
NARUTO : I am not a mob Character

What will you do if you found out that the whole world you are living in is a storyline written by someone else? . As our main character, Ryuma found out about this he was confused about what should he do. He found out that he was inside Naruto verse as a half Uchiha ready to be annihilated in a year. What precautions should he take and how would he be able to survive in a world where strength matters without any golden finger? . -------------------------- Author this side, It's a Naruto fan fiction so it's all thanks to Kishimoto sensei that I can write this piece of work. The story will get off track but not in the og Naruto you can accept it in Shippuden. but many small changes will happen due to the presence of our main character. Each chapter gonna be around 2000 words or longer so sit back tightly and enjoy the chapters. I will upload it regularly and it's gonna be 1/2 chapters per week. Importantly Cover is not mine so if you're the owner and have a problem with that please contact me. Lastly, any ideas and criticisms will be accepted happily. So I hope you will point out my mistake in each chapter and told me about them so that this piece of work will improve alongside me. Enjoy the read and comment with your opinions..... you can also support me here and I hope you will. this will surely cost you much less than your girlfriend's expenses (^^) ---> patreon.com/Xine4fanfic.... (remove ....)

xine_reader · Cómic
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13 Chs

Land of cones

Ryuma closed his bag and before going out checked all of the things one last time because today was his first B-rank mission. Although he wasn't afraid because it was his first time going outside he was kinda excited and to make sure he wouldn't forget anything in excitement he double-checked the bag.

Yesterday, after completing their 29th D rank mission They finally took their first B rank mission. Although it was unnatural for a genin squadron to take a B-rank mission without doing any C- ranks one because it was a mission that was provided by Hiruzen himself, they all accepted it.

The mission itself was not hard. It was a basic escort mission in which we had to escort the daimyo from the land of cones to the land of fire due to some trade meeting. Though Ryuma knew information about the Naruto world he didn't know it in too much detail after all the author himself didn't dive deep into the various parts of the world so how would he know about them? 

Still, Ryuma was excited about the trip after all he was finally given a chance to do something other than his boring life. Furthermore, he now had a chance to visit the main city of the land of fire. alongside this, the money they all get after completing the mission is also great in amount. 

Soon Ryuma reached the gate of Konoha which he had seen many times but never once went outside but that changes today. At the gate alongside Hana and Yuno, their parents were also present. They were talking with each other and were there to give their best regards to their children on their first outside mission. 

Seeing many people at the gate Ryuma decided to hide and wait until their teacher Hayate arrived. After all, Ryuma didn't want to get involved with their comrade's parents and other emotional situations. It would have only escalated things when they found out he has no parents and would probably try to give him the emotional support that he doesn't need and hated the most. So going there at the last moment was the most logical decision he came up with.

A few minutes later Hayate finally arrived and just after him Ryuma also met with the team. After writing their mission code number alongside the member's name on the register that kept records of in and out of Konoha they finally left for their mission.

Land of Cones, the place where their mission was going to begin, was a place known for its greenery, hills, and fruits. Because the land of cones is situated between the land of fire, the land of earth, and the land of lightning they didn't have their ninja village and mainly focused on their agriculture and fruit production. Thus the tasks from the land of cones usually are given to one of three ninja villages accordingly.


This time around the task was given to Konoha which was an escort task. Ryuma and their group have to escort the daimyo from the land of cones to the land of fire. Although escort tasks are usually high-level ones, Ryuma kind of knew that there was no way a Genin squadron would be enough for it. So their team was mainly there to build connections and act as cover for Anbu ninjas. 

Though Ryuma wants to test out his limits so that he can find out the weakness in his strength, he can't be patient about it. Although this mission possibly won't go haywire just being able to roam the world and see new things was also okay for him. However, opposite to his calm personality the other two were overly excited. Yuno was the kind who showed his emotions brilliantly and Hana was the kind who tried to hide it very poorly. The couple in itself was fun to watch so Ryuma probably wasn't gonna get bored.


After traveling a whole day from Konoha, Ryuma and his team finally reached the northern region of the land of fire after which the border started. Because they were traveling the whole day at full speed and only rested for lunch. They all were tired except Ryuma who himself found his stamina a little too monstrous and it was only thanks to the real monster Hashirama himself. 

The group took a rest in the last city near the border area. The city was not big in comparison to other border cities and on the street, many ninjas can be seen who either just crossed the border or are going to cross it. Hayate booked the rooms in the inn and gave them clear instructions to follow rules during the mission before they all went to their respective rooms. 

On arriving in his room Ryuma made 4 shadow clones of himself and gave them different tasks which were mainly his wind affinity chakra manipulation, earth affinity chakra manipulation, fuinjutsu practice, and his chakra meditation. On the other hand, Ryuma himself started practicing his sword stances without making any noise. 

Ryuma was in itself sleep less compared to others and with his insane stamina and quick recovery he didn't even need to force his body to sleep. The night went by with Ryuma training himself and only at 4 am Ryuma noticed the time. The meeting time was 9 am so Ryuma decided to sleep for the next 4 hrs which he sadly wasn't able to do thanks to Yuno interfering at 7 am. 

