
Naruto: Secret organization

The world is in chaos. Destiny can not be changed. To protect my people, to reach my goals and ambitions, I'll mold the world from the shadows. Jiraiya: I can't believe it! An organization much more powerful than Akatsuki! Danzo: It's over! My dream of being Hokage... Madara: Impossible! This was not part of my plan! -------------------------------------------------------- I think there's no need to explain any further. English is not my primary language, so I'm sorry if you find so many mistakes, even more in the first chapters, I'll try to fix them, it's just that I don't have a lot of free time. This will be what I'd like to call an EU (expanded universe) since I'll be introducing nations and people who were not present in the original story, so if you want something that will be strictly following the original story, then this is not the place where you belong. Also, I apologize in advance for any mistake in the information of the story, It's just too difficult to search for every little piece of data, so if I don't know anything then I'll just change it. Just give me a chance. I hope you enjoy it.

SteveOl · Cómic
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51 Chs

Chapter 05: The Conversation

Minato POV

Minato was in a state of complete shock.

After a tough battle, all he wanted was to rest, when out of nowhere his student appears with a near-fatal wound to her chest and full of bruises all over her body.

He is someone well versed in space-time techniques, so he immediately noticed that most of the injuries Rin brought were due to unstable transportation, he could still detect the residual space-time energy in her body. But now was not the time to start analyzing the situation.

Although he was puzzled, he was, after all, a dedicated ninja who had been through a lot. So it didn't take long for him to calm down.

When he was about to call a doctor to treat Rin, a message reached his ears.

— Hello, hello, do you hear me? Well, there's no way to know,but I'll take it as a yes. Listen, if everything went as planned, you, the person listening to this message, must be Minato Namikaze.

Now there isn't much time to explain things to you, so I'll tell you what you have to do. You are a smart person so I hope you comply with my instructions first and ask questions later. This seal has the ability to send messages back and forth for a period of time. Now listen, what you're going to do from now on must be a total secret from anyone other than those involved. Go to Tsunade, I trust you have some mark with her, no, in fact it's impossible that you don't have one. What you must do is to enter a radius of 5 km from Konoha for the communication to work. This seal will keep Rin alive for a maximum of 5 minutes after leaving the portal. I'll be waiting to talk to you. By the way, there is something wrong with her, I trust you will be able to solve the problem.

Surprised, Minato didn't have much time to think. He immediately checked Rin and noted what was wrong.


His fury shot to the skies and no one could blame him. He had only recently lost one of his students and now they had done such a thing. It wasn't that complicated to think about what the enemy's plan was when doing this, the unstable seal and everything that happened so far gave Minato enough information to have a vague idea of the events.

With no time to waste, the first thing he did was to stabilize the seal. He couldn't completely fix it as long as he didn't know Rin's status.

Now, should he listen to the message he heard and go to Tsunade?

There was no time so he decided to pay attention, the most important thing was answers, he had a feeling that something really big was happening behind the scenes and the only way to enter the game was to accept the terms, at least for now.

The problem was that the flying thunder god jutsu was a combat technique, designed to move quickly between short spaces, making use of body speed and reflexes to finish off the enemy. So whenever he wanted to travel long distances, he needed to have seals to serve as anchor points along the way. In Tsunade's case, it's true that he had a mark on her, but he had left it for her so that he would have an address in which to look for her when necessary, not to go to her immediately.

It wasn't impossible to take a trip, but his chakra reserves would be depleted, as the consumption grew exponentially with respect to distance. Now he had just come out of a battle and there could be another attack at any momento. Minato was not in his best physical condition, and if on top of that he tried to make such a long transport, the consequences for the war were unimaginable if anything were to go wrong

— Is this perhaps a plan of the enemy?

He couldn't help but ask himself that question, but dismissed it immediately. No one knew about the consumption of the technique, it was one of their best kept secrets. In fact, this flaw was so well hidden that someone who doesn't practice the jutsu to a certain level wouldn't notice it.

'Therefore, there is only the option that it is someone who does not know the consequences, the possibility that it is an enemy is reduced, but it is not certain that it is an ally either, however, by saving Rin and sending her to me knowing that I am someone proficient in seals, then there is the option that at least it is not someone hostile, since he could have sent it to the village or some field and unleash the bijuu. The consequences would have been catastrophic.

This person has access to a space-time jutsu, although apparently it is not as developed as mine, he is someone who cannot be left around without knowing his intentions. Especially since he used it on someone who is not himself, that is, he is able to send one person or more to different places as long as they have a receiver.

