
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

Kaiszer · Cómic
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280 Chs

CH - 96 I am not an Orphan!

I am grateful to Aaron Mendoza for becoming a patron on my Patreon. Thank you for your support as they enable me to continue creating and providing valuable content

The entire scenario felt exceptionally awkward. At this moment, Kakuzu maintained his expressionless demeanor as he gazed at the Grass Ninja Village leader before him, as well as Yoshinori and Mubuki. The three from Grass Ninja Village returned his gaze with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue.

Interestingly, this was the first meeting between Kakuzu and Akihiko. When Akihiko had arrived in The Land of Rain, Kakuzu had just become a part of Grass Ninja Village. Subsequently, Kakuzu assumed the role of Chief Financial Officer, sharing responsibilities with Kana and overseeing the financial matters of The Land of Grass.

Kakuzu couldn't help but feel surprised by the extent of trust placed in him. He hadn't anticipated such a level of authority, particularly considering his position as a newcomer. Though it hadn't been openly addressed, there was an undeniable sense of acceptance extended to him.

Reflecting on the recent peculiar scene he had witnessed, Kakuzu's face twitched with incredulity. He had considered Grass Village's strategic misinformation tactics during the First Great Ninja War to be remarkably audacious. Yet, the spectacle he had just observed surpassed even that.

Never in his wildest imagination had he contemplated that Grass Ninja Village harbored such audacious schemes. The concept of 'fake war' was already a remarkable stretch, but the true shock lay in their declaration of war against Rain Village while concurrently hiring Rain ninjas to battle against their own comrades from Rain Village. It was an absurd paradox that left Kakuzu flabbergasted.

Having traversed through more than half a lifetime, having experienced the tumultuous Warring States era, and even having crossed paths with the god of the ninja world, Kakuzu found himself genuinely dumbfounded for the first time. Today, he had truly encountered enlightenment of an unparalleled kind. The sheer audacity of this operation surpassed any boundaries of reason.

"Hahaha, given its gravity, we've kept this rather discreet, and only a select few within the village are aware," Akihiko regarded Kakuzu, whose expressions shifted intermittently, with a complex gaze. His laughter resonated as he extended his arms in a welcoming gesture. "You're welcome to join us, Kakuzu."

"Hmph! I haven't affiliated myself with Grass Village," Kakuzu snorted icily, casting a cool glance at Akihiko, his voice carrying an air of detachment. "I've merely accepted your employment."

"I understand, I understand! It's all the same!" Akihiko responded nonchalantly, waving his hand in a dismissive manner to convey his point.

Akihiko's words were barely out when Kakuzu's silence enveloped the space again. Swiftly rising to his feet, he made his way toward the exit. Without a backward glance, he spoke, his voice carrying a composed assurance, "These matters don't pique my interest. As long as they don't interfere with my profit-making ventures."

His pace halted briefly mid-stride, his back turned to Akihiko, as he calmly continued, "However, if I don't profit from this endeavor, don't be surprised if I resort to impoliteness."

With that proclamation, Kakuzu proceeded, his footsteps leading him out. His demeanor communicated his indifference to anything unrelated to monetary gains.

Observing Kakuzu's departing figure, Akihiko shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips, and murmured, "He traveled all this way for..."

After the meeting concluded, Kakuzu found himself outside the conference room, his eyes blinking in contemplation. He took in a deep breath, his thoughts wandering as he softly murmured to himself, "Grass Ninja Village..."

His reflection was interrupted by the cacophony of sounds that surrounded him. Turning his gaze toward the source, he once again felt a slight twitch in his facial expression. The scene before him felt really weird. No matter how many times he witnessed it, the sight before him stirred an inexplicable feeling within him.

Shaking his head in a somewhat helpless manner, he glanced at the trio of youngsters a short distance away. A blend of emotions flickered across his face as he paused briefly. Without a need for words, he set his course toward the factory, a resolute determination in his stride.

He hadn't lost sight of his primary purpose in coming here, which was to make money. Yet, within this unwavering focus, an unexpected encounter veered into his path. A figure donning a gas mask crossed his trajectory, prompting both individuals to momentarily halt. Their gazes connected, a silent exchange passing between them before they continued on their separate routes.

"Hanzo-sama?" Aso inquired with a hint of doubt, observing the strange reaction that played across Hanzo's features when he encountered the unknown figure. While intrigued, Aso remained unaware of the significance behind the exchange.

"It's nothing," Hanzo responded, snapping back to reality. He shook his head, his tone composed as he added, "Let's continue."

With his statement made, Hanzo resumed his stride. Yet, after taking a few steps, he paused again, his attention drawn to Kakuzu's departing form. He lapsed into a momentary silence, his contemplation deep.

"Grass Ninja Village is truly intriguing," he murmured softly, his words carrying a sense of fascination as he detected Kakuzu's chakra fading away.

Aso blinked, his gaze shifting between their leader and the retreating figure of Kakuzu. While he couldn't discern anything remarkable, he held steadfast faith in their leader's intuition. After all, their leader was a demi-god in the ninja world, a figure who occupied the pinnacle of this realm.

"Should we investigate?" Aso inquired, a touch of uncertainty lacing his voice as he questioned the potential need to gather information about Kakuzu.

