
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

Kaiszer · Cómic
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280 Chs

CH - 228 Uchiha Clan…

Uchiha Fugaku's grip tightened on the fine in his hand, his features contorting with a mixture of frustration and anger. At this moment, he harbored an intense desire to rend apart those very ninjas who had dared to encroach upon his clan's domain.

What, exactly, did Danzo Shimura seek to achieve with these relentless intrusions? It seemed that scarcely a day passed without the unwelcome presence of ANBU ninjas or should he say ROOT ninjas descending upon the Uchiha clan district under the guise of inspecting fire safety and sanitation. Is that something the mysterious ROOT organization should be doing?

As the esteemed Clan leader, Fugaku possessed a certain degree of insight into this enigmatic entity shrouded in the shadows of the village, distinct from the ANBU. Recruitment of skilled ninjas from various clans into this mysterious organization had not escaped his notice. Whispers painted it as a bearer of Konoha's darkest secrets. Moreover, Since its inception, it has maintained a watchful eye on the Uchiha clan, leading Fugaku to harbor lingering doubts.

However, Since when had these rumored agents of Konoha's darkness deemed it appropriate to concern themselves with matters as mundane as fire safety and sanitation inspections? And even if such inspections were deemed necessary, was it not the responsibility of the Konoha Security Department to oversee such affairs?

Moreover, the Uchiha clan's district lay squarely within their own territory, shielded from the prying eyes of the outside world, dedicated solely to the daily affairs of the Uchiha clan. Any disturbances within were a matter for the Uchiha alone to address. Thus, Fugaku found himself grappling with the unsettling suspicion that these ostensible inspections were nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to extract funds from the Uchiha clan through coercion and intimidation.

As the head of the Uchiha clan and a war veteran, Fugaku possessed a nuanced understanding of Konoha's turbulent circumstances during this period. The aftermath of their devastating defeat in the conflict with the Grass Village weighed heavily upon them, resulting not only in the loss of the Nine-Tails and the revered Mangekyou Sharingan but also inflicting significant casualties. Their failures had incurred the ire of the Daimyo, exacerbating their already precarious financial situation. Even now, the village struggled to regain its footing, grappling with persistent deficits in revenue and expenditures.

Yet, despite these challenges, the singling out of the Uchiha clan for such scrutiny felt unjust and perplexing to Fugaku. Were they the sole affluent clan residing within the vicinity? Why were they being subjected to this relentless targeting?

Ever since Shimura Danzo's return, the relentless barrage of fire safety inspections at their doorstep had become an all too familiar occurrence. Fugaku couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that there was a personal vendetta at play here. Memories resurfaced of Danzo's recent capture by the forces of the Grass Village, hinting at a simmering animosity directed towards the Uchiha clan.

With a heavy sigh, Fugaku acknowledged the undeniable truth: this was nothing short of bullying, a calculated campaign to undermine and subjugate the Uchiha clan.

However, what troubled him even more now was the bizarre sight unfolding before him. Uchiha Fugaku's mouth twitched in disbelief as he beheld the peculiar figure emerging from beneath the floor, clad entirely in white and sporting an utterly ludicrous appearance.

Ordinarily, Fugaku would have swiftly apprehended such an intruder, but this individual was unlike any he had encountered before. Holding a CARD bearing his credentials, the eccentric figure introduced himself with grandiose flair. "Greetings! I am White Zetsu, an esteemed journalist from the prestigious Shinobi Times."

Fugaku stared at him in sheer bewilderment, his mind reeling with incredulity. What on earth could Grass Village possibly want now?

On the other hand, Upon Mubuki's revelation, a heavy silence descended upon the trio. Akihiko's brows furrowed in perplexity as he directed a quizzical gaze at Mubuki. "Hold on a moment. Are you saying that your journalists ventured into the heart of the Uchiha clan district to interview Uchiha Fugaku?"

"There was no alternative. Competition in the newspaper industry is fierce, and these reporters are all handpicked from the factory. To avoid being relegated back to factory work, they must demonstrate their dedication." Mubuki sighed, his tone tinged with resignation. "Moreover, with the recent surge in news regarding the Uchiha clan, there are always a few audacious souls unafraid of danger who sneak in for interviews."

