
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Cómic
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376 Chs

Chapter 138: New Member of the Whitebeard Pirates! Shisui: Pops!

Kisame has been wandering around Konohagakure village these days, occasionally going to find a watermelon-headed ninja to exchange ideas, which is a way of entertainment in boredom.

Although this kind of day is not as exciting as in Kirigakure Village.

But Kisame quite likes it.

Who doesn't like peace and tranquility?....

Today, now, he had finished wandering around and came back.

Then he saw Uchiha Shisui, who had disguised himself with a transformation technique.

He jumped directly from the roof.

And landed gently on the ground.

"That voice... is it Kisame-san?" The disguise on his face disappeared, gradually revealing his true appearance, but the bandage wrapped around his face was still there.

This bandage made Kisame "tsk" a sound: "I remember you used to have one eye, now you don't have any eyes?"

"Yes!" Shisui laughed: "I gave this eye to someone I trust very much."

Although, all Shisui could see was darkness.

But his mood is not particularly bad now.

Perhaps it was Uchiha Gan, Wen, and Cui, those three people, that allowed him to vent a bit of the negative emotions lingering in his heart.

Just then, a muffled sound came.

A huge earth door was pushed open.

Just then... Whitebeard walked out of a huge house on the street, and Whitebeard was also carrying a strong smell of alcohol.

Obviously, it was the banquet last night to welcome Hinata to join the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard drank a lot of strong alcohol.

Even after a whole night had passed, the smell of alcohol had not dissipated.

Whitebeard saw Shisui at a glance, even though Shisui's face was wrapped in a bandage, but he still recognized this Uchiha kid by the garlic bun nose on Shisui's face.

"Gurararararara! One-eyed Uchiha kid, haven't seen you for a few days, have you become a blind Uchiha kid?"

Whitebeard looked at Shisui in front of him with hollow eyes.

He had a cheerful smile on his face.

After all, he was very happy to have adopted a daughter last night.

"Nice to see you again, Whitebeard." Shisui was very polite, he heard no malice in Whitebeard's words.

He said to Whitebeard: "I have indeed become a blind Uchiha. These days, and some things that have happened in the past, make me feel that if this eye is on me, I can't bring out its maximum value."

"But, if this eye is placed on a suitable person, it can bring out 100% of the function of this eye." Shisui paused, he touched the bandage on his face.

His smile on his face, all with a bit of carefree: "The remaining eye, I bet it on the future."

"Or to say, bet it on the new era."

Whitebeard's eyebrows suddenly raised: "Your words remind me of a red-haired kid! That guy did something similar to you and said something similar to you."

Whitebeard was referring to Red-Haired Shanks.

"Red-haired kid?" Shisui didn't know who Whitebeard was referring to, but since the other party did the same thing and said the same thing as him, maybe he and him are of the same kind?

Shisui said with a sigh: "If I have the chance, I really want to meet that person!"

"Uchiha kid... you came specifically to find me, didn't you?" Whitebeard didn't continue to chat with Shisui.

"Yes." Shisui retracted the smile on his face.

He nodded very seriously.


Shisui put the guide stick in his hand aside, his face could no longer maintain calm, with a bit of expectation, it seemed to have a hint of pleading:

"If you don't mind a discarded Uchiha clan member who has lost both eyes, please let me join your Whitebeard Pirates!"

After saying this, Shisui was already kneeling on the ground solemnly.

Both palms of his hands were pressed against the ground.

His forehead was also touching the ground.

A very dogeza position!

"If you don't mind a castaway from Konohagakure village, please let me be your son!" Shisui's words were shouted out very seriously.

Without a hint of falsehood.

No disguise at all.

"Heh?" Kisame, standing aside, widened his eyes a bit: "Hey! You guy, you wouldn't be learning from me, would you?"

