
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Cómic
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77 Chs

Chapter 59 - Obtaining Hashirama Cells

After returning to Konoha and turning in his report, Kagami returned home. He was still stumped as he made it into Amegakure and out without much issue. He didn't see any six path pains nor Konan, in fact he simply got information and left unhindered. Which was slightly worrying since when Jiraiya entered and was discovered, Nagato attacked Konoha soon after.

'Were they simply out and missed me?' Kagami frowned.

He didn't feel that was the case, but for whatever he was in and out quickly. While he was sure he could defend against Nagato, it would be troublesome if Obito joined. Not that he wasn't confident in handling them both, but it would be pointless for neither side could beat the other quickly.

When he arrived he found that Mira was in the kitchen cooking herself a snack while his grandfather was out. So dropping his gear off in his bedroom and cleaning himself he sat down at the table.

"Did you hear?" Mira said first before even greeting him.

"Hear what?" Kagami asked.

"Danzo apparently contracted a strange disease and probably at most a few months to live. The Hokage informed me that he seems to be aging far faster than he should be and looks like he is in his eighties." Mira smiled a bit.

"Why did he tell you?" Kagami looked confused.

The two were working to gather evidence and check Danzo activities, but it still didn't make sense why Hiruzen would tell her this information. This was something he was sure Danzo didn't want getting out nor Hiruzen at the moment. Since he would need someone to take over Root after Danzo passed or get kicked out of power.

"He was hoping I could convince you to see if you can save him." Mira replied.

"A disease that makes him age faster?" Kagami thought.

Kagami flew through his knowledge and science notes for anything similar. However, even if it is the serum at work he shouldn't be aging this fast and should still have a few more years to live. So even if he disliked Danzo, it made him curious what Danzo did to himself.

'This might be a good chance to get Hashirama cells to study. It would help in studying the bulk of Senjutsu since I don't know when I can meet Jiraiya.' Kagami thought to himself.

It was slightly disappointing that no one else knows how to use sage mode. However, this didn't really bother Kagami much as it just means it would take a bit longer to learn.

"Well, I will chat with Hiruzen in a day or two. No sense in rushing as I don't even know if I could fix what Danzo did to himself." Kagami shrugged.

"Don't forget to get something out of this deal." Mira pointed her sandwich at him.

"Great minds think alike." Kagami nodded. "Now where is my sandwich?"

"Make it yourself." Mira replied with a smile.


A few days later inside a private hospital wing that is usually reserved for the Hokage, Elders, or important civilians like the Daimyo. Kagami was sitting across from an old Danzo who had white hair and more wrinkles than smooth non sagging skin.

"Well, I got the data I need for the time being." Kagami said as he stood up.

"You are able to fix this right?" Danzo asked but sounded like he demanded it.

"Maybe." Kagami shrugged.

Kagami didn't say that it was near impossible for him to reverse this or reverse his issue within a short time. For he doesn't have much in the way of stopping Danzo cells splitting and dividing at their speed. Since even his nanobots are having trouble getting a read on what is going on in his body currently.

Danzo clearly didn't like this response as his eyes narrowed at him like it was supposed to scare him. However, Kagami just waved it off as Danzo was greatly weakened and soon even a child who just entered the academy could beat him. The only threat Danzo poses is attacking his reputation and his dwindling powers as an advisor.

"If you don't fix me, I will make it known it was you who killed me." Danzo hissed through gritted teeth.

"Killed indirectly." Kagami replied with a small smile. "It's not my fault you stole an incomplete prototype and used it on yourself."

Danzo made no further reaction or comment before he stood up and walked out on his cane. Leaving behind a slightly amused Kagami as he hummed thinking about the cause. Which he guesses came from the Hashirama cells Danzo planted within himself.

'The question now is, will Danzo speed up his plan to eradicate the Uchiha clan or not.' Kagami thought to himself.

While neither he nor Mira wanted to see such a result, with Danzo actions and Uchiha clan gathering supplies to rebel. It was a hard point to get such results changed. Even if Mira and Kagami forcefully suppress them, it won't change much. The village will still reject the Uchiha clan due to Danzo.

'Now the question is to extend Danzo's life a bit to buy us some time to hopefully change things or hope Danzo dies before he realizes his goal.' Kagami thought as he moved.


After returning to his laboratory, Kagami found a cylinder in the hands of Mira as she sat in a chair.

"Well your back fast. Hiruzen just dropped this off, whatever it is." Mira said, placing it on the table.

"It was a quick check." Kagami shrugged. "Anyways, Danzo really only has a few months at most currently. The man cells are in a state of hyperactivity and dividing like crazy. So while he can still move and heal quickly, his body is aging quickly and bone growing frail."

"Whatever, so what did you get in return."

"A possible gateway to learn Sage Mode." Kagami smiled. "For I had the Hokage give me possibly one of the best senjutsu users cells in return. Though it will take a while to begin, it should be interesting would it not. Imagine stacking it on top of our chakra mode with susanoo."

Mira just rolled her eyes as Asura sighed for he felt it would never happen.

Thanks for Reading.

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