

its simple Naruto was beerus reincarnation and had his power but here is twist he was neglected and Village hated him and naruto has power of Hakai.Here Naruto is smart doesnot care about other bullsit.He will do as he want

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85 Chs

Killing Otsutsuki here and there

For power stones, if I get 20 power stones, Then I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

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100 powerstones=1bonus Chapter

f.Minato wanted to ask questions about what Naruto had done. How did he erase the Rasengan so effortlessly? It was a surprise technique, and he wanted to know everything about it. Jiraiya was glaring daggers at Naruto and was about to speak when Minato interrupted, "I know, Jiraiya. I will think about it and talk to the clan heads. You know the situation, but they are still going to live here because they are the village jinchūriki and my children. Do not discuss this with Naruto; it's a matter for the council, and we will address it there. I'm sure some clans will try to make claims on them, so we need to handle it carefully. Ignore Naruto for now; we'll deal with him later."

Naruto finally appeared in his room, still fuming. He wanted to get rid of those four buffoons but calmed himself down. Who were they to threaten him with such a weak attack? As if it would actually hurt him. He scoffed at their notion of "for the good of the village." He then thought about the Fire Daimyo's daughter. Curious to see who she was, he vanished and appeared in the Fire Capital within seconds, moving at blinding speed.

Upon seeing her, Naruto noted that she was attractive with blonde hair and blue eyes, much like his father, but in different shades. However, he quickly realized how spoiled she was, behaving like a fangirl who likely saw his fight and used her father's influence to get to him. Disgusted, he observed her for a bit longer and saw her punishing a maid for spilling water on her dress in a brutal manner. He decided to leave but then sensed two significant energy signatures on a nearby planet. The planet was weakening every second.

Narrowing his eyes, Naruto felt, thanks to his connection to destruction, that the planet was about to destroy itself in a few hours if not intervened. He noticed another weaker signature on the planet and vanished into the sky, reaching the planet in minutes. He could breathe in space thanks to his destruction energy. As he arrived, he saw a gigantic monster with ten tails, roaring and launching bombs. There were three other signatures: one was getting weaker, and another seemed to be standing back like royalty. These were Otsutsuki.

The weaker person, a girl with White hair and Byakugan eyes, was fighting off an attacker and losing badly. Naruto watched for a moment, then one of the Otsutsuki noticed him. "Who are you, human?"

Naruto replied, "Interesting creatures you are. You have a great amount of chakra, not impressive compared to mine, but still good enough." A voice appeared in his head, Kurama. "Naruto-sama, it seems these are Otsutsuki. My creator and father, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, was also half-Otsutsuki. His mother was a pure one. That beast is the Juubi, brought about by the God Tree."

Naruto narrowed his gaze. "So, that's the Juubi. Kurama, what do you think?"

Kurama smirked. "Let's test our power."

Naruto made a summoning sign, and in a puff of dark purple flames, Kurama appeared. The Juubi growled and lunged at Kurama, who grabbed it by the tails and threw it in the opposite direction. "Have your fun," Naruto said to Kurama as he turned to the Otsutsuki.

Naruto vanished and appeared in front of the fat man, who was about to punch the girl as Naruto punch fat person who flew towards mountain breaking it . As he looked towards the girl She was attractive but injured. "Who are you?" Naruto asked.

She panted, "You must leave. Those are Otsutsuki. They want to feed me to the Juubi to get the chakra fruit."

Naruto narrowed his eyes. "A ritual, huh?" He looked at her wounds but, unfortunately, did not have healing abilities. He placed her in a nearby area and faced the Otsutsuki.

The fat one emerged from a nearby mountain with scratches and broken bones. "I must say, I haven't had a good fight in some time. I'll hold back, try to make this fun," Naruto said.

The Otsutsuki, surprised, watched as Kurama threw the Juubi around like a ragdoll. The elites of the Otsutsuki clan couldn't believe it. "Who is that creature? It has ten tails but is different."

Naruto smirked, "Do not worry about him. He's a good friend having fun. Let's have some fun too." Naruto vanished and reappeared in front of the fat Otsutsuki, grabbing him by the face and slamming him into a mountain, shattering his all bones. The other Otsutsuki couldn't comprehend his speed.

The woman, watched in disbelief. These two were elites, stronger than her, but Naruto handled them with ease. He grabbed the weakened Otsutsuki by the neck. "Hakai," Naruto said, and the Otsutsuki vanished from existence. As Girl's Byakugan revealed that he was completely erased, not even a trace left.

Naruto turned to the remaining Otsutsuki. Fear was evident in their eyes. "Your turn," he said with a smirk.

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Stay tuned for the next chapter of Destroyer Ball Z. Dattebayo!