
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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292 Chs

Chapter 267

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<<<Check out my new translation!! [Naruto: Infinite New World]!>>>

The transplantation of the Rinnegan requires an adaptation process, but this depends on the specific circumstances.

In the past, if White Zetsu's spore clones, or even White Zetsu himself, had the Rinnegan transplanted, they likely wouldn't have been able to use it. Otherwise, Madara wouldn't have gone to such lengths to transplant the Rinnegan into the young Nagato and then use him to resurrect himself.

But now, the situation is different.

It has been five years since Kyomu captured Black Zetsu and parts of White Zetsu's body. During this time, research led by Tsunade has never ceased, and they have thoroughly analyzed White Zetsu's body and spore clones.

With ample research data, it was relatively simple for Tsunade and her team to overdraw the potential of White Zetsu's spore clones and temporarily raise their limits.

The three cellular injections that Kabuto administered to the spore clone were designed to temporarily increase the clone's capabilities, allowing it to utilize some of the Rinnegan's powers for a short time.

Thus, the Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique could indeed be used by the spore clone.

However, before that, Kyomu needed to provide additional support.

No matter what technique is being used, chakra is indispensable, and the stronger the technique, the more chakra it consumes.

Even though the spore clone's potential was enhanced by Kabuto's injections, the amount of chakra within it was still insufficient to perform the Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique and resurrect Madara.

This is where Kyomu needed to step in as an external "power source."

Raising his right hand, Kyomu placed his palm against the back of the spore clone, channeling a surge of chakra into its body.

"I feel amazing right now!" The spore clone exclaimed, its expression exaggerated. "I must be the strongest of all the spore clones!"

Like the original White Zetsu, the clone had inherited the same quirky personality, always making irrelevant remarks regardless of the situation.

"Shut up and get to the point!"

Before Kyomu or Tsunade could say anything, the original White Zetsu spoke up first.

He was still very afraid of Kyomu and was worried that he might accidentally anger him and lose his life.

With White Zetsu's command, the spore clone finally fell silent. Forming hand seals, it channeled the chakra Kyomu had injected, activating the Rinnegan implanted in its eye sockets and initiating the Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique.

As soon as the technique was activated, the chakra within the spore clone was rapidly consumed, and its enhanced vitality was similarly drained.

Before the spore clone could be completely depleted, a massive Yama's Gate appeared out of thin air, with a glowing green light emanating from its center.

Using chakra as a guide, the Rinnegan as a bridge, and Yama's Gate as a passage, the soul of Uchiha Madara, slumbering in the Pure Land, was dragged out through the glowing green light.

As soon as the grayish-white orb representing Madara's soul touched the ground, the bones of Uchiha Madara that Kyomu had previously collected in the mountain tomb appeared out of nowhere. The soul orb circled the bones twice before diving into them.


The glowing green light from Yama's Gate poured down like rain, coating Madara's bones and dyeing them entirely green.

Reviving the dead and restoring flesh to bones!

Flesh quickly grew around the bones, internal organs formed one by one, the heart in the chest cavity began to beat, and finally, Madara's red samurai armor materialized around him.

"Hahaha, hahahaha, hahahahaha…"

Before his closed eyes even opened, a burst of maniacal laughter filled the air, more intense and pure than any Uchiha before him.

Kyomu didn't interrupt Madara, allowing him to enjoy the moment. He was eager to see what Madara would do next.

After Madara had laughed his fill, he slowly opened his eyes, looking down and raising his hands to examine his revitalized body. He couldn't help but clench his fists tightly.


"Ah!" Madara sighed contentedly. "This is what I've been waiting for; this is the feeling of power. Not bad, Nagato did well…"

His words abruptly cut off.

Out of the corner of his eye, Madara noticed the black and gold dragon-patterned robe.

Raising his gaze, Madara's cold eyes locked onto Kyomu's face before scanning the surroundings, his gaze eventually landing on Tsunade, Kabuto, and finally White Zetsu.

"White Zetsu, what's going on?"

