
Naruto: The teacher system

After a normal university student woke up, he suddenly realized that he had transmigrated into the Naruto world. With the help of the Great Teacher system, Sanada travels through the Ninja world, guiding his disciple and spreading legends that last for generations. 1 or 2 chapters daily Discord: https://discord.gg/henXAtbX Read up to ten chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n www.pâtreon.com/rysangel There will also some bonus chapter like -What if Chapter- in the Patron ^_^, so please kindly check it out Big thanks to my two beloved editor: Devotee & Legacy_24 ^_^

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183 Chs

Ch 8 : Battle training evaluation

" So good! Sensei, can I have more?" Said Hibachi excitedly.

And on his side, Sakura and Ami didn't even let down their chopstick and just ate the lunchboxes Sanada gave them happily while nodding their heads at Hibachi's words.

They never thought that the lunchbox Sanada gave them would be so good. In fact, at first, they just tried the lunchbox as to not hurt Sanada's effort that has prepared it for them.

But then, the food exploded in their mouth as they had never tasted any food as good as this. Hibachi, Sakura, and Ami's eyes rolled upward, and their saliva dangled everywhere as it was their first time getting Foodgasm.

Now, the trio has completely hooked up with Sanada's lunchbox and even began to think that restaurant's food was a lot worse than his.

Sanada watched this scene and laughed heartily from his heart.

A chef's biggest happiness was when other people recognized his food, and seeing his three little students enjoying his food, a deep satisfaction rose in Sanada's heart.

" Hahahahaha, eat, just eat. I will prepare more for tomorrow." Sanada said while playing with the trio's hair that made them a bit annoyed.

But then, Sanada assumed a serious mode and began to speak:

" *Cough* Okay, while you guys are eating. I will start the evaluation of the first battle training."

" First, The thought of using kunai and explosive talisman to create a smoke bomb was pretty good. The accuracy of the kunai throwing was also good, but it somehow lacked the surprise element.

The three of you rushing at me was actually not a very bad decision, considering that you guys knew I would hold myself from killing you or giving you a heavy injury.

Hand-to-hand combat can be improved, Chakra control and ninjutsu still need a big improvement, but overall, it is pretty much acceptable for today.

And to make it better, the battle has given me a big picture of how you guys fare in combat, and I could quickly devise a suitable training method for you guys."

The three genins at this time put down their lunchbox, smiled, and politely bowed.

" Thank you very much, Sensei!"

" Haha, you don't need to. I am your Jonin instructor, so it is my responsibility to guide you okay?" Said Sanada with a wink.

These words were actually from deep inside Sanada's heart. Even without the teacher system, once Sanada received a student, he would definitely try to guide them as best as he could.

Sanada was not like Kakashi, who would let his student learn everything on their own and just hone them through actual combat. He would devise a suitable training plan for every one of them and slowly make them realize their strongest aspect in ninja life.

Sanada then waited for the three of them to finish eating their lunchbox before beginning their first training session.

The day was still very early as they began their assessment at 6. A.M in the morning, and it would be such a waste to just let them go home now.

" For today, we will be training our chakra control by learning tree climbing without hands!"

The three genin looked at Sanada, wondering whether their new sensei had hit his head, but Sanada continued before they could even say something.

" *Cough* You guys should have learned the basics of Chakra from the academy, right? Therefore, for today I would skip explanation about Chakra and just go for the practical aspect."

" With Chakra control, you guys could have better control in your ninjutsu, no matter whether you guys wanted to weaken it or even give it more power by pumping more Chakra to the ninjutsu. And for now, I will give the example of climbing the trees without hand."

Sanada's voice fell, and after that, he quickly went to the tallest tree in the training ground.

In fact, it was only the second time for Sanada to do this kind of thing. The first time was during the night after Sanada received the body memories. But since Sanada has all the memories of the original body, doing things like this was not that hard for him.


clatter! clatter!

With the sound of footsteps one after another, Sanada walked steadily on the tree under the gaze of the three.

Yes, it's just like casual walking!

After that, the whole person hung directly on one of the tree trunks, without having any sign of losing his balance and falling to the ground, just standing upside down out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, the three couldn't help but marvel:

"Wow, Sanada sensei is amazing," Hibachi said, slowly turning into Sanada's fans.

Sakura and Ami were no exception; they looked at Sanada with an admiring look.

Sanada enjoyed the admiring gaze of the three and said: "That's about it!"

"The principle is to condense the Chakra on the soles of the feet and let the body stick to the tree. As long as the Chakra is used properly, it can be done."

Yup, saying is a lot easier than actually doing it.

The way Sanada said it was so easy made the three want to vomit. But they knew sooner or later they must also master this technique.

" Now, as long as you can master the control of Chakra, both ninjutsu and physique will be significantly improved. I can assure you of this! The training begins now!" Sanada said while raising his hand like signaling the start of the training session.

But contrary to his expectations, the three genins didn't immediately start and just looked at each other with a dumbfounded expression.

" *Cough* The first one to complete this training, I will cook for him every day for the whole week."

The moment Sanada said this, the three instantly threw away all their thoughts and looked at Sanada with glimmering eyes.

" Really sensei?" x3

" *Sigh* Yes... Now just go and begin your training.."

Immediately afterward.

The trio started to practice intensively, and Sanada was watching their progress from above.