
Naruto: Secret organization

The world is in chaos. Destiny can not be changed. To protect my people, to reach my goals and ambitions, I'll mold the world from the shadows. Jiraiya: I can't believe it! An organization much more powerful than Akatsuki! Danzo: It's over! My dream of being Hokage... Madara: Impossible! This was not part of my plan! -------------------------------------------------------- I think there's no need to explain any further. English is not my primary language, so I'm sorry if you find so many mistakes, even more in the first chapters, I'll try to fix them, it's just that I don't have a lot of free time. This will be what I'd like to call an EU (expanded universe) since I'll be introducing nations and people who were not present in the original story, so if you want something that will be strictly following the original story, then this is not the place where you belong. Also, I apologize in advance for any mistake in the information of the story, It's just too difficult to search for every little piece of data, so if I don't know anything then I'll just change it. Just give me a chance. I hope you enjoy it.

SteveOl · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 06: I See the Light

3rd person

— Although I must say that despite everything I admire you a little. You are a woman who is willing to be deceived if that benefits you. (Lite)

— …(Tsunade)

— No comment uh… well congratulations on getting over your trauma, even though the sounds were gross, I'm glad to know I was part of the boost you needed. (Lite)

— …(Tsunade)

— Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't get angry. (Lite)

— Why are you so sure of what you told me? (Tsunade)

— Hmm … Look, it's not that I don't want to tell you more, but I've already strayed from the main topic here. I already told you that it won't be the last time we talk, so I hope you keep calm. It is not yet the time for you to know more. (Lite)

— I hate secrets. (Tsunade)

— Secrets are what make a man attractive. (Lite)

— …You said we don't have much time, so now we can ask questions, right? — Minato couldn't take it anymore and interrupted, there were many things he wanted to know.

— Sure, go ahead. (Lite)

— Why did you specify Tsunade to be the one to attend to Rin if it wasn't serious besides keeping all this a secret?

— Oh… Well, simple, because this was a test for the two of you. (Lite)

— Explain please — Minato frowned.

— Now they are in a war, but let me tell you, the dangers you know of so far are insignificant to what is coming in the future. In fact, you can ask Tsunade later, how strong her grandfather was, she must have some idea, she must know that her sannin title is worth nothing in comparison and, in fact, even the person who bestowed it on her is nothing in comparison to what Hashirama was at the time. Well, what is coming in the future is much bigger and more dangerous.

— Lies! My grandfather was someone who was considered a god, every step he took made entire nations tremble. And now you say there are stronger guys out there? Why haven't they attacked before? (Tsunade)

— For the same reason I don't tell you everything up front, it's not time yet. (Lite)

— And? So, we are the chosen ones to combat this evil that threatens the world? *sneering smile* (Minato)

— Hmm … Yeah, kind of. I know about your character, but I had to know if you prioritized your ideals or silly orders from superiors, that's why I gave you a choice with a bit of information so you can draw your own conclusions, and guess what, you chose to act on your own. (Lite)

— … (Minato)

— On the other hand, Tsunade, is someone who is well known for her character. From there I deduced that she is someone I can use if our ideas coincide. But a person who had given up on herself, no matter how necessary, was of no use to me, so I took the time to look for information about what really happened in the past and I put a test to see, had she really given up? Or were you just looking for an opportunity? I was pleasantly surprised that she was simply waiting for something or someone, a situation that she could use. If it wasn't so, I'm sure I wouldn't be talking to you now, no matter the circumstances. (Lite)

Needless to say, Tsunade was one of Lite's favorite characters, and he had studied her psychology quite a bit in the past. Unfortunately, he didn't know if everything that happened in the world was exactly the same as it was described in the story, so he had to take each step carefully.

— Another question, why does Rin need to die? (Minato)

— That's easy, because otherwise the future will be distorted and my plans will go to waste. Her death was something that was supposed to happen originally, it is too important of an event. I already risked enough by saving her, I can't alter anything else. Well, before you ask another question, yes, I know about future events, and no, I won't tell you. Plus, you don't want to know, at least not for now. So, let's move on to another question. (Lite)

Although not happy for being denied something he wanted to know, he understood that pressing further was in vain.

— …You said that you couldn't use me in the state I was in, and that as long as our goals intersected, I would happily cooperate with you. What do you want me to do?

— You don't need to know at the moment. Well, time is up. Minato, I'm sure you'll investigate this, but I warn you, I know a lot about the village, so nothing we talk about here can be leaked. If I notice anything out of the ordinary, Konoha will pay for it. And before I forget, the war must end very shortly. Let me give you a little help Minato. Paso de las Campanillas, bye. (Lite)

— Hey, wait. (Tsuande)

— Hey! (Minato)

They kept calling for him, but after a while they gave up on the fact that the guy had already retired.