Akihiko found himself momentarily speechless, struck by the audacity of their actions. Such bravery was truly remarkable. Curiosity piqued, he inquired further, "And what became of this individual in the end?"

"Uncertain at the moment. We haven't received any updates. Initially, I feared the worst, but another White Zetsu claimed... that he's still alive and may have intentionally severed communication to secure exclusive information," Mubuki explained with a weary sigh. "These individuals... They're truly dedicated journalists. I've heard rumors that one of them even spent half a month's salary to purchase a set of Flame Dragon Armor for Uchiha Fugaku's son, a gesture of utmost respect. I'm hopeful that he'll be alright."

Akihiko lapsed into a contemplative silence at Mubuki's update. While the uncertainty surrounding the fate of the daring journalist lingered, the reports from other White Zetsu lent a measure of reassurance. "Indeed, they seem to be quite dedicated journalists," he remarked quietly.

Shifting his focus back to the pressing matter at hand, Akihiko queried, "How is the situation with the Uchiha clan now?"

Mubuki's response painted a picture of stagnation tinged with resentment. "The status quo remains unchanged, bolstered by the Uchiha clan's considerable assets. However..." Mubuki's expression twisted into a malicious grin, hinting at deeper undercurrents beneath the surface. "The unjust fines have only served to stoke further animosity within the Uchiha clan."

Akihiko's countenance contorted with a mixture of concern and incredulity at Mubuki's revelations. Could it be that the Uchiha clan, pushed to their limits by exploitation, had finally reached a breaking point and initiated a rebellion?

The notion seemed plausible. However, Why would Shimura Danzo resort to such extortion when outright eradication of the clan would secure their assets more efficiently?

"Maybe, It's because they are desperate," Mubuki interjected, seemingly attuned to Akihiko's inner turmoil. "In recent times, Konoha has found itself in dire financial straits. While other ninja villages focus on rebuilding, they're exploring unconventional methods to expedite recovery. Of course, Shimura Danzo's motivations may extend beyond mere financial gain; there could be a hidden agenda at play. However, it's possible that he fears the repercussions of open conflict amidst the village's current fragility, hence his unorthodox approach."

Akihiko asked suddenly as he remembered someone, "What about Uchiha Shisui from the Uchiha clan?"

"Uchiha Shisui..." Despite his uncertainty regarding the leader's interest in this individual, he dutifully proceeded with the investigation as ordered. "Uchiha Shisui is hailed as a prodigy within the Uchiha clan, renowned for his potential to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan akin to Uchiha Madara. However, recent observations suggest his close affiliation with the Hokage. Nevertheless, there have been no recent developments of note."

"I see..." Akihiko mused momentarily before shaking his head in resignation. "In that case, continue to monitor Uchiha Shisui and the Uchiha clan."

"Understood!" With the directive in hand, Mubuki swiftly departed, mindful of the significance of the assignment. After all, this was headline-worthy material for the Shinobi Times. Now, he had to prepare for its publication.

Meanwhile, following Mubuki's departure, Akihiko lapsed into a contemplative silence. Moments passed before he emitted a weary sigh. Who would have anticipated such drastic shifts? Shimura Danzo was delving into fire safety inspections now? Truly, the turn of events was unfathomable.

At that moment, Kushina's voice joined the conversation with a heavy sigh. "I never imagined the Uchiha clan's situation in the village would deteriorate to such depths."

In the past, Minato had advocated for assisting the Uchiha clan in their reintegration into Konoha. However, the current state of affairs painted a starkly different picture. Now, the village entertained notions of seizing the Uchiha clan's longstanding legacy. Reflecting on this, Kushina's thoughts turned to another grievance. Hadn't their own family's legacy suffered a similar fate at the hands of Konoha?

With a simmering anger, Kushina muttered, "Konoha's actions are truly despicable. How could the Third Hokage stoop so low?"

"Who can say?" Akihiko's response was nonchalant, yet a hint of contemplation crept into his expression. "But it is surprising that the Uchiha clan leader didn't simply expel White Zetsu..."

Was there more to the Uchiha clan leader's actions than met the eye? Could he have some hidden motive?

1432 Words.

Kaiszercreators' thoughts