
Naruto: Secret organization

The world is in chaos. Destiny can not be changed. To protect my people, to reach my goals and ambitions, I'll mold the world from the shadows. Jiraiya: I can't believe it! An organization much more powerful than Akatsuki! Danzo: It's over! My dream of being Hokage... Madara: Impossible! This was not part of my plan! -------------------------------------------------------- I think there's no need to explain any further. English is not my primary language, so I'm sorry if you find so many mistakes, even more in the first chapters, I'll try to fix them, it's just that I don't have a lot of free time. This will be what I'd like to call an EU (expanded universe) since I'll be introducing nations and people who were not present in the original story, so if you want something that will be strictly following the original story, then this is not the place where you belong. Also, I apologize in advance for any mistake in the information of the story, It's just too difficult to search for every little piece of data, so if I don't know anything then I'll just change it. Just give me a chance. I hope you enjoy it.

SteveOl · Cómic
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51 Chs

Chapter 23: Let's Bring Mito back

On the frontier of Fire Country, a group was on their way to what is known as the most powerful ninja village of the five great nations.

These people, quite particular to put it mildly. No one could have imagined that there was enough power to wipe out an entire country here.

— I can't stand it anymore, I hate studying! (Kushina)

— I wonder how you came to be a master of fuinjutsu if you hate it so much. (Lite)

— Well, I had no choice, I was taught the basics when I was still young, so I risked a good punishment if I didn't do what I was told, then I moved to Konoha where I was trained by Mito-san. (Kushina)

— You should stop complaining so much, if you keep like this, Minato will outdo you. (Lite)

It had been a while since Lite woke up, even though he didn't have free access to his memories, he was trying his best to gain access to them little by little.

He knew well that the moment he was able to accept the darkness within him would be when he could make use of his memories.

To him it seemed a fair deal, if you want power, you must pay for it, the jinchuurikis are the best example you can find in this world. And, in fact, for him, knowledge was a much bigger weapon than even the nine tails.

— You must work hard, at least enough to reinforce the seal so that you can move freely without the fear of the fox escaping. (Tsunade)

— I know, but it's like learning everything from scratch, I don't know how you applied so many things at the same time. (Minato)

— Well, in my previous world there was nothing like chakra, so we dedicated ourselves to understand nature from another point of view, developing more knowledge than power. (Lite)

The first thing Lite tried to get was everything related to the knowledge about the seal on the bodies of Minato and Kushina. That was a latent danger that could not be put aside, so he immediately taught them everything he could so that they could create a way to stabilize it.

— And how are you doing, Tsunade? (Lite)

— Well, thanks to you I have been able to advance much faster in my studies, although I would like you to accompany me with my experiments from time to time. (Tsunade)

— …No, thank you. (Lite)

While Lite was not at all efficient in medicine, ideas like what genes are , DNA, cell composition, elemental composition of the human body, etc, were quite useful for a genius in medicine like Tsunade. Even if they were just basic ideas, they would serve as inspiration.

Above all, the elemental composition of the human body, since this was derived from chemistry, it was matter extremely important as a complement to the elemental jutsus.

— By the way, I think it's about time you tell us, but why are we heading to Konoha? (Kushina)

— Well, you've been asking me for quite some time, so I think it's time to fulfill your wish a bit, but it will only depend on you and Minato. (Lite)

— ¿? (Kushina)

— If you're able to stabilize the seal, I'll create an opportunity for you to see Naruto. (Lite)

— ¡! Really? (Kushina)

— I have no reason to lie. (Lite)

— Yeah! (Kushina)

Even Minato was positively affected by that.

Both were Kage-level ninjas, but at the same time they knew how special their situation was. Of course, if they wanted to, they could run away and fulfill their wishes. The fact that they obey Lite in that aspect is proof of the respect that the little one has earned based on his actions so far.

