
Naruto: Devil Fruits

Kenji Yamamoto who was recently having a heart attack, had found himself in the early days of the Naruto verse and as a fellow academy student to the three great sannin. Fortunately, upon entering this world world allowed Kenji a few perks that might allow to survive through this war filled world. "But how did I die to a heart attack? I mean didn't have a six pack or anything, but I definitely wasn't obsessed by any means..." Despite now living in the Naruto verse, he still couldn't help but wondered how he died.

Dragon_Fish · Cómic
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3 Chs

Prologue Part1(Rewrite)

[Third Person POV]

In a white infinite void where both time and space are in chaos, are countless pristine orbs flooting through this weird blank abyass.

These orbs when first appeared had a wide variety of prismatic 'substances' in them, but has "time" passes the substance in these orbs would have almost disappeared, leaving only a few drops before the orbs themselves would randomly disappear too.

Strangely in the middle of all this chaos, where not a single "orb" gotten even remotely close, is a large withered tree sprouting apples with unnatural red hues at the end of each branch.


Lazying at the trunk of this tree is bloodly red 2.5meter tall figure. With a of pair of black raven wings, a furry tail having a serpent head at the end, and two massive goat horns adorned on its head

"I'm so boooorrrrreeeddd~!"

"By my father! I would have preferred if he just killed me directly instead of having me imprisoned here..." As the red figure layed on its back, it couldn't help but touched the thick golden ring attached tightly on its neck

"AH f*ck! it still burns!" When the red figure touched the ring, immediately it responed back by opening numerous bizarre eyes that would guarantee to make people with trypophobia to pass out instantly on sight, which then emitted a bright light causing the red figure hand to burn greatly into a horrid greenish color.

"*Sigh~...Nn??". The red figure in the moment decided to rest since he had nothing better to do, however his soon to be closed eyes, instantly went open wide.

Hurridly the figure sat right up and swiftly turn it's head in a certain direction with a look of disbelief, uncertainty, and excitement.

"No way...didn't the old man got his so called 'Singularity Pugilist' already?."

"...Unless he forgot one!!"

"Pffft~! Hahahah! To think he of all people would make a same mistake twice, and in the same day too~!"

"Well, since the old man isn't here, I'll take on this 'heavy~' responsibility as his oldest son."

"Hehehehehe! I simply can't wait!!."

Before the figure left, it quickly grab on to one of the apples and took a massive bite before throwing it to the side.

"There, now I'm all jucied up and ready for 'claiming'..."

The figure now ready spread it's massive wings and took off into the distance. Wherever the thing flew orbs would scurry off in a panic making the area's it flew through dead silent unlike the rest of the chaotic void.

The figure after flying for a short while soon came upon an orb. The form was very much like the others except two key differences, one it radiated a shiny pure blue light, and in the face of the figure there were no movement at all.

Landing before the orb the red figure gave toothy grin revealing shark like teeth

"Now let's begin~..." said the figure now clutching the orb firmly into its grasp.


[Kenj Yamamoto Pov]

-*Few minutes before-

'I can't believe it...I died to a heart attack'

I couldn't help but be incredulous at that information. I'm mean I didn't have a six pack by any means, sure, however I was in no way obsessed or had any cholesterol problems.

As a matter of fact not only do I have scheduled workout, I even worked at the gym too.

'Wait a sec, let's quickly go over what happen before completely freaking out...'

I'm Kenji Yamamoto, 18 in age, today is June 18, 2024. I woke up at 7:00am in the morning for my early morning routine jog, 8:30am I got ready for my job at the gym. 10:00am clocked in for work untill 5pm before clocking out.

Came home at 5:30pm and watched a few animes to 8:40pm, and the last thing I remembered was heading to the kitchen to grab a drink of water before suddebly I felt a tight sensation in chest, and falling to the floor motionless...

'OH God...'

'OH GOD! AM I ACTUALLY DEAD!!F*ck(x7)!! I-I don't want to die yet!!!'

'I-I-I didn't get to l-live a full life yet...I'm still only 18 damnnit!'

'Wait...is there a heaven, IS THERE A HELL!! Oh God if you're listening right now please just know I never went out my to cause other harm!

'S-sure I never went out of my to help others, h-however! I still helped a little and never turned away f-folks that needed genuine help! I know I'm n-not the best person b-but I pray to you my lord in the hopes that you know I am not an e-evil person and j-just honestly lived the best I could!!!'

Kenji realizing that he might actually be dead made his mentality to go collapsing in on itself. In the shear fright of the possibility of hell, he roared every aspect of his life from the earliest he remembered up to the current date, detailing everything he's done..

However, in the end no matter how much he screamed, he's is only with cold silence.


