
Naruto: Clan Saiyajin

Protagonist dies and reincarnates in naruto's world with three options one for world or universe another for place/country of birth and time/period, with 3 wishes to adapt to the desired world in the best way that suits the protagonist. OC Protagonist / Saiyan / Clan Creation / Warring States Period My english is shit I use google translate whoever wants to translate for me call me on discord DedaoMilagroso#3346

SharonMeuToba · Cómic
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16 Chs

Children Road 2

More and more people approached me and my country to find out what was going on, when people arrived they started asking my parents what had happened because of the noise, my parents dodged the questions and decided not to answer them.

So, ignoring the extras around, we entered the house, my father told me to wait for him in the room, which I obeyed and waited for my mother to start the dialogue again.

"Son why do you have to go hunting so young you should be playing with the other kids"

says my mother

"Mom you know I don't get along with other kids they are just idiots, one day I will be on top of the world and be the strongest person that ever lived why would I waste time playing with kids while I could be training!"

I proudly said

My mom just looks into my eyes and I can see her sad so I take the initiative.

"Because you look sad if I'm strong enough you and daddy will be safe I won't let anything happen to you"

I said

"I'm more worried if I'll be alive to see my grandchildren, how are you going to get married like this"

She said

'Damn woman I'm just a child because I would be thinking about marriage right now...'

I thought

"You know I'm not a child anymore"

I said

"We've already talked about this, I've already told you how dangerous this world is, many people die every day, whether they are an animal, a Chakra beast, Mercenaries, Thieves, Samurais, Shinobi even there are demons in this world, how can I not worry about you!"

says my mother

"Don't worry mom you've already seen my talent in the future I'll have my own Clan"

I said

"Akira how are we going to create a Clan when we are only 3, we don't even have Chakra techniques unless you can make a ball what's the use of people can throw a ball made of fire at you"

says my father who comes back with two bows and some arrows and a sword in the short at the waist.

"Well dad I did my first technique at 4 I still have a lot of time to create more"

I said

"So let's walk we have to go to the village gate, after leaving the village we will go towards the river to catch some fish and ambush some animals that will drink water when we return your mother will cook dinner to celebrate your fourth year of life "

said my father


I said

We were walking towards the gate when a group of people started gossiping about earlier.

"Yes when we saw the bangs whoever was near the place was the family of that mercenary, they are saying that he developed a Chakra technique"

Said extra 1

'Well it wasn't my father who developed it but I don't care one hour or another they would find out anyway'

I thought

"I hear he's only 20 he must be a very good warrior"

said extra 2

My dad just ignores it and when he continues walking towards the gate. When we were near the exit of the village, a group of people blocked our way.

"So you're such a mercenary, why don't you come work for our Clan if you can even marry one of our women if you contribute enough to the Clan"

says the man with a scar on his cheek.

In all they are 7 people they have white skin and black hair and some brown their clothes are blue overlaid by metal plates on the shoulders and chest which is practically a standard required by mercenaries and bigwigs of some Clan usually use.

"I refuse I'm already a mercenary and I already have a child no and I don't need another woman if you'll excuse me now"

Says my father to the man who happens to make a hateful facial expression.

"Do you know which clan I'm from, I'm part of the Ryu Clan, the strongest in Timber's country"

Says the man

"Gentlemen, may I know what is happening here"

says a voice that comes from behind me and my father.

"S.r. Kenji is nothing was just talking to this mercenary nothing much"

says the man

"I understand, I was listening to some of your discussion and as a representative of this village I apologize for that after all this mercenary is actually a subordinate of mine Mr Kenjiro Ryu"

says Kenji

"I understand it makes sense for the rumored mercenary to be your subordinate"

Says Kenjiro

When the group was leaving, one of the companions says something in Kenjiro's ear, who looks at my father and smiles.

"Be careful Mr. Takeshi I don't want to remind you, but you should know how these clan people behave when they feel humiliated"

says Kenji who walks away

"Dad this can be dangerous let's hunt fast and come back I don't have a good feeling"

I said

'Fuck what a display probably entailed my dad 'insulted someone important' it could screw up my life'

I think

"Let's hurry we'll go back early today, after all they can't do anything here during the day in our village we have a lot of mercenaries and they wouldn't insult us like that openly"

said my father

'Well there's some sort of mercenary brotherhood in this village so my father doesn't care about this clan that much'

I thought

We were currently following the road to go to the river near the village to hunt when my father stops and takes out his bow and arrow.

My dad crouches down and holds the bow in a bow stance he takes an arrow and takes a breath before focusing his attention on a bush he shoots the arrow.

We hear an animal scream to what turns out to be a very large pig, my father takes his hold and goes into combat position when the pig sees us and he runs towards my father who strengthens himself with his chakra and executes several horizontal cuts using foot thrust when the pig gets too close.

The pig didn't die at first but it was in a grave state and it was screaming on the floor my father just looks at me and throws a knife at me.

"Kill him"

my father said

I was transfixed by the whole thing, I just grabbed the knife and approached the pig that was screaming.

Getting close to him I muster up the courage and stab him in the throat and he dies, my dad nodding in approval.

"It's no use feeling sorry for him, he chose to fight so kill him this is how the world works either you hunt or you become prey to be hunted you just decide your own destiny "

My father said to me

My father then took min's knife and started dragging the pig to the river, where he started to clean it by cutting off its head and throwing it away, making a vertical cut to open the belly and throw out the internal organs washed the pig and began to mince the pig and put it in the bag he had brought.

I approach the river to look at my full body reflection, I'm surprised as I have Vegito's features but in a younger form.

After that he taught me how to fish and we decided to head back to the village before the end of the day.

When we arrived in the vicinity of our house when I saw my mother was already waiting for us at the door, as soon as we entered my mother took her bag and started to prepare the birthday feast, Akemi decided to show up and we were already there and talked my mother asked many questions about hunting and took me to shower and sleep.

'Tomorrow is a big day'

I thought