
Naruto: knowledge Apostle

Michael was a man who loved the world of Naruto specifically the power system he knew there were other and maybe better ones but for some odd reason he just loved Naruto's power system he studied Jutsus, jujutsu, Juinjutsus, Ninjutsu, and more Ninjutsu, Genjutsu He wished there was a real possibility of learning them for real until something amazing happened.

MorbidCuriosity · Cómic
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14 Chs


(Arashi POV)

I arrived in the village and headed straight to my apartment. Yes, I had an apartment. I've been on the battlefield for the past month, so I haven't been here in a while. I quickly ate, gathered some essentials, and promptly made my way to confirm my thoughts. Arriving at training ground 5, my gaze took in the expanse of the area with its wooden training dummies and abundant trees—a serene location nestled in nature.

I pulled something out of my pocket—a chakra testing paper. I'd previously determined my chakra nature, but considering the changes to my bloodline, I wondered if something had shifted. In my earlier test, I had exhibited an affinity for Earth. "Now let's see here," I mumbled, my interest piqued.

Recalling the transformations associated with each chakra affinity, I began the test:

Fire Affinity: The paper would combust or burn with applied chakra.

Wind Affinity: The paper would tear or cut apart.

Lightning Affinity: The paper would wrinkle or display an electric pattern.

Earth Affinity: The paper would crumble or dissolve.

Water Affinity: The paper would become wet or turn into a liquid.

I held the paper in my palm and channeled chakra into it. The paper crumbled at first, disappointing me. But then, the other side became wet. My theory was right—I had gained a new nature. Now I possessed water and earth natures, a significant boon.

Filled with excitement, I decided to start training immediately. My plan was to work on enhancing my physical abilities and expanding my chakra reserves. Although my Senju constitution had improved my condition, I was still a Chunin with the strength of a genin. I began with a simple chakra exercise, repeatedly expending my chakra.

For three hours, I trained diligently using the training dummy, focused on chakra control and expenditure. The exercise was challenging due to the lack of shortcuts. Thankfully, regular physical exertion and controlled chakra usage both contributed to increasing chakra reserves.

Having completed the exercise, I turned my attention to visiting the parents of the body I now inhabited. This encounter might prove difficult, requiring me to put my acting skills to the test. I arrived at "my" parents' home and knocked on the door. A lady, bearing a resemblance to me but showing the passage of time, opened the door. She exuded a motherly aura, adorned in a flower-patterned apron.

"Hello, Shizukesa resi-... oh my," she exclaimed, covering her mouth in surprise. "Arashi, is it really you?" Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke.

With a nervous smile, I replied, "Yes, Mom, I'm back." She practically lunged into my arms for a hug, exclaiming, "My little Arashi is back! I thought you were dead!"

Internally, I noted that this body had perished before my takeover.

Continuing with a smile, I assured her, "Mom, I'm alive and here."

Tears streaming down her face, she asked, "Why do you look so different? What happened to you?" She scrutinized my body, searching for any injuries.

Confidently, I explained, "I'm not sure. When I awoke, I felt different, as if I activated something. My hair turned partially white, and my eyes gained a reddish tinge."

As she held me, I looked around for my "father." When I mentioned his absence, her tears intensified. She shared that upon hearing of my supposed demise, he had been overwhelmed with grief and passed away. His heart couldn't bear the loss.

She hurriedly ushered me inside, and we engaged in a heartfelt conversation about the village's events since my departure. She expressed her desire for me to visit my father's grave, and I agreed. At the Konohagakure cemetery, we found his headstone, which bore the name "Ikibaru Shizukesa." My mother wept, but my attention was drawn to a silver-haired youth, approximately my age, visiting another headstone nearby. I assumed it was Kakashi Hatake, probably paying his respects to Obito, Rin, or Sakumo—likely Obito considering the events of Kakashi Gaiden.

After my mother and I paid our respects to my father, she left, and I pretended to linger, observing Kakashi in mourning while concealing my true intentions.

After Kakshi had left I stood at Sakumo's grave and a prompt appeared in front of me


-Yes or No-

I was surprised and a little frightened I said in my head mind
