
Naruto (part 1) : The Second son

In a reality parallel to that of Naruto's story, the fact that Kushina is the first pregnant jinshuriki has brought consequences for her twin children who will impact the world in their own way . This story is a "what if" and I'm writing under some pretty special circumstances. English is not my first language so bear with me, sometimes the grammar will sting but the regulars of my stories certainly already know that. I hope you enjoy reading and thank you for your time

The3Entities · Cómic
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30 Chs

Chapter 31 : The end of a stage

(time skip)

 While Obito had planned a year of observation for the project he had suggested to Jiraiya, it took him 6 months to do so and develop the best training program in his opinion to make them kage level shinobis after years.

The last five months have served him for other preparations and to concentrate on other things.

 Jiraiya and Kakashi had read Tobirama's memories, it allowed them to confirm their affiliation with him but also to better understand the Nidaime hokage.

Jiraiya had sincerely thanked Obito and had spoken about it to Tsunade who had been seriously shaken by the news because Jiraiya was in fact her uncle in a way.

The relationship between Jiraiya and Yuko was really serious so they talked to the children about it and Karin was rather delighted to see her mother so happy, it gave her ideas every time her gaze fell on Obito.

 As for Kakashi, his situation was quite complicated. He had lost his sharingan and a good part of his assets, he was trying to regain himself because facing Kisame he saw his own limits.

Kakashi realized that he had neglected his training and relied too much on his sharingan. Gai knew Kakashi well and knew what his rival was going through so he challenged him to a duel which ended in Kakashi's defeat but Gai didn't stop there and reminded Kakashi who he was, how talented he was long before he got this dojutsu and the genius he always was, he's Kakashi with or without that eye.

 Obito had witnessed this and came to discuss it with them to help in his own way, he took out some scrolls from his storage scroll and handed them to Kakashi.

Some were Tobirama's incomplete techniques but one of them was the technique his father Sakumo used. Obito had learned a lot about him after discovering that Sakumo was Tobirama's son and a detail about his skills distorted people's understanding.

 Sakumo was nicknamed the White Fang because of his terrifying skills in kenjutsu but especially thanks to his tanto whose blade had a white reflection every time he waved it. The fact is that this glow did not come from the blade but from the kenjutsu technique he used.

The white blade was a lost technique from the land of iron and only used by the now extinct Hatake clan and this technique mastered to perfection would allow the user to benefit from speed but above all from a blade capable of cutting everything because the white blade was in fact the result of a kekkei tôta combining the ration, Katon and Fuuton chakra to create a blade made of light.

 Sakumo barely mastered this technique and combined with his other skills he was more powerful than the Sannin.

Tobirama's other unfinished techniques also belonged to him by right as a descendant, Obito didn't try to learn them all because he too wanted to be a creator of his own techniques .

 As for Jiraiya, Obito reminded him that he had to gain more power and just like with Kakashi, he gave him copies of the techniques of the father that Jiraiya never knew but he advised him to especially strengthen his current skills because after all, he was a man of a certain age with his experience and support.

Jiraiya took his role as hokage seriously and that earned the respect of Obito who had encouraged the Sanin to do his best to be worthy of his predecessors in terms of power but especially in terms of decision so that his passage would be marked.

 Today was the inauguration ceremony of Jiraiya's statue alongside the heads of his predecessors on the hokage mountain and the village was very joyful, Tsunade congratulated Jiraiya towards whom she had mixed feelings now that she knew their bond but above all she felt strange seeing Jiraiya with Yuko, the way his gaze changed every time he looked at the beautiful Uzumaki.

Tsunade had started to treat Itachi's case for his illness but also that of Yakumo, she had to give her all to make up for the obligations she had missed for years.

She wanted to prove that there was still a Senju to take care of the village and today, Tsunade as the leader of her clan recognized in front of the general public the legitimacy of Jiraiya as a Senju, a revelation that surprised and delighted more than one.

 During the week, Obito presented the plans of his project to Jiraiya and Itachi who fully approved them, he was responsible for giving the invitations to the candidates who will participate in the "roots" project.