This conversation left them with more questions than answers. But one thing was clear, whoever it was had them in the palm of their hands.

— What do you think? (Tsunade)

— I think that guy is dangerous, we don't know what his goals are and the information he has is too important to ignore. (Minato)

— Yes, he said something about not altering the future, if he uses some kind of technique to see or somehow comes from the future... (Tsunade)

— As he said, I'm going to investigate this thoroughly, starting with this. (Minato)

Saying that, Minato took out from his pocket the gift that had been given to him by Rin.

— A stone? (Tsunade)

— This stone was what saved Rin's life. You see, he has a space-time jutsu too. (Minato)

— ! (Tsunade)

That surprised Tsunade, it didn't take long for her to come to the exact same conclusions that Minato had done before. Although she lacked information and context, just having an idea was more than enough to terrify her.

— When he said that Konoha would pay if we did something he wasn't satisfied with, he probably wasn't just referring to the information he might release. But also, to a foreign invasion. (Minato)

— If that's what I think, that stone has the same function as the seal you use, but why didn't you study it when you received it? (Tsunade)

— Because the system he uses is totally different from mine. I use the seals as a point to move quickly in a fight, on the other hand, this stone only serves as a kind of anchor point in space, a mark to be exact, but it is not necessary for a person to carry it manually, it just makes the seal much slower, but its strengths are obvious. There's no seal here, maybe just a chakra mark, but it's so small it passed my senses. Also, I never imagined that the stone that a baby gave me would have this type of function. (Minato)

— If so, these kinds of things can appear anywhere and no one will notice. A country enemy of Konoha would do anything for this jutsu, and even if they don't get it, just one use is enough to hit us hard. (Tsunade)

Both Tsunade and Minato had quite a headache.

— For now, let's just do what he told us. Investigate if you want. I suspect that that baby is not simple, there must be some connection, but don't act rashly. (Tsunade)

— That's what I'll do. I will leave Rin in your hands, hide her the best you can, I will find a way to kill her mother and send her to you too. For now, I have to go, I've already been out of my camp for too long. (Minato)

— No need to tell me. If you find out anything, wait for him to contact us again before anything else. He said that he put us to the test, so he will look for us to cooperate in the future. Now take me back. (Tsunade)

— …Well… —Minato thought in his heart that women know how to make demands, don't you see how tired he was? Luckily for him, he didn't live in the 21st century of the old world of Lite, otherwise Twitter would have made such a fuss that they would have had to take him out of the manga.

Tsunade POV

In the logistics field of doctors.

Tsunade had just been dumped by Minato. In fact, all he wanted to do now was sleep for about three days.

'Now, on top of that, I have to make sure that this brat stays out of everyone's sight. Well, we're at war, so it's not very difficult.'

Being an expert doctor, modifying the features of her face a bit was not that difficult.

The story that was left with Minato was that it was a girl that he had found alone somewhere on the battlefield and feeling sorry for her, he entrusted her to Tsunade.

Two hours later, Rin was unrecognizable to anyone who had seen her before.

'This little… sure does know how to sleep. Well, the blood loss was quite a lot, so she's going to be out of it for a while.

Now Minato has stabilized the seal, so it can be said that she is a complete jinchuuriki.

That another village gifted us with their beast should cheer me up, but all things considered, it's more of a headache.

Well, time for bed, though a drink first.'

She is Tsunade, a serious medical ninja with a great sense of responsibility who won't hesitate to drink her concerns RESPONSIBLY.


It was dark, everything around her was black.

She wondered if this was what it was like to be dead.

— Oh… finally there is a reaction. If more time passed and nothing happened, I would have had to resort to more extreme measures. (Tsunade)

Out of nowhere I hear a familiar voice, but I felt that this was not possible.

— Well, I'd better wake her up fully. *Revitalizing punch no jutsu* (Tsunade)

* BOOM *

And there was light, although it seemed that she saw it at the end of a kind of tunnel.

— Tsunade-sama, please treat the patients well. (Shizune)

— Hey…? (Tsunade)

— Hiiii! Nothing… (Shizune)

— Okay, don't forget you're still grounded, now go back to that corner. (Tsunade)

'Hey? Tsunade? Ugh, my cheek hurts.'

— cof cof (Rin)

— You see? Alright. (Tsunade)

— … (Rin)

'What's going on? I was supposed to be with Kakashi and then I jumped in to save the village from destruction. But…'

— Ugh … Hello? (Rin)

— Perfect, I was sick of seeing you sleep… worried because you didn't wake up. (Tsunade)

— Tsunade-sama?! Not good! (Rin)

Realizing that she was still alive, she feared that she had survived and been taken to the village. Of course, that was only because she was still disoriented, but for that very reason her concern for the village was noticeable.