— Okay, now say the real target. (Minato)

However, as happy as he was, Minato wouldn't think for a moment that they would go for that reason alone, the risk was too great to ignore for a parental visit.

— Well, actually, that's the main reason. You see, even if I tell you everything I have been planning so far and you help me realize it, your heart will never feel calm if you do not verify Naruto, that can be a danger, even more taking into account our situation. (Lite)

— Is that all? (Tsunade)

— …*Sigh* It would help a lot if you didn't apply what I taught you about psychology to me, I'm too small to control my emotions. (Lite)

— Don't blame me, the study of the mind, by means of the understanding, is something quite useful. (Tsunade)

— Well, I do have another purpose, but I gave up on it. (Lite)

— …Stop the carriage. (Tsunade)

The drivers were from Uzumaki's family. Since they were picked up, they have been training non-stop to become stronger, so that they can pay the debt for the help they recieved. That clan was, by default, quite friendly and once you earned their trust, they wouldn't betray you. However, due to the bad times that passed, their naivety had disappeared.

Once they huddled to the side of the road, Tsunade went down with Lite so they could talk quietly.

— What is it? (Tsunade)

— What? (Lite)

— What did you want to collect from the village? It must be something very well kept for you to want to specifically send Minato. (Tsunade)

— …

— *Sigh* Look, kid, I understand there are things that can be hard for you to ask or explain, but just as we trust you, I hope you will do the same with us. At least we are mature enough to understand your point of view if you explain it well, we will not be angry with you if you are sincere. (Tsunade)

Her voice was not gentle, but rather direct, directly expressing what she wanted and expected from him as a companion.

— …

— Boy, you're the one who gave me hope, maybe my clan is out there, that's what you told me, and I believe you, I think you have enough ground to tell me that. Don't be afraid, I will always believe in you. (Tsunade)

Lite couldn't help but think her words were the truth. It is true that they trusted him, to the point that even Kushina, someone who lets herself be carried away more by instinct than reason, listened to him and only agreed to go and see her son when he saw fit. So it was natural to be reciprocal. Their relationship is not one of master-subordinate, it is one of peers fighting together for a common goal.

— …The Invocation Jutsu: Reincarnation of the Impure World (Lite)

Faced with this, Tsunade couldn't help but frown, but immediately after relaxed. She considered that technique rather unpleasant, not because of the sacrifice that has to be made, but because of the lack of respect that has to the dead, considering that anyone who is revived must be someone powerful and with sufficient merits, that kind of people will always deserve respect even if they are enemies. But on the other hand, she could understand why he wanted to do it.

— And who did you intend to revive? My grandfather? (Tsunade)

Even though she wasn't amused, that would explain why he gave up on his plan, after all, the affection and respect she felt for the first Hokage was no secret to those who had heard her speak of him.

His power and personality made him the perfect candidate to seek help right now.

— No, he may be strong, but other than that, he can't help with anything else. There is another, much more useful person, who would take us to the next level. (Lite)

— ? Who? (Tsunade)

— Your grandmother, Mito Uzumaki. (Lite)

Hearing that, she couldn't help but pale, though she immediately understood the reason. She loved her grandmother very much, but the fear she had of her was no less.

At the moment, Lite, Minato and Kushina were studying fuinjutsu, and thanks to Lite's knowledge, the steps taken and the things that could be done were enormous. If an expert like her grandmother were to join them, then it is true that it would be of much more help than even the first Hokage.

— I see why you doubted so much. Give me some time to think, and don't say anything else. (Tsunade)

— …Thank you. (Lite)

With that resolved, he proceeded with something else he had left pending until now. His affair with Tsunade had already been clarified, but there was another even more urgent one waiting for him.

He walked with slow steps to where they were all gathered.

— Minato-san, can we talk? (Lite)

— What happened? (Minato)

— There is something I must confess: I'm sorry for being so late, but I think if I keep it longer, I would betray your trust. (Lite)

Minato got more serious. In front of him was not only a child, but someone with knowledge of which he, even now, continued to marvel, in addition to knowing a little about the future. He thought what the little one had to tell him was really important.

