
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Cómic
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279 Chs

Chapter 112: Naruto's First Kill! Spreading the Whitebeard Pirates throughout the Underworld!

Every word that came out of the mouth of this temporary person in charge fell into Gato's ears like a thunderbolt.

He didn't expect that one of the most important industries under his group would fall into the hands of others.

And this happened more than a month ago.

He only found out about it today.

"You... you... The anger surging in his chest made Gato's face turn red: "You bastards, you actually betrayed me! The shipyard is clearly mine, I own a full fifty-one percent of the shares!"

"When we built this shipyard, I and the Kirigakure village spent three billion Ryo, of which more than two billion were paid by me, Gato!"

"In the entire ninja world, no one can take away my things! And no one can survive after betraying me!"

He had already taken off his sunglasses.

The cold killing intent in his eyes was not concealed.

"Gato-sama, before you do it, let me remind you." The temporary person in charge tried to stabilize his aura: "The person who took the shipyard is Edward Newgate, also known as Whitebeard."

"Gato-sama, you must have heard about Whitebeard recently, right?" He didn't panic: "I am now working for the Whitebeard Pirates."

"The construction of the Moby Dick is also fully under my responsibility. Mr. Gato, are you sure you want to kill me?"

The whole scene was instantly frozen.

"Whitebeard..." Gato's face was gloomy, murmuring this familiar name, of course he knew who is Whitebeard.

As one of the world's leading tycoons, he pays attention to all kinds of movements in the ninja world.

The recently popular Whitebeard.

He naturally heard about him.

"Hmph! It seems you've replaced Tomonori Aomizu and become the new person in charge of the shipyard. What's your name?" Gato gritted his teeth, he really wanted to kill the traitor in front of him, but he also knew the seriousness of killing the other party.

This means he will provoke that terrifying person called Whitebeard.

That's a man who can even kill the Fourth Mizukage.

The key is, he also heard that Whitebeard has killed a Daimyo.

"Yoichi." The temporary person in charge said: "I'm an orphan, I don't have a surname, this is my name in the orphanage."

"Yoichi... So you want to be Whitebeard's dog?" Gato's eyes were full of cold light: "It seems you don't know, Whitebeard has been offered a bounty of 100 Million by various countries' Daimyo, right? That pirate is being hunted by ninjas, he can protect you today, do you think he can protect you tomorrow?"

"Gato-sama, you misunderstood. Whitebeard-sama never promised to protect me, I'm just a tool working for him, and it's my honor to be Whitebeard's dog."

Yoichi showed a slight smile.

"For us orphans who live in the ninja world, being able to live one day is one day, we never dare to expect what tomorrow will be like."


The two samurai next to Gato pressed their thumbs against the hilt of their swords, and with a clear sound, the colorful blade was revealed.

"Gato-sama, do you want us to slaughter this bastard?"

One of the samurai licked his lips: "It's just a dog of that damn Whitebeard, he dares to be so arrogant. Kill him, we take the money and leave directly by boat."

"Before leaving, blow up that damn Moby Dick, wait until we are out at sea..."

He paused, then continued: "No matter how powerful that Whitebeard is, he can't catch up with us on the sea, right?!"

Yoichi's expression changed slightly.

But he tried to keep his face expressionless, because he knew very well that when confronting a person like Gato, once you show fear, you're dead.

Gato squinted his eyes.

The samurai's suggestion...

Made him somewhat tempted.


Just as the two sides were at a stalemate.

A voice came from afar.

"Gurarararararararara!" Whitebeard's loud voice seemed to echo throughout the entire shipyard: "Just as I returned to this place, I heard that someone wanted to blow up the Moby Dick. The little devils in the ninja world... your guts are not ordinary, huh!"

This sudden voice made Gato and the others change their expressions.

They immediately looked in the direction where the sound was coming from.

Although it was very far away, and the Land of Water was shrouded in a faint mist all year round. But Whitebeard's body is too huge.

