark hooded cloak to hide Rachel's appearance.

"The mortician said Jason Blood is at the last house on the left." Rachel said as they turned right as instructed before her eyes kept wandering all over the street. "Not a very welcoming place, isn't it?"

"Yeah…" Taking a look of their surroundings, Naruto remembered a bit of his childhood of him being in a similar situation. When drawing nearer to the man's house, he saw that it seemed out of the norm from the others with how presentable it was. "Although, I think Jason Blood fares somewhat better than most of his neighbors."

Seeing what her guardian was referring to, she nodded. "Seems that way."

"Though what I somewhat don't get is the name, Jason Blood."

"What about it?"

"It sounds really familiar, but I can't quite place it."

"Well… from our time, he's a renowned occultist and demonologist."

"...And how would you know this?"

Rachel rolled her eyes underneath her hood. "I read, for starters. And he's supposedly well known for his knowledge in the fields. Like I read this one article earlier this year that he helped the GCPD on a Tarot Card murder case."

"Huh… And how come I don't know of him then?"

"Either ignorant or focused on other things, like most people."

"...Good point." Coming right to the front door of the Blood residence, the masked Uzumaki was about to knock when he stopped for a brief moment. "Etrigan said that we would need to find Jason Blood in this time era, right? Possibly this guy could be some ancestor of the Jason Blood from our time."

Rachel shrugged. "Who knows for sure. But real question is, how are we going to introduce ourselves."

Her masked guardian was about to reply when the front door opened up. Looking at the opening, the time traveling pair saw a dark redhead with a white streak through his hair as it was in a bob haircut. The man's attire consisted of a brown leather tunic with a cream colored undershirt and black leather pants to match with the leather boots.

"Ah~ Welcome strangers." The man said with a faint smile on his lips. "I have been expecting you two."

Vanitas and Rachel blinked before speaking in unison. "You were?"

The redhead nodded as he ushered the pair into his home. They soon saw how nicely clean the residence is as they somewhat expected it to be a bit messy, given the time period. But the pair figured the man somewhat had a healthier lifestyle, despite living in the current town.

"How did you know we were coming, Jason Blood? If that's who you are exactly." Spoke the helmeted hero.

Closing the door, the homeowner answered. "Yes, my name is indeed Jason Blood, stranger. I sensed the mystical force which brought you two here. And from there, I figured the source might find me eventually."

"So… Do you know where or when we came from?" Asked the cloaked child.

Jason shook his head in response. "I know not whence thou came from child, but I know thou art harbingers of some great woe. For I fear some evil which I must now address."

Seeing as they need to get to the point, Vanitas spoke. "We need your help, Jason. We were sent to contact you by a… being known as Etrigan."

The redhead shot his head towards the helmeted man before him with slightly widened eyes before shifting into a glare. "What manner of foolish jest is this?"

"It's no jest, Mr. Blood." Rachel spoke, getting the redheaded man's attention. "It's a bit too complicated to explain since we're on a time limit right now. But Etrigan sent the two of us from the future."

Jason raised a brow at the child's claim and sensed no lie coming from her, only something familiar from her presence. Shaking his head a little, the man responded back. "Thou claimest knowledge of Merlin's demon servant… yet I possess no memory of the two of you, at this time."

"So… do you believe us?"

"For now, helmeted stranger." Jason then lead the two time travelers further into his home. "Nevertheless, thou art no evil as I feel thy valor and nobility shineth like a beacon through the darkness inside of thee." Turning towards the cloaked child, he continued. "Though you, child, have the feel of a demon, yet truly innocent of one's actions. Possibly your companion's influence, I wager."

Naruto and Rachel followed the homeowner while the ashen child ended up fiddling with her hands in nervousness of the man possibly knowing what she is. As the group were going down the stairs for several minutes, her guardian spoke. "Then you can help us? I mean, thou canst… Ugh, I really can't speak old speak."

Jason merely smirked as he lead the two through a darkened tunnel with a torch he had on hand. "I understand thy strange speech. But fear not, in fact, it adds some credence to thy story."

The masked Uzumaki felt relieved when hearing this. "Thank you, Jason. Never tried speaking that way before so it was not great for a first time."

"You did do well when we got into town and asked for directions, Naruto."

"Heh, thanks Rachel."

Soon the three made it to their destination once Jason stopped in his tracks. "Now… Naruto? Hmm… Really odd name you have." Shaking his head, the man pointed the torch towards a pool of water that looks truly deep as it churned in a steady, swirling motion. "Look here."

"...And what exactly am I looking at, Jason?"

"This is the swirling waters of the Pool of Knowing." Seeing the black/white themed man's posture, Jason knew the man was at a loss. "These waters flow out of a stream struck from the very living rock by Merlin himself."

"Well ain't that interesting: a pool of unlimited knowledge."

"Not exactly, Naruto."

"Just to clear things up, Jason, I would prefer being called Vanitas… It's just a personal thing with my real name."

"Hmm… Vanity and Emptiness. I can possibly understand the later then with the feel from thee. But to correct thee from earlier, this pool does not hold unlimited knowledge. A little factor Merlin placed when creating this."

"So how does the pool work, Mr. Blood?" Asked the cloaked child.

"To answer your question, Rachel, this pool helps in the magical knowledge of the world." Answered the red haired man, getting a nod in return. "And whatever sorcery thy wish to defeat involves Etrigan, then this place might hold the answer." Ushering the time travelers to come closer to the pool, Jason continued. "Now touch the pool and think of the current problem thou seeketh to solve. The place and perhaps the very nature of the evil will reveal itself from here."