— Oh Rin, first of all calm down, if you start making a fuss now, you'll only create more trouble for me than you already have. (Tsunade)

After hearing that, Rin felt a palm on her forehead and another on her abdomen. She knew this application of the medical jutsu, it served to make the patient's body enter a state of relaxation.

— Um … Tsunade-sama? Where I am? What happened? (Rin)

— Well, it looks like you're stable now. After everything that happened, it can be said that it is a miracle that you are alive. Although perhaps it is the only option we have now. (Tsunade)

— ? (Rin)

— Well, we need to talk, and I think it's best to do it while the memories are still fresh in your mind. (Tsunade)

— Hey? Oh…sure. (Rhine)

— First of all, tell me everything that happened since you were kidnapped until now. (Tsunade)

Although still confused, Rin understood very well what a ninja's priorities were. What she didn't fully understand was the reason why Tsunade was asking the questions, since for cases as important as these it is normal to call a Yamanaka to obtain more precise information.

— Sure, well, when I was kidnapped, they took me to a cave...




After telling everything she remembered and Tsunade asking the corresponding questions to clarify any detail, the room stay silent. Rin watched Tsunade out of the corner of her eye processing everything she had told her.

About 10 minutes passed and Tsunade finally looked up.

— Well, so far everything you've told me matches the report Kakashi gave. (Tsunade)

— Kakashi… Right! Tsunade-sama, can you please tell me what happened after Kakashi attacked me? (Rin)

— * sigh * Well, it's something you should know anyway, but I'd rather not be the one to give you this message. That damn Minato left me all the work and went off to do whatever he wants. (Tsunade)

— Did something happen to Kakashi? (Rhine)

— No, he is safe, unfortunately if there was a fall in that incident. (Tsunade)

— ?! Who? (Rhine)

— Rin Nohara, declared dead by sacrificing herself to prevent a terrorist attack on the village, officially recognized hero of Konoha. (Tsunade)

— ! (Rin)

'I'm dead? But how, if I'm here. Or was it that light I saw at the end of the tunnel?'

— … (Rin)

— Take some time to calm down, I'll go get some food. (Tsunade)

— Yes… (Rin)

— Shizune! Pay attention. (Tsunade)

— Yes sir! (Shizune)

Rin watched Tsunade walk away through the door and fell into a deep sense of loss. She had certainly jumped to her death, but that was because of her ideals and the conviction to protect the people she held dear. However, now she was alive, she could feel her body, move her fingers, see around her.

''The village wants me dead?'

That was the only thought going through Rin's mind right now.

Honestly, the moments before she "died" were a nightmare for her. The sealing process was done as crudely as possible to cause her as much pain as possible.

And even though she had been in an unconscious state, the mental and emotional burden was not something that a girl like her, no matter how much of a ninja she is, could bear.

— Hey, I don't know what's going through your mind right now, but calm down, okay? I can assure you that there is an explanation for everything. (Shizune)

— Uh! Oh… yeah (Rhine)

Before her thoughts derailed more than they should, Shizune spoke to her from the side to keep her head cool.

Of course, despite the fact that she's also is a child, Rin is quite mature for her age, in addition to having seen the tragedies of war. So only those words were enough to be able to pacify.

That being the case, she used the time she had available in silence to breathe, the fact that she had answered Tsunade's questions and remembering everything that happened to her didn't help much either, but now she wasn't so agitated.

A few minutes later, Tsunade entered the room again with a plate of food in her hands.

— Here, eat while we speak. There are many things that we have to clarify. (Tsunade)

— Thank you. (Rhine)

— The flavor may not be the best, but it has the nutrients you need. (Tsunade)

— Yeah! (Rhine)

— Ok, now ask me anything you want to know, I'll answer what I can. (Tsunade)

— * yum yum * Um … Why did the village declare me dead? (Rhine)

— * exhale * In fact, the village actually thinks you're dead. Right now, I have you here captive. In other words, the fact that you are alive is only known to Minato and me, and your mother, who will join you in the future. (Tsunade)

— Hey? Why would you do that? (Rhine)

— Well… let's say the three of us caught the eye of a certain person and at the moment we have no choice but to obey him. (Tsunade)

Confusion filled Rin's mind. She was fully aware how capable her sensei was, let alone Tsunade, one of the three legendary Sannin. The fact that someone has the power to make them obey him was not something her brain was capable of processing.

— Who has the ability to make you and Minato-sensei obey him? The Hogake? (Rhine)

— It's not the old man. I already told you, in the village only the three of us know that you are still alive. It's someone else, we don't know him, but he's the one who saved you. (Tsunade)

— Can you tell me what happened please? (Rhine)

— Sure… (Tsunade)




After another long explanation of what happened, it was Rin's turn to stay quiet and analyze what was happening.

