
NARUTO : I am not a mob Character

What will you do if you found out that the whole world you are living in is a storyline written by someone else? . As our main character, Ryuma found out about this he was confused about what should he do. He found out that he was inside Naruto verse as a half Uchiha ready to be annihilated in a year. What precautions should he take and how would he be able to survive in a world where strength matters without any golden finger? . -------------------------- Author this side, It's a Naruto fan fiction so it's all thanks to Kishimoto sensei that I can write this piece of work. The story will get off track but not in the og Naruto you can accept it in Shippuden. but many small changes will happen due to the presence of our main character. Each chapter gonna be around 2000 words or longer so sit back tightly and enjoy the chapters. I will upload it regularly and it's gonna be 1/2 chapters per week. Importantly Cover is not mine so if you're the owner and have a problem with that please contact me. Lastly, any ideas and criticisms will be accepted happily. So I hope you will point out my mistake in each chapter and told me about them so that this piece of work will improve alongside me. Enjoy the read and comment with your opinions..... you can also support me here and I hope you will. this will surely cost you much less than your girlfriend's expenses (^^) ---> patreon.com/Xine4fanfic.... (remove ....)

xine_reader · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

kekkei Genkai 2

Ryuma was walking towards the flower shop after taking leave from the training ground. He gave both of his teammates farewell and decided to go to the graveyard to pay respect to his parents. Throughout the way, Ryuma was busy in his thoughts and the main reason for that was Yuno's Kekkei Genkai. 

A few months ago on the day of Yuno's sleepover Ryuma used his mangekyou sharingan ability 'heavenly dreams' on Yuno. It was at that time he found out that Yuno's chakra affinity was earth, which was quite a surprise after all earth release was mostly found in Iwagakure. 

Ryuma at that time tried to do the same thing as he did with himself, combining his cells with Hashirama's cells to get a superior one. However, to his surprise it turned out to be ridiculously hard. It took him so many attempts that he eventually forgot the count. 

 Ryuma found out that because Hashirama cells were way superior compared to normal human cells which was due to him being the reincarnation of Asura, it overpowers normal human cells 90% of the time and it was only because of Ryuma becoming pure-blooded Uchiha whom bloodline carried heavy otsutsuki genes helped the difficulty bar for him to get lowest.

After a literal hell of difficulty, Ryuma was finally able to get a hybrid cell which was far too weak compared to his cells but this was the limit for Yuno's cells. After all, when the base itself was weak he couldn't construct a skyscraper on it, it was bound to fall. Similarly, if he tried to overdo it then the hybrid cells Would surely fail. Thus after completion of the main step which was forming a hybrid cell. Ryuma did similar upgrades to Yuno's body except the last one but because both Ryuma and Yuno's cells are different in capability the other enchantments were also different. 

Although Yuno's overall new enchantment didn't even come close to 25% of Ryuma, in comparison to a genius ninja he was a monster. His chakra pool would surely increase and easily reach a Kage level, his recovery speed was far superior to normal humans. It was to the point that when Ryuma made a little cut on his body it instantly healed, still big injuries took a little more time and he wasn't on the level to regenerate his lost limbs. Finally, his muscles were twice as dense compared to normal humans so his strength was also gonna be superior to normal people.

All in all, he was sure Yuno would easily far surpass the level of a normal kage-level ninja but now with the presence of new Kekkei Genkai, it was different.

Yuno getting a Kekkei Genkai was quite a surprise for Ryuma himself after all he didn't get one. However, the thing that made Ryuma think about this topic was the Kekkei Genkai itself.

Though Yuno would have become a great ninja in the future, Yuno was nowhere close to the level where he could put up a fight with otsutsuki-level threats and survive. But now he saw scope in Yuno, if the Kekkei Genkai was what he assumed to be then he can touch that realm.

Ryuma didn't know what was the second affinity that contributed to earth affinity to form 'carbon release' but there was a very high chance that Yang release was heavily involved in formation. As a doctor in his past life, he had to study chemistry during his high school days and thus he knew how carbon played a significant role in everything. If the Kekkei Genkai truly does manipulate carbon, then he can make his body close to indestructible just like a diamond 

However, Ryuma still doesn't know the certainty of it happening. 

The things that Yuno's Kekkei Genkai showed are only body strengthening and the creation of a strong metal that gets stronger the lighter its shade becomes. These things itself was quite enough to put Kekkei Genkai very high enough on power level but if it really was carbon release then it was an entirely different thing.

Suddenly Ryuma noticed his surroundings and hit his hand lightly with his hand,

' damn I came way too far from the flower shop ' 

(A/N: talking to himself in his mind)

Ryuma *sighed* and searched for a new flower shop and after walking he found one. The flower shop had written his name very boldly on the banner,

" Flowers and bouquets by Yamanaka ".

Ryuma read the banner and was a little hesitant to enter but after a gruesome battle between chibi evil Ryuma and chibi good Ryuma, chibi evil Ryuma won, and with that Ryuma also entered the flower shop.