Vanitas and Rachel slowly reached down and focused on why they came to this time period in the first place as the short term memory from earlier surfaced in their minds. Once touching the waters, the swirling started to speed up for several moments before calming down. Before long, an image was shown that was hard for the time travelers to recognize, but the homeowner did.

"...'Tis a small, but highly concentrated, nexus of evil." Jason muttered as his eyes concentrated on every detail. "...'tis shielded, so I might not have noticed it beforehand. But for thy coming, 'tis also two hundred leagues (600 miles) from here. Hells, 'twill take us days to reach it."

The hero narrowed his glance before speaking. "I don't think days will work, Jason. But there's an alternative in getting there quick enough."

"...And what would that be?"


-In the skies above-

"Thou dost continue to astound me, Vanitas!" Jason yelled out as the wind blew across his face. "How dost thou break the mighty bonds of earth and ride the very wind?! Except for the spell which brought you two here, I sense in thee no magic whatsoever!"

For quite some time now, the three were each riding one of Vanitas' wind lances as they were heading towards their destination. Having to make things quicker, the helmeted Uzumaki had to raise them above the clouds and push much of his power into his conjured weapons to get there faster. Though he did have to throw up a barrier around them so the wind wouldn't cause much problems for both Rachel and Jason.

"It's a little difficult to explain, Mr. Blood!" Spoke the ashen child as she pulled back her hood to let her feel some of the breeze across her hair. "You'll just have to continue to trust us on this one!"

"As thou dost wish, Rachel!" Jason said before pulling back the wind lance he was riding. Seeing this action, Vanitas stopped his and his ward's form of transportation in response before seeing the man usher for the helmeted hero to lower the weapons down. "The evil that we seek is close below us!"

Looking at the direction Jason was pointing towards, Vanitas activated his zooming ability and saw the location. "All I see is a run-down hovel with an elderly man with a girl, his grandchild i believe, just entering their home."

The red haired man shook his head before moving his legs from the previous position. "Thine eyes are keen, friend. But they are merely mortal eyes. For I sees more."

"What do you mean?" Asked the hero.

"What he means is that an illusion is being placed or something else to cover our target's appearance." Answered his ward, getting a nod from the redhead.

"Right you are, child." Was all the man said before the guardian/ward pair saw their companion fall off of the weapon of the wind.

"JASON!" Cried out the time travelers before Vanitas aimed their transports down below and went right after him.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?!"

Barely hearing Vanitas' call, Jason smirked and spoke loud enough for him to hear. "Worry not, for this is the only way to surprise our target!" Turning his head back towards the hovel, he yelled out a chant. "Change, change the form of man! Free the prince, forever damned!" A yellow glow soon emanated from Jason's body as he continued. "Free the might from fleshy mire! Boil the blood in heart of fire!" A fire started to spread around him the red haired man as a wicked glee was plastered across his face while coming closer and closer to the hoveled rooftop. "Gone, gone the form of man! Rise the demon, Etrigan!"

Crashing right through the fragil ceiling, Etrigan surprised the elderly man and his granddaughter from what they were currently doing. For the elderly man was currently working on a silver decoration while his progeny was looking at it with glee. But this ended with the abrupt arrival from a demon from the fiery pits of Hell.

"You?!" The grandchild cried out with widened eyes. "But how?!"

The demon merely smirked as he grasped his target's neck before feeling something strike his side. Looking at the source, he saw the old man swing a log at the yellow-skinned demon in hopes of making the creature let go of his family. All this did, however, was piss him off as he smacked the elderly man across the room.

"I will never tell thee." Growled out the demon. "For I, Etrigan, shall bring down this house to build a tomb for you, witch!"

When the time traveling pair arrived at the scene, they were surprised to see Etrigan there and things started to fit inside of their respective minds.

"Jason Blood is the demon, Etrigan?" Vanitas spoke out in surprise before calling out to the demon on what he was doing. "Stop, Etrigan! She's only a child!"

"That's not a child, Vanitas." Rachel spoke out in a grave tone as she got off of the wind lance.

"The demon spawn is correct for the witch wears such a shape!" Spoke the yellow-skinned demon as he tossed the 'child' across the room, resulting in the 'girl' to break through the hoveled wall and into the field outside. "But underneath, like a viper hiding in a string of pretty roses!" Soon fire erupted in Etrigan's hands and shot them forward to the 'child' as it consumed her form. "For she's the most vile of all evils: Morgaine Le Fay!"

As the flames died down, Vanitas and Rachel saw the 'granddaughter' shift form and age rapidly into that of a mature woman. Her short hair darkened and grew into a river down her back with a faint grey streak running through it. Her entire body matured greatly into one women would kill for and men would lust for. Her eyes changed into sinister green as her peasant clothes went into an attire fit for royalty.

"Thou dost astound me, demon!" Growled out the half-sister of Arthur Pendragon. "I thought this place well hidden even from the eyes of such as thee!"

Regaining a bit of his senses, the elderly man saw this happen before him and gasped in shock. "M-My granddaughter! What has happened to her?!" He tried to stand up but fell down in the process. "When the plague took her, I thought my heart would break. But the Lord heard my prayers and brought her back to me!"

"Thou hast been cruelly used, old father." Growled out the demon. "Like many a devil, Morgaine Le Fay can quote the words of scripture to her own ends."

The sorceress merely smirked. "Aye, Etrigan. This old fool's faith in the Usurper God was useful to me. Now..." Her hands suddenly glowed before quickly rising them as stone pillars rose from the ground and entrapped Vanitas, Etrigan and Rachel in a stone cage of her design. "Neither thee nor thy strangely garbed companions shall disrupt my plans!"

