
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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Chapter 268

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When it comes to a contest of strength, there's no one Kyomu fears—except for Might Guy in his Eight Gates Released Formation. Otherwise, no one in the Shinobi World can match Kyomu's might, not even Madara or Hashirama.


The moment their fists collided, Madara's expression changed instantly, his purple Rinnegan pupils contracting sharply.

What a hard fist! What immense power!


In the next instant, a shockwave erupted from the point of impact between their fists, rippling outward like waves, spreading in all directions.


Kyomu remained suspended in mid-air, unmoved, while Madara was sent flying backward, smashing through the surrounding air with such force that it created rings of white mist, resembling sonic booms.


Almost without delay, another thunderous sound echoed as Madara collided with the massive stone statue, shattering it at the waist.


As debris rained down, Madara fell with the rubble, quickly buried beneath it.


Dust and stone fragments rose into the air as Kyomu retracted his fist, placing his hands behind his back, looking down at the scene below.

In their straightforward contest of strength and physical prowess, Kyomu had emerged victorious.

"Hahaha, hahahaha!"

Before the dust could settle, Madara's signature maniacal laughter echoed from below. "Good! Impressive! You've earned the right to see 50% of my strength!"

Kyomu remained silent, still looking down from above.


Suddenly, an invisible repulsive force exploded, sending the boulders and rubble that had buried Madara flying into the sky like scattering bullets.

At the same time, Kyomu moved.

Chakra surged within his body, as Wind, Yin, and Lightning nature chakras merged and flowed rapidly through his meridians, instantly merging with the surrounding space.


Without any delay, Kyomu appeared at Madara's side, surrounded by arcs of purple lightning, and struck with a fist aimed at Madara's side.


Madara, barely reacting in time, managed to block Kyomu's punch with both hands and immediately counterattacked.

With a twist of his left foot, the ground beneath him cracked, and the force from Kyomu's punch was skillfully deflected by Madara.

Using the redirected force, Madara transferred the energy to his left leg, channeling it through his core muscles. With a burst of strength, amplified by his chakra, he prepared to strike Kyomu's chest with his elbow.

Despite Madara's near-perfect reaction and use of force, Kyomu found the attack slow. He could easily counter it.

Utilizing the force from Madara's pull, Kyomu raised both legs, bringing his feet together in a rabbit kick that struck Madara's attacking elbow.

Madara's elbow rebounded from the kick, nullifying his counterattack. However, he still held on to Kyomu's wrist.

But it didn't matter. Kyomu's space-time abilities were perfectly suited for such situations.

Using Madara's grip on his wrist as a pivot, and the force from the kick on Madara's elbow, Kyomu flipped over Madara's head, bringing both knees down toward the center of Madara's skull.

Madara's reaction was quick, and he didn't need to form hand seals to use ninjutsu.

With a tilt of his head and a breath, it all happened in one fluid motion.

Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!

Crimson flames surged toward Kyomu, and with his wrist still held by Madara, there was no time to dodge.

Madara's purple Rinnegan gleamed with confidence; he couldn't imagine how Kyomu could escape.

There's no way out...

Suddenly, the gleam in Madara's Rinnegan vanished, his pupils contracting. The only thing reflected in his eyes was the clear blue sky—Kyomu was no longer above him.

"Space-time abilities!"

Madara was alarmed, his thoughts racing, but before he could react, Kyomu's attack landed squarely on Madara's chest.

The fireball Madara had expelled missed its target entirely, dissipating like a harmless firework.


Thud, thud, thud!

Madara, struck by Kyomu's knees, was sent flying once again, his body bending backward like a shrimp as he crashed through the air, leaving a trail of irregular white circles.

But Kyomu wasn't done.

Seizing the opportunity, Kyomu pursued Madara, using his space-time abilities.


In a flash, Kyomu appeared behind the airborne Madara and delivered a powerful kick to the fourth vertebra of Madara's spine.

The impact reverberated through Madara's body, leaving him no time to deflect the force, causing him to take the full brunt of the blow.


Madara coughed up a spray of blood, the momentum of his flight abruptly halted. His body twisted in the air, and the sound of cracking bones reached Kyomu's ears.

But Kyomu's assault wasn't over.

Space-Time Barrage!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Kyomu's figure flickered around Madara's body, each strike targeting vital points with precision.

In an instant, Madara was like a ball being kicked back and forth by Kyomu, unable to touch the ground, let alone counterattack.


Grinding his teeth, Madara's chakra erupted, and using the power of the Rinnegan, a powerful repulsive force radiated from him, sweeping in all directions.


The repulsive force unleashed by Madara was even more overwhelming than Nagato's Almighty Push, spreading in every direction with Madara at its center.



A fist landed on Madara's cheek, the impact deforming the muscles on his face and forcing his mouth open, causing him to spit out blood and saliva once more.

"Space... space-time!" Madara seethed with anger. "I've only been asleep for a few years, and this boy who once wielded a sword has grown to this level."

Madara crashed to the ground, his head impacting first, burying half his body into the earth like an upside-down stake.

"Kyomu, you've proven yourself. Now, it's time for me to use my full strength!"

"You're just stubborn."

Kyomu snorted dismissively, moving in to strike Madara's face once more.

Limbo: Border Jail.

Suddenly, Kyomu's attack was halted. Caught off guard, he was struck by one of Madara's four invisible shadows, each as strong as the original, sending him flying backward.