After a long time from of telling his entire life story, Kenji still did not receive a single response. Unsure how to further proceed, he restlessly has been calling out in the hopes something will respond.

'H-Hello? I-Is there anyone out there.'

'D-Don't tell me all alo-'


'OH God!!'

[Not quite little soul~, though I would like to think I am close to one:D!]

As Kenji was calling to basically anyone at this point, he finally heard excited playful voices that seemed to be like an adult man and woman speaking the same time.

'...n-not God? T-the-'

[Well little soul! I guess you can refer to me as a 'ROB', you know like in the novels read you read and what not!]

'H-huh?' Wait does that me-'

[YES!!! It's indeed exactly what your thinking of my friend!]

Before he could even finished his thoughts the voice/s interrupt him in great enthusiasm and continue to speak as if it were selling something at immense value.

[Its a shame! An honest shame for you to have perish at such a young age~!]

[All due to an mistake caused by my foolish relative! As a the much wiser, kinder, and more responsible being that I am...]

[I decided in kindest of my heart~! To let you choose to reincarnate into a world of your choice!]

[Not only that! You will even granted a few perks to help survive, thrive, and maybe even get you a harem you kinky little shit~! 😉]

'H-Hold on! isn't this going a bit too fa-

Kenji couldn't but be flustered at this point; the speed of this one way conversation, the possibility of being reborn, and having his 'private time' be mentioned by a complete stranger made his mind buzzed.

Ultimately he tried to make sense of the situation, instead he got cut off again by 'ROB' who only seemed amused by kenji reaction.

[Whats wrong with fast!? Especially since I'm offering all these things and even letting get a second chance at LIFE!]

[I'd can't help but think that you don't appreciate my offer uwu~~!]

'OKAY STOP!! First of that was just gross, second what I meant was...it all just sounds to good to be true...'

'Also you said something about a mistake with my death?'

[Indeedzy! Although I can't give you all the details, I can say you were never meant to die, at least not like this]

'Then, if I'm not supposed to die couldn't you just send me back?

[I'm afraid I can't do that either~]


[Mainly it has to due with your soul becoming a singularity in the realm of souls, and before you ask, no I can't give anymore details on that either other than you will be reborn with your memories.]

'Hold on, you just said that can reincarnate me, but your saying I'll be reborn with my memories anyways??'

'Then what would be the point in me taking your offer'

[Haha, well for one I can direct when, where, what you'll be reincarnated into. Though, you could try to reincarnate the normal way, but who knows what you might end up as~]

[As for the first part of your previous question~]

Although Kenji earlier outburst manged to stir the conversation into slowing down; allowing to ask a few questions. The nervous feelings towards this enitity are still present, after all it's still a ROB (Random OMNIPOTENT Being).

[It's precisely because it is too good to be true!]


[Pfft~! Got you to go 'huh?' again, hahahaha!]


Kenji felt surprised by the ROB relaxed tone, originally thinking he might have enraged it a little due to overstepping by questionhe shouldn't. Instead Kenji met with its laughter and little prank.

[Alright Alright, serious mode on. *Ahem *Ahem, to be honest with you kid. I'm bored, and I mean bored as f*ck to the point I wish I could ■■■■ ■■■■■■]

[Damnit I left the filter on!...We'll anyway, just know I'm in a terrible situation and you're at the moment are my only source of entertainment here.]

[So I plan to leave little bit of my, 'essence' so to say, in your soul so I can watch you live in this other world for my personal enjoyment.]

[Naturally, it will only be enough for me to watch you, and WON'T affect your life in ANY capacity]

[So I want to ask is...]

[Do want to make a deal~]

Kenji learning the truth, felt his guard relaxing slightly, knowing if what this ROB said were true, it wouldn't harm him. In fact it might even protect him(?)

'C-Can I have a moment to consider'

[Sure, go for it~]

Taking in a few second to calm himself down, Kenji thought over the deal this ROB proposed.

First the Pros and cons from accepting his deal, For pro's he can gets to live another life and if it's anything like the novels he's read before, or at least hope they were similar, he could even thrive there, which was very tempting. The cons would be him lying, leaving information out, or just f*cking with him as it seems like it would be the type that would do that.

Now for not accepting, there might actually be a good chance of him being terminated or maybe even worse. Especially with that last sentence that left an ominous feeling....

'Alright, I've decided'

[Well kid? Do you accept~]



Immediately kenji felt a shanking sensation, then instinctively as if he knew that a being of strange origins had begun messing with his very own existence started to have violent reaction. Kenji at first only in discomfort but soon turned to extreme nauseous in the next second until everything blacked out.

Only hearing the voice/s before going into an unconscious state.

[I simply can't wait....]