
Naruto: knowledge Apostle

Michael was a man who loved the world of Naruto specifically the power system he knew there were other and maybe better ones but for some odd reason he just loved Naruto's power system he studied Jutsus, jujutsu, Juinjutsus, Ninjutsu, and more Ninjutsu, Genjutsu He wished there was a real possibility of learning them for real until something amazing happened.

MorbidCuriosity · Cómic
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14 Chs


(Narrator Pov)

The anbu watching Arashi train was in awe. Tanuki, 'Is lord third crazy This kid seems to have problems with his brain'Tanuki said inwardly while hiding. They witnessed Arashi seemingly training by himself like a lunatic screaming about his sensei.

Tanuki watched Arashi for the whole week he was training Senju taijutsu. When Arashi ended the week prepared to do some mission Tanuki appeared Behind Arashi "You had been called to the Hokage's office". Arashi turned around prepared for a battle he was caught off guard oh "It's just Anbu". This showed that Arashis reaction speed was good.

-Hokages office-

(Arashi Pov)

Arashi entered Hiruzen's office and saluted, saying, "Yes, Lord Third." Hiruzen greeted him with a smile and began, "Arashi, I have a mission for you. We've been facing constant bandit attacks on our trade routes from the Rice Field Country. These culprits always manage to evade capture before reinforcements can arrive. Reports indicate that a group of six individuals is responsible for these incidents. Your task is to eliminate this threat." "This is a B-rank mission, You will be going up against Mako-Mako He is a Chnin-level threat and the head of this group he is known to be the strongest out of this bunch he specializes in lightning release his group of bandits should be comprised of mostly genin but could have more chnin within in it".

"Nothing is known about his background other than him might being from the Land of Lightning". "He has a 500,000 Ryo bounty Goodluck" Hirzen said.

He went on to introduce Arashi's teammates for the mission, Raido Namiashi and Anko Mitarahi. Just as Hiruzen mentioned them, both Aoba and Raido entered the room. Arashi carefully observed both of them.

Raido possesses a distinct appearance that immediately sets him apart. His short hair is spiky and of a light gray shade, often appearing messy and contributing to his relaxed and casual aura. His deep brown eyes reflect a calm and observant nature. Raido's facial features are relatively ordinary, yet his expression consistently carries an air of seriousness.

Anko Mitarshi, Her vibrant purple hair, slightly messy and falling just above her shoulders, catches attention immediately. Her large, mischievous eyes reflect a sense of daring and unpredictability. She wears a unique ensemble: a dark purple mesh shirt that exposes her arms and torso, combined with a tan overcoat featuring flame-like patterns at the hem. A black belt with a tool pouch and a forehead protector tied like a bandana complete her ninja attire.

Hiruzen then declared, "You will depart in three days. Use this time to get accustomed to each other and develop teamwork." Each team member responded in unison, "Yes, Lord Third."

In an effort to become better acquainted, they decided to convene at Training Ground 5. Introductions began: "I'm Anko Mitarashi. My affinity is water, and I specialize in fuinjutsu basics. Additionally, I can summon snakes and have proficiency with kunai."

Raido followed, adopting a serious demeanor as he spoke. "I excel in wind manipulation and am also a sensor. Genjutsu is a strong suit of mine, and I am well-versed in kunai usage." The trio acknowledged the fact that their team arrangement might be temporary, limiting the extent of their familiarity.

Anko then proposed the idea of a spar to assess each other's capabilities. Her gaze settled on Arashi as she playfully suggested, "I want you." Raido's response carried a tinge of annoyance as he remarked, "You always do this." Anko responded teasingly, "Do what?" Their exchange was filled with a sense of shared history.

Arashi picked up a stone, announcing that the spar would commence when the stone hit the ground. As the stone landed, Anko quickly performed hand seals and unleashed a barrage of water bullets towards Arashi. Reacting swiftly, he drew his saber and closed in on Anko. The situation shifted as Anko employed the Water Clone Jutsu, creating two duplicates to engage Arashi from various angles.

Despite the numerical advantage, Arashi's training with Sakumo was anything but mere spectacle. Without needing to resort to his saber, Arashi confronted the clones. Anko's surprise was palpable when one of the clones transformed into snakes. However, Arashi evaded through body flickering. Initiating hand seals, he summoned fire chakra, launching a fireball toward Anko. Her evasion skills were evident as she dodged the attack. Arashi capitalised on this, closing the distance and initiating close combat. Though Arashi initially held back, he soon exploited an opening, catching Anko off guard with a punch followed by a well-timed kick, effectively concluding the match.

Throughout the exchange, Raido intently observed, devising potential strategies. He contemplated the synergy between his wind manipulation and Arashi's fire chakra. As the spar concluded, Raido proposed trying a combination jutsu with Arashi. 'My Genjutsu could be important if I use it in tandem with Arashi's skills, it could be good we could also perform a combination technique with my wind and his fireball my great breakthrough was pretty good'.

Over the following three days, Raido's plan came to fruition. The team's synergy improved remarkably as they collaborated on combinations involving snakes, fire, wind, and more. Although they had initially started with minimal teamwork, the span of time allowed them to transition from disjointed cooperation to a considerably coordinated unit. After all, they were all chunin, well beyond the novice stage.

[A/N:I accidentally put Aoba instead of Raido it's fixed]