
Chapter 15 Stars

Pain. Right now that was the only thing on Naruto's mind. The red lines on his neck tore open. They were gills. Opening and closing in tune with Naruto's breathing. His muscles tore and rearranged themselves over and over again. It had been a week and still the pain never faltered. It would fade, but never leave. Sharp teeth filed to a point grew from his gums. They interlocked with one another after closing. After a while the pain looked like it would let up.

Naruto sat on the ground of his apartment. Scratching his bed with claws. Pain rippled through his body focused on his upper back. Finally the pain stopped once more. As the sun rose the pain left. It was as if the pain was intelligent only coming at night and leaving at dawn. The Physical Transformation was hard to maintain. Day by day Naruto found Chakra harder and harder to mold. Thankfully the Jutsu from the Necronomicon were easier to cast than any others. The control exercise massaging the joints allowed Naruto to have the pain fade quicker but they to were becoming harder to use.

It would not be long until the Physical Transformation would be useless. Once that happened then going anywhere would be difficult. So Naruto waited for the dreaded day that casting it was impossible. It was coming slowly. Summoning was completely unaffected why, I do not know. Xel was a godsend. He may have known and planed for this, and kept it secret like a bastard, but even he knew of the benefits of secrecy. He was able to muffle the screams that escaped Naruto as the changes happened using rituals taken from copies of the Necronomicon. During the night he would sneak off to a nearby hospital and grab several dozen doses of morphine to help keep Naruto's mind from faltering from pain. It was surprising that a Deep One could sneak past Ninja disguised as a fisherman. Oh the irony.

The next night Naruto's arms went limp. the confused with pain and in that pain Naruto let out an agonizing squeal. His arms were violently ripped in two. From between the middle and ring finger to the shoulder. Looking on as the two pices healed into thin arms. The pain still did not end.

Nine tumors grew from Naruto's back four on the left side of his back four on the right and one in the center. During the day they would move as if something was inside them waiting to come out. The sun rose. Naruto inspected his four arms. They were unnaturally long and thin, though the hands seemed normal. It was as if the hands were to big for the arms attached, but only by a little. They split from the socket, emerging slightly under the armpit.

"How much longer", asks Naruto as he stares at his new set of arms.

"Two weeks", says Xel.

Naruto lays on the bed to tired and broken to move.

"I think I'll just get some sleep", says Naruto weakly.

It had been two weeks .

"You have class today", says Xel.

Naruto turns his eyes to Xel, in to much pain to move his head.

"I can barely move", says Naruto.

"What will you do", asks Xel.

"I have just enough chakra to make one Shadow Clone, I promised I'd only use it after graduation or during an emergency. I think this qualifies as an emergency", says Naruto.

Naruto uses all his remaining strength to bring his hands into the seal.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu", says Naruto weakly.

Naruto looks at the clone. It looks Normal. However something was missing.

"He needs the Eyes of Azathoth". says Naruto.

The clone transforms his blue eyes into the black and yellow eyes of Azathoth.

"The clone will not last long enough my lord, maybe two days at the most", says Xel.

"It will buy me time to come up with a plan", says Naruto.

Xel nods. lifting a syringe in his webbed hands he injects Morphine into Naruto. The pain would leave if only for a moment, but it was never enough for Naruto to fall to sleep.

"There is something you can do", says Xel.

Naruto coughs blood spilling from his mouth and gills.


"Speed up the process", says Xel.

Naruto looks at Xel.

"How", asks Naruto.

"It will not be easy, but I can help", says Xel.

Xel puts his hand on Naruto's head. A sharp pain explodes in the back of Naruto's mind and the world goes black. Naruto awakens in a massive library surrounded by books and strange symbols.

"So this is your mindscape, I have to say my lord the Library design suits you", says a familiar voice behind Naruto.

"Xel how did you get here", asks Naruto.

"Tactile telepathy", says Xel.

"Ok Why didn't we do this sooner if it shortens the transformation", asks Naruto.

"I had to wait until your psionic powers grew strong enough, and I did not want to get your hopes up should you have perished my lord", says Xel.

Naruto nods. He notes he only has two arms and is in no pain.

"Why do I look human in here", asks Naruto.

"That will be answered later, for now let us explore. Take me to the fox", says Xel.

Naruto nods. He leads Xel through the library to the large spiraling staircase. They enter the arena. Walking to the cage they look as eyes open.

"Naruto I see you have returned. Tell me who is your friend", asks Kurama.

"This is Xel, he is one of my summons. He's a Deep One", says Naruto.

Kurama's eyes focus on Xel.

"Deep One, never heard of such a thing, but I will take your word on it. Tell me Xel, why are you here", asks Kurama.