His height is 6.66 meters.

Like a two-story building.

This allows Gato and others to vaguely see the giant figure in the distance with their naked eyes, and in their sight, the giant figure in the mist becomes bigger and bigger.

Until they can clearly see the other's outline.

The distance between the two parties is less than a hundred meters.

They can even see that Whitebeard is holding a big sword in his hand, and there are a group of people around him.

There are several adults.

There are also a few kids.

The atmosphere in the air is chilling.

Knowing that the other party is a pirate, but Gato found that Whitebeard's aura is more exaggerated than any Daimyo he has seen. It seems that this pirate is like a monarch of a country.

Now that the two parties are less than a hundred meters apart, they can hear Whitebeard's footsteps. They can even hear the crisp sound of Murakumogiri touching the ground lightly.

"Hey! Who are you?"

Naruto's little face wrinkled, "Why do you want to blow up our ship?"

Gato ignored Naruto.

In his eyes, this is just an insignificant kid.

He is looking at Whitebeard.

His face was full of shock.

Like Gato, a businessman, who has been traveling around the ninja world for many years, this is the first time he has seen such a tall and burly person

Moreover, Gato also realized that the situation is not good at this time.

Although the expression on Whitebeard's face in front of him is very calm.

But, Gato noticed that the atmosphere was not right.

Gato suppressed the shock in his heart, resisted the pressure of Whitebeard, adjusted his tie a bit, to relieve a bit of tension in his heart.

Then he said to Whitebeard, "You are Edward Newgate, also known as Whitebeard, right? I am Gato, the shareholder who owns 51% of Gato Shipbuilding Factory! Perhaps you should have heard of the well-known Gato Group in Daimyo. That's my industry, Gato Shipbuilding Factory is one of my industries."

"Whitebeard, I know you are a pirate, and I also know that you are well-known in the ninja world, you are not an ordinary person. But I want to say that there is a set of rules operating in the ninja world, and no one can break that set of rules."

"Otherwise, the whole world will be in chaos."

If Gato is facing an ordinary person, Gato will definitely not talk so much

He will let his samurai kill the other party with a chaotic knife, and then hang up the corpse to kill the chicken and the monkey.

But if the other party is a rude person.

Gato will try to say some truths like this, "And... your actions have caused me heavy losses, in this more than a month, I have lost several hundreds Ryo."

"Whitebeard, there is actually no need for this. Business is about win-win, not such a domineering robbery.

Gato squinted his eyes, "I can see that your Whitebeard Pirates, has amazing commercial potential. If the Whitebeard Pirates and the Gato Group join forces, they will definitely be able to do some dark business in the ninja world."

"Instead of targeting each other, it's better to cooperate and make this cake bigger? By then, the Whitebeard Pirates will have no less than several hundreds dividends every year.

At this point, Gato's tone also brought a bit of temptation, he has already suppressed the anger in his heart.

He was thinking about if he could tie Whitebeard to the warship.

For his Gato Group, it is definitely a good thing.

"Whitebeard, what do you think?"

Gato felt that he was very sincere, with several hundreds dividends a year, some small ninja villages don't have so much military expenditure every year.

Like Kirigakure Village, a large ninja village that has been tortured by the blood mist policy, after deducting all necessary expenses, the total fiscal revenue for a whole year is actually just this number.

No matter how famous Whitebeard is in the ninja world.

He is still a pirate after all.

It is impossible for a person like Whitebeard not to like money.

Several hundred million ryo is an astronomical figure.

And that's every year!

"Cooperate? Make a big cake? Dark business? Annual dividends of no less than several hundred million?" Whitebeard, looking down at the man in front of him who was even shorter than Naruto, had a smile on his face that was somewhat ambiguous and intriguing.

"Gurararararara! What do you guys think?" Whitebeard's words were directed at Naruto and Karin, he didn't even bother to deal with Gato.