— Are we going to a quieter place? (Minato)

— No need, everyone can listen. (Lite)

— Okay, keep going. (Minato)

Lite proceeded to tell them all about Obito, how it was that his "death" was planned by Madara, the machinations of the latter, his descent into madness, and his contribution to it by not preventing anything, all in order to get time to carry out his own plans.

— So the one who attacked the village was Obito? (Minato)

Even before he got to that part of the story, Minato had already deduced that and decided to ask directly.

— Yes. I'm sorry for hiding it. Time was short and… I decided to abandon him in order to save you. I didn't know what actions Madara would take if things didn't go as he planned. (Lite)

— *Sigh* (Minato)

Everyone stood still to give Minato time to accept things.

On the one hand, there was his student, someone he quite appreciated, on the other hand, one of the people who pushed him to the dark side, but who had a very good reason for doing so.

Despite what it looked like, Minato wasn't the type to get carried away with his feelings the way his son would be in the future. Something Lite was grateful for, but at the same time frustrated him. Minato couldn't help but feel betrayed, but he knew that, given the circumstances, that was the best option. If the attacker had been someone else, then Lite would not have been able to implement his plan, which would have caused more deaths in the village and possibly his own along with Kushina's as well.

Because of this, he chose to remain silent to calm down.

— Is there any way to save him? (Rin)

Rin got into the conversation without thinking about it, nobody repressed her for it, she had the right to ask what she wanted as a former companion of the subject in question.

— No, I'm sorry, I can't think of anything we can do without exposing ourselves. (Lite)

Rin didn't have any romantic feelings towards Obito, she only saw him as a clumsy and very loyal companion, however, the affection she felt for him as friends was not false.

— Lite-niisan, did you let someone die?

The one who asked this question was a girl, a little smaller than Lite, her straight black hair reaching her hip, her skin was white and tender, her black eyes staring directly at him, however, these reflected betrayal.

This was the little girl they had saved from Danzo when Lite was unconscious. Her name was Moka. Since then Lite had been in charge of accompanying her as an older brother, trying to fill the void left by the death of the original. Every day they would go back and forth together, even when Lite was teaching the others, she would accompany him, although it didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

For her, he was someone she loved very much and admired for making even great people listen to him. That is why it hurt her that he had done something so bad, in her little world, she had already lost someone close, and that now the person she admired is the cause of another death, impacted her.

At first, he didn't want her to hear about what he did, but it was her own mother who gave the go-ahead. She believed that with everything that was going on, it was best to let her daughter learn how things work as soon as possible so that she is well prepared and nothing happens to her in the future.


The group continued to advance and in a few days arrived to the village.

— Hey, kid! (Tsunade)

— Yes? (Lite)

— Do you think my grandmother knows... (Tsunade)

— I'm almost sure she does. (Lite)

— …

Outside Konoha, in the cave where they had hidden before, Tsunade called Lite to talk. She couldn't shake the fact that her clan may not be extinct. So, she wanted to clear it up with Lite and see if he had any answers, but upon hearing that he wasn't totally sure, she just had to take a chance.

— It may be disrespectful, but there are several things I want to ask her, however, the difficult part will be to get her body. (Tsunade)

— I don't think it's that simple. It will be better to get the jutsu and modify it to see what other options we can get. (Lite)

— Modify it? Do you know how difficult that is? (Tsunade)

— No, but I know about something that can help us. (Lite)

— What? (Tsunade)

Before answering, Lite took some seals and activated them to make their conversation more secret.

— Zetsu, that guy's gonna be the best guinea pig we can get. (Lite)

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Psdt: I've been having this wet dream recently where someone writes a fanfic about Jhon Wick in One Piece world. I'd love to see a Man of Focus, Commitment and Sheer F*cking Will in that kind of situation. I hope to read it one day.

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