The next day, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Yakumo, Karin, Naruto, Neji, Lee, Tenten, Kiba and Shino saw the convening order left there by Obito near their beds without any of them being able to notice his presence and at exactly 11am, they were all in the great hall of the tower in the forest of death where they had taken the preliminaries for the final stages of the Chunin exam.

 " You're probably wondering why you are here so let me first of all congratulate you on being selected for the most important project of recent decades." Jiraiya spoke in front of the still incomprehensible candidates. Close to him behind were Gai, Kakashi, Yamato and Itachi.

 "According to recent events, we have learned that in less than 8 years now, powerful forces will emerge from the shadows to wreak havoc on the shinobi world and Konoha will be their target.

As hokage, I must defend this village and those who live there, but no man can do everything alone and that is why you're here. The project in which you'll participate is a training and progression program which in a minimum of 6 years will make you kage-level shinobis that I can count on when times are dark." Jiraiya said as several of them started murmuring in surprise as reaching the power of a kage was the ideal of all shinobis but hearing that it was possible for them in 6 years was madness.

 However, they necessarily had to know what root they were going to belong to and Jiraiya gave the floor to the still masked Itachi.

 "It's important that you understand what the root is and you'll discover it in detail as you progress but basically we are Konoha's secret force that protects the village in the shadows and watches over its interests.

We're directly linked to the Anbu who'll be directly under our direction and we will only be accountable to the hokage to whom we'll have absolute loyalty but only if it is in the interest of the village.

 The roots are both the strongest shield but also the sharpest sword in the village. You have certainly noticed changes elsewhere as well as some agitation regarding the village's medical services, this is also part of a similar project.

Konoha will certainly go through dark times in the future and each of you who agree to participate in this project will be a major player in the survival of this village.

We'll be the hokage's extra hands and help him keep this village safe. Now, for the details of your training, I'll leave the floor to whoever imagined this project." Itachi said and to the amazement of Naruto and the others, Obito left the ranks to stand in front and facing them.

 "You should know that you have been observed for several months to understand your strengths and determine the training that will highlight your potential to achieve our goal.

Obviously, your parents have been informed of this project and have cooperated fully with your observation.

 The training program will be divided into two phases of three years, during the first three years you'll undergo intensive training to improve your chakra reserves but also your taijutsu and your ninjutsu.

For three years you'll experience hell to improve your physical but also mental energy which are the two components of the chakra, these exercises will be common but certain aspects will be modified depending on the individual.

 Gai sensei will be responsible for your physical training and as for your spiritual energy, specialized training methods have been put in place for you by my own care, simulation genjutsu, mediation exercises but above all exercises to control your chakra that you must do every day without exception.

 The second phase of this training will consist of personal development of your own strengths, no one knows you better than yourself and the greatest known shinobis have created their own styles and techniques.

Those who accept this program will leave the domains of their clans or houses of their parents to be permanently housed in the premises of the root, their new home for the years to come.

At the end of this program, although you'll keep your names, you will be assigned a number based on your power level in the root and the one with the number zero will obviously be the strongest in the group.

The rankings will not be final and it will be possible to challenge your better ranked comrades to occupy their places in the ranking.

 Obviously, you're aware of certain exceptions. I will not follow this program because I'm already much further ahead of you so I'll train elsewhere during these years and this is certainly the case for some others.

The goal of becoming stronger to protect Konoha and to be a trusted support for the hokage, some have come to see me for training so you are served. That's all for me..." Obito finished and didn't return to the ranks but went to stand near Itachi and the others.

Jiraiya asked that those who wish to participate in the program come forward and without even hesitation, Kiba with a determined look stepped forward first and the others followed to Jiraiya's great satisfaction.

 The candidates were sent home to prepare their personal belongings and Naruto approached his brother to ask him why he had not told him anything and Obito replied that it was a project still in preparation in which Naruto wouldn't have no role to play so he didn't see the point in telling him.

Karin asked Obito where he was going to train and when he told her he was going to take the monkey teachings, she begged him to take her with him.

He told her that Tsunade was going to take disciples and it would perhaps be better for her to follow this training in parallel but she categorically refused.

 Seeing Karin's determination and sharing her feelings, Obito agreed to take her with him, he was convinced that monkey training was better so if his future wife was to be strong, she had to follow the best training.

