
Naruto:Reincarnated as a cheatless shinobi

Life is cruel, but not unfair. Despite whatever happened, that's what Morgan Stanley told himself till yesterday. But, not anymore! Just a few hours ago he was celebrating with his friends and now he was dead! At least to those who knew him as Morgan. Who would have thought a stray bullet would spell the end of his life in the middle of the night! What's more is he has now reincarnated in the world of deadly ninjas without any prior knowledge, system or cheats. Watch him survive as Shen, a low level ninja who dreams to make it big in the leaf village with peers exceeding him in resources, talent and cheats. P.S. The story will follow general stuff from Naruto and events. I'll try not to make the story fast paced. I will write at my discretion and aim to push 2-3 chapters per week. The mc will not be an edgelord. I like cheerful people and I don't believe that vibrant and emotionally matured adults will become full blown edgelords for power. The story will not be same and do expect major changes! --------------------------- update: I will upload three extra chapters if we cross 50k views Atleast, 2 chaps till every sunday is my pledge for the novel. I don't own any art or Naruto characters.

grubgrub · Cómic
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6 Chs

Clone Jutsu(2)-A Clone jutsu genius?

"Sakura, commence the demonstration!", announced Iruka. 

"Yes, instructor! ", she replied. Soon, she made the necessary signs. 





"Clone Jutsu!"

Three clones appeared next to her. Iruka and Mizuki nodded in satisfaction, and Iruka yelled, 


As I stood in line waiting for my turn, I saw Sasuke looking in my direction. "Hey, kid!" I waved at him. He didn't react. Of course, he's still Sasuke. Damn, what did I expect? I slowly lowered my hand, pretending I never meant to wave… 

Still, what happened yesterday was very unanticipated. 

As I pondered on wasteful thoughts, it was Sasuke's turn.

"Clone jutsu!"

He made three clones, just like Sakura. I guess that's the most he could create without wasting chakra. Then, suddenly, the three clones transformed into Iruka! Using the Transformation Jutsu on clones—he is different! But it's not that hard to achieve; I just need some practice.


Smoke rose around two of the clones. This!

One of the clones transformed into himself. The other transformed into me, Huh! So, you are still pissed about yesterday. It was as if he wanted to rub it in my face. I should've expected this somewhat. He's not type who can just stand there feeling inferior to anyone. Frankly, I like the competitive spirit.

He looked at me, smirking. Normally, I'd brush it off as a kid's antics, but that smirk did get on my nerves. Control yourself, Shen. You're an adult! Butting heads with a kid less than half you age doesn't suit you.

"Clap! Clap! You're the best, Sasuke kun", screamed Sakura. His performance was truly applause-worthy.

"Good work, Sasuke!", exclaimed Iruka. Mizuki also nodded in appreciation, without saying much.


Soon, it was my turn next. Not many people were watching closely for yesterday's scene would have been fresh in their minds.

Huff! I prepared myself for performing the jutsu. 

"You're gonna get the shock of your life, little Sasuke brat!". I do not hold grudges, but this kid knows perfectly how to rile me up. Do you want to compete with me? Fine then! I'll show you how real men compete! 





"Clone Jutsu!"


I gathered all my focus in the middle of my forehead. Beads of sweat formed, trickling down my nose and across my forehead. The world of red and blue became visible to me! I began channeling every drop of chakra within my body, directing it with precision and force toward the small, solid sphere I had visualized on my forehead. I felt the chakra leaving my body in a dominant efflux. As the chakra flowed out, I emptied the blue-colored spirituality from the solid sphere, infusing it into the laminar flow of chakra. The blue hue carried a specific amount of chakra, blending with it.

Despite my meager Chakra, a hundred clones soon occupied the room. Less than half of the blue hue was emptied. Except for the mild headache, the only limiting factor was Chakra. As I loosened my focus after completing the jutsu, there was a visible shock on everyone's faces. The look on Iruka and Mizuki's faces was especially priceless! It was understandable. Nobody expected this from me in the first place. 

While everyone looked dazed, Saskue wasn't surprised. Why would he be? He had seen this just yesterday. When we started practicing, I realised that the basic Clone jutsu was too simple for someone like me who was in sync with their soul. Just infusing a little bit of my spirituality and chakra could be easily guided out of my body. Since most of the heavy lifting was done by the blue-hued spirituality, Clone jutsu was especially easy for me.

Just wait, kid. I also have a surprise for you! We'll see if you manage to have this expression after this. I dispelled all the clones.


I started weaving the signs. 





This time, only one clone was made. Its presence was completely different! Why wouldn't it be so? After all, it carried more than half of all the blue essence. Though my control on Chakra wasn't at the level to allow three clones to simultaneously perform the transformation, even I can manage if it's just one! 






With a reverberating sound, a smoke cloud appeared in front of the clone. Then, It transformed into Sasuke! And smiled at him with his characteristic condescending grin…I wanted to get back at him.

Yeah, I'm that petty! You wanted to compete..., so be it.

Soon, the demonstration ended and I went to my spot. Though the transformation might have looked mediocre to the previous scene which demonstrated a hundred imposing clones, I didn't mind at all if it accomplished my goal. To piss this snot-nosed brat!

Knowing him, doing exactly what he did, even if it was to a somewhat lesser extent than him, would set him off.

Other classmates performed their demonstrations and the academy graduation moved smoothly until… it was Naruto's turn. Just like the show, he sucked at the Clone jutsu. 

Mizuki told Iruka, " I think we should let him pass! He has good stamina and decent taijutsu. He even managed to form a clone, despite how pathetic it looks".

Naruto was distressed. Rather than being angry at Iruka for failing him, he looked more upset with himself. Poor kid must be going through it! No matter the world, nobody likes tests. Especially when everyone gets to see and judge how you perform!

Whoever came up with this idea must have been a devious piece of work. Well, whatever! This is not something I get to say after acing the test. Still, this is a considerable difference from the show! Did my grand performance trigger his inferiority complex? I hope not.

Soon, the long graduation day finally came to an end. The tension in the air dissipated as relief washed over the young kids who had just finished their tests. The classroom buzzed with a mix of excitement and exhaustion. Soon, parents started arriving, their faces glowing with pride and joy as they came to celebrate with their children who had taken the first step toward their professional shinobi careers.

Cheers echoed through the hallways as families reunited, offering words of encouragement and congratulations. Everyone who walked out of that room today was now a certified Ninja of the Leaf. Well, all except for one.

At the end of the grueling long day, Naruto, the blonde-haired demon fox was the only one without the headband.



I need the reader's opinion on the pacing? Should I slow down or is this pace fine? As for why today's chapter is short- I planned to cover the incidents of the first episode in 3-4 chapters. So, I decided to completely work out seperate incidents rather than putting them all together since it wouldn't be coherent at all. I believe I would probably skim through the canon if I try to pace it faster. 

Also, Thanks for supporting guys!