
Naruto: Blind Hyuga

He was a transmigrant from Earth and was born in the Hyuga branch family. To avoid being controlled by anyone, he willingly became blind. But with his blindness came his cheat that is template of Fujitora from One Piece. Patreon Link:https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822 Discord: https://discord.gg/3bVuQxhY

Hkj · Cómic
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220 Chs

Ch-88 Slash Through Space?

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"Are you belittling my art?" Deidara retorted. "I will show you one of my masterpieces."

"Let's die together shall we, 'Suicide Bombing Technique'", said Deidara.

After Deidara said this, everyone became weary, his body started expanding like a balloon. Seeing this, Ino urgently exclaimed, "Get away immediately! His chakra is being concentrated in one point of his body, and his body is going to explode."

Kakashi noticed that Jiryoku was fully engaged in the battle with the masked man, making it impossible for him to come and save them. So, Kakashi decided to use his Sharingan ability. Just as Deidara's jacket began to explode, Kakashi activated Kamui and transferred Deidara's jacket to another dimension.

Meanwhile, Jiryoku continued his relentless assault on Obito. He smiled when he 'saw,' with his 'Observation Haki,' Kakashi using Kamui. He had been waiting for this moment, knowing that something like this would eventually happen. Although, according to Kakashi's understanding, he was sending Deidara's attack into a random space, Jiryoku was certain that it would be transferred to the Kamui dimension where Obito's stomach was, as that was the area Jiryoku was targeting.

As expected by Jiryoku, Deidara's attack was transferred into the Kamui dimension, directly hitting Obito's stomach and causing injured him slightly.

"Well, well, would you look at that? You, who have been intangible, suddenly became tangible and got injured. But how?" said Jiryoku, feigning surprise.

"Kakashi, did you send Deidara's attack into some space, right?" asked Jiryoku.

"Yes," replied Kakashi, slightly panting.

"And if I am correct, then at the same time Kakashi transferred Deidara's attack, you were injured, and it was in the same place where I was slashing with my sword. Your whole body is fine except for your stomach, where my attack was passing through. That means whenever I attack you, the part of your body which I am targeting gets transferred into the Kamui space," explained Jiryoku.

Obito wasn't surprised after hearing this. After all, Jiryoku was a genius, and it was expected of him to deduce this.

"See, Kakashi, I was right. He is your friend after all, because the technique may be similar, but it would be too much of a coincidence for both eyes to use the same space to transfer objects," said Jiryoku.

Kakashi, who had been doubting whether the person wearing the mask was really Obito, was now certain that it was Obito.

"Why, Obito?" asked Kakashi.

Obito returned to his physical state because the time was almost up, and he had to return to his physical state anyway. In the voice of Madara, he replied, "You can speculate all you want, but I am not Obito Uchiha. He died long ago, right?"

"Maybe, but now is not the time for chit-chatting," said Jiryoku, taking advantage of the situation. He slashed at Obito, who responded by creating a wooden wall to reduce the intensity of Jiryoku's attack. Obito then moved backward, and just as Jiryoku's slash reached him, he used Kamui again to become intangible.

Seizing the opportunity from the distance, Obito used Kamui to launch ninja tools from his Kamui space at Jiryoku. The speed of these ninja tools was nothing to underestimate, and Jiryoku had to exert his full strength to counter them with his sword. Jiryoku, using his 'Observation Haki,' foresaw that Obito could escape even if he moved now and reached Obito's location.

"Gravity Push," said Jiryoku. All the ninja tools coming toward him were repelled like a swarm of insects struck by a storm. Even Obito was pushed back, and he had to emerge from the Kamui space since he was interrupted while moving and was halfway outside.

Jiryoku gripped his sword, coating it with 'Armament Haki,' and concentrated gravity on his blade. He slashed with tremendous force towards Obito, who was almost inside the Kamui space. 'Gravity Slash' Before anyone could blink, a massive slash appeared on the ground, and only Obito's hand fell to the ground from where he was attempting to escape.

"What just happened right now?" Choji asked in confusion.

"With just one slash, Jiryoku was able to cut a distance almost 1 kilometer long, and I can't even sense the depth of the cut created by Jiryoku," Ino remarked.

"Wow, so powerful," Choji said in shock while munching on chips.

Kakashi was lost in a trance after this, reminiscing about his childhood memories with Obito and Rin. However, his reverie was abruptly interrupted when he sensed a menacing aura. Kakashi, who snapped out of his trance, suddenly remembered and looked in Naruto's direction. Naruto was holding Gaara's lifeless body, and the Nine-Tails' chakra was leaking from Naruto, forming a cloak around him.

Jiryoku also sensed it but didn't take any action, leaving it to Kakashi to handle. After all, Jiraiya had given Kakashi the 'Chakra-Suppressing Seal' to calm Naruto.

Kakashi used the 'Chakra-Suppressing Seal' to pacify Naruto, and upon seeing this, Shikamaru also felt relieved. He looked at Jiryoku, who appeared quite disappointed.

Shikamaru approached Jiryoku with Ino and Choji and said, "Don't worry, we'll catch them next time."

"Hmm? Haha, you seem to have misunderstood. I'm not regretting that he escaped. If I wanted to, I could have ended his life in many possible ways, but I was just toying with him. He has some uses, so I let him leave alive," Jiryoku explained.

Shikamaru and the others were dumbfounded. Jiryoku had been toying with the masked man despite possessing such destructive abilities.

"Then why do you seem disappointed?" asked Shikamaru.

"I'm working on a move where I concentrate gravity to the point on my sword that even space can be slashed, but I haven't achieved it yet," Jiryoku admitted.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)