Etrigan grasped the pillars in hopes of breaking them before he suddenly let go as his hands started to steam. "A stone cage, reforged as iron! Not even my demon's strength can break through something wrought by Morgaine's magics!"

"No, Etrigan." Morgaine said with a sneer. "Thou may have foiled me in the past, but this time the prize is mine!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Asked the helmeted Uzumaki.

The sorceress turned her eyes at the male stranger in her cage before answering. "With the puny skills of this old mortal, I weaved my master spell. A spell to lie sleeping till the world has grown beyond this filth and crawling slime."

'She must be talking about the modern day.' Thought the cloaked child as she looked straight at one of the most well known women in legends past. 'Our modern day to be exact.'

"I know this age will fail like all the others!" Morgaine continued as she dusted the dirt off of her clothes. "But in the forthcoming time, I will prosper with the Citadel that I, Morgaine Le Fay, the true and real heir of the Fey's themselves, created with the lives of others! Then shall my gleaming city appear! The perfect capital of my future kingdom for Mordred to rule in my stead!"

Morgaine soon turned her attention towards the elderly man and glared. "Now, old man, back to work! Thy part in this is nearly done! A moment more and the precious spell shall be unbreakable!"

Said man growled and glared at the sorceress with the utmost hate. "You witch! Foul Enchantress!" He then ran towards the woman and tried to hit her, but was stopped when a magical force binded his limbs. "Thou hast deceived me! Thou hast blasphemed against my God! I'll work for thee no more!"

Morgaine didn't like hearing this from the elderly man before shocking his body in response. "The word of Morgaine Le Fay is power absolute! Thou has not wit nor way to challenge me! And thou hast no other will, no thought or wish save for mine!"

As the elderly man screamed in agony, Vanitas spoke to the demon beside him. "Etrigan, if she's so damn powerful, why does she need this poor old man in the first place."

The yellow-skinned demon glared over at the witch several feet away from him as he answered. "The spell she seeks to work is complex and unrepeatable, Vanitas. Even one so skilled in the annal of the black arts, she must use a human hand to craft the physical aspect."

"Something that'll assure her work will be complete and operational centuries later." Rachel said, getting her guardian's attention. "Magic that powerful needs a stable, non-magical conduit to be sure it'll properly work. But if it's not properly made, then the spell will either be deluded over the years to be less effective or not work at all."

"The demon spawn is right." Responded the demon. "While Le Fay is left to concentrate her unmatched power into the shaping of the mystical object, a moment's loss of that concentration and her great scheme will fail."

"Okay, will you stop calling her demon spawn, Etrigan. I'm not really liking in hearing it." Spoke the masked Uzumaki before turning his eyes at the silver object on the table in the hoveled home. "So if we either disturb the spell or destroy the object now, then she wouldn't be able to recreate it? Even in the future?"

"Indeed. But thy whirling words mean naught to me as the strength and power behind this cage is more than I can overcome."

Underneath his helm, Vanitas formed a smirk as he grasped Etrigan's and Rachel's shoulders. "Then if we can't break it, then we can go right through it."

Before the former rhyming demon could respond to this, he felt pulled by the helmeted time traveler before being phased right through the cage. "How?"

"Oh, I have my ways." Said the hero once letting go of them. From there, he turned back to the demon. "So how can we disrupt the object?"

"It must be done physically, but doing so now could cost thy life."

"Well I've practically died countless times, so it won't be all that bad." Vanitas soon created a clone and had it reach towards the hoveled home to destroy the object. "Now let's distract the witch long enough for my clone to destroy the magical object." Without saying another word, the hero dashed forward and quickly formed a rasengan on hand and slammed it against Morgaine's back.

As the power clashed against her defenseless back, the sorceress was sent flying several feet away and fell onto the ground. In the process, she had canceled her magical hold on the old man as he fell down and fled in terror in hopes of finding help. While on the ground, she turned back at the person responsible, only to gain a shocked expression on who'd done it.

"How hast thou escaped?!" She yelled out as she started to get up from the ground. "No force in all the world could break the stone I made!"

"Sure, you used magic to reshape and empower the cage." Soon the helmeted time traveler formed his ice shield and aimed it at the sorceress as she channeled magic in her hands. "But all I did was walk right out in my own methods."

Before Morgaine could fire her attack, the demon ran forward and called out his spell. "DEMON FLAME!" Morgaine acted quickly used her magic to throw up a magical shield to block the incoming flames.

"Whoa that's hot!" Exclaimed the helmeted hero before watching the demon growl at his attack being blocked. "My turn!" Vanities started before lifting his shield to cover his face and sighed. "Hope this works…" He soon dashed forward towards the sorceress as the woman chuckled.

"Seems you're just a slow as the demon!" Quickly chanting a spell, a magical circle appeared and shot out a series of purple lighting bolts which quickly slammed into the shield… but not before turning into ice then shattered in a moment instance! "Wha-?!"

"Here's something that every D&D player knows: SHIELD BASH!" The hero roared before slamming his metal ice-theme shield into the forehead of his enemy.

"GAH!" Cried out the witch as she took a step back. "Take this boy!"

"I'm fucking in my-" Vanitas however he stopped when he noticed coming at his-


"I… thought mages were… lacking in the fighting department… I would like to solve the puzzle Tom…" He said, slightly daze from the heavy hit before shaking his head. "Not cool!"

Glaring at Etrigan, who was rushing towards her position, she narrowed her glance. "As I would stoop so low as to fight you, demon." Raising her hands in the air, three circles of magic formed on the ground before her. "How about you fight others of your kind."

