
Naruto: knowledge Apostle

Michael was a man who loved the world of Naruto specifically the power system he knew there were other and maybe better ones but for some odd reason he just loved Naruto's power system he studied Jutsus, jujutsu, Juinjutsus, Ninjutsu, and more Ninjutsu, Genjutsu He wished there was a real possibility of learning them for real until something amazing happened.

MorbidCuriosity · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Rice field country

We decided that for this mission Raido would team leader. We swiftly left the leaf village and headed towards the land of rice paddies. We wanted to talk to the daimyo of rice country. We made it to rice country in 1 day. We could see the entrance we were coming up on. Anko looked toward Raido and said, "It seems they are more vigilant those bandits might have done a number on them". Raido nodded "Yeah we might get stopped here be prepared". Arashi hearing their conversation was prepared to get stopped. They made it to the entrance.

(Raido Pov)

Once we made it to the entrance what I expected happened a guard who was extremely vigilant looked toward them, "Halt" the unnamed guard said tensely. I raised my hand which was an order for my team to stop. "What is the problem we are a squad sent by the leaf village" Raido with all seriousness spoke. The guard looked at me and said "Oh we are expecting you sorry we have been on guard lately due to well you know". Raido nodded "Yeah I know".

We were escorted in and the scenery was expected vast stretches of rice paddies that pain the landscape with shades of lush green during the growing seasons, fields neatly arranged in geometrical patterns. The gentle rustling of rice stalks created a soothing noise in the bustling streets filled with rice-related foods and vendors selling wares.

We were escorted to the rice leader's office. Before we could even walk in we heard arguing about "why do we even need the hidden leaf's help Why even send for help That's just wasting money" a gruff man's voice spoke, "someone retorted well the war is coming to an end and I want to establish a relationship with the leaf". But why? the first voice we heard said before we walked in. The Guard introduced us "These are the leaf shinobi" before promptly walking out.

'We got a view of the people in her arguing it was two men, one looked old with a long gray beard that matched his face he was very average looking with a long coat on and was sitting in the chair I assume that's the rice daimyo'. 

'The other looked fairly younger the assumed daimyo had a stubble black hair and an average face'. I whispered into Anko's ear, "I want you to get some information on the situation of the village as of now", Anko nodded and remained silent. The rice daimyo greeted, "Im I'm Fubaki Shida the leader of the land of rice", 'I was right about him being the daimyo'. I looked into the obviously angry man who objected to his being here he looked towards and I could feel malicious intent before he walked past us and exited the office The daimyo quickly spoke "That's Yokuda Banashi, my council member".

Exiting the daimyo's office, we soon put Anko's transformation ability to use as she turned into a civilian-looking woman and embarked on gathering crucial information. Arashi and I bided our time, waiting for her return with the gathered intel. Upon her eventual comeback, she relayed the details of the situation, describing two factions with differing aspirations for the rice country: one aimed to establish relations with the Leaf Village, while the other sought self-sufficiency, even attempting to form their own shinobi force.

Quickly connecting the dots, I voiced my thoughts, "Considering that Fubaki and Yokuda are the two figures of power in this scenario, their tensions could indicate that Yokuda might be involved in the emergence of Mako-Mako."

Arashi concurred with a determined nod, "I agree. Following Yokuda's movements might reveal something substantial."

Turning to Raido, Arashi asked for his input, "What do you think, Raido?"

Raido nodded in agreement, sharing his assessment, "It's a plausible theory. Yokuda seems like a prime suspect."

Acting on our suspicions, we commenced tailing Yokuda covertly. As expected, our surveillance led us to a meeting between Yokuda and an unidentified individual with suspicious motives. The bandit attacks ceased for the next three days, aligning with our anticipation. 'Yokuda must have told who I assume is Mako-Mako to back off but well sooner or later catch him.'

Executing our strategy, we approached the Rice Daimyo to fabricate a departure narrative. Pretending that we were being summoned back to our village, we ensured that the daimyo was well-prepared for the imminent events.

Our ruse proved effective when, on the very night of our departure, Mako-Mako resurfaced. In the ensuing confrontation, Raido sensed that there were two chunin and four genin on the opposing side. Amid the confrontation, Mako-Mako's derisive laughter echoed through the air, belittling us as "stupid leaf nin." He was a middle-aged man with brown hair and a clean-shaven face, while his underlings proved to be little more than cannon fodder. 'They thought they would have an easy time but they didn't know what was coming.'

Just as Mako-Mako and his subordinates were on the brink of attacking the guards, we took action. Raido initiated the element of surprise, deftly swapping our positions with the guards.

(Arashi Pov)

Raido heeded my request and left Mako-Mako to me while he engaged the other chunin adversary. My attention shifted to Mako-Mako, who exuded arrogance even in the face of a Leaf ninja. His taunt echoed, asserting that even my affiliation with the Leaf would not save me from his wrath. As he lunged towards me with a kunai in hand, I steadied my saber, fully prepared for the encounter.

His larger stature seemed to fuel his confidence, believing that he held the upper hand. Swiftly, I deflected his initial strike and seamlessly countered with a slashing motion aimed at his neck. While he managed to evade the lethal blow, our separation marked a moment of realization for him. Mako-Mako admitted, "I underestimated you."

In an attempt to gain the upper hand, he performed a series of hand seals, summoning two lightning clones. The trio of them charged at me, but I swiftly executed the Gale Palm jutsu, creating a powerful gust that scattered foliage and debris. Seizing the opportunity, I summoned five clones to assist me. The Gale Palm's force struck one of the clones, causing it to detonate and engulf the area in lightning, scorching the ground.

Meanwhile, my remaining two clones distracted the other lightning clone. Together, with my three clones, we moved in unison towards Mako-Mako. Employing a synchronized saber dance, our blades intertwined, and the dance culminated in a swift, fatal strike that severed Mako-Mako's head from his shoulders. I used a water gun to dispatch the lightning clones. Mako-Mako couldn't tell the difference between me and the clones in the heat of the battle I was constantly pressing him and intertwining into a saber dance with the clones confused him which let me swiftly k*ll him.

With Mako-Mako dispatched, I turned my focus to the genin adversaries. Swiftly neutralizing them, I rejoined Raido and Anko to aid them against the remaining chunin opponent. Once the battle concluded, we secured Mako-Mako's severed head as proof and claimed the bounty for our success.

With the mission completed, we made our triumphant return to the Hidden Leaf Village, ready to report our accomplishments and bring an end to the bandit attacks on the trade routes. Yokda was promptly taken care of by the rice daimyo as well.