
Naruto (part 1) : The Second son

In a reality parallel to that of Naruto's story, the fact that Kushina is the first pregnant jinshuriki has brought consequences for her twin children who will impact the world in their own way . This story is a "what if" and I'm writing under some pretty special circumstances. English is not my first language so bear with me, sometimes the grammar will sting but the regulars of my stories certainly already know that. I hope you enjoy reading and thank you for your time

The3Entities · Cómic
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30 Chs

Chapter 27 : Tragedy

"Naruto, Sasuke is confused. We can't stay here..." Kakashi said to Naruto who rushed towards Sasuke but Kabuto stood in his way as part of his face had burn marks.

 "You and your brother are annoying brats..." Kabuto charged towards him with his Chakra Scalpels and Naruto deployed the Kyubi's chakra into him and when his eyes turned red like his chakra, he created a clone of himself which rushed towards Kabuto with whom he started a fight.

Naruto learned a lot by observing his brother, creating a multitude of clones could be useful under certain rare conditions but creating a single clone was better because it was almost as strong as him.

 Additionally, this clone was empowered by Kyubi's chakra and while he could only use that on one clone at the moment and it wasn't as powerful as a clone of his brother, it was enough to keep Kabuto busy as the real Naruto rushed towards Sasuke.

 "Don't come near my friend..." Naruto said as he crashed where Tobi was with a rasengan after Tobi jumped back slightly to avoid the attack.

 Tobi: Kyubi's vessel , you and your brother are promising according to Orochimaru. It's lucky that you're here, you're going to come with us too.

 "No thank you…" Naruto said before performing a few mudras and spitting at high speed a sphere of compressed air which destroyed several dozen trees in its path.

He asked Sasuke to pull himself together so they could return to the village and check if everything was true but Tobi's voice was heard in the same place where he was a few seconds ago as if this attack had not caused him any damage. 

 "I don't think I asked your opinion, receptacle. You're gonna come with us whether you like it or not 'cause wenll need you or rather what you have inside of you." Tobi said calmly.

 ~Kid, you need to leave here as soon as possible.~

Kyubi said to Naruto in his consciousness and at the same time, things started to get awkward for the others.

Mizuki had just drunk an elixir whose recipe had been given to him by Orochimaru in this laboratory and it drastically increased his abilities, it was exactly the same tiger serum as in the filler episodes of the anime.

Thanks to his new strength, Mizuki managed to seriously injure Kiba and a little less Akamaru whom Kiba had protected but while he wanted to finish the boy, it was Tsume who intervened between the attack and Kiba to save her child while she was fighting with Guren at the start.

 Kiba who had closed his eyes out of fear for Mizuki's attack had opened his eyes to see his mother facing Mizuki while his arm had pierced the woman's abdomen to come out through the back while the Tsume's blood covered Kiba's face.


Tsume screamed as in her excess of rage she ripped Mizuki's head off with a single swipe of her claws while her body overflowed with intense and dense chakra.

Guren wasted no time and attacked her but Kuromaru, Tsume's wolf attacked her. The blue wolf was extremely fast avoiding Guren's crystal attacks to save his partner time.

 Tsume: Kiba (coughs blood), you need to stop being a puppy and start getting stronger. This world will not do you any favors because *kof kof* there's no lasting place for weak shinobis my son...

 "Mo-mom…?" Kiba said looking at his mother's state in a daze.

 "I'll only show you this once like a wolf with her cub. Watch and learn my son..." Tsume said as her hair stood on end and at the same time her chakra became even denser before she disappeared from there in a blur to appear near Guren surprised by her speed and the woman sent a powerful claw swipe at Guren.

In an emergency, Guren quickly created a wall of solid crystal which was almost destroyed by Tsume's claws to the great fear of Guren who knew how solid his crystal was.

 "KUROMARU..." Tsume gave a signal to her ninken which barked and the two increased their speeds to attack Guren from two sides at once and disrupt his defense and they ended up wounding the young woman because even mortally wounded, a She-wolf could be extremely dangerous if it was to protect her pup.

 "RAAAAAAAAH DIE…" Guren screamed as she performed her mudras and a large number of crystal spikes headed towards Kiba unable to move as Mizuki had broken several bones and made deep wounds.

Tsume may have been fierce but her injured child was still there and Guren understood that to hit Tsume much faster than her so she had to aim at Kiba.

Tsume in rage destroyed the crystals that were going to impale Kiba but Guren appeared behind her and created three crystal spears with which she pierced Tsume.