The whole group once again started their journey at 9 am and with a single break on the way they finally reached Jiirou City where the land of cones daimyo lived before nightfall. The jiirou city was a very beautiful place which everyone agreed when they reached there. The city was unlike Konoha which consists of single-family manors which were made very beautifully and with the whole city's buildings painted in bright colors it was mesmerizing. Around the city many big fields were present and different crops like wheat, corn, pearl millet, etc were growing in the fields.

The big green fields and trees that bear fruits were the signature style for lands of cones. The production of food was a lot more than enough for the country thus many big merchants would send them to other countries under the supervision of daimyo. Thus the land of cones was one of the biggest suppliers of food to other countries where the food is in scarcity. 

Reaching the capital city Ryuma and others waited outside of Daimyo's building meanwhile Hayate went inside to discuss the mission details. Some time later Hayate came outside alongside a woman. The woman showed them their residence as their mission was gonna start from tomorrow onwards before going back. Hayate also told them to go sightseeing and come back at 8 a.m. tomorrow before leaving.

A few minutes later both Hana and Yuno also left together with Yuno making stupid faces and trying to say not to come with them. Even if Yuno wouldn't have said that Ryuma still wouldn't have gone with them after all he didn't want to become a fishbone in between them. With everyone gone Ryuma also decided to go to the place which he had planned to go after coming here.

When they were coming towards the city, Ryuma noticed many man-made river streams formed in such a way that the water from the river reached as many fields as it could. However, the thing that piqued Ryuma's interest was the river itself which was coming down from the hill far away. During his wind chakra affinity training, Ryuma was already at a level where he should start practicing to block the waterfall. 

However, because of his not being a protagonist and his wanting to hide his strength from the darkness of Konoha, Ryuma never attempted that and only focused on mastering wind chakra affinity with his creative methods. Instead of simply cutting a leaf, cutting it into fine small circular shapes was way tougher than the original leaf cutting.

Nevertheless seeing the waterfall in a country where no one knew him was the best spot for Ryuma to train without holding himself back. Ryuma moved quickly with his body flickering and soon reached the highest peak and just as he expected the river was forming a waterfall there. Ryuma removed his t-shirt and jacket inside which was his lean and well-built body. His abs were well defined so were his muscle structure and cuts. Ryuma left his pants and with the activation of his mangekyou sharingan stored his clothes in his dream dimension. 

" Earth styles: Land molding "

Ryuma waved six quick hand signs and then slammed his hands on the ground. The walls around the waterfall protruded out like spikes from both sides and soon joined with one another. This was one of the B-rank jutsu that Ryuma learned while copying other higher-rank ninjas, practicing it with his sharingan. Although Ryuma rarely used his sharingan in Konoha, it was not that he never used them. After all, he knew the more he practiced with his sharingan the more mastery he would get on them. 

' it turned out way too easy. Who would have thought that copying Justus from sharingan would only require your mastery over that said affinity. So the tag copy ninja that Kakashi got is due to his mastery over almost all chakra affinities and Obito's sharingan.

Hmm… Sharingan's are way too broken right now, I now somewhat understand why Danzo is lusting over them, ' Ryuma thought in his mind.

After writing down a little fuinjutsu array around the waterfall to inform him if someone entered the area, Ryuma started his practice. Just like Naruto in the series, Ryuma made 100 clones of himself and with a line, they started using wind chakra to cut the waterfall. 

Soon the sun set and it was already 8 pm, Ryuma's whole body was sweating buckets however instead of being tired he was happy. He completed his wind chakra affinity training today which was ongoing for months. Today he finally got the last push that he needed and now he was freely able to chakra into wind affinity without hand signs which was the sign of mastery of that said element.

 Right now Ryuma has mastery over lightning, wind, and yin attributes of chakra. Because of the sharingan and mangekyou sharingan requiring yin chakra when used, his mastery over yin attributes is higher than most ninjas but still, it was not on the level of people like Itachi, Shisui, Madara, etc. Although he had earth and water affinity too due to which he was able to use that specific affinity-related jutsu without massive chakra consumption and ridiculously long hand signs he hadn't mastered them yet. 

' Now, I think I should start mastering Earth affinity next. After all, I knew its procedure too. Because mastery over Yang affinity will automatically increase after I learn medical ninjutsu, that leaves me with water affinity and fire affinity. 

Although the fire element is very destructive and powerful compared to the water element, mastering it will probably take me months like the wind element. But how can I call myself a Uchiha without a powerful fire style in my arsenal?

Fuuuu….. I have decided that fire chakra mastery will run parallel to earth chakra mastery. Although I have to adjust a lot of things here and there, it is worth the hard work. '

After forming a well-deserved structure for his future training which took him a whole five minutes of thinking, Ryuma continued his training.


A/N -

Author this side! 

I hope you are enjoying my fiction although it may not be the best you have ever read but this is was first work so just let it slide this time. 

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