
Naruto (part 1) : The Second son

In a reality parallel to that of Naruto's story, the fact that Kushina is the first pregnant jinshuriki has brought consequences for her twin children who will impact the world in their own way . This story is a "what if" and I'm writing under some pretty special circumstances. English is not my first language so bear with me, sometimes the grammar will sting but the regulars of my stories certainly already know that. I hope you enjoy reading and thank you for your time

The3Entities · Cómic
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30 Chs

Chapter 2 : A-rank Mission

Time passed and at the age of 7 and a half, Obito had already graduated from the ninja academy, from the beginning to the end of his course in accelerated courses for gifted students, he only had perfect grades.

Obito absorbed all the information given to him like a sponge and interpreted it with a monstrous level of understanding at the academy but also with Itachi who had stopped his training for a while because according to him, Obito really no longer had need him.

 When they had started his training in chakra mastery, his chakra nature as well as D and C rank ninjutsu, Obito had shown Monstrous control of his chakra in just two days, not excellent, not exceptional but a near-perfect control of his chakra.

This feat was felt through the test of the chakra paper to know its chakra nature, the paper tore, one part got wet, the other crumbled and the other part wrinkled.

 Itachi had had a serious shock believing that the young mutant had been compatible with all chakra natures but this wasn't the case and future exercises proved that in fact, Obito was manipulating his chakra on instinct to match to each chakra nature.

For a simple example, his chakra control was like water that adapted to any shape of container. He had no difficulty learning C-rank elementary techniques, he was perfect in everything and that's why Itachi had to stop his training.

 Now Obito was in the hokage's office with an older Ninja, a special Jonin who was actually Genma.

Obito wore a black and dark blue down jacket with a white furry hood that hid his face and eye as well as black shorts at the bottom and long ninja sandals (Tobirama/Hashirama style).

The child had shown terrible admiration for the second hokage Tobirama Senju since he read about everything he had created as a system or jutsu known to improve Konoha and the ninja world today.

He had seen a photo of this man in the Senju mansion and he was his source of inspiration, his role model.

 Seeing that the child showed great admiration for his predecessor, Hiruzen was delighted because it showed a certain attachment to the village but what he was going to entrust to Obito today certainly guaranteed the child's loyalty to the village.

According to his information, there were two surviving members of the Uzumaki clan in the village of Kusa, a mother and her daughter who lived there in appalling conditions according to Jiraiya.

This information was worth gold to Hiruzen because Obito was certainly going to become a powerful monster in the future and he had to be kept on the village's side at all costs.

If he couldn't make the village his family because of the treatment he received there, then he had to bring his family to the village.

 "Here is your mission order, return the Uzumaki mother and daughter to their clan's allied village where their home is. The details of the mission are in this scroll, you leave today. " Sarutobi said as Genma and Obito bowed before disappearing from there, it was his fourth mission with Genma and it was A-rank.

Upon meeting Obito, the much older and experienced Genma underestimated him as a child, he was only 7 years old and even though he was called a genius, he was still just a Genin but from the first mission Obito's skills had rendered him mute.

 He understood why the kid wasn't put in a team with other genins like him because clearly they would slow him down. Obito, only 7 years old, was already better than him in certain things and he was also a terrifying sensory Ninja, his Kagura third eye could detect individuals thanks to their chakra signature from 15 km away with surgical precision .

He never again looked him down and he didn't even treat him like a child but an adult because Obito had that mentality.

On several occasions Danzo asked Hiruzen to give him the child in order to integrate him into the root but thinking of the latter's potential and what Danzo wanted to do with him, Hiruzen had been particularly threatening and fierce with his old friend.

 Obito arrived at the park where he saw Naruto's usual friends, the few rare children whose parents had a modicum of intelligence, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi.

They were the same age and sometimes played with him or Naruto without prejudice and it made him feel good.

He didn't see his brother and was quick to detect his chakra before walking towards him in a certain direction, he saw his brother standing while in front of him a girl with blue hair was looking at him blushing .

On the sides, there were several boys on the ground who had been beaten by Naruto to defend her.

 Suddenly an adult from the Hyuga clan arrived and took the girl by the hand to begin to see if she was okay. Apparently this girl was named Hinata and was the daughter of the head of the Hyuga clan.