Whitebeard's attitude made Gato's face turn black involuntarily.

You should know that he is also a big shot in the ninja world.

With his wealth as a big businessman, even if he ran to a big ninja village like Konohagakure, the Hokage would have to come out to greet him.

And the Hokage of Konohagakure would have to greet him with a smile.

On the contrary, Whitebeard's attitude is very rude.


A pirate just has no manners!

"Pops, this guy named Gato doesn't have a good reputation." The first to speak was Uzumaki Fuushi, she said with a frown: "I remember he had a partnership with the Kusagakure Village, but it wasn't a legitimate business, it was a human trafficking business."

"The leader of the Kusagakure Village would catch some children he found troublesome and sell them to the Gato Group. The Gato Group would then sell these children to other people. Every Ryo they earned was tainted with filth."

Even though the person involved was right in front of them.

Uzumaki Fuushi still spoke boldly.

"Since mom doesn't like them, then I don't like them either!" Karin expressed her unconditional support for her mother.

Haku's cute face was unusually disgusted.

Haku opened his mouth and said: "I heard Zabuza say that the businessmen of the Gato Group and the Fourth Mizukage are of the same shit. Zabuza also said that if he could successfully kill the Fourth Mizukage, then his next target would be the Gato Shipyard."

Haku believed that a group of people that Zabuza hated must not be any good.

Uzumaki Fuushi, Karin, Haku, every word these three people said made Gato's expression stiffen.

Aren't these three guys blatantly criticizing him?

Gato's expression turned from green to red.

"You guys, aren't you pirates?!"

Gato finally couldn't help but speak: "Everything I've done, isn't it very normal for you pirates? Selling powder, selling arms, selling people, selling organs, haven't you pirates on the sea done all these things?"

"You, you're not a good person!" Just as Gato wanted to say something, Naruto's slightly immature voice interrupted him.

Naruto's little face said seriously: "Pops once told me that even the most vicious pirates have to have a sense of justice, we haven't done anything you said."

"We, the Whitebeard Pirates, will not do such things." Naruto said word by word: "You, you've killed a lot of people!"

That day, after Whitebeard killed Kurosuki Raiga and Tomonori Aomizu.

They also stayed at the shipyard for a while.

During that time...

Naruto had seen a powder that would drive people mad if they accidentally inhaled it; children stripped of their clothes and crammed into the cabin with faces full of fear; Explosive, Kunai, Shuriken that didn't know where they were going; and human organs placed in special containers.

Naruto had also seen bodies floating on the sea, their whole bodies soaked white, with wounds all over their bodies from being gnawed by sea fish. He also learned about the evil deeds of the Gato Group from some workers in the shipyard.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto. If I ignore these thing when my goal is becoming a Hokage, then I'm not worthy of being the Hokage of Konohagakure Village."

Naruto's eyes were like a young fox with a hint of immature killing intent, more like a fox ready to hunt on its own after leaving its parents.

"Pops, I think he should compensate those poor people. Those people who were killed by this bad guy, they must be very unwilling in the hell, or in heaven, right?"

Even though he was isolated by almost everyone in Konohagakure Village since he was a child.

Even if he chose to recognize a pirate as his father.

But Naruto's concept is still very positive.

He didn't turn dark.

And there's no need to turn dark.

"Gurarararararara!" Whitebeard grinned, "Stupid son, how do you want this guy to compensate those poor people?"

"This....." When asked this question.

Naruto didn't know how to answer.

After all, Naruto is just a six-year-old child, and it's not the period of the great ninja war, that extremely extreme survival environment.

"Stupid son, let me tell you what to do!" Whitebeard said something that made Gato's eyes widen, "On the sea, in the rules of the pirates, there is a rule to pay for life with life! Stupid son! Remember this! This is the fourth lesson of being a pirate... decisive killing!"

Whitebeard's words echoed in Naruto's ears.

