
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Cómic
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362 Chs

Chapter 360: Akainu Attacks! One wave has not settled, another one rises!

The Blackbeard Pirates can not only be said to have been defeated, but the entire pirate group has been completely wiped out.

Because the captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, Marshall D. Teach, had already died at the hands of Whitebeard.

All the executives of the Blackbeard Pirates and the prisoners who came out of the sixth level of Impel Down, either died with Blackbeard, or were captured by the Whitebeard Pirates.

As for those small fry, only half of them survived under the power explosion of Whitebeard.

And this half, are still struggling in the sea.

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates didn't even bother to fish these small fry up.

Whether these guys can swim to shore, all depends on their own fate.

And on the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, they actually achieved a zero death record.

Not a single person in the entire Whitebeard Pirates died in this battle.

Of course, there must be quite a few people injured.

But for the Whitebeard Pirates, what is injury?

Their first division captain is a Devil Fruit user with healing abilities.

Not to mention there is also a medical ninja with superb medical skills on the ship, and a scientist who is proficient in human body research.

Even if someone is unlucky and dies at the hands of the pirates of the Blackbeard Pirates, they can also be brought out through the forbidden technique Edo Tensei.

Rounding off, there's no difference from not dying.


Whitebeard laughed heartily, "Stupid sons, why are you all pulling a long face? Since our revenge has been avenged, let's have a banquet! After the banquet is over, we'll go back and bring Thatch out with Edo Tensei! Then tell Thatch the good news, Gurararararara!"

The hearty laughter from Whitebeard also brought everyone back to their senses.

The entire Whitebeard Pirates, all of them were cheering.

Not far away, Moby Dick was also approaching.


Meanwhile, in the distant sea.

The Marine soldiers on a Marine warship were terrified as they watched the surging and majestic waves in front of them, all the Marines were in a panic.

"There's no wind, no rain, no extreme weather, but... why is there suddenly a tsunami?!"

A Marine soldier stared wide-eyed, incredulously looking at the tsunami in front of him, a tsunami measured in hundreds of meters in height, which made people unable to rise the slightest desire to survive.

"This this this... it must be at least two or three hundred meters high, right?" A Marine colonel on the warship also couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, his whole body was scared out of cold sweat.

"Quick! Quickly sail away from here, don't get caught up by the tsunami!" There were also people who hurriedly shouted at the helmsman.

The helmsman responded with tears in his eyes, "You think I don't want to go faster? I'm just a helmsman, I can't make this warship speed up!"

"It's... it's over! The tsunami is less than five hundred meters away from us!!!"

"Admiral Sakazuki! Help!!!"

One by one, the Marine soldiers showed despair, and everyone placed their last hope on Akainu alone.

At this moment, Akainu was standing at the stern of the warship, looking at the waves behind the warship, his face expressionless.

Obviously, this warship was Akainu's warship chasing Blackbeard, but unfortunately, he lost Blackbeard before.

Akainu was already prepared to go back...

After all, Blackbeard's shadow is nowhere to be seen, and he doesn't know which direction to chase.

As a result, he encountered this situation on the way back.


Akainu squinted his eyes and said expressionlessly: "It's definitely not a natural disaster caused by nature, it's 100% a tsunami deliberately brewed by someone. Is it Blackbeard, who wants to use this method to stop my pursuit?"

"Or is it..."

Akainu thought of a very small possibility, because he remembered that Whitebeard had come back to life, and Whitebeard should also be in the New World now.

However, the terrifying tsunami close at hand has already left Akainu with no time to think too much.

His right fist has turned into rolling magma, and the magma keeps dripping down.

Facing the oncoming tsunami, Akainu punched forward!

The magma fist became bigger and bigger, and he also roared in his mouth: "Great Eruption!!!"

The magma fist hit the hundred-meter-high tsunami with a high temperature, and a large amount of steam spread wildly in all directions.

