
Chapter 14 Metamorphosis

Naruto covered his mouth to stop his screaming. He knew the ANBU were outside. Luckily they didn't seem to hear him. Or care. Either way it was a good thing. Naruto bit his thumb. As he slammed it down a thick smoke clouded the Bathroom. Xel stood looking down on Naruto.

"Why do you summon me my lord", asks Xel.

"Something's happening to me", says Naruto.

His 'Whiskers open revealing the eyes underneath.

"Ahh, so it has begun", says Xel.

Naruto backs away from Xel.

"You knew this would happen"

"Yes, you signed the contract. It was only a matter of time before your metamorphosis began", says Xel.

"What metamorphosis"

Xel sits on the ground. He looks up an Naruto with his unblinking eyes focused on Naruto's face.

"The Eldritch Beast contract is not like other summoning scrolls. You may have heard of Sage Mode am I correct", asks Xel.

"Yeah, so what is this some kind of perversion of Sage Mode", asks Naruto.

"In a way yes, and no. Sage mode is attained by using Natural Energy. This will not the case for you my Lord", says Xel.

Xel lifts his arm. immediately Naruto floats upwards in the air.

"Instead of Natural energy you will use Psionic Energy", says Xel.

Xel slowly lowers Naruto to the ground.

"The problem with psionic energy is the human mind and body cannot handle its power. So the energy will mutate your body to accept it. You will be unable to use chakra for new chakra coils will grow within you causing your chakra to behave erratically", says Xel.

"You mean to tell me I will never be able to do any Jutsu again", asks Naruto frantically.

"Once the Metamorphosis is complete you will be able to return to Normal, the Eyes of Azathoth will contain the energy. You will not be able to show truth while in human form, but you can in Eldritch Mode. The thing to remember is between Sage Mode and Eldritch Mode, Sage Mode must be taught. Eldritch Mode must be forced", says Xel.

"Ok so Why am I changing now", asks Naruto.

"You have been using your eyes and tactile telepathy this kickstarted the mutation", says Xel.

"How do you know about me seeing Sasuke's thoughts", asks Naruto.

"It is a condition of Eldritch Mode that you must first perform a psionic ability, Tactile telepathy is the first to develop. Slowly your body will mutate in ways that allow you to use your power. It is gradual, but to ever use it your body must be conditioned slowly to accept the power of Psionics. That is why the metamorphosis happens. Once complete if you survive the transformation you may turn at will", says Xel.

"If I survive"

"Make no mistakes my lord, the process will be both painful and deadly. It will take one month before you are done with the process", says Xel.

"How could this happen, why didn't you tell me about this", asks Naruto.

"You did not honestly believe I would refer to a simple human as lord did you. You are gaining powers of our gods. That is why I called you lord. If the metamorphosis did not happen, I would kill you", says Xel.

Naruto sits on the ground breathing heavy.

"Kill me", repeats Naruto.

"If you did not transform all your summons would turn on you. Power has a price my lord, remember that. I told you once before I am not your friend. No summon is your friend, we are servants for those greater than us, and only now is that coming true", says Xel.

Naruto shakes his head.

"A month huh", Naruto asks sounding dead.

"Yes, I do not know what all the mutations will be, but I do know one. Show me your wrists", says Xel.

Not even looking up Naruto raises his hands to Xel. He takes his claws and slits each one.

"What the hell", screams Naruto.

"Look", says Xel.

Naruto looks at his wrists. No blood comes out. Instead two foot long tentacles emerge from each of his wrists. They are tipped with sharp bone.

"What is it", asks Naruto.

"They are the Blood drinker Tendrils. Your body is not as strong as a Great Old One, it never will be, but your body is attempting to do so it will fail but you will benefit from it. These tendrils drink blood. They give you power by doing so. Once the transformation is complete I do not recommend you using Eldritch Mode for a while, your body will still get used to it using it to early will undoubtably kill you. After a while you may train to use it at will", says Xel.

"So I have to go through this and not even be able to use it. How long will it take before I can use it at will", asks Naruto.

"At least five years", says Xel.

The Tendrils retract Back into Naruto's wrist.

"Ok Xel, thanks. If I survive this. Remind me to kick your ass", says Naruto as he stares at the floor.

"Thy will be done, my lord", says Xel as he disappears.

Naruto closes the eyes on his cheeks. He stands up and goes to bed. On his way there he hears a knock at the door. Naruto walks up to it and sees the last person he expected.

"Ummm, Hi Sakura", says Naruto.

Sakura's glares hateful eyes at Naruto.

"What did you do to Sasuke-kun", she asks as calm as she can.

"I'm sorry", says Naruto surprised.

"I was watching you talk to him, he left shaking like he seen a ghost", says Sakura.

Naruto raises an eyebrow.

"Where were you when you saw this. I didn't see anyone hiding", says Naruto.

"That's not important", says Sakura.

"I think it is", says Naruto.

Sakura suddenly blushes.

"I may have seen something while looking through my binoculars", says Sakura.

"Ok, so stalker got it alright I helped Sasuke activate his Sharringan", says Naruto.