"Oh?" The surprised smile on Whitebeard's face became more hearty, and his hearty laughter echoed through the entire street: "Gurarararararara! Uchiha kid... wants to join the Whitebeard Pirates and become my son"

"Yes!" Shisui's palms were already sweating, even if he was facing more than a dozen Jounin, he wouldn't be as nervous as he is now, he found that there was a hint of fear in his heart.

Shisui is not afraid that Whitebeard will kill him.

But he is afraid that Whitebeard will reject him.

If the Whitebeard Pirates don't want him either, then Shisui doesn't know where else he should go.

Perhaps he will really become a wandering ninja.

And end his life in tragedy and calm.

Whitebeard laughed out loud: "Then you will become a new member of the Whitebeard Pirates! Shisui, Become my new son!"

Yesterday he adopted a daughter.

Today he adopted a son.

Whitebeard found that his trip to Konohagakure village was worthwhile, because he could clearly feel that this Uchiha kid, Shisui, sincerely wanted to join the Whitebeard Pirates.

Without any self-interest.

No calculation at all.

Wanting to recognize Whitebeard as a father, wanting to become a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, the conditions are not so harsh. As long as you keep a sincere heart, sincerely recognize Whitebeard as a father, Whitebeard will not reject such a person.

"Gurararararara!" Whitebeard laughed out loud, and said to Shisui who was stunned in place: "Stupid son, do you want me to ask you to stand up?"

"No, no, absolutely not!"

Shisui found himself a bit flattered, the old him, would never have such emotions in his heart.

He thought... Whitebeard would give him more tests.

Want to test his capacity.

Or to test his sincerity.

But none of these happened.

He knelt on the ground, begging Whitebeard to accept him as a son, and Whitebeard agreed.

Not so many procedures.

Just that simple.

"Pops!" Shisui's empty eyes welled up with tears. Even without eyeballs, his tears didn't lessen much, and soon the bandage around his eyes was soaked.

He felt that his voice of "Pops" was not very loud.

Without needing Whitebeard to remind him, Shisui took the initiative to increase his voice, hysterically releasing the emotions he had suppressed for many years.


The emotions that had been suppressed for many years were all released by this shout of "Pops", Shisui seemed to have been reborn at this moment.

Although his eyes can no longer see things.

But he "saw" a light in front of him, this light, he had never seen before he became blind.

After going blind...

He actually saw it.

"Tsk!" Kisame also showed a bit of a smile, but his mouth full of sharp teeth made his smile look more like a sneer: "Shisui of the Body Flicker from Konohagakure, has also joined the Whitebeard Pirates! The lineup of this pirate group is getting stronger and stronger."

Kisame didn't look down on Shisui because he lost both eyes.

If the dignified Shisui of the Body Flicker loses both eyes and loses all his combat power, then he is not worthy of being called Shisui of the Body Flicker.

"Kisame, get ready!" Whitebeard's smile remained, and he ordered Kisame: "Tonight... there will be another grand banquet! Gurararararara!"

"Okay, Pops" Kisame nodded: "I will buy more wine and meat."

After participating in several banquets in the Whitebeard Pirates, Kisame also knew what a pirate banquet was all about.

At the banquet... wine and meat are absolutely indispensable.


At the same time.

Inside a tattoo shop in Konohagakure village.

In the vast Konohagakure village, as long as it is related to business, it is basically inseparable from the ninja clan. Like Teuchi's ramen shop that has nothing to do with the ninja clan, it is a minority in Konohagakure

The reason why a shop like Ichiraku Ramen, which is not interfered with by the ninja clan, exists is just to comfort the civilians in the village and make the civilians feel that the ninja clan has not monopolized the business of Konohagakure.

In fact, except for a few shops, most of the shops in the entire Konohagakure village are supported by various ninja clans in the village.

Inside this tattoo shop, there is a family emblem of the Uchiha clan,

Obviously, this is an industry under the Uchiha clan.