Soon enough, the magic circles broke in a fiery blaze as giant figures appeared as molten lava covered their forms. As they rolled off, their appearances revealed horned demons that were roughly ten or so feet tall with bladed weapons on hand.

"And like a D&D boss, she spams out the cannon fodder!" Naruto smiled before taking out his shield and threw it at them.

"I have no clue what you mean, Vanitas." Etrigan said as he rushed forward. A pillar of flame soon erupted in his hand before a jagged, curved broadsword came into his grasp. "From Hell, for we may be, does not make us family!"

"Yay we're bonding!" The hero joked before dodging another lightning bolt, "Etrigan? Quick question, is she on menopause or something since she's really angry at me!"

"What's this menopause you speak, boy?!" Morgaine growled out as she casted more lightning at the helmeted stranger.

"Basically you can't make babies." Vanitas said before noticing the comical flames around the woman… actually they might be real.

"Shut your insolent tongue!" The woman fumed before threw fire balls at the man who dodged by diving to the ground. "I am still youthful!"

"Ha! Those who say they are, really aren't. I mean, you were born like six hundred or so years ago! Face it lady, the world belongs to the young- EEPP!" The masked Uzumaki paled underneath his glass-domed helmet as a lightning bolt almost hit them. "...I think I went too far in pissing her off…"

"My… I haven't felt this much of an urge to harm a man in many a moon…" Morgaine said with a sickly sweet smile on her face. "You remind me of my old teacher… always pushing the jest too far!"

"...Mercy?" Vanitas lifted his arms before black chains grab his wrists and ankles. "WHOA!" He screamed before the chains whipped him to the ground several times. "AH! NONONONO!"

The nausea he was experiencing was breaking some of his concentration as his helmet cracked several times due to being slammed into the ground. Though after the more severe ones, the glass-dome broke apart to reveal his features to the world.

"GAH!" The hero coughed up blood that came from attack. "Okay, no more BS-ing this."

Closing his eyes and send power all over his body, lightning dance around his body before his daggers appeared into his hands. Going for the right moment, he stabbed the bladed weapons into the chains and broke them as he was flung into the air one last time without being restrained.

"Possibly good against magic users, but let's see if you can handle some lightning fast action?"

The hero quickly vanished before her eyes, causing Morgaine to look around for him. At the last moment, she turned to her right to create another magical shield to block a stab. "Nice try boy!"

"Heh…" He smirked before vanish again. "Behind ya."

"As if I will fall for-" The woman didn't finish her sentence as she was stab in the back by three lightning charge knives. She fell on her knees while reaching back and pulled out the blades before glaring at the man who walked in front of her.

"Is that it?" Taunted the helmeted hero. "If so, then it's off to the magical old folks home for you. And on Thursday nights, they serve tapioca pudding."

"You're just like him…" Morgaine started before her opponent tilted his head with a smirk, "and like that idiot, you're too stupid to believe I am beaten!"

Grabbing his ankle the woman transfer some magic into her opponent before he kicked her away. 'There…'

"Man of Void, lend me your hand!" Etrigan demanded as he was slowly being overpowered by the demons.

"I'm coming!" Taking out his Void Shots, Vanitas fired several tether shots to nail her to the ground. "Now stay!" Turning around, he ran towards the demon as he switched his arrowguns with Lunar Rose, leaving white rose petals to fall from his previous location.

"Tch, like Merlin he adores flowers with each step." Le Fay mumbled before discreetly using the rock behind her to pull on the teather. She might be a mage, but she's still a crafty woman.

Reaching the battle, Vanitas cut off his speed a yard away as he turn his body creating a violent yet graceful dance of his scythe to cut-


"The hell!?" The masked hero cried when his sharp blade didn't cut the beast. He channeled a lot of power in the blow, but his attack seemed to have bounced off of it's hardened skin.

"They be of stone from Hell, boy! You must use all of your strength and hate to break it!" Etrigan roared before tossing one of demons to the side… where Rachel was near.

"Hey, watch where you're throwing them!" Vanitas roared as the demon that Etrigan threw stood up… but instead of resuming their fight, it turned and notice Rachel as the others did as well. "Oi, you leave her alone!"

"They seek to mate with the demon spawn. Young she may be, power as well, but she might be of age to start having spawn of her own." Etrigan stated as Vanitas eyes saw red before taking out Void Shot once more.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" He screamed out as the demons look back to see three 'bullets' stabbing into their faces, but one felt a kick that could shattered a mountain from the hero.

Etrigan thankfully headbutted one causing it fall as he ripped its arm and brutally beat it down with it.

However one remained…

"Rachel, move now!" The guardian of the young ward ordered as he started to choke the demon with his grappling scarf, desperately looking for a better way to snap its neck.

The ashen female however glared at the creature. She was waiting at the sidelines as she briefly monitored her guardian's clone in its desperation to destroy the magical artifact from time to time. Though when hearing Etrigan speak out on the demons coming after her, she realized she she'll need to possibly stop them.

Taking a single deep breathe and slightly moving hands in a similar fashion to Morgaine, Rachel's eyes turn back as the darkest night. "Azarath... Metrion... Zinthos!"

Both Etrigan and Vanitas, who finally snapped the demon's neck, watched as the girl thrust out her hands to create a ray of black energy at the demon's head wiping it off clean like it was erased from existence.

"...Damn." Was all her guardian muttered out on the display of brief brutality. "You must've been really pissed, Rachel."

"You can say that."

Back in the hovel, Vanitas' clone was toiling away in bypassing the magical barrier surrounding the enchanted artifact. When saying bypassing, not like doing some sort of magical hacking… it's more like grinding through the barrier with his void rasengan.