"It is a pleasure to meet with you fox, I am here for a simple reason. My lord and your vessel id dying", says Xel.

"What a shame. There goes my entertainment", says Kurama.

"Thanks Kurama, I feel much better with that", says Naruto.

"Mortals die Naruto, though rarely so young. Oh well since death is upon you, why not letting me out. I could use a stretch", says Kurama.

"Funny Kurama really funny", says Naruto.

Kurama snorts.

"Worth a shot, don't worry I've died before. It's not that bad", says Kurama.

"As entertaining as this conversation is that is not why we are here", says Xel.

"Entertaining! But-I. I hate you both so much right now", says Naruto.

"Anyway, fox I have studied the seal extensively if Naruto dies so do you, permanently", says Xel.

The fox stares at Xel wide eyed for a moment.

"What", says the fox with slight fear in it's voice.

"It seems as if the seal is essentially a life line. As Naruto ages you two will become one. It will take many decades, but it will happen. Already you are both close enough that is Naruto dies. So do you", says Xel.

Kurama looks at Naruto then back to Xel.

"Save the child now", screams Kurama.

"Oh, now it's serious when it's your life on the line. Great, just great", says Naruto.

"In any event, we need your help. While during the Metamorphosis Naruto cannot use chakra, he will still heal. That is the only reason he still lives. It also appears as if your presence is altering the process", says Xel.

"Metamorphosis, what the hell has he been doing out there", asks Kurama.

"Long story short, book of the gods, summoning contract from hell, turning into a monster, painfully if I may add, and everyone is an asshole in the face of my death", says Naruto.

"That actually explains a lot", says Kurama.

"Good now we are all on the same page, so Xel says he can speed up the process. I want to know how", asks Naruto.

Xel looks to Naruto.

"Did you wonder why you appear human in your mind, it is because the powers you are getting is not yours. They belong to something else. It is a physical representation of your growing powers. It lives here, in your mindscape. If we can find it and gain an audience with it, we can ask it to speed the process", says Xel.

"There's another Demon in here, it's starting to get crowded in your head Naruto", says Kurama.

"Demon may not be the right word. it is essentially a physical representation of Naruto's growing powers. An avatar of sorts, may be the right word", says Xel.

"Ok, so why do we need Kurama", asks Naruto.

"Kurama is in many ways apart of you, he is going to be part of this as well", says Xel.

"I'm stuck in a cage, how do you expect me to help", asks Kurama.

"That is why I am here. I am not apart of this. I will allow your mind to use my form in this mindscape, if the talks go nowhere, you may need to fight the Avatar, but I doubt it. It will simply request that you do it a task. If you accept the process will be not well I would prefer if you were at full power, but releasing the seal now at this stage will only do more harm than good", says Xel.

"You mean I get to walk from this cage once more. As a fish", screams Kurama.

"It is our only choice", says Xel.

Kurama shakes his head.

"Very well, lets get this over with", says Kurama.

Xel falls to the ground. He begins to glow a bright red color as he gets back up. He turns to Naruto.

"If you say anything about this I swear on my life you will not live to see Genin", says Kurama in Xels Body.

"Kurama I would not dream of such a thing", says Naruto smiling.

"Ok now where is this avatar", asks Kurama.

"I do not know", says Naruto.

"You know Naruto I think I hate you", says Kurama.

"Right now the feelings mutual", says Naruto.

They ascend the spiral staircase to the library.

"A library, how very boring", says Kurama.

"Better than the sewer", says Naruto.

"Well of course your mind would go right to the gutter", says Kurama.

"Not funny Kurama, not funny", says Naruto.

They inspect the library searching the seemingly infinite shelves.

"What is it we are even looking for", asks Kurama.

"I think it would be something out of place", says Naruto.

"Do you know anything at all that is remotely useful to our current situation", asks Kurama

"I'm sorry that the thoughts of a painful agonizing death has clouded my mind Kurama, what about you, you actually live here", says Naruto.

"I'm stuck in a cage. I didn't even know of the library until just now", says Kurama.

Naruto looks at Kurama for a moment.

"And now you do, see isn't it fun walking around again fish face", says Naruto with a smile.

"Call me that again and see if I don't rip out your still beating heart and feed it to you", says Kurama.

"Feisty", says Naruto.

"Stop acting foolish, it does not suit you", says Kurama.

"I know, just trying to pass the time. I still don't know what we are looking for. I still got to kick Xels ass for all this", says Naruto.

"Hey Naruto", says Kurama.


There was no answer. Naruto looks back to Kurama/Xel who holds out a finger. Following it Naruto sees a massive floating metal polygon cage. Many smaller connecting spheres of varying color come from the cage like polygon. They move around as tendrils with the spheres fusing and splitting at random.

