
Naruto : Raijin

Ken is your average 18 year old lost and unsure what to do with his life. He watches a lot of television and one of the show he watched was Naruto. He really thought nothing of it, great show to pass the time. What happens next shocked him to the core.

MorbidCuriosity · Cómic
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29 Chs

The realization

Ken opened his eyes, surveying his surroundings. He found himself lying in a bed. "Ah, so all of that was just a dream. I'm relieved," he thought.

Suddenly, the door swung open, startling Ken. He quickly shut his eyes and feigned sleep. The voice of a mature woman echoed in the room, "He is still asleep. He must be very tired."

Approaching him, the woman used a cloth to gently wipe Ken's face clean. When she finished, she softly uttered, "Sleep tight." With that, she left the room, closing the door behind her. Ken opened his eyes and mused, "So, that must have been Akari Fubayashi, the director of the orphanage."

Ken lay there, gazing at the ceiling, reflecting on his situation and on Akari. She was an ordinary woman who had taken it upon herself to manage this orphanage and assist the children affected by the Nine-Tails attack.

His thoughts began to drift away when suddenly, as he lay there, he felt an unusual energy within his body. It was faint, yet perceptible. Ken promptly closed his eyes and attempted to manipulate this energy, but it remained immovable.

He persisted in his efforts, making countless attempts until, at last, he succeeded in shifting it. However, he was immediately overcome by fatigue. "It must be from attempting to manipulate my chakra all night," Ken surmised. Despite the various concerns swirling in his mind, exhaustion eventually led him into slumber.

[The following morning]

Ken awoke and realized, "This truly isn't a dream." He rose from the bed and left the room. Outside, he was greeted by the sight of children running around and shouting. Ken sighed deeply, admitting to himself, "I never had a way with children, and now I find myself inhabiting the body of one."

He noticed the headmistress tending to the youngsters. Catching sight of him, she approached and knelt down in front of Ken, asking, "Are you alright?" She adjusted Ken's clothing as he replied, "Um... yes, miss."

While Ken, now inhabiting the body of Tasumi Rai, conversed with Miss Akari, some younger children began to cry and beseeched her for assistance. She told Ken, "Our conversation isn't over. You can go and play, but be careful and return soon."

Leaving the orphanage, Ken felt an almost surreal atmosphere. He took in the various buildings and landmarks around him, a sense of awe in his eyes. Rai, now Ken, proceeded towards the children's play area. With no one else in sight, he decided to test his chakra manipulation here.

Seating himself, Ken began the process of circulating his chakra throughout his body. It took time, but eventually, his chakra started to flow, accompanied by an almost otherworldly sensation. He diligently guided his chakra through all 361 of his tenketsu points.

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