"And… I GOT IT!" Cried out the clone as his rasengan finally tore right through the last of the magical barriers the artifact was emitting.

Hearing this proclamation, once freed from Vanitas' tethering spell of some kind, Morgaine quickly turned her head towards the source. Her eyes widened on what the constructed copy as about to do. Needing to get there quickly, she used her powers to teleport to the hovel with the mark placed on Vanitas to stop the clone's actions.

"Here goes nothing!" Said the clone as he slammed his attack onto the object.

"NO!" Morgaine cried out as she reached out to hopefully take back her prize. But it was too late as the clone's attack broke through the material and destroyed it instantly...


Resulting in a massive explosion that sent not only her, but her opponents onto the ground several feet away as the clone disbursed into smoke.

Rising from her position on the ground, Morgaine hotly glared as her magics flared around her. "You shall die for what you have done!" She said as she sent several magical blasts at them, to which Vanitas blocked away with his ice shield. "You shall never see another day!"

"As if." Said the Uzumaki as he switched from his shield to his arrow guns. "Try it and-"


Hazel eyes widened underneath as he quickly turned towards his ward and saw Morgaine holding a dagger to his ward's throat. "Give me a good reason why I shouldn't shoot your goddamn face?" Vanitas demanded, raising his gun to the witch's face, who was thankfully within the tips range.

"I will kill her." She said as she moved her dagger slightly to draw a bit of blood in the process.

"I can shoot you before that happens."

"Then why haven't you?" The woman smirked as his hand slightly faltered. "She is something valuable to you, no? A lover?" She shook her head with a slight frown. "No, too young. Far too young... A student? But if she was, you should've allowed her to fight." Seeing the look in his eyes and quite briefly on the cloaked child, she came to a realization. "I see… kinship what you two are: a father and a daughter?"

Rachel tried to move but a quick chiding shush from the woman made her close her eyes, "Naruto just shoot, I'm not worth it-"

"Let her go please…" Rachel widened her eyes as she saw his fear filled gaze. "Don't harm her…"

"I see…" Morgaine giggled before whispering to the ashen girl's ear. "Is that sweet, you toss this bond away, but he still loves you?"

"I'm asking you… let her go…" The Uzumaki said getting on his knees and bowing. "Please… haven't you felt the same feeling for you own family?"

"..." Morgaine was silent before letting go of Rachel, "Go back to your guardian child."

"Be careful… the witch might have planted a trick!" Etrigan warned as the woman shook her head.

"Perhaps you have forgotten demon. I am too a mother, my dear dear Mordread…" She said fondly, almost saddened by the thought. Though this quickly died as she glared at the silver haired man before her. "But don't think this will be the last we'll see each other. I promise you this boy and…" Morgaine smiled as her eyes turn to Rachel, "little girl… that next time you see me. I shall have the True King of Camelot with me."

"What?" Vanitas asked as Morgaine used her magics to quickly conjure a portal and entered before it closed back up to leave the three alone at the destroyed hovel.

Etrigan soon growled out as he quickly glared at at the unmasked hero. "The witch has fled because of you! It would've been better to kill her when you had the chance!"

The whiskered man sent a returning glare as he spoke. "Like hell I would've." Before anything else could be said, the time travelers started to glow in a growing, blinding light. "What the hell is this?!"

"Seems the spell casted upon you two has finally come to an end." Said the demon as he started to walk away towards the stand where a horse was currently kept. "For now, you two will return whence you came."

Before long, the guardian/ward pair was consumed by purple light and quickly disappeared with scorch marks on the ground.

"Wonder when I'll see them next." Etrigan muttered as he got closer to the resting horse to get back to his home. "Or if I see them if I kill the witch in the future before then."

-Present Day-

"...Are you sure we got everything Rachel?"

"I'm sure." Answered the ashen ward as she looked at the bags in her hand. "I got the books that both Harley and Pam were eying on, from what you told me, in this one bag. And the other has a bunch of gift cards you bought for a lot of places they apparently like going to."

"Great." He said as he took the book bags from her since she was now struggling a little on the weight. "I think we might be done for getting their birthday... presents..."

Soon the guardian/ward pair stopped moving and blinked several times as several memories started to come to them. It was a rather odd sensation for each of them as Naruto was used to his clone's memories while it seemed new to Rachel. Both saw events that seemed to have occured and started to remember(?) how it happened.

"...Did that really just happen?"

"I… think so, Rachel." Turning to the child next to him, he continued. "Do you remember us talking about love and meeting a demon named Etrigan before fighting Morgaine Le Fay in the past?"

"Yeah, but... how?"

Naruto scratched his head as he tried to explain his thought. "I... remember Etrigan said that we would've been sent back within the hour once the one spell was casted."

"But the memories?"

"Us actually coming back to the present before any of this mess… happened…"

Rachel wondered why her guardian started to trail off before seeing his line of sight. It was the same shop the two were originally going towards before the whole incident started. Being curious, the two made their way towards the shop in question with their bags on hand to be sure everything was alright in the world.

Inside of said shop, the owner was greeting the newly arrived customers with a widening grin. "Oh, Miss Mark! So good to see you! It has been a while!"

"Glenda waved a little at the owner with a small smile as she spoke. "Yes, it has."

"Are you here to purchase another item for your home, my dear?"

"Maybe, but not because I planned on doing so today."

"Oh? And why would that be?"

The woman turned towards the dark redhead with the white streak while still addressing the curio shop owner. "Mr. Janke, I'd like you to meet a good friend of mine, Jason Blood."