 "Ki...Kiba my son...I..." Tsume said while expelling a lot of blood from her mouth, she noticed on the side the body of Kuromaru also pierced by several spears and knew that her old companion was gone. 

 "Let...you can kill me but let...let my child live..." Tsume at the end of his strength said to Guren in front of Kiba in tears and without saying anything, Guren thrust a crystal blade into Tsume's throat in front of her son in tears.

 "I'd rather not take any risks..." Guren said as he plunged another blade into Kiba's chest.

 Kakashi, however, in a too intense fight against Kizame, saw the scene but could do nothing, all these peaceful years after the anbu had seriously made him rust and he could barely follow Kizame who ended up locking him in a water prison after heavily injuring him with Samehada despite his Sharingan.

 Naruto's clone ended up wounding Kabuto with a rasengan and while he wanted to continue, a wall of Crystal intervened and an exhausted Guren escaped from there with Kabuto still injured once again.

 The clone saw Kiba in the distance and rushed towards him to see the gruesome scene, he tried to keep his cool and examined the bodies to confirm the death of Tsume and her wolf, he examined Kiba as well and despite his serious injuries, his heart was beating more and more weakly.

The clone was in panic, he had no medical knowledge to save his friend as he was on the verge of tears but that's when he thought of how his brother had saved Hinata's life by the bite .

 The clone knew he had already tried the same thing and it hadn't worked but he had no choice, it was his one and only suspected means of saving Kiba.

He gathered what little chakra he still had and placed the edge of his hand in Kiba's mouth and slammed his jaw shut to make him bite and luckily Kiba had longer than average canines, the clone prayed over and over for long seconds for it to work and that's when he felt something, his strength being absorbed by Kiba.


 "Sasuke don't listen to him, we're not even sure if he's really one of your clans member." Naruto said and it was with a slight laugh that Tobi slightly removed his mask over his left eye and they both saw his sharingan.

 "If you ever think I had this eye implanted then you're going to be disappointed little one…" Tobi said before deactivating his sharingan then activating it again and passing it to the mangekyo before readjusting his mask.

Kakashi had already told his team the reason for his covered eye, it was because he was not an Uchiha and could not deactivate his sharingan which drained his chakra constantly but the man in front of them didn't have this problem .

If Naruto was surprised then Sasuke this time was convinced of his future path...

 "There's no way I'm coming with you and Sasuke too..." Naruto said before listening to Sasuke whisper something behind him and wanted to turn around to tell him that everything was okay when with a shidori, Sasuke pierced Naruto with his hand by the right shoulder blade by destroying the organs on that side.

Naruto saw his friend's hand come out of his chest from the back with his blood and felt the intense electricity burning horribly inside his body. He felt his thoughts becoming foggy and his breathing becoming difficult as his right lung had been nearly destroyed.

 "You've been the only one who has come closest to what a friend is to me since our first days at the academy, it has helped me forget my loneliness a few times but your friendship is an obstacle in my path…" Sasuke said before removing his hand with his eyes closed and watching as Naruto collapsed unconscious, losing consciousness quickly from this potentially fatal injury from a surprise attack.

 ~KID !? ~

Kurama called out to him as his chakra started to heal Naruto's wound little by little and at the same time, Naruto's clone that was healing Kiba disappeared but luckily Kiba's life was no longer in danger.

( In the main reality, he suffered the same injury without losing consciousness before seriously fighting Sasuke after his wound was healed by the Kyubi chakra. In this reality, he lost consciousness for some story reasons 🤫 . )

 "Amazing, he's already healing from the beast chakra inside him. Taking him with us will only be easier. You attacked him with the intention of killing him Sasuke..." Obito said calmly as Sasuke who until then had his eyes closed opened them with tears of blood and a mangekyo sharingan which appeared briefly before disappearing making falling Sasuke to his knees out of exhaustion.

 "He awakened his mangekyo !!" Obito said with satisfaction at Sasuke's potential.

 "If he's still alive then…then leave him, we'll settle scores later but I'm not coming with you if you take him." Sasuke said weakly as Tobi looked at him blankly before Before vacuuming him into his Kamui dimension, he looked at Naruto still slowly healing on the ground and told him he was lucky before stepping over his body to head towards Kakashi who had seen everything from afar without being able to do anything.

 "Kizame you can free him..." Tobi said and Kizame complied dropping an exhausted and almost chakraless Kakashi to the ground, Zetsu vines came out of the ground to bind him and keep him standing as Obito approached him.