"Hey hey hey! Whitebeard! You... what are you guys trying to do?" Gato's eyes widened to the extreme, "I didn't provoke you guys, did I? I've always been very polite when I speak, haven't I?"

"What does it matter to you guys if those people are dead? You guys are pirates, aren't you? You're not ninjas! You're not even police!"

At this moment, Gato was completely panicked.

"And it's just the words of a few yellow-haired kids, as the leader of the Whitebeard Pirates, why should you listen to their opinions?" Gato tried to sow discord in his panic.

"Damn it....." Seeing that the Whitebeard Pirates were indifferent, Gato had already regretted it so much that his intestines were green.

If he hadn't traveled thousands of miles to the Land of Water.

Would he not have encountered this situation?

"What are you guys standing there for? Protect me! Cover me on the ship!" Gato, sweating profusely, turned around and ran without saying a word, "Don't forget your parents, your wives, your children, they are all supported by the Gato Group! Once you fail to protect, you know what the consequences will be!"

The last added words made Gato's group of extremely vicious samurai, one by one, have to protect him.

Gato then immediately running away.

Running with his short legs.

Madly running towards the ship.

"Another bad guy who threatens other people's families! Pops doesn't like such people, which means I don't like such people either." Naruto's face turned cold, and he rushed over without hesitation, trying to catch up with the fleeing Gato.

Gato brought a group of samurai, there were dozens of them, they didn't expect Naruto to dare to rush over alone.

"This little devil is rushing over alone?"

At this time, one of Gato's personal samurai immediately reacted, "Quick! This is a chance to survive...catch this little devil! Use this stinky little devil to threaten that Whitebeard!"

As soon as he finished speaking.

He took the lead in making a move.

Just then.....

The personal samurai by Gato's side had already drawn his sword, his ferocious face showing a hint of ferocity. He roared and slashed down with the sword in his hand.

Of course, he wouldn't want Naruto's life, after all, he wanted to capture Naruto alive, he was just chopping at Naruto's arm.


It was as if Naruto had grown a third eye on top of his head.

He could "see" the trajectory of the blade falling.

And in Naruto's special vision.

The trajectory of the blade's movement was very slow.

He "saw" through it!

Naruto easily dodged to the side, the blade of the samurai sword almost cut down against his body, but it didn't even touch his clothes.

At this same time,

Naruto had already closed in on him.

Hands forming seals.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!!!" This is the only Wind Release Ninjutsu that Naruto currently knows, after days of constant practice, he has practiced this Ninjutsu to a very proficient level.

A raging wind was spat out from Naruto's mouth.

Chakra surged within his body.

The closest sword-wielding samurai's face changed instantly, he only felt as if he was hit head-on by an invisible carriage. His whole body's muscles and bones were wailing, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were filled with bloodshot.

His body was blown away by the strong wind.

The other samurai nearby were no exception.

One by one, the sword-wielding samurai was blown away by a face-to-face Wind Release Ninjutsu. Some samurai were directly blown into the sea, some samurai directly hit the ship.

Naruto didn't hesitate to pull out a Kunai.

This Kunai, Naruto always pinned on his thigh.

The small body moved extremely fast.

Like a flash of lightning.

Stepped on the gangway with one foot.

Caught up with Gato in the blink of an eye.

Naruto, holding the Kunai, the hesitation in his eyes turned into determination in the next moment.


The fleeing Gato's body suddenly shook.

His panicked movements also stopped.

His face was full of disbelief.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto of the Whitebeard Pirates' first Division!" Naruto's immature voice rang out in Gato's ears. Naruto, who was killing for the first time, had a tremor in his voice that was hard to suppress, but he was very strong and plunged the Kunai in a bit further

Blood gushed out.

Soaking Naruto's palm.

"Remember when you go to the hell, we are the Whitebeard Pirates! Spread the name of the Whitebeard Pirates throughout the hell!"



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