 Two days later at the Senju domain, Obito prostrated himself in front of the tombs of Hashirama and Tobirama to pay homage to them, he had just done it in front of his parents graves as usual to say goodbye to them before joining the others who were waiting for him with Shikamaru and Lee.

 " So that's it ? Is it time to leave? Don't count on me to wait for you, when you return I'll be strong enough to beat you." Lee told Obito who told him that he was counting on him for that before joining their fists.

 "Thanks for the technique, the instructions are quite clear. This whole workout routine hasn't even started yet but it's already boring me and my mom can't stop yelling at my dad for cooperating without her consent." Shikamaru said while holding the scroll of the shadow technique developed by Tobirama that Obito had simplified for him.

 "This technique was developed thanks to your clan's Jutsu so it's legitimate that it comes back to you. Thank you for always being friendly to us with Choji." Obito told him as Choji on the side smiled while eating snacks. 

 "In three days, I'll go with Pervy Sage to the toads to continue my training. We won't see each other again for a long time so...take care of yourself bro..." Naruto isolated with Obito told his brother with a little sadness because it was the first time since their birth that they were going to be separated for a long time.

 "When we meet again I hope you'll tell me about the secret that is troubling you and I am sure you know what I am talking about. I see the changes in you and sometimes I listen to you whisper when you are alone.

I never asked you about it so as not to rush you, but you'll have years ahead to prepare explanations to me about it." Obito said looking Naruto straight in the eyes surprised by that.

 Naruto: I was crazy to think that you wouldn't have noticed anything, you know me better than anyone. I promise to tell you everything when we get together little brother, (looks at Karin) take care of him, you're apart from me the person towards whom he has the most affection.

 "You can count on me but Naruto, you better spend some time with Hinata before you leave. Since you told her you were leaving in a few days she's been strange, Yakumo and I caught her crying." Karin said to Naruto in a serious tone.

In this reality, Naruto is extremely close to Hinata and they spent a lot of time together where he helped her.

They had mutual feelings but neither had made the first move, they were only 14 years old. Now Naruto was going to go training for years and the girl was deeply saddened.

 They said their last words to the others before joining Jiraiya, Kakashi and Itachi a little further away. Jiraiya pleadingly asked him if he was sure he didn't want to join Team "Toad" but Obito humbly refused and reminded Jiraiya that it was imperative to become more powerful, he seriously pressed this to the Sannin AGAIN .

Kakashi and Itachi chatted with him a bit for some final details to work out.

 The final preparations finished, Obito took out the monkey summoning contract scroll where there were already Karin's bloody footprints and performed the reverse summoning Jutsu to disappear from there with Karin.

 (The lost tree of fruits and flowers)

 Obito appeared there with Karin completely stunned by this place which seemed unreal. The tree was absolutely gigantic and Enma's people were quick to show up and like the last time with Hiruzen, Ryosaru came to welcome them and escort the kids towards Enma who was waiting for them because he had felt Obito's chakra .

 "You finally came, I hope it's for your training little one. You didn't tell us that you had passed the contract with us to someone else and without consulting me." Enma said a little displeased and Mizaru his daughter calmed him down.

 "Father, please calm down. I can feel this little girl's chakra reserve and it's a real phenomenon, it'll give me great pleasure to have the company of a new friend." Mizaru said smiling at them tenderly.

 "Please forgive my audacity, it's true that I should have informed you of this unexpected event. Karin would also like to have the honor of following your teachings and I vouch for her talents, you'll not be disappointed if you give her a chance." Obito said taking Karin's hand whose face turned completely red.

 Enma : Enough, whatever. We need to talk about important details like how long you've been training here and if you're really serious about training my three kids and that crazy Wukong ?

 "Father…" Mizaru called out to his father to remind him that he was talking about his husband and he apologized, still insisting that his son-in-law was an eccentric.

 Obito, to answer him, bit his thumb slightly and moved closer to the wood of the piece that was part of the giant tree. He performed a few mudras before finishing with that of the shadow clone before placing his hand on the surface of the wood where his blood has spilled a little.