The man seemed familiar to the shop owner before things started to click when gazing at the strange redhead. "You mean the world-famous occultist?" Seeing Jason nod with a small grin, Mr. Janke grew a larger one and quickly grasped the redhead's hand and shook it with glee. "You honor me and my little shop by stopping by, good sir."

Returning the handshake, Jason spoke. "Why thank you, sir. Glenda has spoken highly of your establishment." Turning towards the two other men in the group, who were now looking through most of the merchandise, he continued. "My friends and I were eager to see your collection of antiquities."

Over with said friends, the turban wearing man looked at his smoking friend as the man heavily gazed at a statue of a long horned satir. "You seem to have found a friend, Harry."

Looking back at his friend beside him, Harry shook his head while chewing on the last of his cigar before tossing it in the nearby trash can. "I dunno, Randu. Kinda reminds me of my last blind date. Maybe you should get this for your wife, Gomali."

"Unlikely. She'd want to either sell it back or burn it if I know her well enough for our time together."

"Eh~ Her loss." Joked the advertiser.

Back with the others, Mr. Janke was showing Jason some of his merchandise. The occultist nodded as his eyes scanned through the wares and liked what he was seeing. "...You'll not find a more extensive collection in this city, Mr. Blood."

"I might take your word for it, sir."

Glenda's blue eyes scanned each of the items before they soon landed on a metallic silver decoration. Picking it up, her eyes took in all of the details as she saw the many towers and bridges in the design. "Oh, this is beautiful! What is it, Mr. Janke?"

Looking back at his previous customer, the store owner fixed his glasses to see what she was referring to. "Oh, er… You best be careful with that, Miss Mark. I just acquired it and I'm not really sure…"

Glenda merely waved him off before noticing something off in its side. "Would you look at that. There's some kind of catch on the side. I do believe it opens whatever this is." Sliding the little switch over, the blonde heard the faint click and opened up the lid slightly… only to find it to be empty. "Huh and here I thought there would've been something inside of it."

"Don't worry about it, Glenda." Jason said as he went to a nearby antique. "Look here. Isn't this piece just what you're looking for?"

Looking over to her lover, the blonde saw him hold up a little golden tower which made her style. "Oh~ yes! I think that would be perfect in my apartment." Looking over at the shopkeeper, she asked him the obvious question. "How much is it, Mr. Janke?"

"For you, Miss Mark, it's-" He was soon interrupted when the door to the curio shop opened up to reveal a whiskered, silver haired male and a ash-skinned purplette coming through the door with several bags in their hands. "Oh, hello there. Welcome to my shop."

It was the whiskered man who spoke first in a slight hesitant tone. "Uh, hiya."

Out of instinct, Harry would briefly glance at any new arrival in a room before going back to his business. Though this changed when he saw who exactly entered the shop, causing the advertiser to put his full attention towards the man. "Naruto? What are you doing here?"

"Harry, you know this man?" Randu asked, getting a nod from his friend.

"Yeah, he's my boss from work."

Hearing the little conversation, Naruto turned his attention and saw one of his advertising executives before coming up to him. "Oh hey, Harry. Good to see you. What are you doing here?"

The advertiser shrugged his shoulders. "Mostly following around my friends for the day since I had nothing else to do. Possibly might do some window shopping while I'm at it. You?"

"Getting some last minute birthday presents for my girlfriend." Came Naruto's response as he held up some of the bagged gifts.

Harry chuckled a little. "Figured as much." His eyes soon landed on the ashen child as she was looking at several of the shop's merchandise. "And who's she, boss?"

"Oh, her? She's my ward, Rachel."

"Really?" Harry said in small surprise. "So she's the kid you sometimes wouldn't shut up about while at the office."

This perked Rachel's attention as she didn't know of this. She acted like she didn't hear it by checking out some of the nearby books on display. But this didn't mean she wouldn't be hearing the conversation.

"Well, yeah. Why wouldn't I, Harry? She's a great kid."

"You would say that, especially since I sometimes hear you say that you were so much like her at her age." The advertiser said offhandedly. "Though with her so hurt when you found her, you seemed rather protective of her. Hell, I might say that you would've seen her as your kid instead of your ward."

"I possibly wouldn't say that, Harry."

"Eh~ Whatever you say, boss… Hey, let me introduce you to a good friend of mine." Harry said as he ushered the company head to Randu to get themselves acquainted.

As this conversation went on, Jason was at the sidelines while his lover was purchasing the antique for her apartment. His eyes glanced at the forms of the store's new arrivals and felt a little pang in his head as memories started to surface from over eight hundred years ago. Once settled, the cursed immortal blinked several times before shaking his head.

'Seems I finally got the chance to see them again after all these years.' Thought the occultist with a small smirk. 'Might as well introduce myself, regardless if they remember me or not. Though I highly doubt it.'

When he was about to talk to walk towards his male friends, who were chatting with Naruto, Jason heard very faint sniffles that would've been hard to miss. But with his enhanced hearing, due to his 'roommates' little trait and years of training, Jason pinpointed where the sound was coming from. His eyes then landed on Rachel, who was at the far off bookshelf to have her back facing everything else.

'Wonder what she's so worked up about.' He thought as he slowly approached her so he wouldn't startle the ashen child. Once at a safe distance, he spoke in a soft voice. "Hello there." Rachel stiffened slightly as she turned her head slightly to see the man behind her with her slightly, tear stained face. "I'm not going to hurt you, child. I just wanna talk, if you wouldn't mind."

Rachel nodded slightly as she was taught some manners by both her birth mother and her current guardian(s). Seeing this, the immortal nodded before speaking. "Well I don't know if you know me, but I'm-"

"Jason Blood." She interrupted as she used the sleeve of her shirt to wipe off her tears. "I know who you are… What I remember of you and your 'roommate'."