"Madam, this is the income and expenditure situation last month." The boss of the tattoo shop respectfully handed the account book to Uchiha Mikoto, and rubbed his hands quite flatteringly: "The income and expenditure situation of the tattoo shop is all normal, even 20% more than the month before last. The main reason is that there are more ninjas with personality, they will all come to our tattoo shop for tattoos."

Uchiha Mikoto opened the account book and took a brief look.

She nodded and said: "It's still the same as before. Tomorrow you take away your part of the dividend, and all the rest will be sent to the Uchiha clan's residence."

"Okay, madam." The boss of the tattoo shop hurriedly agreed.

But just at this moment, the shop door was suddenly pushed open.

The wind chime hanging on the door "ding ding" rang.

The boss of the tattoo shop was suddenly surprised: "Ah! I'm really sorry! I'm very sorry! Our tattoo shop is temporarily closed this afternoon. Would you like to come tomorrow morning or afternoon?"

"Eh? Not open today?" Uzumaki Fuushi was a bit surprised, she didn't expect to make a trip for nothing today.

Just at this moment.

Uchiha Mikoto also turned her head curiously.

Take a look behind.

When Uchiha Mikoto's gaze fell on Uzumaki Fuushi, she seemed to see an old acquaintance in a trance. As Mikoto's eyes widened several times, she couldn't help but blurt out a name in surprise: "Kushina?!"

"Kushina?" Just like Kushina, Uzumaki Fuushi, who also has a head of red hair, couldn't help but be stunned.

Her gaze fell on Uchiha Mikoto.

Found that this is a person she doesn't know.

Uzumaki Fuushi immediately understood what was going on, she smiled, and explained politely: "Madam, you must have mistaken me, I'm not 'Kushina'."

Her explanation made Mikoto come back to her senses.

Mikoto was a bit embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, you look a bit like an old acquaintance of mine, and I just mistook you for her." Saying this, Uchiha Mikoto said to the tattoo shop owner: "Don't mind me, just serve the customers as you normally would."

"Yes, madam." The tattoo shop owner quickly nodded, and then warmly welcomed Uzumaki Fuushi.

"Dear customer, please! Our small shop has a variety of tattoo designs, both trendy and retro." He enthusiastically introduced: "The pricing standard is based on the complexity of the tattoo design and the size of the tattoo."

"Generally, no matter how complex the tattoo design is, the charge will not exceed 50,000 Ryo. If it is an unusual situation, there may be a little extra charge."

"No problem, it's not a very complex pattern." Uzumaki Fuushi smiled and took out a piece of paper from her pocket.

On the paper, she drew the logo of the Whitebeard Pirates herself.

She spread this piece of paper on a table next to her.

Then, she said with a smile: "With a pattern like this, it's probably going to be tattooed on the upper arm of my left hand, is that okay?"

The tattoo shop owner took a look: "Hmm... no problem, it's a very simple pattern, it only needs 2,000 Ryo."

Mikoto also curiously put her gaze on that piece of paper.

At a glance, she was stunned, and the pupils in her pair of eyes couldn't help but shrink.

"Whitebeard Pirates?!!"

Some civilians and even some lower ninjas in Konohagakure village may not know what the logo of the Whitebeard Pirates looks like.

But, Uchiha Mikoto herself, besides being Fugaku's wife, she is also an upper ninja of Konohagakure.

How could she not know the logo of the Whitebeard Pirates?

When she blurted out these two words.

Uzumaki Fuushi also looked at her with a smile: "It seems that madam, you are not unfamiliar with our Whitebeard Pirates. My name is Uzumaki Fuushi, I am a crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Uchiha Mikoto: "..."

Uzumaki Fuushi? Uzumaki? The same surname as Kushina?

Could it be that she is also a descendant of the Uzumaki clan?

"More than just being familiar, your group's reputation in Konohagakure village, in the ears of us ninjas, can be described as well-known." After calming down the ups and downs in her heart, Mikoto also calmed down a bit.