What's more, my technique is designed to be fast in combat, but this one seems to be focused on transportation over long distances. I don't know exactly where Rin was before coming here but it wasn't close.

Now, why Tsunade? I guess I'll have to listen to him to get the answers I want.'

Just from all the information Minato gleaned from so few verifiable facts one could tell that he was not only a genius in combat, but also someone well-versed in tactics, strategy, and human psychology.

With no more contemplation than necessary, he made up his mind and focused his chakra.

On this stage, there were many actors and many stakes at the same time.

Tsunade POV

Tsunade was a kunoichi considered the best medical ninja in the world. The contribution she had made to the world of medicine was great and the number of lives saved thanks to his discoveries and inventions were countless.

However, few people knew that for some time she had suffered from a phobia against blood.

This information was something that only a few higher ups in the village were aware of, as it would obviously be incredibly damaging to the leaf village if anyone found out.

Currently she was not participating in the war precisely for this reason. The explanation was that she was serving as a medical advisor for the Konoha military, helping to coordinate and direct medical operations behind the front lines. Her background as a medical ninja and her knowledge of healing jutsus made her a valuable asset to the Konoha war effort.

At this time of the night, she was instructing her who had become her apprentice, Shizune, in the medical arts.

Out of nowhere, in the middle of her practice, she felt it. She wasn't a sensor, and she didn't have a particularly remarkable affinity for space either, but her years on the battlefield trained her instincts enough to notice the changes around her, no matter how slight.

When she was preparing for an attack, Minato appeared in front of her, although it was someone she knew, that didn't stop her from giving him a good punch.

— Shizune, pay attention, this is what you should do when a pervert is in front of you. (Tsunade)

— Tsunade-san, I'm not sensei for you to treat me like this. (Minato)

— But you are his student, obviously he will also instruct you in his art of perversion. (Tsunade)

— Even if he tried, Kushina would kill me before I learn anything. (Minato)

— So he did try to teach you?

— … (Minato)

— Well, I'm sure Kushina will be interested in this information.

— NO! — At that moment, Minato felt the true terror.

— Okay, let's cut this nonsense, what do you want? You wouldn't come here if it wasn't something important. — Although Minato had not told anyone about the inconveniences of his technique, Tsunade was someone smart enough to vaguely deduce some things.

Minato obviously knew it was time to get serious.

— I need you to come with me to treat someone. (Minato)

— No, I'm too busy in this place. (Tsunade)

— ?! (Minato)

They were in a war, so it was obvious that what needed to be treated was a pretty serious injury. That was something she couldn't do, worse still, if Minato came it's because surely the other person is someone of considerable importance in his camp and there will be a lot of eyes watching. If information about her condition were revealed, it would be a serious blow to the morale of the combatants on the front lines.

— Why not? (Minato)

— I already told you, I'm busy. (Tsunade)

— You were just teaching Shizune, it's something you can do later. (Minato)

— Listen kid, a no is a no. You must learn not to pressure women, otherwise your relationship will not last long. (Tsunade)

Minato was clearly not a fool. If someone refused to treat another person it was mostly because they had some kind of resentment, but in this case Tsunade didn't know anything about the other person. Obviously Minato would never imagine about her phobia, but deducing that she had some kind of problem was within his possibilities, after all she doesn't have any reason to refuse in a normal case.

— Tsunade-san, I don't know what's going on, but in this case I don't have time to hesitate, a lot is at stake right now. (Minato)

— Boy, you have no idea what you're talking about. (Tsunade)

Obviously, to Tsunade these words sounded like a joke. Her secret can be said to be almost as important as the Hokage 's life itself . Maybe in some cases it is worse, after all knowing that your best doctor is unavailable would destroy everyone's morale, and in the case of the Hokage's death, as long as it is handled well, it can awaken a feeling of revenge in the soldiers. .

So obviously Tsunade wouldn't take any chances and clearly Minato had no way to explain the whole situation in the little time he had left. In these moments he had left Rin in his shop and the seconds were ticking away.

Of course, with the small modifications he made to the seal quickly, there was no longer any danger of the beast being released, but it would cause Rin's death. Even if he hardened his heart and let her perish, the information he wanted to obtain would end up getting lost forever.

— Tsunade-san, come with me first, this is bigger than you and I can imagine. If you don't do it for good... (Minato)

— Boy, it's still 100 years until you can threaten me. (Tsunade)

— Tsunade-san, if you don't come with me something terrible will happen, please... (Minato)

— How many times do I have to repeat it? No means no. (Tsunade)

At this impasse, Minato had no choice. He expelled all of his remaining chakra in preparation.