Sakura flinched at the stalker comment before she hears the rest of the sentence.

"Wait, that's all you. wait how", asks Sakura.

Naruto sighs.

"I knew Sasuke wouldn't say anything but I guess if you saw that you might as well come in, it may take a while to explain", says Naruto.

Sakura hesitates but her curiosity gets the best of her. She walks inside the small apartment. She looks around for a moment before sitting at a table.

"Would you like something to drink", asks Naruto.

"No thank you", says Sakura.

Naruto nods before sitting at the table.

"Ok, I recently learned of another thing my eyes can do. If you promise not to tell anyone I will share it with you", says Naruto.

"Ok, fine I promise", says Sakura.

"You already Know the Eyes of Azathoth basically let me see truth right", says Naruto.

Sakura nods.

"It turns out they can show people things, horrible things. They range from things that cause fear to insanity. Sasuke was not in the best of spirits so I thought I would help him out. I told him the dangers but he agreed. I showed him something meant to inspire fear, real fear. That fear triggered his Sharringan. He will be a bit jumpy for a while, but he'll be fine", says Naruto.

"What did you show him", asks Sakura.

"I can't say, it was something that for a lesser mind would have left someone irreversibly insane. I would show you, but I don't think your mind could handle it. Sasuke had a lot happen to him enough that I had faith it would work the way I intended", says Naruto.

"Ok, if you say so. Umm Sorry for barging in", says Sakura.

"Not at all, I seldom get visitors", says Naruto.

Sakura gets up to leave as she does her eyes focus on a picture on the wall. Sakura takes a step closer to the picture. Her face turns to shock. She turns to Naruto, then back to the Picture. Then back to Naruto. Naruto looks up before going wide eyed.

"You're the son of the...", she gets as far as that before Naruto jumps up and covers her mouth.

"Shhhh. Crap, I forgot I left that up", says Naruto.

He looks back to Sakura.

"Ok listen to me, I'm going to take my hand away from your face. Do not scream the rest of that sentence", says Naruto.

Sakura nods. Naruto slowly takes his hand away from her. Her face an emotionless mask.

"Sakura are you ok", asks Naruto.

She says nothing. Naruto waves his hand in front of her face.

"Sakura, hello anyone there", asks Naruto.

She falls to the ground. Naruto looks at her as she lays there.

"I do not need this right now. Any other time when I wasn't mutating into some wierd psycic monster, but right now. The Universe hates me. Plain and simple, it hates my guts", says Naruto to himself.

He goes to his cupboards. Reaching in he pulls out a small thin packet. He opens it. He places the packet under Sakura's nose. Her eyes shoot open.

"What just happened", asks Sakura.

"You fainted, I grabbed some smelling salts to wake you up", says Naruto.

Sakura clenches her head. She looked up at Naruto.

"So you now know one of my secrets. Only a handful of people know who my parents are. The Hokage, Clan Heads, a few ANBU, and the Council. Now, you can add that to the list of things not to tell anyone ever got it", says Naruto.

"But, you're the son of the Fourth Hokage, the man who saved the village from the Nine Tailed Fox, why would you hide that. I didn't even know he had a son", asks Sakura.

"Well, first of all I didn't find out until I was seven. Second, my father was not exactly popular in some of the other countries. Some People are going to want revenge, and with him dead I'm the next best thing", says Naruto.

Sakura gulped.

"Ok, I won't tell anyone I promise", says Sakura.

"Good, now I think you should get off the floor", says Naruto.

Sakura looks down before quickly jumping up.

"Ok, now you were never here got it", says Naruto.

Sakura nods.

"Good, now you should get home", says Naruto.

"Yeah. Right. Home", says Sakura.

She walks to the door. She turns around.

"Sorry again for. Umm, Sorry", says Sakura.

Naruto waves her off.

"Don't worry about it. Look I got some stuff to do, Just act normal at the academy and we will call it even, got it", asks Naruto.

"Sure, got it", says Sakura.

She gives him a bow before walking off. Naruto shuts the door.

"Well great she bows now, I swear if she calls me Naruto-sama I'm going to drop a Shoggoth on her house", says Naruto as he walks to his bed.

As Naruto lays in his bed. He goes through more pain than any of Anko's or Guys trainings. The feeling of dipping he had been dipped in acid. His shoulders begin to contort unconformably as his body grows new appendages. His screams of pains are muted by a swelling throat. He cannot move, only feel as his bones stretch, twist, and break under there own accord. As the pain slowly fades he notes the pain in his neck is gone. He puts his hand to his neck. He feels slits. He walks to the bathroom. On his neck several parallel thin red lines on both sides of his neck. His skin a sickly gray. His other eyes open. He looks as the stains of the black tears trail from each of his eight eyes. He turns away from the reflection before going back to his bed.

The next day at the academy passes, using his Physical Transformation Naruto is able to hide his appearance. He notes that Sakura and Ino fight over who sits next to Sasuke. Naruto lets out a calming breath thankful Sakura is not acting any differently. Naruto periodically leaves the class to turn back to normal and regain his chakra. It was looking to be a long and hectic month.