The violent collision between magma and seawater caused the seawater to evaporate into white steam in an instant, and the magma was also extinguished by the seawater and turned into a large piece of volcanic rock.

The magma on Akainu's shoulders surged again and sprayed out towards the front, like a volcanic eruption.

The rolling magma seemed to form a red tsunami, and collided with the hundred-meter waves in front again.

The violent clash between magma and seawater stirred up surging hot wind and steam, and the power of the natural devil fruit disaster level was fully demonstrated.

Under the stunned gaze of a group of Marine soldiers on the warship...

The tsunami was all blocked by Akainu alone!

"Admiral Sakazuki--!!!"

The Marine soldiers on the ship were so moved that they were about to cry, and they were indeed about to be scared to cry.

After all, they had been wandering at the gate of ghosts!


Akainu exhaled a breath full of sulfur, his face slightly gloomy looking into the distance: "Is there such power left in less than a month of the Quake-Quake Fruit? Blackbeard... this man may be our biggest enemy in the future."

Obviously, Akainu finally felt that the possibility of Whitebeard was not great, he was more inclined to think that this was a move by Blackbeard.

"Admiral Sakazuki, should we go back to the Marine headquarters, or should we go over and take a look?!" An officer on the warship asked Akainu curiously.

Akainu only thought for half a second and made a decision: "Get closer!"

He believes that since Blackbeard wants to make such a move to delay the Marine's pursuit, then it is very likely that Blackbeard has encountered some unknown accidents on the way.

Otherwise, why didn't he use this method to stop the Marine before?

It must have been an accident that made Blackbeard unable to continue to escape, so he could only use this method to delay.

And Blackbeard's shot also confirmed the escape direction of the Blackbeard Pirates for Akainu.

So, under Akainu's command, the Marine warship immediately turned around.

Heading towards the direction of the tsunami.

"This time, I won't let you escape, Blackbeard!"

Akainu's eyes were murderous: "And those scumbags in Impel Down! Since you scum don't want to linger in Impel Down, then you can only become bait for the Sea Kings!"


The Whitebeard Pirates' celebration banquet for revenge was held directly on the broken island.

Bonfires have already started to burn on the island, and even a poor Sea King is lying dead on the shore of the island.

The chest of the Sea King has a huge sword wound, obviously it was a Sea King that Vista caught when he dived into the sea.

Orochimaru stood next to the Sea King, using a blood-drawing medical device to draw blood from this Sea King.

"What a wonderful creature..."

Orochimaru couldn't help but touch the slimy surface of this Sea King, and he murmured with a somewhat intoxicated expression: "It looks like a combination of a rhinoceros and a snapper, and its size is almost as big as a Tailed Beast... They seem to say that this kind of creature is as common as cattle in the sea."

"How amazing!" Orochimaru developed a strong interest in the Sea King: "If this kind of creature were in the Shinobi world, it would probably be considered the best choice for a Summoned Beast, right? After all, with such a huge size, its combat power must be extraordinary."

As a result, in this place called the New World, this ferocious creature can only be used as food.

Orochimaru wanted to say the word 'waste of resources'.

But when he thought that this kind of Sea King creature seemed to be really not scarce in this world, he held back the word.


On the other side, Whitebeard's laughter rang out: "You fool, do you really think that a guy like Blackbeard can hurt me? He doesn't even qualify to warm me up! A small man who stole the Quake-Quake-Fruit and thought he was invincible in the world, will never become the king of the sea in his life!"

Naruto scratched his head embarrassingly, and he responded with a smile: "Mainly because when Pops and that Blackbeard were fighting, your movements were too big... I couldn't see Pops' condition at the time, so I would definitely be worried!"

"Speaking of which..." Marco suddenly thought of something: "Did Blackbeard steal Pops' original Quake-Quake-Fruit, or did he copy Pops' Quake-Quake-Fruit by some method? After he died, will the Quake-Quake-Fruit appear in the sea?"

