
Mystica: The story of the reincarnated god

Img made with ai A total jerk who was reincarnated into a new world as a second chance.

ThatwriterRIN · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Mission: Ver dragon [pt: 2/2]

Shin charged with a bolt of speed to the trees and climbed up towards the the top, as the dragon spotted him and began charging at him Shin stood still, sharpened his claws and once the dragon got there he jumped onto the dragons large nose and scarred it's nose holes with his claws.

The dragon let out a loud screech breathing out the purple flame while it did nothing to Shin as Shin was on the dragons face.

The dragon began to fall backwards as shin jumped into it's eyes, stomped on it and scratched it with his sharp claws mercilessly. Shin then jumped back on a tree and launched himself aiming to the dragons arm bone definitely fracturing it before jumping back on its face, shin was too fast for the dragon to keep up as it received the critical hits.

The dragon almost fell but took balance as it swung it's head violently in all sorts of directions trying to swing Shin off of it.

Shin climbed it's head keeping onto the dragon as he walked over to its horns, opened his muzzle and biting the dragons horn with his sharp fangs almost biting it completely off.

The dragon screeched even louder in pain and waved its tail that pierced a part of Shins face creating a scar.

``do you like how this feels'`` Shin asked the dragon narcissistically, ignoring what just happened being well informed of the answer.

The blood was dripping down he fur as he stared at the dragon.

``I shall rapturously take that as a yes`` Shin said in a devilish tone. (While sounding like a young wolf pup which unfortunately made it seem less devilish and evil)

Shin jumped off the dragons head onto the ground where the dragon had burned the trees out of pain.

Shin then went to some trees who weren't damaged and started pushing on them with all his strength, he started biting them while the dragon was still coming at him and once the dragon reached him, it breathed its flame and right then shin cut down all the trees he'd pushed and bitten into the dragon making it lose its balance.

Then shin noticed that he had a burn on his left paw, he guessed the flame faintly touched his fur.

Completely ignoring the pain shin went to the fallen dragon and completely pierced both of its eyes with his sharp claws.

The dragon had been downed, by a mere wolf pup.

``You should be embarrassed`` shin whispered mockingly and laughed to the dragon before leaving. Before he got to a far enough distance, the dragon got up and mightily tried to strike shins back but fortunately failed miserably due to it's week state

Shin didn't bother to even look back or even make a single reaction to it.

Though it hurt, he didn't mind it because he was used to getting hurt in his old life, the one he slightly regretted living, though slightly is an understatement.

Overall he wasn't one of those people who regretted things much.

Shin was mostly careless and to him, what was done was done.

He didn't give things much of a thought before doing them because nothing mattered to him… ever since the incident about his parents he stopped caring about everything, almost everything at least.




[if you wish to see your stats you may say: "open my stats'']

``Nah, I'll pass`` shin muttered to himself.


[there will be no quests for a while, this is the time for you to explore, gain new skills and socialize. When you are ready, new missions will await you.]

``That's honestly disastrous`` Shin said disappointedly. He hated socializing, he was a chicken in front of other people.. creatures.. Most importantly he was a total chicken in front of women, to be fair he had social anxiety anyways.

He went on anyways deeper and deeper into the unknown forest, his only goal was to get stronger and ready.

sometimes the red mark on his fur annoyed him and he somehow sometimes mistakened it as blood even though the mark resembled nothing like blood, the cause was probably because he always had a lot on his mind. After all, this world made him curious... He wanted to understand it more, he wanted to know just how that so called mother wolf died and who the father was.. Was his father even alive? Why was he alone in that cave? Did he have any siblings? What were those humans after? All these questions swarmed in Shin's head over and over. He also wondered why he had to be so young, couldn't he at least be older?

Right now, Shin was full, he had nothing to do but discover new skills and become... Worthy as they say, to gain quests because he didn't know what else to do with this life.

He walked deeper and deeper into the forest as the sky got gradually coated with a dark blanket, the unusual darkness at this time was unusual.

Shin noticed this so he suggested himself to be careful and on the lookout for anything strange.

The tree sizes gradually upgraded the deeper he went and these trees weren't like any other, they were amazingly beautiful with leaves that resembled the finest kind of multicolored cotton with colors ranging from sage green to sky blue, light amethyst, melon, vermilion and mauve. Shin wondered if they were leaves or fruit because it looked like nothing he'd ever glanced at before. As Shin walked he felt a presence, a gloomy dangerous aura behind him but every time he turned around he would see absolutely nothing, he was extremely suspicious.

``Whoever or whatever you I will find you`` he muttered under his breath possibly trying to sound scary.

For now he ignored it and pictured how it would actually be being royalty. Having a high and important title seemed like you would instantly be liked, seen as great and be highly respected even by the ones who don't like you.

He wandered around the forest in all directions and spotted a fort.

``I could use this to rest I suppose. I'll be on the move once the sun rises, if it even rises at all`` he said to himself.

Shin walked towards the fort and as he got closer the more different it looked. Once he was a paw away from it it looked like a whole apartment inside it.

``what the fuck? What type of sorcery is this? How does a fort just become like this once you look inside'`` Shin said as he could not believe his eyes, he looked back outside and it was literally the same fort he approached. He blinked repeatedly, inhaled and exhaled to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

He shrugged it off and headed inside, the theme was definitely more of a Halloween theme. It was lit up with dimmed purple lights and candles, there were notebooks and books with disturbing titles and some of them he could not read. He guessed it might be someone's place, but surely they wouldn't mind having a visitor he thought.

He saw a cushion that would be perfect for his size and drifted off into a profond sommeil.