After tumbling through the air, Kyomu skidded nearly a hundred meters before finally stabilizing.

"Bringing out your trump card already?" Kyomu muttered, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph, a trump card?" Madara climbed to his feet, sneering. "Do you even know the full extent of my power?"

Stretching his shoulders, Madara removed the damaged armor, tossing it aside, followed by his chestplate and faulds.

Cracking his neck and knuckles, Madara exhaled, feeling a sense of relief. "Much better. You've made this fight exciting, Kyomu!" He laughed maniacally, extending his arm and beckoning Kyomu. "Come on, give it your all!"

Looks like he hasn't had enough.

Kyomu thought, but didn't hesitate. If Madara still wanted to fight, Kyomu would teach him another lesson.


Kyomu disappeared again, using his space-time abilities to reappear beside Madara.

This time, Kyomu was cautious, feinting with his attack before quickly shifting his position with his space-time technique.

"Hmph, do you think that'll fool me?" Madara wasn't in a rush; Kyomu's feint didn't work.


As Kyomu feinted again and launched another attack, the invisible shadows surrounding Madara simultaneously moved to strike Kyomu.

These shadows were intangible and invisible, and without the Rinnegan, Kyomu couldn't see their exact positions.

But just because he couldn't see them didn't mean Kyomu couldn't sense them. During his Sage training at Ryūchi Cave, to quickly compensate for his weaknesses, Kyomu had leveraged the passive skill Heaven Rewards the Diligent to focus on his space-time abilities.

While space-time abilities aren't omnipotent, the derived power encompasses many space-related phenomena.

For example, spatial fluctuations.

This doesn't refer to the spatial fluctuations generated when space-time abilities are activated, but rather the subtle spatial ripples caused by any moving object within the normal space.

And Kyomu could use his space-time abilities to detect these subtle spatial fluctuations, accurately identifying what was causing them.

In essence, as long as Kyomu was willing to expend the energy, he could perceive any object within the Shinobi World's space as long as it was within his range.

"Space Perception Technique" was the name Kyomu gave this ability, and it was perfect for the current situation.

To Madara's furious surprise, Kyomu closed his eyes, chakra surging through his body as Wind, Yin, and Lightning chakras fused rapidly. The power of his space-time abilities flowed through his meridians, quickly spreading into the surrounding space.


An invisible energy wave, like an ultrasound, rapidly spread through the space, bouncing back real-time information about every movement within the surrounding space, transmitting it directly into Kyomu's mind.

With his eyes closed, Kyomu had given up his sight, but his awareness of his surroundings had not diminished—in fact, it had increased.

The only drawback was that the images Kyomu "saw" using his Space Perception Technique were in black and white, lacking any color.

However, Kyomu could see Madara's four shadows with perfect clarity, down to the finest detail.

Madara, unaware of this, was enraged by Kyomu's apparent recklessness. To him, it seemed as if Kyomu, having suffered under his attack, was giving up by closing his eyes.

"Is he waiting to die?!"

"Then I'll grant his wish!"

Madara clasped his hands together, his chakra surging as his purple Rinnegan flared. The sky suddenly darkened.

Tengai Shinsei!

A massive meteorite began descending from the sky, the sheer size of it blotting out the sun, creating a doomsday-like scene.

"Kyomu, take this grand funeral I've prepared for you! Consider it an honor because…" Madara's face twisted with madness, "…the one who kills you is me! Uchiha Madara!"

As Madara's triumphant declaration echoed, the meteorite, accelerated by gravity, began to glow red as it heated up from the friction with the atmosphere, drawing ever closer to Kyomu.

At the same time, after enduring Kyomu's relentless assault, Madara had devised a way to counter Kyomu's space-time abilities.

The four shadows created by Limbo: Border Jail surrounded Kyomu, maintaining a distance of about seven to eight meters. They extended their hands and infused the surrounding space with their Yin-Yang Release chakra, reinforcing it to an extreme degree, temporarily restricting Kyomu's space-time abilities.

However, this technique was not without flaws, similar to the space-time sealing techniques used by the combined efforts of the Cloud ninja during the Fourth Shinobi World War. The main weakness was that the individuals maintaining the technique could be easily disrupted, and if Kyomu chose to forcefully break through the reinforced space, he could do so.

While Madara had hidden the most obvious flaw by using his four invisible shadows, the Space Perception Technique allowed Kyomu to see through it all.


Kyomu looked up at the falling meteorite. Instead of immediately destroying the four shadows and breaking the spatial restriction Madara had placed on him, he decided to face the challenge head-on.

A mere large rock, enhanced by gravity's acceleration, wasn't something Kyomu needed to evade.

He relished the thought of a direct confrontation!

Bringing his fingers together like a sword, Kyomu's body began to glow with intense purple lightning, which suddenly disappeared, concentrating into a sharp point between his fingers.

"Madara, you're underestimating me." Kyomu said calmly, looking off into the distance. "Just a big rock? That's what you consider a grand funeral for me?"

Pointing his fingers toward the sky, a beam of light as thick as an arm shot upward, piercing through the meteorite in an instant and shattering it from the center.

The meteorite, now broken into countless pieces, disintegrated under the force of Kyomu's attack.

With the meteorite destroyed, Kyomu lowered his arm and aimed it at the distant Madara. "Since you've sent a gift, I should return the favor. If you can't handle this, you might end up dead!"

(End of Chapter)