The adult urged the girl to return home advising her to be wary of the fox boy, they came across Obito who directed a slight killing intent towards the Hyuga adult who looked at him in fear for a reason that he himself didn't know while Hinata looked at Obito with a little curiosity without understanding what was happening.

 Obito moved forward while the man backed away slightly to stand ready but Obito just moved on.

This man had a Jonin level but didn't understand how he could feel threatened by such a young boy of barely 7 years old .

When Naruto saw his brother he greeted him and started chatting, whenever Obito went on a mission or to the academy he always left a shadow clone of him with Naruto, the technique had been taught to him by Shisui before he even joined the academy.

 Thanks to this clone, Naruto never missed his brother's presence and they played or trained together without Naruto seeing the slightest difference and it was for a simple fact.

When it was time to go to the academy Obito sent his clone there but when it came to missions, he went there leaving his clone with Naruto.

 The two were sitting on a tree branch and chatting.

 "The old man gave me a new mission, I'm going to head to the land of grass..." Obito said while removing his hood.

 Naruto: Is it far ?

 "According to Genma-san it's quite far away, on the northwest border of the country. Brother, this mission is very important to us…"

 Naruto: Why?

 "I'm not supposed to tell you this, but I'm tasked with bringing two members of our lost clan back to the village. You must not tell anyone about this."

 Naruto: Members of the same clan as us? For real ?!!

 "Yes, we are no longer alone brother and maybe in the future we will find others and be able to rebuild our clan. We will finally be like the others..." Obito said hopefully.

 Naruto: When can I finally go on a mission with you? I am strong though...

 "I know but according to the old man it's better that you go with children our age. I also believe that it's a good thing, the majority of children our age have always looked down on us with their parents, so it's important that you train yourself as much as possible so that when you arrive there you crush them all. They never look down on us like before again. » Obito told his brother as his gaze was fierce and Naruto understood it as well before bumping his fist with his brother's.

 Obito found Genma outside the village gates, everyone had made their preparations and were ready to leave. Suddenly, Obito detected someone in a certain direction watching them but he only smiled before starting to run with Genma to begin their journey.

 (Days later)

 « Erasing hatred takes time and my distrust remains. I think of father, I think of Itama, my other brothers who fell in battle against the Uchihas, I even think of Izuna whose life I took.

I may tell myself that they suffered as much as us, but I have faced them enough times to know what kind of evil this clan can inhabit.

Despite all this distrust, life fascinates me even more by proving me wrong. Kagami Uchiha, the most powerful member of his clan with the disappearance of Madara, proves to be a trustworthy man to the point where I accepted him into my personal squad. I could definitely trust him with my life, he has your eyes full of hope when it comes to the village.

 The Uchiha clan, I gave them responsibility for the village police, there's no shame in recognizing the effectiveness of a former enemy and I am convinced that they are the most effective for this role.

This is a way to better integrate them into the village given their usual attitude, a threat from outside is dangerous but if it arises inside the village then it is deadly.

 This role is important, you have long told me that our two clans now owe hard-established peace so if our clan manages external threats, the Uchihas will take care of internal threats. It's a task that gives them inspection authority even over the other clans of Konoha including ours, that is how far my confidence goes, the one that you have strived to convey to me.

I am always wary and I don't know how the role I gave them will be interpreted but that doesn't matter to me, only the village is important… » 

 Obito sat against a tree near the campfire reading what was actually the journal of his idol, Tobirama Senju. He had discovered it while cleaning the main Senju mansion because the workers delegated by Hiruzen were careless so he did it himself with the help of Naruto and his clones.

He had found this diary behind a portrait of him and Hashirama, the first Hokage. This had greatly surprised Obito, for a man of Tobirama's caliber he would have imagined that his diary would be carefully sealed in a secret location but apparently the man was much more surprising.

No one would have even suspected the fact that he kept a diary But innovative geniuses are known to write and engrave their thoughts or ideas .

 After a sigh, he closed the journal and sat in meditation to think about everything he had just read, he consumed the second hokage's thoughts like wine to savor and he wanted to understand the man at origin of so much progress in the shinobi world.