Hanzo's response was succinct, "Let it go." He then continued to walk forward with an expression devoid of emotion. Aso followed in his wake, musing on the leader's actions. During these occasional visits to this location, it was difficult to ascertain whether Hanzo sought solace in the tranquil and vibrant atmosphere. Or perhaps he concealed the true purpose behind his visits, to gather insights about Grass Ninja Village.

As a Rain ninja, Aso adhered to the unspoken rule of not delving into matters that didn't concern him. Following orders was the core principle of a ninja's duty, and this mindset guided his actions.

Moreover, During these recent 'battles,' Aso had noticed a distinct unease in their leader's demeanor. There were instances where Hanzo's reactions were quite intense, particularly directed toward the Rain ninjas who were playing the part of Grass ninjas. While he hadn't witnessed any fatalities, it was clear that there was a level of gravity to these situations, and Aso was prudent in not raising unnecessary queries.

However, beneath the surface, concerns also lingered. If a genuine war erupted, Aso doubted that the current Rain Village could contend with the might of Grass Ninja Village. Such thoughts gnawed at him, but they were confined to his inner musings.

Abruptly, Aso's footsteps came to a halt, his expression morphing into one of astonishment. He watched as their leader exhibited a peculiar reaction, his expression reflecting a mix of emotions. This bewildering response prompted Aso to halt as well, his gaze following Hanzo's line of sight to a trio of youths ahead. As the joyful smiles of the youngsters met his eyes, Aso's own expression underwent a sudden freeze.

The recognition hit Aso like a jolt. The trio of youths before them was none other than those audacious youngsters who had dared to infiltrate Rain Village in the past. They had certainly grown since then, maturing from mischievous children to more serious young teenagers.

"Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan..." Aso murmured, his gaze resting on the leader, Hanzo. The leader's quiet demeanor seemed to carry a mix of emotions, undoubtedly stirred by the sight of these familiar faces.

Understanding the complexity of their leader's feelings, Aso weighed his words carefully before speaking further, "Leader, these three... They should have graduated from the academy a few years ago." His gaze remained on Hanzo, gauging his reaction.

Aso continued, sharing insights about the educational policies of Grass Village, "Unlike the Five Great Ninja Villages, Grass Village, under Leader Akihiko's guidance, established the Grass Ninja Academy. Its focus isn't just on teaching ninjutsu, it's a platform to instill moral values and life principles in all children, whether they possess extraordinary talents or not."

Pausing, he elaborated, "This policy means that children aren't permitted to graduate prematurely for the battlefield, unless under special circumstances."

As Aso spoke, a sense of admiration for Leader Akihiko filled him. He couldn't help but marvel at how Grass Ninja Village had embraced the ideals that the First Hokage had initially set out with the village system, to keep children away from the horrors of war.

Contrary to the Five Great Ninja Villages that still struggled with this concept, Grass Ninja Village had ardently pursued it. Aso reflected on the fact that the three youngsters he saw before him, the same ones who had once played their pranks in Rain Village, were anything but weak. In most other ninja villages, they would have likely been sent on missions or thrust onto the battlefield by now.

Their leader's movements drew Aso's attention, prompting him to follow along without hesitation. As they neared the trio of young adults, Aso noticed a slight change in their expressions. The three seemed to be caught off guard, their faces showing traces of surprise and a hint of awkwardness. Their reaction was akin to children who had been caught red-handed doing something mischievous.

"Why is he here too?" The trio exchanged puzzled glances as their eyes settled on Hanzo. Despite the absence of actual combat between the two villages, Hanzo still held the position of leadership within Rain Village. The unexpected encounter stirred a mixture of emotions within them.

As they made their attempt to leave, Hanzo unexpectedly intercepted their path. Yahiko, feeling somewhat helpless, offered a cheerful chuckle and greeted, "Long time no see, Hanzo-Sama!"

"Long time no see? Hmph!" Hanzo's response was more curt, his demeanor tinged with complexity as he looked at the now-exceptional young ninjas before him. He reflected on how they had transformed from orphans of Rain Village into the individuals they are today, and the change left him with mixed feelings.

For reasons even he wasn't entirely certain of, Hanzo had halted their departure. Unless Rain Village formally declared an all-out war on Grass Ninja Village, there was little justification for him to take action against them. He sighed inwardly, blinking in contemplation as he spoke with a measured tone, "I never imagined that the troublemakers who once stirred chaos in The Land of Rain and infiltrated Rain Village with disruptive intentions would be revealed as orphans hailing from our very own land..."

Yet, his sentence was abruptly cut short by Nagato, standing beside Yahiko, who raised his hand in an expressionless manner and asserted with a tone of seriousness, "I'm not an orphan!"

His unexpected remark left everyone momentarily stunned. Their gazes shifted to Nagato, a mixture of amusement and incredulity on their faces. In the midst of complex discussions, Nagato's interjection seemed to disrupt the flow, and their baffled expressions seemed to collectively question, 'Is that really the point to focus on right now?'





You can read +5 chapters ahead of everyone on my Patreon


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1842 words (Excluding A/N)

Kaiszercreators' thoughts