
Mystic March: Chronicles of Enchanted Warfare

"In the secluded Buena village deep in the mountains, an old couple discovers a mysterious baby named Tekashi in the woods . Years later they find out that he possesses abnormal strength and speed. Tekashi and his friends Ryonosuke, Ichigo, Josee, and Kubo, find themselves part of a ruthless military squad, Squad X, formed from gifted children forcibly taken by the empire. Haunted by a past tragedy, Tekashi unveils the empire's sinister objectives involving a girl their age and decides to escape. Together, they navigate a parallel realm of magic, seeking answers and vengeance for their losses. After the empire's raid on Buena, where 15 children were taken, only 5 remain, forming an unbreakable bond as they confront their deepest fears and uncover mysteries. Will they succeed in avenging their past and forging a new destiny in this parallel realm of magic?"

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7 Chs

Chapter Three

As they forcibly separated Tekashi from his parents, Kai and his mom followed closely behind, their faces etched with anguish. When they reached the truck where the other children were gathered, the commander ordered his subordinates to take both Kai and Tekashi and place them in the truck.Amidst the chaotic scene, the atmosphere grew tense as Kai's mom pleaded, "You promised! You promised to let my son stay with me!" Her voice quivered with desperation, revealing the depths of her anguish. She felt betrayed, as the commander had seemingly reneged on an agreement that had offered a glimmer of hope.The commander's response was cold and unyielding. "I have considered the matter, and my decision has been made," he declared curtly, leaving no room for negotiation. The weight of the situation bore down on Kai's mom, realizing that there was no way to prevent them from taking her son away.Desperation fueled her actions, and she made a desperate attempt to escape with Kai in her arms. The commander's subordinates, however, were relentless in their pursuit. They tackled her, forcibly prying Kai from her desperate grasp. The struggle left them both breathless, but ultimately, they prevailed.Kai, now separated from his mother, began to struggle in the hands of the officers, his cries filling the mountain air. The commander, unyielding in his authority, reached into his side pocket and withdrew a pistol, his face unmoved by the gravity of his actions. In a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, the gunshot rang out, shattering the silence of the mountains.Kai fell to the ground, his life extinguished in an instant. The once vibrant boy, full of curiosity and life, was now motionless on the ground, forever silenced.The sight of his friend, Kai, lying lifeless on the ground, left Tekashi in a state of shock and trauma. The world around him seemed to blur as the magnitude of the tragedy sank in. He had witnessed the abrupt end of a young life, a friend who had stood by him in the face of uncertainty.Kai's mom, devastated by the loss of her son, crawled over to Kai's side, hugging him tightly until the very end. Tears flowed freely, mingling with the dirt on her hands and the blood staining her son's lifeless form. The mountain echoed with the sounds of her grief, a lament for the life that had been stolen so abruptly.Their journey to the military base was marked by the incessant cries and complaints of the children in the truck, an unsettling chorus of discontent that filled the air with uncertainty. The relentless noise was a stark reminder of the sorrow that had befallen them all.As the first day of their journey drew to a close, Tekashi, lost in thought, gazed out of the truck's window. Silent tears flowed down his face as he pondered the weight of the choice he had made. Was it the right decision? Or had he unknowingly led himself into a world of unknown challenges and dangers?On the second day of their journey, they reached a military base situated to the west of the city. This was a pivotal moment as they reunited with the children taken from Buena village. These youngsters, having endured a journey filled with fear and trepidation, disembarked from the truck, their eyes reflecting the trauma of the journey.Guided deep into the military base, they found themselves in a secure area where a substantial tent had been erected. The officers instructed the children to enter, and some of the smaller ones began to cry for their parents. Attempting to console them, one of the older children spoke up, "Don't worry, our parents will surely come to get us... so please, don't cry."However, these words of comfort triggered an unexpected reaction from Tekashi. An overwhelming surge of anger and frustration coursed through him. He couldn't bear the illusion of false hope. "Shut up! Shut up! No one is coming for us," he retorted vehemently, his voice filled with the bitter reality of their situation.Challenged by another child's skepticism, Tekashi's frustration deepened. "Can't you see the situation we're in? Open your eyes and see for yourself," he snapped, his voice carrying the weight of harsh truth.The conversation came to an abrupt end, leaving a stifling silence that hung heavy in the tent, shrouding the children in a shared sense of foreboding. The journey had left them scarred, their innocence shattered.When the dawn broke the next morning, an officer roused the children from their slumber. He ordered them to head to the bathing area, ensuring that they were clean and refreshed. The contrast between the relative comfort of the bathing area and the harsh reality of their situation was stark. They washed away the physical grime, but the emotional scars ran deep.After their baths, they were each presented with a new set of clothing, resembling military attire. These uniforms marked their transformation into a world where they had little control.Gathered in front of a vast open field, the children witnessed the arrival of a man in a standard military uniform. His presence commanded respect, and the surrounding officers saluted him as he approached. Standing before the children, he embarked on the task of learning their names, addressing each child in turn.Starting with the youngest, he inquired about the identity of a little girl named Sutan and proceeded through the list, meticulously recording their names and ages. The roll call was a sobering reminder of their lost childhoods, their identities reduced to a list in the hands of authority.In total, there were fifteen children, each with their unique background and story. With the roll call completed, the commander personally extended a welcome to the children, though their expressions still bore the weight of disbelief and sorrow. The gesture was perfunctory, a hollow attempt to ease the transition into an unfamiliar world. Escorted back to their tents, the children continued to grapple with the enormity of their situation. The loss of Kai still hung heavily over them, a dark cloud that refused to dissipate. The tent wasno longer just a shelter; it was a refuge for their shared grief.

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