
Naruto: Road To Kage.

TheRamenLord · Cómic
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1 Chs

N:RTK. 1. New Beginnings.

Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work inspired by the Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto. It is not intended for profit or to infringe upon any copyrights associated with the original series. All recognizable characters and settings belong to their respective creators.

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My story didn't start with my death by truck-kun thankfully 'cause that would have been just unnecessarily painful and cliche.

No surprisingly I didn't even die at all unlike all the fanfics that I read before clearing stating that the MC dies and then gets either reborn or transmigrated into a fictional world.

No, my story started on a normal Saturday night or was it Sunday morning. I don't know, I just lose track of time when I am on the discussion forum. It was there that my story began.

I sat at my desk, eyes glued to the computer screen as I engaged in a heated argument on the Naruto Discussion Forum.

The username I was clashing heads with was called [R.O.B], an eccentric guy whose words carried an air of arrogance and superiority. Little did I know at the time that R.O.B was far more than just a regular forum user.

With fervor in my words, I typed my argument, determined to prove my point. "Look, R.O.B, I understand that being born into a prominent shinobi clan like the Uchiha or the Hyuga gives you a head start, but it's not the only path to greatness in the Naruto world."

"I firmly believe that even if I were to be reborn as a random civilian born in Konoha, with my knowledge of the future events and the world, I can become a successful ninja, and with time even become the Hokage!"

I hit the enter key, waiting for the inevitable counterargument from R.O.B. It didn't take long before his response appeared on the screen, each word emanating an enigmatic wisdom.

[Ah, Adam, you are too optimistic and naive, you underestimate the power of lineage and the importance of bloodline limits. The Naruto world is a realm of inherited powers, where the great shinobi clans have shaped its history.]

[You may possess knowledge of future events, but mere wits and schemes won't be enough to overcome the inherent advantages of those born into prestigious families.]

His words stung, as I myself was from a poor family but with my gifted intellect I was able to make a good life for myself, so I refused to back down.

This was my chance to challenge the conventional wisdom and prove that sheer determination and intelligence could overcome any obstacle.

I began to type my rebuttal, my fingers flying across the keyboard. "R.O.B, I acknowledge the advantages of bloodline limits, but that doesn't mean they are the sole determinants of success."

"Look at the likes of Gai sensei, Rock Lee, Jiraiya, Minato and the others non clan shinobis' that have achieved greatness. With my knowledge of the Naruto world and its events, I can navigate the treacherous path, forge alliances, and train tirelessly to become a formidable shinobi."

The response from R.O.B seemed to take a little longer this time, as if he was carefully considering his words. [Adam, your determination is admirable, but remember there is always more to a story than what meets the eye at first glance.]

[But, fate also has a role to play, and sometimes it intertwines with the paths we choose. Remember, in the Naruto world, destiny can be a formidable force that shapes the lives of its inhabitants. Your journey might not be as straightforward as you envision.]

His cryptic words piqued my curiosity. Who was this [R.O.B], and why did it feel like he was speaking from experience? But I pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the argument at hand.

"R.O.B, destiny or not, I refuse to believe that one's birthright alone defines their potential. The world of Naruto thrives on stories of underdogs overcoming insurmountable odds."

"With determination, adaptability, and knowledge of the future, I believe that someone like can carve their own path and prove that anyone, regardless of their origins, can reach the pinnacle of power for the Shinobis the vaunted Kage."

As I awaited R.O.B's response, a strange feeling crept over me, a weighty presence seemed to fill the room, and I couldn't shake the sensation that something extraordinary was about to happen.

My screen flickered, and the letters rearranged themselves before my eyes, forming a single message:

[Adam, your conviction has intrigued me. Perhaps, you are worthy of a greater challenge, an opportunity to prove your theory.]

My heart raced as I realized the truth, I could feel it in my bones. This R.O.B guy I was engaging in this debate with, was no ordinary human on a forum.

He was a God, with capital "G" in front. A being who possessed knowledge and power beyond my comprehension.

And now, he was offering me a chance. I could feel something enveloping me, the darkness slowly creeping up at the corners of my vision. But I didn't feel the panic that should have accompanied this bone chilling experience.