Inside the shop, a brown-haired and brown-eyed lady was watering the flowers inside her shop and was humming some type of song that Ryuma wasn't able to understand. With the churning of the bell when Ryuma entered the lady finally looked backward and with a smile spoke, 

" Welcome to the Yamanaka flower shop, what type of flowers do you want, boy? "


" I would like to take some white flowers with me to pay respect to the dead and I would also like to get some flowers which have a strong fragrance for my room " Ryuma replied with a little smile on his face.


"Ohh.. I will prepare in a minute " Mrs Yamanaka started wrapping flowers quickly and within a few minutes a bouquet of purple colored flowers and two white flowers were packed separately. 


" Here these are plumeria flowers which represent honor and peace and these are purple lavender. They have a long-lasting fragrance and represent good luck.

 Looking at you I thought you are a rookie genin thus this is for your good luck ahead" Mrs Yamanaka spoke and explained the meaning behind flowers while giving them to Ryuma.


"Thanks a lot, for telling me the meaning of flowers, and yes I am genin. I graduated this year from the academy, " Ryuma replied and bowed before leaving the shop.



Ino left the academy after her classes ended and went straight for her home albeit all of her friends wanted to follow Sasuke and saw his training. But for a few months, she felt more and more distant from Sasuke after the day she confessed to him. 

' A beautiful girl like you should know your worth and shouldn't be crying over a jerk like that '

Ino suddenly remembered the lines that boy told him at that time after giving her his handkerchief and a blue rose. 

Though she felt it was rude of him to give a blue rose which symbolizes unrequited love, after some thought she understands it was truly unrequited. Looking back, she felt bad that she ended his friendship with Sakura over such a trivial matter. But it also doesn't mean that she should apologize first after all it was not her fault alone and it was also somewhat her pride that wouldn't allow it. 

After a few days, she tried to find the boy who didn't even tell her his name but she wasn't able to. She found the overall aura around the boy cool and Mysterious which was so much to her liking. Hoping she would meet him again by coincidence, lno continued her daily life and her feelings for her crush started to become blurred a little. 

Today as Ino reached her house she saw a boy leaving her flower shop who looked a little similar to the boy that she met. However, as she was gonna go after him to check it out her mother called her inside.

" Ino came here quickly and moved this flower pot. I have to put this bigger one here. " 

Ino looked in the direction of the boy one last time and then went inside to help her mother. 

' I hope we see each other again soon… I have to give him his handkerchief back too '.


In training ground 3, the whole team 1 was training alongside Hayate. Earlier when Yuno told Hayate about his Kekkei Genkai it made Hayate very happy though it also meant that he had one more time to change the training plan for Yuno but it was nothing in comparison to the good news.

After confirming that Yuno's Kekkei Genkai was something special which was highly dominated by one element, earth. Hayate improved his training plan and decided to make Yuno focus fully on mastering the earth element which will surely boost Yuno's mastery over his said Kekkei Genkai.


Earth element mastery was in two steps. The first one consists of crumbling the leaves like dirt and the second is converting really big stones into dirt and then vice versa. While Hayate explained to Yuno about the way to master the earth element Ryuma also listened to their conversation while practicing his sword stances. 

Though Ryuma already had great mastery over earth elements which were simply spoon-fed to him, unlike Yuno who had to train on it due to poor compatibility. Still, Ryuma wanted to check how good he was with elements like water and earth Which he didn't strive to get.

Hayate, who noticed Ryuma trying to peek instead of focusing on his training, gave him a stern scolding and then moved toward Hana. Hana unlike Yuno and Ryuma was focusing solely on physical training which was one of her weak areas. Because Yuno and Ryuma both already surpassed the level of taijutsu that Hayate could teach, he now can solely focus on making Hana reach at least the same level as him. 

Though he was not one of the best taijutsu users in the Konoha and his strength relies on kenjutsu more it doesn't mean his taijutsu was weak. However, Hana was not good with taijutsu and didn't like it much. But Hayate as her teacher won't let her become a pick chooser. 

As for Ryuma, Hayate has already shown him the basics of sword stances and movements and now Ryuma's task is to master the basic movement so that later on he can come up with his own sword style. Although Hayate could teach Ryuma his sword style but he knew molding Ryuma's sword style into the one he uses would restrict his imagination and with the monstrous talent he possesses he would be able to create a greater sword style than his on its own, which will suit him much better. However, until then it's his job to help him guide the path towards his own sword style.

With the Time being noon they finally ended their training which was happening for the last 5 hours excluding the breaks. Everyone was tired except Hayate and Ryuma who seemed to have vigorous stamina to go on more with training sessions however with Hana close to passing out they decided to end it for the day. Before going Hayate announced to the team,

" The day after tomorrow we are gonna take our first mission outside the village seeing it's already been many months. I think you are fully prepared so prepare yourself for dangerous fun "

Hayate said with a smirk on his face. However, because 2 out of the 3 were immensely exhausted he didn't get any reaction from the team that he wanted to see.

' I should have told them this before training sessions. Next time I will make sure to do it ' Hayate took a mental note for his future self.


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