Tsunade seeing this, also got ready to fight.

Neither of them knew the situation of the other, so they could only solve it by facing each other.

— Please calm down both of you! (Shizune)

— ? (Tsunade)

— ? (Minato)

— Shizune, silent, this is not the time to… (Tsunade)

— Tsunade-sama, stop throwing your tantrum at once. And Minato-san, I'm sorry, but it's true that my teacher isn't in a condition to attend to someone right now. (Shizune)

— ? (Tsunade)

Tsunade was totally shocked. Shizune was normally someone who was quite submissive and who let herself be carried away by her. She contradicting her was something that did not fit in her brain.

— Shizune, look, it's not the time to— (Tsunade)

— Got'ya. (Mianto)

And just like that, the two disappeared.

— I'm sorry, Tsunade-sama. I don't know what's going on, but I hope this situation helps you get over the past, even a little... (Shizune)

Shizune was someone who was being trained in the art of medicine. For Tsunade to choose her out of all people, it was obvious how exceptional her talent was. So she could see the despair hidden in Minato's eyes, and that he would do anything to achieve what he came to do.

And it wasn't that Tsunade was incapable of noticing, but as soon as the possibility of having to treat someone was mentioned to her, her mind went into disarray, no matter how calm she seemed on the outside. This plus Minato's battle intent made her not able to notice the details.

Shizune was a girl who had not yet developed and had always followed Tsunade from behind, but she was not a servant, she was her disciple, and she had great respect for her teacher, so she always felt that it was a shame that Tsunade, one of the three great sannin, is in such a sorry situation.

For this reason, she decided to help Minato a little this time.

— I hope my punishment is not too heavy. (Shizune)

Minato POV

As soon as he returned to his camp, a fist landed on his face with a force that reminded him the time when he was talking to a girl and Kushina misunderstood things, causing her to pull out three tails and beat him up.

— Minato, even if you are Jiraiya's disciple, there are limits you must not cross. (Tsunade)

— Tsunade-san, before you say anything, please take a look at Rin. (Minato)

'This punch was not a joke. If Tsunade hadn't held back, my head would have been blown off my body.'

Tsunade instinctively turned around, but when she noticed the blood, her body turned to stone, her face turned pale, and she nearly fell to the ground in terror.

— Tsunade-san? Tsunade-san! (Minato)

'This is bad, it's almost five minutes. My reserves are almost gone. The worst thing is that there is something wrong with Tsunade. There is not another option.'

With no other options, Minato decided to transport the three to the designated location so he could communicate with the other person. If Rin was going to perish, she had to at least make sure he got as much information as possible and that her death wasn't in vain.

Minato concentrated his chakra and moved all three of them. The good thing is that now he had marks at intervals that he could use so as not to expend so much energy.

So he jumped as fast as he could until he reached a point where the signal reached him.

Obviously he suspected that the person he wanted to talk to was inside the village, but if they told him to communicate from this distance, at this point it was better to obey.

As soon as he finished the last jump, he fell to his knees from exhaustion.

A few seconds later.

— Good morning, yellow flash, I hope you are well. (Lite)

— Ha… ha… I've had better days… (Minato)

— Whoops, it seems so. But before that, is Tsunade with you? (Lite)

— Ha… Yes… But… (Minato)

— You don't need to say more. First wake her up if she's in shock, hit her if necessary, I have something important to tell her. (Lite)

— There's no need… (Tsuande)

— Good. You see, that girl you have there is important to me, so you have to save her. I don't care if you're afraid of a little blood. (Lite)

— ! As… (Tsunade)

— I know what I know, and for now you don't care about anything else. As you can see, there is a beast reluctantly sealed in this girl, and if you're a bit smart you'll know that this was an attempt on Konoha. Now let me be clear, there is another danger that will hit the village shortly, if you want to save it from destruction, save that girl. (Lite)

— What?! (Tsunade)

— What?! (Minato)

— No… (Tsunade)

Obviously those words hit Tsunade hard. She was the last of her clan, her brother died, her lover died, she had nothing left. The only thing that could be considered as a memory is his grandfather's legacy, the hidden leaf village, Konoha. Being told now that it is about to be destroyed if she does nothing would affect her more than threaenting to kill her.

— Well, that was the stick, now the carrot. If you do a good job I will consider giving you information about the others of your clan who are still alive. (Lite)

— What?! (Tsunade)

— What?! (Minato)

— Didn't you hear right? I hope you make up your mind quickly, there isn't much time left.