All I felt was peace, as my life flashed before my eyes at blurring speed and when it stopped I was no longer in my bedroom but rather in some kind of office. The reason I thought so was because of the chair-like things on the two sides of it.

It was completely impossible for me to distinguish anything about the room, as everything kept changing. The artwork, the furniture, I couldn't even make out the color of the room's walls. It was all shifting and constantly changing with no discernible patterns.

But for some reason I still couldn't panic, maybe it was that feeling before that was invoking this sense of safety and peace in me. But I could feel that I had reached my destination, for there was a being seated in front of me.

Even though I could feel its gaze on me, for some reason I still couldn't make out any of its features or details. As it features just kept chaotically transforming from one thing to another, just like the room I currently was in.

I stood there with my heart pounding in my chest, as I faced the enigmatic figure before me. The being radiated an otherworldly aura, and its piercing gaze seemed to penetrate the depths of my soul.

It was a Random Omnipotent Being, the username [R.O.B] most likely being an acronym of his.. of their very existence. This was a being who held the power to grant me a chance to prove myself in the world of Naruto.

Finally he spoke, but it felt like he was talking right into my mind.

[Take a seat Adam, relax I am not going to hurt you. Rather I have a proposition for you, one that I am certain you would like to hear more about.]

Feeling relaxed now for some reason, it was like I instinctively knew he wouldn't harm me. I slowly took a seat and it was so soft and comfortable that I nearly moaned as I leaned back on it.

Even with this near blunder, only one question was echoing in my mind, one that I couldn't wait to ask R.O.B any longer.

"Am I dead? I know it's a pretty dumb question to ask at this moment but it feels weird? But my body feels the same like I am still alive and what about my family? Are they traumatized after seeing me dead?" I asked, feeling sad about the family I left behind. The faces of my parents flashing before my eyes as I sat there.

[Dead?] R.O.B asked me, sounding surprised.

[No not all, why would you thin–] He stopped speaking for a while, then his eyes gained a hint of amusement.

[You have been reading way too many fanfics Adam. I am a R.O.B, I don't have to kill you through a truck out of all things and give you unnecessary pain and trauma, just so that I could bring you here.]

[I don't need to get you killed and take you away from your family and the potentially average yet peaceful life you could have lived.]

[I just simply divided your soul in two and then left one part in your body with some healing magic to help it get back to its original health whereas you are the other half that I chose to bring here.] He explained nonchalantly, like it was a casual thing like breathing was for me.

He further explained trying to put me at ease. [Don't worry, the other half of you will be sick for a few days before everything will go back to normal. He will do everything that you were supposed to do, after all he is you.]

Hearing that really definitely put me at ease, I was the only child of my parents. I don't think they would have been able to take care of themselves if I suddenly passed away. Just the news of the incident would be enough to break my mom's heart.

And while my dad is made of more resilient stuff, he is getting old. He had opened up to me more and shown me that he is quite the emotional man deep down inside. But now knowing that a part of me will still be there to look after them, gave me a sense of closure.

[You have spoken with conviction, Adam] R.O.B's voice resonated through the void, breaking me out of my inner thoughts.

[But to prove your claim, you must be reborn as a civilian orphan, without the crutches of a shinobi clan or any special bloodline limits to help you. You will start from the very beginning, as a civilian academy trainee.]

My mind raced as I absorbed the magnitude of the challenge. No cheats, no shortcuts. I would have to rely solely on my knowledge of the plot and my wits to climb the ranks, from a mere civilian to a highly skilled ninja, and ultimately, a kage level Ninja.

"What if I acquire a bloodline limit through my actions, like the Sharingan or the byakugan?. Will I then be allowed to use it or am I locked out of that option?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

The R.O.B's expression softened, revealing a glimmer of amusement. [Indeed, you can use it. Anything you acquire on your own after being sent into that world is yours to use as please, provided you can get it to work for you.]

[After all, just stuffing an eyeball into yourself won't make it work for you. If you don't have advanced level medical knowledge and technique, then the chakra rejection from the improper transplantation might just kill you.]