White Zetsu didn't immediately answer Madara's question but instead retreated two steps in fear and gestured toward Kyomu.

"Oh? Interesting." Following White Zetsu's gaze, Madara's eyes returned to Kyomu. "It seems that after my death, something went wrong with the plan."

Tap, tap, tap.

Madara took a few steps forward, prompting Tsunade and Kabuto behind Kyomu to adopt defensive stances. Seeing the situation deteriorate, White Zetsu bolted out of the laboratory and vanished without a trace.

"Aragami Kyomu?"

"Uchiha Madara."

"You know who I am?"

"You know who I am, so of course, I know you."

"Hmph." Madara sneered. "You're just some amusement I heard about when I was bored. But in your mind, my name is like thunder."

"I don't have the time to listen to old men's stories. I only learned about you when I captured Black Zetsu and White Zetsu and got the information from their mouths."

"Oh?" Madara raised an eyebrow. "It seems that the younger generation of the Shinobi World has forgotten the towering mountain of the past. Do you intend to climb up and stand beside me?"

Kyomu felt a headache coming on. Madara's way of speaking was undeniably a bit over the top.

"The mountain is not my goal; the sea of stars are." Kyomu replied calmly.

"Haha, hahaha!" Madara threw his head back in laughter, his voice loud and maniacal. "Since you revived me, I'll allow you to stand with me at the highest point and enjoy the view of this world."

Kyomu shook his head. "You've got it wrong, Madara. It's me who forgave your past mistakes and permitted you to stand by my side as we conquer the stars together.

Get this straight: this world already belongs to me."

"You're arrogant, Kyomu!" Madara's purple eyes flashed dangerously. "It seems that I'll have to shed some blood right after being revived.

But before I complete the Eye of the Moon Plan, killing you as a warm-up seems like a fitting start."

"Do you know my true strength?" Kyomu asked, a smile playing on his lips. "Aren't you afraid your words will come back to bite you?"

Madara paused, a cold smile suddenly appearing on his face.

"You surprise me. In front of these eyes, you don't seem to have the fear you should."

Walking past Kyomu, Madara headed straight for the exit. "Kyomu, since you've revived me and are so arrogant, let's see what you've got."

Kyomu shrugged, giving Tsunade a reassuring look. She nodded in understanding, releasing her grip on Kyomu's sleeve as she watched him follow Madara out of the Anbu base.

The blinding sunlight hit Madara's face, causing him to squint and take a deep breath as he opened his arms, as if embracing the sky.

"This tiny stage, I, Uchiha Madara, will once again take the stage!" He turned to Kyomu behind him. "The world is too small, only big enough for one of us. You have no other choice but to bow out in death.

I hope you'll give me a little surprise, something to make this warm-up more enjoyable."

"Madara, why don't you look around?" Kyomu stood beside him. "Everything you see is my territory. The entire Shinobi World is mine now."

Madara paused, actually turning his head to survey the area, taking in the entirety of the village.

"This place… is Takigakure?"

"It used to be, but now it's Ryūhō Village in the Land of Dragons," Kyomu replied, using the Dance of the Sky technique to levitate slowly. "Madara, I assume you can fly too? How about we take a look at my domain together?" (Kinda like it the name Ryūhō...)

Madara looked up at Kyomu, his gaze dropping to Kyomu's feet.

"Interesting. You're using chakra to continuously and evenly condense at your feet, creating thrust to achieve flight?"

"Good observation."

"Hmph, don't show off with such petty tricks." Madara cracked his neck, his bones making popping sounds.

In the next moment, Madara used the Rinnegan's repulsive force to lift himself into the air, floating higher than Kyomu.

Kyomu didn't mind at all, recognizing Madara's competitive nature and letting him have the upper hand for now.

"Follow me, Madara."

Kyomu turned and flew upward at an angle, leading Madara higher and farther.

Looking down, the entire outline of Ryūhō Village came into view, with the capital of the Land of Dragons and the grand palace complex at its center.