"...Did you now." It wasn't really a question, but a statement. "How?"

"Today was the day Naruto and I got sent back to stop the… Citadel's creation, as what Morgaine had put it."

Jason narrowed his eyes at this. "I see. So you know that I'm-"

"Basically immortal with Etrigan sharing a body with you? Yes." She answered in a low tone as she's trying to cover up her saddened features. "Hard to forget when I recognize your magical signature now, especially so close. So I just put two and two together."

Jason soon saw her shuffle back a little in a defensive manner with the little gaze she sent towards him. Remembering what happened back then, he sighed. "Look, I'm sorry if Etrigan and I ended up bringing up part of your heritage back then. But for me, I thought your guardian would've known at the time. As for Etrigan, well~ he tends to be rather rudely blunt."

"I can understand that." She bluntly said.

Jason smiled a little before adopting a concerned look. "Now why were you crying all the way over here?"

Knowing there was no way to evade the question, she looked away from his gaze as it shifted onto her guardian. Seeing her trail of site, his mind worked through what happened in the past and what he heard earlier from his friend's conversation with his employer. Before he came up with an answer.

"I see… You thought that he didn't fully care about you much. Yet he's quite the opposite with him treating you like one of his own."

"...It's just that… I do appreciate what he's done for me since he took me in, but I didn't think…"

The immortal sighed at this. "It's alright to think that way, child, but you're not the only person that ever assumes that notion." Looking away a little, he ushered her to follow him as they browsed through some of the store's merchandise. "For many years, I've seen this happen and met others in a similar position as they were confused on their relationship with the other. Most would take it the wrong way, which happens quite often with how bad the relationship is, while the rest go quite well if they at least open up for each other to move things along.

Hell, I could use myself as an example that I've closed myself for years. Being immortal, at first, truly felt like a curse to me. Still is right now, in fact, as I kept moving from place to place over the years and had to close myself off from practically everybody and never form any good connections and relationships. I wish I did countless times over as they could've helped me feel the humanity I was slowly losing for years. Only certain circumstances forced me to form these relations after so long as I truly gained back what humanity I could gather once more."


"Rachel… The point is you should try to at least open up to him more. I feel he is the sort of man that would love you unconventionally, despite on who you are and who your birth father really is." Rachel stopped her movements and looked at the immortal with widened eyes. "Yes, I know who he is as Etrigan back then and now recognizes his very faint stench on you. But I will not discriminate you with who you spawned from. After all 'the sins of the father are not the son's'... well more like daughter's in your case, unless you decide to go into that path."

"But… I…"

The man smiled as he patted her head, "Remember Rachel, if your guardian had to choose his safety over your own, he would choose the later in a heartbeat. Just like what we saw back then all those years ago."

Rachel was quiet as she remember what Naruto did for when she was held hostage. He bowed to a woman that he would normally break apart for her own safety. She look up and gave a small nod.

"Now then, let's head back up front and meet up with Naruto as I'd like to speak with him, if my friends don't talk his ears off." He said as he started to make his way towards the front of the store.

"Wait…" She said, pausing Jason in his walk. "I need to know… what did Morgaine meant by 'the true king of Camelot'?"

Turning around, Jason sighed a little before answering. "Miss Rachel, that has nothing to do with you. I pray, the witch is rather in something in your guardian's words 'loopy'." This made her mouth twitch a little into a smile. "For all my years chasing after her, to hopefully end the mistake I've done, I've known her to practically be that word in many of her schemes to be what she thinks should've been her birthright."

Rachel frowned at Jason's words, but nonetheless respected his choice not to tell her. "Thank Jason."

He smiled as the pair made their way up front to eventually chat with the others as things were seemingly better than before. Though topics would be brought up without unknowing ears listening in as the immortal would like to discuss a proposition with the publisher. One that could help things further down the line.

-Unknown Place, Unknown Time-

In a darkened corridor, a torch brightened up the passageway for its holder to safely traverse on through. Passing by a mirror, the light briefly shined off it's glossy surface to reveal more details on the sole occupant in the area. One of feminine features with the sinister green eyes that reflected off of the flame's light.

"After all these years, I finally gained what I needed." The woman muttered to herself as she safely went down the stony steps. She did slip a little, but recomposed herself on not noticing a broken piece of steps. "I should've put more torches in this place to help watch where I'm going. I could've fallen and hurt myself."

In the end… she smiled as she stepped off the stairway and came across a stone wall in front of her. Placing her hand onto its surface, she poured magic into it as the wall slowly parted, revealing a hidden chamber.

Reaching to a silver and crimson decorated coffin, the woman placed her unoccupied hand onto the surface and caressed it gently with a sweet smile. "At long last, you shall return by my side." Lifting her hand lightly, the woman's fingers dance as the coffin floated before slowly setting it down the horizontally as the top slowly slid off to the side.

Gazing inside, the woman smiled as she saw silver and crimson red armor she crafted all those years ago for her child. The thick armor was rather sinister looking as the mass of steel helped conceal the entirety of the wearer from both physical and magical means. The only way of knowing the real appearance is for the wearer to remove it by themselves or already knowing the appearance beforehand.

The sinister, green eyes scanned through the armor, as per old habit, as she took on the details. The horned helm had small eye slits to help hide the wearer's eyes as nothing could be seen into it. The sharp points in the armor; from the grieves, boots, shoulder guards, etc. helped catch any bladed weapons when being striked down upon it before the wearer used the advantage to strike the offender down.