 "Kakashi Hatake, the famous copycat ninja of Konoha, the one who has a sharingan without being an Uchiha. I admit that I'm disappointed by your weakness, you've rusted and the eye that you wear proudly doesn't belong to you..." Obito said coldly before tearing out Kakashi's eye to take back what belonged to him under Kakashi's cries of pain.

 "Instead of this eye, let me give you a completely different gift. Even though I'm in cooperation with Orochimaru, I don't like this guy and his methods . Orochimaru works with a senior figure in Konoha, Danzo Shimura, and it was this old rat who gave him the information about your deployment.

He wants to eliminate the future of Konoha, the kids with the most potential who have shined recently and it's a method that I despise for I want to crush Konoha with all his strength . As we speak, he has sent more of his men to attack the other genin teams. Eliminate Danzo, I'll train Sasuke as well as other children and organize what it takes to attack Konoha and the ninja world that has done so much harm in exactly 8 years so that peace can finally reign. This was my gift, Kakashi Hatake..." Obito said before leaving with Kizame through Kamui as Zetsu's vines finally freed him.

 After recovering some of his strength, he took Naruto and Kiba to safety before wrapping Tsume and Kuromaru in a camp cloth with sadness and respect.

It was a few minutes later that Obito and Itachi appeared there.


 Kakashi finished recounting the facts to Jiraiya and the others in the room as Itachi dispelled his Transfiguration Jutsu to sit up weakly, confirming to Kakashi and Gai that the masked man was right about him, he was working for Konoha from the beginning.

 Jiraiya: In 8 years ? A real Uchiha survivre ? Itachi, did you know that he hid children from your clan?

 "I suspected him but I never found their traces anywhere, I don't know where he hid them but he hid them well." Itachi said exhaustedly.

 "My stupid brother will wake up from his coma soon, I know it. But when later my path crosses that of Sasuke or Orochimaru I'll kill them unceremoniously. (to Itachi) This is what you caused by being manipulated like an idiot by the Sandaime and these old trash so here's how it's going to happen: Either you stop your brother yourself when the time comes, or Naruto does it because It was his friend or I'll just kill him but if you ever get in my way I'll do my best to kill you both." Obito said coldly.

 Jiraiya : Calm down kid, it's time for reflection not rage. We need to take care of more pressing issues...

 "We need to hunt down these guys and make them pay. Two of my disciples (Tenten & Neji) were heavily injured..." Gai said angrily.

 "This is a bad idea, Sensei. If the masked guy confidently informed Kakashi-san of his plans, it's because he's guaranteed to be untraceable and well hidden for the next 8 years.

If they're preparing for a full war against the entire ninja world and especially Konoha then that means they have reliable assets that they'll develop." Obito said in deep thought.

 "Danzo, we have to take care of him." Itachi said looking at Jiraiya.

 Jiraiya: Are you confident enough to face him and the root ?

 "Totally…I'll attack tomorrow night" Itachi replied calmly.

 "I'll go with him, I too have scores to settle with this old neutered dog and (looks at Itachi) given your little health problem it's better that someone covers you." Obito said looking at Itachi who agreed, Jiraiya told them that he'll gather an anbu team to support them and the two left from there leaving Jiraiya with the others, even though Itachi wasn't comfortable having a team with him, he knew the advantages very well.

 A few minutes after their departure, Shizune entered to inform Jiraiya of the arrival of the last Genin team consisting of Hinata, Sakura Shino.

Sakura who was the injured one in this team was now out of the woods because they returned to the village with Tsunade who had saved them in time.

 Jiraiya, hearing that Tsunade was there, got up to go see after asking Kakashi to rest with Gai who remained alongside his old friend and rival.

 Shizune led Jiraiya to Tsunade who had already gone to work on the injured children, he got there and Tsunade looked at him not knowing what to say but looking at him she knew something had changed in him with the responsibility he had now .

 "Do what you have to do, The survival of his children is the only important thing now. Shizune is in charge here, we'll talk later..." Jiraiya said as he left, leaving a totally embarrassed Shizune who quickly returned to her work.

 (Next day )

 "When for the first time in my life I leave you unsupervised, this is what happens… rest easy, stupid big brother." Obito told Naruto still lying unconscious before sitting down next to him in the room, it was a clone.

The real Obito came out of there to find Itachi outside, he had his gear on and they wore their Anbu masks, a white fox with red ears for Itachi and a monkey for Obito before they both disappeared to go join the anbu team assembled by Jiraiya.