There, a face appeared in the wood and it was that of Obito little by little, a body began to form so that a clone of Obito appeared to the great curiosity of Enma and his daughter who did not had never seen this cloning technique but they were especially surprised to feel a certain vitality in the clone but above all an enormous amount of chakra in him.

 "I created this technique myself, inspired by the shadow clone technique and some other cloning techniques from physical matter. This Jutsu, I developed very recently and it allows me through my blood to give more vitality and durability to my clone while choosing myself the quantity of chakra to transmit to it, it has 80% of my full chakra.

 After recovering my chakra, I will make others similar to him and they'll follow the training with me. The disappearance of one of them brings back their experience to me so it's as if I have been to several places at once and the knowledge and understanding will be passed on to me." Obito said as fatigue showed on him after transferring 80% of his chakra to just one of his clones.

 Enma wanted to refuse but his daughter, fascinated by this technique, told Obito that they were going to try this method.

They were shown their accommodations and they were surprised at the comfort of the place, he also went to greet each of the children of Enma who were informed of the presence of their disciples and they planned to begin training in exactly three days.

 During these three days of preparations, Obito created several blood clones which were tested by the sanzaru satisfied and greatly impressed by this technique.

They accepted Obito's method, the main body of which will be trained by Iwazaru to follow his teaching on taijutsu and kenjutsu because it is the training that will put its durability the most at stake.

 Thus, Obito and Karin's training began for years to come. Obviously he had made additional clones to take care of other things such as the continued practice of Fuinjutsu and Juinjutsu but also for his business in the land of waves which was constantly developing.

 It turned out that Gatou's reputation as the richest man in the world was a huge exaggeration, he was the most influential businessman in the East of the continent and that was that.

However, Obito and Ryo, Gatou's former assistant, were developing their businesses monstrously and at this rate, in a few years Obito will be the richest man in the world.


 *struck *

 *loud noise*

 *Struck *

 In a dark and closed room, Sasuke was standing in the center while around him on the ground 11 children around his age were lying. They were the children of the Uchiha clan rescued by Tobi the night of the clan massacre and for some leadership reasons, they were made to fight among themselves.

 "It's good that you were able to assert yourself and command your respect . They'll eventually recognize your superiority because now you are officially their leader" Tobi said in the corner of the room.

 Sasuke: They hate me, they've been stalking me individually for months over and over again. Will this general scrum to choose a leader really be of any use ?

 "Of course they hate you, your brother massacred their parents under the odious manipulation of the jealous and petty leaders of Konoha. However Sasuke, this situation between you and them is really that bad ?" Tobi asked calmly.

 Sasuke: Their hatred is legitimate and used well, it will make them stronger. I don't need their love or sympathy to put them under my command, my strength will be enough. It's by this same force that I'll finally unify the shinobi world and bring peace. The lie you told me by pretending to be Madara, I hope it's the only one and the last...

 "Yes and I apologize, if his conscience is in you then I guess your goals have changed too."

 Sasuke : We have the same soul and the same point of view. Revenge on my brother and Konoha are small short-term goals, my vision is much broader now. We'll bring peace to this world by force and show the only path to order under our power. Madara and Indra fought alone focusing on their rivalry but I won't make the same mistake, I won't fight alone.

 "Before leaving this world, Madara realized exactly the same things but it was too late. His previous plan was to gain enough power to put the entire world into a collective genjutsu where they will see an ideal world for them." Zetsu said as he came out of the ground.

 Sasuke : Illusory and fake peace is worthless, I won't be in a hurry like them and we'll take the time to do everything right.

 "Orochimaru has completed the preparations for your training and the members of Akatsuki will also be at your disposal for your learning …we can finally begin." Tobi said as Sasuke just nodded his head slightly.

He has been discussing with the consciousnesses of his previous incarnations for months and had fully accepted who he was but above all accepted their philosophy even if he was going to act differently.

 While both camps have entered into their preparations, the rest of the shinobi world has no idea of ​​the great upheaval it will undergo in less than a decade thanks to Two camps who will bring the continent into a new era where balance powers will be completely disrupted.

 [Part 1 : End ]

***I hope you enjoyed this read, I'm not sure if I'm going to write a séquelle and I have to finish the rest of my ongoing stories. If some people enjoyed this story then maybe I'll continue it. Thanks for reading... ***