
Naruto: knowledge Apostle

Michael was a man who loved the world of Naruto specifically the power system he knew there were other and maybe better ones but for some odd reason he just loved Naruto's power system he studied Jutsus, jujutsu, Juinjutsus, Ninjutsu, and more Ninjutsu, Genjutsu He wished there was a real possibility of learning them for real until something amazing happened.

MorbidCuriosity · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


Once I said yes In my mind someone came into being in front of me it was a man with silvern unkempt hair in a ponytail in what looked like standard ninja attire. He looked visibly confused.

(Sakumo Pov)

I had just saved my comrades and was shunned and shamed by the village so I took my own life," I thought that was my end until now I had just arisen in the cemetery?" I looked around to see nobody but a kid in front of me he was in the standard Konohagakure shinobi attire a chunin. I did a little more probing and my face visibly fell "A chunin with the capabilities of genin?"

I looked down to see a gravestone that said Sakumo Hatake, "So I really died Then how am I here" Sakumo voiced dryly. I turned to the kid that was here when I awoke, hey did you see how I got here?"

The kid looked like he was straining for words and he stuttered out "Umm sir yes ....i...I converged you". Sakmo who was a seasoned kage-level shinobi didn't know what to think, "Converged?" Sakumo put his hand to his chin in a pondering expression "You say you converged me What does that mean" he said now in an angry sorrowful expression?

(Arashi Pov)

I stared at the man in front of me in a daze. I really summoned him I said inwardly, I don't know I was standing at your grave, and" I just had this feeling something instinctual I don't know and it summoned you!" Just as we were going to continue talking someone walked into the cemetery it looked like a regular villager she glanced over nodded and went back to what she had come here for. Sakumo feeling curious yelled out "Miss" to no response he blrted out "Miss" Again to no response he walked over to her and she completely ignored him or just didn't see him. Sakumo said out loud "Am I a ghost?"

Sakumo approached me and voiced his confusion, "Is this some kind of kekkei genkai?" How can you summon ghosts?" His tone conveyed his perturbation. Arashi responded with a slight shake of his head, addressing Sakumo's query, "I don't know."

Sakumo's attention sharpened, and he closely examined Arashi's appearance. "He bears a resemblance to Lord Second," he mused to himself. Then, addressing Arashi with a scrutinizing tone, he asked, "Are you a Senju?" Arashi, resolute in his decision, replied affirmatively, "Yes, I am. I belong to the lineage of the Senju. In fact, I would be considered a direct descendant."

"This Ghost summoning ability is something the Senju clan has then" Sakumo pondered. "Your clan always has surprises that come in many forms".

With sparkles shining in my eyes, I mustered my courage and addressed Sakumo, "I have something to ask you, sir." Sakumo, who had now calmed down, replied, "Continue."

With determination, I spoke, "Sakumo, will you train me?" He looked at me, amusement evident in his expression, and asked, "You want a ghost to train you? Has Konoha fallen so far?" His tone carried a sense of amusement.

"No, it's not like that, sir," I quickly responded. "I just want to take the opportunity since you're here, and I'm the only one who can see you."

Sakumo seemed to consider this, his thoughts visible in his expression. "What else do I have to do? I'm dead," he thought to himself. Then he posed a question to me, "Why do you want to get stronger?"

Inwardly, I felt a sense of triumph—I had been waiting for this question. I replied confidently, "Checkmate. I want to protect my friends, you see."

Sakumo nodded in understanding. "I see. Yes, I will train you." He patted me on the shoulder, prompting a question, "I can touch you?" As he pondered, he added, "I guess the one whom you converge can make contact with you. That's wonderful," he mused.

Suddenly, I sensed a tug at my soul, a sign that our time was limited. "It seems I can't hold you here for much longer," I informed Sakumo. "My limit is two hours." I suggested, and he responded "It's alright. Try to converge with me again sometime." He offered a faint smile as our interaction drew to a close.

After Sakumo disappeared I started talking this is just what I had in mind with this converge ability I was so excited. I departed from the cemetery and made my way back to my apartment and I went to bed the next day I went to train some more on my own

-3 weeks later-

I witnessed visible progress with every training session, and I wasn't concerned about others observing my efforts. My growth was rapid, to the point where I could hardly be classified as a mere Chunin, but rather a Chunin with exceptional physical and chakra capabilities. Admittedly, this pace was swift, yet my Senju constitution left no room for anything less. However, my combat strength hadn't quite reached the level expected of a Chunin; I was acutely aware of this fact.

Over the course of three weeks, I revisited the fundamentals and elevated them to an entirely new level. My natural aptitude and talent were invaluable, propelling my mastery of three body techniques. It was this proficiency that had propelled me into the ranks of Chunin. I could summon five clones with a single hand seal, execute substitution techniques with objects beyond mere logs, and my transformation ability had reached a commendable level. I could seamlessly transform into objects as intricate as kunai.

In these three weeks, I also visited my mother and confirmed I had time off from my shinbi-related duties. They didn't specify how long which is odd but at least I have time to acclimate to my new abilities.

Before my next meeting with Sakumo, I realized the importance of becoming a proficient ninja.