Jozu was taken aback, Marco's words almost burned his CPU, he thought for a while and said: "It should be unlikely, right?"

"Gurararararara! What's the big deal about appearing or not?"

Whitebeard was quite open-minded about this: "Whoever eats that Quake-Quake-Fruit, I will find him, test his character, and then take him as my son, isn't that okay?"

Katakuri thoughtfully, maybe he could secretly contact his mother and let her find the Quake-Quake-Fruit in the sea.

Suddenly, a petite figure ran towards this side.

"Po... Pops!!!" The person who ran over was actually Hinata, Hinata said to Whitebeard: "When I was practicing Gentle Fist over there, I opened my Byakugan, and then I saw... I saw the sea, it seems like a ship is coming!"

Hinata paused, and continued: "The appearance of that ship is exactly the same as the Marine warships we saw in the G5 branch, and there is also the Marine logo on it!"

The Whitebeard Pirates have visited the Marine G5 branch in the New World.

Hinata naturally has seen the Marine's logo in this world.

At the same time, she also remembered the logo early in her heart.

So, when she saw the warship, Hinata could recognize it.

"A warship?!" Kakashi was surprised: "Is the Marine's intelligence here so well-informed? We just defeated the Blackbeard Pirates, did they get the news?"

"It's probably just a coincidence." Marco replied, "But... the only Marine base in the New World is G5, could it be that guy with the sunglasses?"

The man with the sunglasses he was referring to was Vergo.

"Hey, give me your telescope!" Vista quickly asked for a telescope, he raised the telescope to look at the sea in the distance, and kept searching back and forth.

Sure enough!

He soon discovered that there was indeed a warship on the sea in the distance, and it was a very large warship. It looked like it was half the size of Moby Dick.

You should know that Moby Dick itself is very large, and the modified Moby Dick is even larger.

That warship could be so big, it must not be simple.

Vista frowned, carefully staring at the Marines on the warship.


He saw a person standing on the bow of the warship, although the figure was currently faint in the telescope, but as the other party got closer, Vista could see more clearly.

"It's him!!!"

Vista's eyes widened in shock, his sense of crisis and vigilance instantly maxed out.

He shouted to everyone, "It's that magma bastard from the Marines!"

"Magma bastard?!"

Jozu didn't react at first.


On the contrary, Ace suddenly reacted.

"Yes!" Vista's face was serious, he continued to say, "It's him!"


All the old members of the Whitebeard Pirates had a solemn look on their faces, a heavy cloud hung over everyone's heads, making the people of the new Whitebeard Pirates a bit confused.

"Akainu?" Sasuke frowned and asked, "Is that guy very powerful?"

Marco replied, "He's a tough one."

Ace clenched his fist, "It was him, he killed me in the Summit War..."

"And it was him..."

Ace gritted his teeth, "He severely injured Pops, letting Blackbeard take advantage."

Sasuke: "!!!"

"What?" Naruto was shocked, "He severely injured Pops?"

Marco slowly stood up, he looked at the silent Whitebeard and said, "Pops, it seems a big trouble has come."

Whitebeard also stood up, he looked at the sea in the distance, his gaze seemed to collide with Akainu's eyes in mid-air.

"Gurararararara..." Whitebeard hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "Stupid sons, it's just a magma brat who came, do you have to be so nervous? Tsk! He even came alone, really looking down on me, Whitebeard, magma brat..."

Hearing Whitebeard's words, Marco also knew what decision Pops had made.

"Ha, it seems the banquet will have to be postponed." Marco laughed.


On the other side, on the warship.

"Admiral Sakazuki! We found the pirate flag of the Blackbeard Pirates on the sea! The pirate flag seems to be damaged, and there are many planks of pirate ships floating on the sea!"

"And... and there are many pirate corpses floating on the sea! These corpses, they seem to be from the Blackbeard Pirates! They seem to have been attacked by an unknown force!"

The Marines on the ship kept reporting the situation to Akainu.



(End of Chapter)

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