
Naruto: Mekka Junrei

He crosses to the world of Naruto on the year 38 since the foundation of Konoha Starting as a war orphan, relying on familiarity with future trends and sophisticated calculations, step by step becomes the strongest in the Ninja world. Im only the translator NO RELATIONSHIPS Finished Novel

angel_bastudas · Cómic
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68 Chs


There are many recognizable people in Junrei's class.

Kakashi Hatake, Kurenai Yuhi, Asuma Sarutobi,Obito Uchiha, Rin Nohara, etc...

With so many young geniuses under the same roof, even the Hokage's son was placed in this class. It's not hard for him to imagine that he must have been assigned to the so-called Elite class. It seems that it's very beneficial to show his talent when he was on the entrance examination, at least he won't be treated as an ordinary ninja.

After entering the Academy, Junrei had also started formal ninja training, which made him start to care more about how to refine Chakra.

Fortunately, Chakra was know as the foundation of all Ninjutsu. In the first week of school, his assigned teacher taught him the refinement method.

Junrei had fallen a long way behind the starting line compared to some of his classmates who were already in contact with Chakra and there was even some who had begun mastering Jutsu's like Kakashi, Obito and the others. So now catching up to this gap will require even more effort from him.

In his previous life, Junrei was never a hardworking person, but he did belong to the group of people with a good brain and funtional limbs.

However, in this life he came to the years of war on the Shinobi World, and also took the decision to become a ninja. Junrei can only constantly motivate himself to train hard to prevent him from falling even more behind others.

Junrei even set up some enemies on his imagination for himself. Whenever he wants to be lazy, he'll imagine that his strength is not enough in the close future, and he will be disposed by those powerful ninja with not even a chance to resist.

"I don't talk to people, and I often dream of being killed". This kind of life is extremely depressing. Fortunately, Junrei was already accustomed to this loneliness.

Chakra is an energy generated by the combination of spiritual energy and physical energy, and is the basis for Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu.

According to Madara Uchiha, the God Tree is the founder of Heaven and Earth, and all the Chakra in the Shinobi World is derived from it's previous existence.

There are three types of Chakra. First, physical energy absorbed one by one from the 3 trillion cells in the human body; second, spiritual energy that has undergone training and accumulated itself after experiencing exercise; third, if someone trains Senjutsu, he can ingest Natural Energy from nature.

As a war orphan without any Kekkei Genkai, training Senjutsu has become the best way for him to improve his strengh.

In the original anime, around the whole Shinobi World, one can train Senjutsu in the 3 Legendary Sage Regions, Mount Myōboku, Ryuchi Cave, and Shikkotsu Forest. It's just that in the full Naruto series, not a single successful case of becoming a Sage appeared in Shikkotsu Forest, so for the sake of insurance, he decided to only focus on Mount Myōboku and Ryuchi Cave.

Among Jiraiya and Orochimaru, if he chooses to acknowledge one as a master, Jiraiya is of course the first choice. Orochimaru's mind is unpredictable, researching Forbidden Jutsu is dangerous, and following his is just too risky.

It's just that this decision is not really in the hands of Junrei, whether Jiraiya or Orochimaru, neither will notice a war orphan at this moment.

What he can do now is show more talent, and aim to even surpass Kakashi's talents in the eyes of others, to attract the attention of these experts.

In this transmigration, his original soul crossed over to the Shinobi World, so the most outstanding feat of Junrei at present was his spiritual energy.

A four year old child with the experience of an adult in his 20s, and his level of spiritual energy is extremely powerful.

Perhaps because of his powerful spiritual energy, Refining Chakra was fast, and it was refined almost on the same day that his teacher taught him the method.

And hei also finds that is very easy to control Chakra. Although he has few a small Chakra pool at present, this doesn't prevent him from trying to find out how much talent he actually has.

Remembering the events of the original anime, Sakura had very fine control of Chakra, and even inherited the legacy of Tsunade, relying on her extremely good control and medical talent.

Before Tsunade, Sakura was just a ninja without much talent. But after acknowledging Tsunade as her master, Sakura's strength advanced by leaps and bounds, and she could even be ranked as one of the top in the Konoha Eleven.

Sakura achieved this. In addition to inheriting Tsunade's Legacy, an even more important reason is that she has a dual personality, or a second soul per say.

Shizune followed Tsunade for many years, and she couldn't compare with Sakura after just 3 years of training. From this we can see how powerful spiritual energy is and how much it can help a ninja grow.

Junrei itself has a soul in its 20s, and his soul of this life is slowly growing. He believes that over time, his spiritual energy will be even more powerful.

If he can make good use of this spiritual energy, he may have great achievements in the future.

Feeling the Chakra running in his Chakra Network, he feel full of strength. This is the ensurance for him to hold on to his life, and the capital to survive in the cruel Shinobi World.

Discovering his talent made him suddenly several times more confident. But Junrei is also not someone to blindly rely and get arrogant out of nowhere, so he decided to forget about it. It's a smart move to know himself in a clear way. He knows that he's just taking a small step now, and there is still a long way to go in the future.

Each ninja on Naruto World has its own training method, and Junrei had started to prepare a training plan for himself.

The first is to insist on running daily to further improve his physical strength, frog jumping, skipping rope, push-ups, wooden pile, sit-ups, these simple methods of physical training, he has always been practicing.

Extracting Chakra needs to become a daily compulsory task too.

Apart from this, he also started practicing shuriken and kunai throwing.

Maybe in high level battles, shuriken and kunai don't play much of a role, but during his time as a Genin, they are bery much magic weapons for victory.

Sleeping is a happy moment for him now. Every time he sleep, Junrei sleeps very well, but the sleep time is short and pathetic.

Academy knowledge is also important to Junrei, after all is the only place where he can become a ninja. The daily basic training is even more important, so he now only sleeps about 5 hours a day, and the rest of the time is basically training and practice.

He never thought that he could even work so hard. Every day he's sweating like rain, and he can't help but grin, if he worked so hard in his previous-life ,maybe he would have had some achievements to his name.

But everything in his previous life is now just a thing of the past, and what he can do now is work hard to survive in this world.

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