However the one thing that made her upset about her beautiful piece of work was the large hole in it. How this was formed was because the day her half-brother slain his own flesh and blood at the Battle of Camlann. Horrible memories were made for her that day as it still gave her nightmares whenever she slept. She saw what Mordred saw in the last moments, as she was there that fateful day to support the army and hopefully congratulate her child on the victory. When stabbed by that blasted spear, dying on the ground... Mordred reached out towards Arthur, who looked away and abandon her child. All her child ever wanted was to be acknowledged... and that bastard didn't allow it.

The mage regained her smile and composure as she knew it would be a trivial task to undo the event no matter what. All that she could done after the battle was bathing her child in a preservation spell so one day, she would bring Mordred back to life in a better time and to recreate the kingdom that would soon be theirs.

Lifting her hand, silver and crimson armor started to shift like liquid covering the damaged portion in it's center. The sorceress knew she'll need to acquire additional materials to make the necessary repairs when this current process was over. Her thoughts slowly wondered remembering why the armor was made, when her child wanted to be her knight. Why, she almost fainted at the thought, but respected the choice. But her child deserved the best to join the ranks of her half-brother's Round Table. Possibly by then, Mordred would earn the right to become a proper king through the methods of knighthood.

Merlin berated her for days for making a 'vile' magical craft, stating her child should know pain before donning the armor. Ha, the fool did not know to put one's child in the battle as her prodigy would experience such things on the battlefield and given assignments. Mordred was supposed to be like Arthur: untouched and unbeatable.

"Oh Merlin, you once said my own magic would undo me. But look, I live while you and your precious 'King' are long gone." She said darkly, remembering the Mage of Flowers and the Golden King that was Promised… both faint images of their smiles were in her mind. "Why couldn't you allow Mordred to be…?" She shook her head of such thoughts. "No more delays… It's time to bring you back, Mordred."

Reaching into her satchel, Morgaine pulled out and carefully placed three objects on the armored chestplate: the knife with a drop of the ashen child's blood, the shattered remains of the mystical artifact that helmeted stranger destroyed, and lastly a orb with some of the blood from the masked hero along with his odd, peculiar energy she siphon when she grasped his ankle all those years ago.

The first sample she acquired was interesting when feeling the faint radiating power. It felt demonic, in some deluded way, as it had untapped potential for what laid inside. Morgaine knew that if she ever met that child again, she'll have to be cautious just on the safe side.

The broken artifact she co-created, while forgone now of its original purpose, was still useful now. The power was still in there as it would be harnessed, like a battery, for her current objective. Though piecing it back together to fully drain out the magical energies took some time, but it was worth it.

As for the orb, it's contents made her truly intrigued. Going back to that wretched hovel to acquire the blood was quite annoying when properly extracting it from the ground so it wouldn't be deluded. At first, Morgaine was going to dismiss it, but the power she felt from the one named 'Naruto' was astounding. She needed more from it to hopefully empower her child more than just the sample of demon blood from her knife and the repaired artifact.

Now after all this time, she was ready to wake up her beloved child.

Summoning all of her magical energy, her hands glowed as giant red circles appeared all over the room and over the body of her deceased child. She had her hands apart, but brought them slowly together with the circle also becoming small with the motion. "I, Morgaine Le Fey, The Witch of Camelot, offer this three offerings to you Messengers of the Underworld: the artifact with untold power shattered it may be, the blood with demonic origins, and lastly… power and blood none has ever seen before!" The room started to shake as the contract was being forged and binded. "By the order of resurrection! Let my child absorb the powers presented before thee so the one-once departed may live again!" Morgaine chanted as the circles turned darkly purple to seemingly suck out any other form of light. "Raise, raise once again, The Knight of Betrayal and True King of Camelot: Mordred Pendragon!"

Multicolored lightning struck the body from all sides before the circles once more turned miniscule and enter the armored being. It started to shake uncontrollably as the power coursed through the deceased body to make the proper adjustments and enhancements. Before long, the power stopped as the magical circles slowly died down with only a small hum present in the room.

Morgaine stood still and waited for a minute… And the minute turned into several… Fear slowly bubbled in her magical core as nothing happened. She had done this spell several times in the past on others to do what she previously wanted. But this was taking too long.

"No…" She said with dread. "No… Mordred…"

She hung her head in both grief and shame. The ancient witch was at the brink of tears as she slowly made her way out of the room. It was then when she heard it. It was truly faint, but she heard a sound. Her sensitive ears perked at the raspy breathing and realized where it came from.

The woman immediately rush to the body's side, as she continued to hear the faint breathing.

'Did… Did it…'

"M-Mo… Moth… Mother?" A voice called out from the helm as the magics still worked after all this time. The tone was heavy to help show the helmet's function to disguise the wearer. "I… I thought died…? W-Wh… Where am I?"

Morgaine didn't say anything for her eyes were shut with tears of joy and her gasps came out in choke sobs. "No… you live once more, my precious Mordred."

"Fa-Father… what has happen to my father?" The body moved up, but was softly pushed down by the witch.

"He's long gone, my child." She said with a faint smile. "Just rest now and I'll come back with food and drink. You are obviously tired from what injures you acquired."

"Have I… Have I beaten him?"

"Barely." Was the honest answer. "You mortally wounded him in battle after he struck you with Rhongomyniad. Clarent has served you well in the fight, my sweet child."

A small hum came from the armor as the helmet shifted, uncovering the shadowy face of Mordred, as the lights did little to nothing to reveal one's features. This gave the Knight of Betrayal to take the first breath of air since the darkness came…

'Now the Reign and Age of Mordred Pendragon will soon begin.' Morgaine thought with utmost glee.

-End Chapter-