— Grrr … I hope what you tell me is true. (Tsunade)

— Of course it is. By the way, I don't think it's necessary to mention it, but none of this to anyone, understand, Minato? (Lite)

— …Ok (Minato)

The information that had been transmitted in this time was too much to simply pass it up. No matter what, they had to get it at all costs, especially in this chaotic time. Although the war seems to be about to end, if Tsunade's condition, the attack on the village, or the possible existence of more senju alive are discovered, which would suggest that another mokuton user could emerge in the future, then the four other villages could take drastic measures.

All that went through Tsunade's thoughts in a couple of seconds, and to her bad luck she realized that she had no way out. This person seemed to have a lot of important information and the bargaining chip was Rin's life.

Tsunade took a deep breath and began to calm down, this was a moment that would decide the future of not only her, but the entire ninja world.

— Fine… Minato leave me alone with Rin. (Tsuande)

In the original story, Tsunade was convinced to return to her ideals thanks to Naruto's talk no jutsu, but Lite did not have the luxury of waiting that long, nor did he have such an eloquent tongue to convince her, much less the opportunity to even be taken seriously by her. So he could only use a much more forceful and direct method to get her to overcome her inner demons.

— I'll leave Rin in your hands. (Minato)

Thirty minutes later.

— Minato… (Tsuanjde)

Minato was trying to recover as much energy as possible in preparation for any eventuality, plus, he was constantly checking the seals he had left in his camp to make sure everything was in order. It should be known that what he was doing was quite dangerous. If he was found to have left his position without permission, he could be charged with insubordination, that in wartime was almost certainly a death sentence, so he was not allowed to be negligent with anything.

At that moment I hear a weak voice coming from the bushes. Wasting no time, he ran to the location where he had been called from.

— What…

Upon arrival, he found a totally pale Tsunade, with traces of tears on her cheeks and puddles of vomit to one side.

It didn't take a genius to know that Tsunade's mental load was immense.

— You... you're a liar, tell me, was this a joke? Were you trying to laugh at me? — Tsunade asked with fury in her voice.

— What are you talking about? (Minato)

— Oh, he just realized that Rin wasn't in danger of life, the wound certainly looked fatal and it would have been if she let it run long enough, but any halfway decent doctor could have treated her. (Lite)

— ARE YOU FUCKING ME?! (Tsunade)

— Yeah, yeah, calm down. I had to test you after all. (Lite)


— Minato, are you there? (Lite)

— Yes… (Minato)

— Hey , you son of a bitch! (Tsunade)

— SILENCE! (Lite)

The truth was that Lite was pretty fed up with Tsunade, even though she was one of his favorite characters, the way she just wailed and complained about life was certainly disappointing. It is true that she suffered many misfortunes, but in this world there were many people like her who had suffered the same or even worse, and still they were looking for a way to continue with their lives. He himself, when he was Lite in his past life he had lost too many people to count.

— I'm not here to listen to your tantrums, listen well, conceited girl, the world doesn't revolve around you. If you can't understand that then you'd better die than waste oxygen for one more second. (Lite)

— …(Tsunade)

— …(Minato)

— Now, there isn't much time left to talk, so let's get to the important stuff, okay? (Lite)

— Ok… (Minato)

— Yeah… (Tsunade)

— Now, you must be anxious, but I want you to listen to me before you ask any questions, without interruptions, if all goes well this won't be the last time we communicate, so relax. (Lite)

— I'll listen to what you have to say. (Minato)

— Ok… (Tsunade)

— Well, first of all, I will take the weight off your shoulders and tell you that there is no other attack on the village. As for what happened with Rin, just listen to Kakashi's report. Now, Rin is dead, and it will remain that way for everyone in the world except you two, if her mother wants to see her again, then she will have to die too, I'm not against that. Everything clear so far?

Although they were still full of doubts, at least they knew that the village was safe for now, the rest they could investigate later.

— Understood. (Minato)

— Yes. (Tsunade)

— Good now. Tsunade, regarding your clan… (Lite)

Hearing those words, her heart clenched. The last thirty minutes had been an ordeal for her, and she didn't want her efforts to be just for someone else's amusement, she had hope, and if he extinguished it now, she would fall into the abyss, never to recover.

— I can say for sure that you are not the last, but that's it, where they are or who survived is impossible to know, at least for now. In fact, this is one of the best kept secrets in the village.

Hearing that, Tsunade fell to her knees and cried, she cried with all her might. She didn't know if this person's words were true or not, but she didn't care anymore. She had hope.

Hi, here's another chapter.

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