"Is that why Kakashi and Danzo were the only two non uchiha's to ever use the sharingan?"

[Yes, Kakashi didn't suffer that great of a backlash because his sharingan was given to him by obito willingly whereas Danzo had the hashirama cells that allowed him to survive and graft that many sharingans into his body.]

"I see, that makes sense. But hashirama cells truly are a cheat code."

[Tell me about it.]

[The sharingan will not be an easy fix, same with any other Dōjutsu. It will not be an easy path, Adam, you will face trials, obstacles, and setbacks.]

[This journey will test your resolve, your determination, and your ability to adapt. But if you succeed, the Omniverse will be opened to you, and you may choose to visit any fictional world, in any time period, within certain terms and conditions.]

A rush of exhilaration surged through me. The prospect of exploring countless worlds and experiencing epic adventures was almost too much to fathom. It ignited a fire within me, fueling my resolve to accept this extraordinary challenge.

R.O.B's eyes still had that amused gleam to them after seeing my excited smile. [What did you really think I would put you through that hellish gauntlet with no reward at the end of the challenge to motivate you?]

R.O.B's expression shifted, taking on a more serious demeanor. [Before I send you over through I would like you to know some things that might work in or against your favor.]

[Kaguya is the last pure blooded Otosuki of that world, sealed just like in the original by her sons. Boruto is not canon, the story of Naruto in that world ends at the movie The Last: Naruto The Movie.]

[So you are free from any Otosuki shenanigans but also can't use their powers to get stronger as they don't exist anymore in that world. It's an AU Naruto world. It's more realistic, more cold and more cruel, shows weakness to an enemy and you won't even realize how you died.]

"Are the events of the story going to stay the same or are they changing because of its alternate reality of the original Naruto."

[It's almost exactly the same with only a few minor differences, but without the extra alien otosukis.]

"So, if I don't interfere in doing anything Kaguya will still be revived and Naruto and team 7 will fight her for the survival of the planet."


"No, pressure."

[Well, you asked for it.]

"I definitely did, didn't I, but it's not like I knew it would come true. Though I did mean everything I said a 100% and I stand by it."

[Now because I am taking away your knowledge of the future by inserting you into an AU Naruto where the story will change dynamically from the point of your insertion I am going to give you a small gift.]

"Please we agreed on "No" to any kind of cheats. I do not want any outside help." I requested, knowing that he was in power and all I could do was make a request and hoped he didn't go against it.

[It's not exactly a cheat, Adam.]

[Hear me out for a second. All I am going to do is, do a test on you that will tell you what you are going to be talented in.]

[This will allow you to save the time you would waste in finding out which branch of The Ninja techniques you are talented in and where you aren't like Nin, Tai, Gen, etc.]

[It will even tell the limits of your new body and chakra pool.]

"I see, that's not that big of a deal. I could find out all of this within a few years of training anyways."

"Wait, I haven't even asked for your name. I am so sorry."

[It's fine and you may call me whatever you want, Adam. Humans can't perceive my true name or my form because of the gap in our existence.]

"Is that why I can't make out your features or even the color of the walls of your room?"


[Now, let's get started with the test shall we?]

— To be continued..


Word Count: 2.5k words. (This was a little on the shorter side because when I was starting out this fanfic I didn't really have much idea of how long I want a chapter to be. Eventually I settled on an average chapter being 3k to 3.5k words long.)


{Closing Author's Note: This is my first attempt at writing a Naruto fanfic so go easy on guys. As I said the MC won't have any clan arts or bloodline and must make it on his own. Or maybe he can marry a clan's member and join their clan, who knows what will happen.

If you want to read ahead then head over to my patr eon page at theramenlord there you can read the first 3 chapters for free and all 13 chapters for $5.

Or you can head over to my Kofi page at theramenlord and read the same for $4.25. I haven't transferred over all the chapters from patreon yet (because I am busy writing the other stories) but in a day or 2 all 13 chapters will be transferred over to Kofi as well.

The link for both my Kofi and my patr eon are in the author's thoughts section at the bottom of the chapter.


My Kofi link above.


My Patr eon link above.


My Discord Link above.

TheRamenLordcreators' thoughts