"That's the capital of the Land of Dragons, and the palace complex is my royal palace," Kyomu said, pointing it out to Madara. "I've unified the Shinobi World continent, annexed the Five Great Nations, and established the Land of Dragons, where I reign as Emperor.

Madara, isn't this a time of peace?

Isn't this an unparalleled achievement?

Doesn't this make me the greatest figure in the history of the Shinobi World?"

Madara didn't respond immediately, deeply absorbed in the grand and magnificent scenery below. For a moment, he was speechless.

His heart wavered slightly.

What Kyomu had accomplished wasn't exactly the same as Madara's thoughts before he left Konoha, but there was a 90% overlap.

Back then, Madara had wanted to unify the Shinobi World, but he had no intention of becoming an emperor; he had planned to continue with the daimyo-ninja system.

Seeing that Madara remained silent, Kyomu's smile widened. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Hmph!" Madara snapped back to reality. "It's nothing but false prosperity, hollow and baseless."

"So you've recommitted to your original plan."

"Of course." Madara nodded. "I've already tested it. This method cannot sustain peace in the Shinobi World for long."

"You haven't fully tested it, Madara." Kyomu shook his head. "Don't forget, you lost to Hashirama at the Valley of the End. You couldn't defeat him, so…

You turned to a failed plan, your so-called Eye of the Moon Plan!"

"Shut up!"

Kyomu's words struck a nerve with Madara, causing his expression to darken. "Kyomu, do you really think this is all your achievement?

You're wrong, dead wrong! The only reason you could unify the Shinobi World is that you didn't encounter me, and Hashirama didn't stand in your way!

This is a false glory. With a single step, I can turn everything you've built into nothing!"

"Why destroy it?" Kyomu spread his hands. "Why not join my faction and help me protect the peace that follows unification?"

"Are you offering me your throne?"

"I can appoint you as the Grand Marshal, commanding all the forces of the Land of Dragons."

"Do you think your achievements compare to the bright moon in the sky?"

"Of course…"

Before Kyomu could finish, Madara interrupted him, shaking his head. "But in my eyes, you're just a firefly on the ground, gazing up at the moon, not worth mentioning."

Madara spread his arms wide, his body slowly ascending, flying higher and higher.

"And I, Uchiha Madara, will surpass the Sage of Six Paths with these eyes and complete what he could not.

When that time comes, the Shinobi World will know true peace, and the sins of the Uchiha clan will be washed away!"

Kyomu shook his head and ascended as well, rising higher than Madara, looking down on him.

"Madara, do you also wish to dance?" Kyomu's eyes gleamed with a dominating presence. "To dance on my stage, have you asked for my permission?"

Madara looked up at Kyomu, a mix of emotions in his heart. This person was indeed arrogant, but his words struck a chord with Madara.

"This is my stage!"

"A duel?" Kyomu finally addressed the main issue.

Madara didn't back down, his battle intent surging. "I'd be delighted!"

"The Valley of the End?" Kyomu asked.

"Hahaha!" Madara laughed wildly. "Kyomu, do you really think you can be compared to Hashirama?"

"We'll see after the fight."

"Then the Valley of the End it is!" Madara's face turned cold as he flew toward the Valley of the End.

Kyomu followed closely behind, but he didn't bring any shadows along.

Soon, they arrived above the Valley of the End, where Kyomu and Madara landed on the heads of the two giant statues, facing each other.

"I recall you're a swordsman. Where's your sword?" Madara asked coldly, noticing Kyomu's empty hands.

"I don't need a sword to deal with you."

"You'll pay for your arrogance!"


Chakra surged violently within Madara, creating a vortex around him that suddenly expanded outward, kicking up a cloud of dust.


With a powerful kick, Madara launched himself into the air, fist raised as he charged at Kyomu.

"Let's see what you're really capable of, and if you're worth my effort!"

"You'll find out soon enough."

As Kyomu's calm words fell, purple arcs of electricity crackled around him. Clenching his fist, he soared into the air to meet Madara head-on.

(End of Chapter)