"What is that", asks Kurama.

"Well it's a twenty sided polygon, so that makes it an Icosahedron. One of the five platonic solids, the fused spheres seem to behave similar to tentacles. I think that's what we are looking for", says Naruto.

"How long have you had to deal with this stuff that you say it so casually", asks Kurama.

"To long", says Naruto.

The 'cage' lowers itself revealing it to be the 'body' of the 'creature'.

"My host, and the other", speaks the strange figure.

"Hi, I'm Naruto this is Kurama. We were wondering if you could speed up the metamorphosis so I can get back to my life", asks Naruto.

"I just want to get this over with and go back to my cage where things made sense", says Kurama.

"A fox wears the form of the children of Dagon, A child who's mind is strong. A request must be had, one that will forever change the world", says the figure.

"What is your request", asks Naruto.

One of the tendrils shoots forth. It envelops a one of the book cases covered in chains. Violently it rips the chains. Naruto falls to the ground memories once forgotten flood into his mind.

"We have done nothing to your body, all we have done is transfer your mind through time and space into this body. While it's original mind resides in yours for the time being"

The thoughts pour through.

"We only wish to talk Naruto, we wish to understand, and warn you".

The memories of another time, in another body. The warning.

"Your activities with the book are most interesting, especially considering you have read such words with your sanity intact. We still do not know why, which is what my colleague is doing in your body. We will not change anything we merely will attempt to understand why you seem immune".

The familiar cone shaped slugs with four appendages emerging from he point, the Yithian's.

"The Gaze of the Outer Gods and the Great Old Ones has shifted to you"

They stole me, tested my mind.

"Just one more question, I have wondered something for quite some time, there was this note in the book one side of it just had the words 'Look to the Stars' written over and over, what does that mean?"

Those are my words. Look to the Stars.

"I am afraid it means nothing good, the answer is within the Necronomicon itself, you may want to read more on the beings who now watch you, be wary but if you do this, you will understand".

The talks with the Race of Yith. How could I forget. The answer. What is the answer. The thought stop. Naruto stands up breathing heavily.

"That is my request. Look to the Stars. Do this and the Metamorphosis will hasten", says the figure.

"Once the ANBU stop tailing me, consider it done", says Naruto.

"A city will rise, and all nations shall fall", says the figure.

The world disappears in a bright light. Naruto is back to the cage with the Fox. Xel's body is nowhere to be seen.

"What does Look to the Stars even mean", asks Kurama.

"I don't know, yet. But I will find out", says Naruto.

"Whatever it is it sounds important, I suggest you make haste Naruto. There's something going on out there. And I do not like it", says Kurama.

"I know. On the bright side, things have gone back to normal. Now, I got to get out of here. I'm going to see what I look like now", says Naruto.

"See you around Naruto. Just don't forget this time", says Kurama.

Naruto nods. He closes his eyes and wakes. Hovering above him is the form of Xel.

"I see that the transformation was successful. Come my lord and gaze at your form", says Xel.

Naruto gets out of his bed. His feet now only three long toes. Purple energy emanates from his body allowing him to hover off the ground. On his back, from where the tumors once were nine long tentacles covered in the Eyes of Azathoth swung freely. Naruto holds out his four arms, a sickly purple aura of energy swirls around each hand. Naruto floats over to the bathroom. He looks in the mirror.. His form, thin and emaciated. His hair a sickly gray color stood in spikes. His ears pointed with bits of fur emerging from there tip. His teeth like a sharks teeth with multaple rows. The eyes on his cheeks now could be moved in sync with Naruto's other eyes. Thin bone like 'whiskers' emerges from Naruto's jaw. He touched one and breaks it off. immediately it regrows. Like a senbon He threw it into his wall where it embeds itself melting a small portion of the wall like acid.

"I could get used to this", says Naruto as he creates a swirling Psionic energy in his hand.

"Not now my lord, you must recall the transformation. Once in your human body, your chakra coils will be back to normal. It will take years before you can use this form willingly", says Xel.

Naruto nods. Closing his eyes his body shrinks back down to normal as he stands looking at his form, his Eyes of Azathoth still remain.

"Why don't my eyes change to", asks Naruto.

"You had them before signing the scroll. You cannot show truth so easily, but the other effects remain", says Xel.

Naruto nods his head.

"I still can't look in the Necronomicon, but I have to ask something Xel. What does look to the Stars mean", asks Naruto.

If Xel had eyelids, they would be open wide now.

"It means that the time of man is coming to its end", says Xel.

"What do you mean", asks Naruto.

"R'lyeh will rise", says Xel.