— Do you have any idea who it could be? (Tsunade)

— Uh, no, as I already explained to sensei, this was given to me by a baby who came to visit me, I never imagined it would be so important, but now I'm not sure if I did the right thing to keep it. (Rhine)

— Whether it's okay or not, it's too late to think about it. But would you mind giving me the seal so we can analyze it? We decided not to touch it without your permission to avoid any kind of consequence. (Tsunade)

— No, I don't have a problem. (Rhine)

Saying so, Rin proceeded to remove her band, revealing the paper with the seal on it.

This one was already damaged and it was obvious that the quality of the paper was not the best, but the seal itself remained in a very good condition.

Tsunade received it and began to analyze it. She wasn't an expert in fuinjutsu like Minato or Jiraiya, but she did know enough about the subject to notice the major points, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to create the seal on her forehead.

Seeing the color of the ink, I can't help but feel a strange feeling of familiarity. She decided to bring it closer to smell it, and very lightly, almost impossible to detect, she noticed the rusty fragrance that had caused her so much terror until just recently.

— This bastard used blood! (Tsunade)

Tsunade immediately exploded with fury. She had the impression that the one who had done this was someone with resources and knowledge. Therefore, that a seal is made with this kind of low-quality paper was already enough to cast doubts on her. But that he used blood to make the drawings was something she couldn't accept.

It is true that blood is commonly used in the performance of many jutsus, especially those of summoning. But when it was done on a seal, it got a completely different meaning.

Blood is recognized as the best material to use as ink when drawing a seal, the percentage of chakra conduction it possesses is the highest among all others. But using it on a seal is something different, because the amounts required to draw one are incredibly large.

Don't think that because they look small, they are something easy to draw. That's just a method that was invented to reduce the space in which you paint. Taking for example the seal that Minato uses on his kunai, actually, if they were seen the size they really are, it would end up taking up an area of about 22 square meters. Something quite large, which reflects its complexity and explains the reason why only he has been able to master it so far apart from the second Hokage.

It's just that at their level they already use other methods to make the drawings if they have to quickly make seals of short duration, like their chakra if it's in the middle of a battle, but for his kunai, he did need special materials .

— Let's see how this is… (Tsunade)

Tsunade expanded the seal and what she saw surprised her.

First, the size surprised her, it was no more than 15 square meters. She didn't have the details of Minato's technique, but using her knowledge, she calculated that it was at least 25 square meters. The truth was, that was the approximate size of the seal his great-uncle used, but Minato wasn't called a genius for nothing, and he managed to improve and simplify many of the things and ended up with its final size of 22 square meters.

In the work that Lite read, seals were shown as something simple that was done by hand and a few strokes, but nothing could be further from the truth, otherwise there would have been many more masters of this art.

The truth was that when someone made a certain seal quickly, it was because they either had it extremely well mastered, or they already had it set up and just applied it.

For example, in the case of a bijuu seal, the seal was quite complex due to all the properties it had to have, so it usually took a whole ritual and several hours to make a successful seal.

These types of things will not be explained to you in an entertainment work since it would bore its target audience, which is teenagers.

The second thing was that… she didn't understand anything that was there.

— That brat Minato was right, the system must be totally different from what we know so far. Where did this come from? That boy studied the techniques of the Uzumaki clan, who are the most recognized in the world when it comes to fuinjutsu. Even so, I can see that this is much more advanced. Hell, there wasn't any kind of insurance to avoid analyzing the seal. That guy is rubbing in our faces that we are incapable. * grrr *

Tsunade was very angry and fearing more and more for the future now that such a huge variable had entered.

The Uzumakis were feared throughout the world for their advanced fuinjutsu. Now another guy just as wicked as those had appeared with a much more advanced and refined system.

The Uzumaki alone required three entire villages to their full power in order to finally be defeated. It's not hard to imagine the amount of resources required to build another system from scratch, let alone one like this one.

— If that guy belongs to a foreign organization or village, then Konoha is in deep trouble. (Tsunade)

But then she remembered her conversation with him.

— A time traveler? Although a bit hard to believe, it's the answer I'm most looking forward to right now. (Tsunde)

Thinking, analyzing, Tsunade was doing her best to find even a clue that would give her an advantage in future negotiations.

— Tsunade-sama. (Shizune)

At that, Shizune, who had been quiet until this moment in her punishment corner, called out to Tsunade.

— What's going on?! Can't you see what I'm thinking? (Tsunade)

— Um …look please. It seems that there is something written there. (Shizune)

— Huh? (Tsunade)

Shizune was someone who was an amateur at seals, so instead of jumping right into analyzing everything, she merely glanced at the drawing superficially, thus realizing the not-so-hidden message.

Tsunade turned her head and noticed what Shizune was pointing at.

The drawings on the seal had been arranged in such a way that something could be read.

"Activate without Minato"


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If we reach the first 200 in the ranking, I'll ralease 5 chapters. It seem too little but remember that what I write are long chapters, no shorts.