
Nano in MHA

Just a random guy in the world of MHA with nanomachines

ChillPixel369 · Cómic
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26 Chs

Chapter 6

Timeskip 2 years

I have progressed quite well in my quirk growth. Due to specialized training regime provided by Nano I have grown by leaps and bounds in terms of power and control.

I have unlocked telepathy which I regularly use to snoop in other people's minds. Which lead me to discovering a not so heroic way of using my power. Mind Manipulation.

My thought process was if I can know about what the other person is thinking then the next level of this should be inputting my thoughts and commands into other people's minds. And that is what I did.

As I have shown considerable amount of maturity and the fact that in Japan kids can go on their own to grocery shops and take the rail I was given ample amount of freedom.

Which lead me into the underbelly of the city where the bad crowd of people usually hang around. I prioritized my safety first so I used a very special function of Nano, the Nano suit.


Musutafu is a quaint city well as quaint as it could get before some villain tries to wreak havoc. Most of the villains that I have seen so far are just mindless brutes that cause destruction for the sake of destruction.

They don't plan out anything and waste time on stupid monologues which the hero that is there to stop him also indulges in. Most of these heroes rely mostly on their quirks and flashy moves and are rarely efficient with their fighting style.

The only heroes I can think of that have good fighting style are Shota Aizawa and Rumi Usagiyama. All Might is also there but mostly he wins fights with his unparalleled physical prowess that only few can hope to compete against.

So while checking for any cameras or any such devices I say," Nano, activate the suit.

[Order received. Activating Nano suit].

Remember that scene from Avengers Infinity war where Tony battles the son of Thanos in New York? It's similar to that as well as the symbiote as black machines cover my entire body in a tight fit body body suit with an oni demon mask. I must say I do look quite intimidating.

[Activating Invisibility Mode].

With this I have an extra layer of protection on me. I sneak into an alley where I heard some fighting going on. When I chanced upon the scene there was a man getting beaten up by four gangsters while spewing profanities as it seemed like he had not repaid the money that he owed them.

I prepare myself as it would be my first ever fight without any supervision. I concentrate on my breathing and activate the Chi that has gathered in my navel.

My clarity, and reaction time increases as time seemed to slow down. I kick off the ground in straight blur and attack the gangster in front of me.The invisibility effect wears off as I attack him.

With a heavy punch to his head he collapses as I move on to my next target who just realized something was wrong, "Wha-! " he exclaims while I elbow the guy right on his nose as blood spurts out of his nose profusely.

I sense danger so I immediately backed away which was the right choice as a punch seemed to land right where I was and seeing the damage done to the ground I am assuming he is a typical strength type quirk user.

"Who do you think you are to interfere in our business, punk? " the muscle man said angrily.

"Are you a fucking kid? "questions the other man who seems to be a lanky guy.

"You messed up coming here kid. I will enjoy making you scream. " said every generic villain ever. He rushes to me with a speed a guy his size has no business pulling off.

I duck under his punch while I punch his gut which seems to have no effect. Damn, this kid body. I flip and push my hands against the ground to kick him right in the chin. But the other guy wasn't idle.

The moment he saw me in air, he screamed like a banshee disorienting which was very effective as I have enhanced senses. The muscle guy not wanting to miss this opportunity to rain down his retribution on me held my leg and swung me into the wall which broke it a little.

I had never fought in my previous life so getting hit like that was quite a shock to me.

[Emergency! Emergency! Found three fractures on the ribs and multiple muscle tears . Initiating healing mode immediately].

Feeling the itching sensation all around my body, I forgot one thing. Never take your eyes off your opponent. While I was somewhat dazed the muscle man wasn't idle.

He rushed towards my place and kicked towards my gut. I could barely put my defense up, when the guy kicked me. The feeling of getting your air knocked out off you is not a pleasant feeling at all let me tell you.

[ Severe trauma to the liver, spleen and pancreas. Initiating healing mode].

At this rate I will get captured or worse might lose my life. When the guy tried to kick me one more time, I rolled to side and maintained some distance from him.

"Not so heroic now, are you kid?" the guy chuckles as he and the other guy try to surround me.

'Mute my ears Nano' I say.

[Muting all incoming soundwaves to the user].

With this I can deal with the other guy's quirk. With silence reigning in, I think that I have been hasty in getting into a fight. I should have checked what kind of quirks these guys had then I should have engaged them. It seems like getting superpowers got to my head. Well, no matter I will take this in stride and make sure this never happens again.

Looks like the big guy got tired of threatening me, so he just charges at me like a bull while the other guy seems like ready to scream his throat out. I once again focus and rush to meet him.

I dodge his punch while I kick his right knee hard. Crack! a sickening crunch echoed in the alleyway. Not giving the guy any respite I lock his left shoulder behind his back and push.

"Aaah! No no n-" and one more crunch as his shoulder gets dislocated. I knee him right in back if the head making him go unconscious.

The scream guy seeing the muscle guy defeated starts to back away,"D-Don't come near me, you monster! " he screams activating his quirk.

I quickly rushed to him and knock him out. As I look around panting a bit, I notice the guy who was getting beaten up frozen looking at my visage. Honestly if this had happened in night it would have looked even more scary with the oni mask. I knock him out too. As I reactivate the invisibility mode, I finally get to what I had come to achieve.

I extend the mental energy towards the first guy I had knocked out. As I peer through his mind I can see flashes of memories the emotions behind them and everything. The way I was doing it was very crude evidenced by the fact that the guy is drooling right now.

I have inevidentally put the guy in a comatose state. I repeat the same process with the other three guys each time improving by a lot.

At the end of it I could successfully erase the memory of the guy that was getting beaten up. And just to make sure I erased the memories of others as well. Overall this has been a very valuable lesson to me which I am glad I got this early so that I can keep on working towards my future in a better way.

Flashback End

After that day I was a lot more careful in choosing my battles. With each encounter with thugs, thieves,rapists the proficiency of my skills and quirk grew rapidly which allowed me to further my plans for personal growth.

Due to not knowing who beat them up an urban legend of "The Ghost" came into being.

Due to repeated instances of goons getting beaten up but not remembering by whom the patrolling of heroes increased which put a stop to my vigilante business. But I had gained what I had set out to do and with this we could move to the next stage of plans.

First ever fight scene! Were you guys able to properly follow the scene or should I have done something more?. Do let me know. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ChillPixel369creators' thoughts