Fortunately, she had seen Whitebeard with her own eyes yesterday.

And she had a few words with Whitebeard.

"Madam... you are a member of the Uchiha clan, right?" Uzumaki Fuushi looked at Mikoto's dress, and then looked at the Uchiha clan emblem hanging on the wall.

"My husband is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan." Mikoto introduced herself: "You can call me Uchiha Mikoto."

Uzumaki Fuushi was a bit surprised.

But only a bit.

"You are the wife of the Uchiha clan patriarch, then you should be the mother of the child named Uchiha Sasuke, and the Konohagakure ninja named Uchiha Itachi?" Uzumaki Fuushi smiled: "I have been listening to Naruto in the Whitebeard Pirates, he always talking about the child Uchiha Sasuke."

The next moment, Uzumaki Fuushi's words were shocking: "I also heard Uchiha Shisui, always mentioning Uchiha Itachi."

"Uchiha Shisui? Shisui?!" Mikoto's beautiful eyes couldn't help but widen again. The name Uchiha Shisui is absolutely famous in the Uchiha clan.

But, according to the information she had, Shisui...

Hadn't he already died at the hands of the Konohagakure high-level?

What's going on?

Could it be that Shisui didn't die at the hands of the Konohagakure high-level, he's still alive, and he's met with Whitebeard's people?

She tried hard not to let her emotions show.

Uchiha Mikoto said, "I've also learned some tattooing skills, why don't I help you tattoo this pattern?"

She wanted to take this opportunity to inquire about some news about Shisui.

Uzumaki Fuushi was taken aback.


Time passed.

It was soon evening.

"Ding ding ding..."

"Ding ding ding..."

The school bell of the ninja school was very harsh, Hyuga Neji, with a blank expression, stood up and left the classroom alone. He didn't even wait for another branch family companion.

The words that the guy called Haku said to him today, to this day, are still echoing in his mind.

"Destiny... is determined by powerful people?"

Hyuga Neji repeated the sentence that Haku had said to him, and then recalled some sad stories that Haku had told him.

As he walked out of the classroom, he looked up at a few birds flying freely in the sky, and his cold eyes showed a bit of envy.

Yes, he was actually envying the extremely low IQ birds.

Although the lifespan of those birds is very short.

Maybe just a few years, at most a dozen years.

But at least at this moment they are free, no one can bind them, they don't need to die for anyone, they don't need to protect any clan.

Neji watched for a good ten seconds.

Only then did he withdraw his gaze.

"Nice to see you again." A sudden voice sounded from behind Neji, and a fair little hand patted his shoulder.

Even the best of the Hyuga branch disciples, who had a good relationship with Neji, dared not do this to him.

But unexpectedly, Neji didn't get angry because of this.

He just frowned slightly.

And brushed the hand away.

Then, Neji turned around and looked at Haku, who was behind him.

With a pair of furrowed brows, he asked Haku in a puzzled tone, "Aren't you going back with that guy called Uzumaki Naruto?"

Haku's standing posture looks quite ladylike at first glance, this is not his deliberate decency, but his normal standing posture.

Haku laughed and replied, "Naruto and the others are making a lot of noise along the way, they're walking quite slowly. Even if I catch up half an hour later, I can easily catch up with them. Aren't you curious why Hyuga Hinata, the young lady of the Hyuga clan, doesn't return to the Hyuga clan's residence, but follows us instead?"

Neji was stunned, he just woke up, why did he always feel that Hinata was very wrong today.

"Why?" Neji's gaze passed over Haku and looked at the backs of Naruto, Karin, and Hinata.

"Because, she is resisting her destiny!"

Haku calmly said something that made Neji's eyes widen, "Hinata is now semi-detached from the Hyuga clan, rather than saying she is the young lady of the Hyuga clan... it's better to say, she is a new member of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"She, recognized Whitebeard as her father!"

Neji: "!!!"




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