
Mystic March: Chronicles of Enchanted Warfare

"In the secluded Buena village deep in the mountains, an old couple discovers a mysterious baby named Tekashi in the woods . Years later they find out that he possesses abnormal strength and speed. Tekashi and his friends Ryonosuke, Ichigo, Josee, and Kubo, find themselves part of a ruthless military squad, Squad X, formed from gifted children forcibly taken by the empire. Haunted by a past tragedy, Tekashi unveils the empire's sinister objectives involving a girl their age and decides to escape. Together, they navigate a parallel realm of magic, seeking answers and vengeance for their losses. After the empire's raid on Buena, where 15 children were taken, only 5 remain, forming an unbreakable bond as they confront their deepest fears and uncover mysteries. Will they succeed in avenging their past and forging a new destiny in this parallel realm of magic?"

Alpha_Ex · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter Two

In the midst of the school hallways' frantic activity, Kai couldn't help but follow the crowd. The chaos led him outside, where turmoil still reigned. It was at this tumultuous moment that he heard an urgent call of his name. Scanning the surroundings, his eyes locked onto his mother, standing behind a colossal tree. Without hesitation, he dashed toward her.

"Kai... Kai!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with concern.

"Mom... Mom, what's happening? Why is everyone in such a rush?" Kai asked, his face reflecting a mix of worry and bewilderment.

"Don't worry, it's nothing. There's no need to be alarmed," Kai's mom reassured him with a gentle, albeit slightly strained, smile.

"Okay..." Kai responded, though he remained apprehensive.

Taking refuge behind the towering tree, they tried to blend into the scenery. However, a vigilant officer spotted them. He discreetly signaled to one of his colleagues, and together they approached Kai and his mom, who remained concealed from view. With a blend of sensitivity and firmness, they separated Kai from his mother, leading him toward a waiting truck where other children had been gathered. In front of the truck, anguished parents, their children also taken, had congregated. Desperation painted their faces as they implored fervently for the return of their beloved offspring.Kai's mother, however, was not ready to relinquish her son without a fight. She marched up to the commander, her eyes reflecting unwavering determination. She requested a private conversation and demanded the return of her son. To her surprise, without any hesitation, the commander instructed his subordinates to retrieve Kai. However, as they moved toward Kai and his mom, she intervened.

"Why..." the commander inquired, his curiosity piqued by her sudden change of stance.

"Please, I can offer you someone even more capable than my son—someone stronger and swifter," Kai's mom proposed fervently.The commander contemplated her offer briefly before posing the question.

"Well, okay... Where does this person reside?"

"He lives deep within the mountains," Kai's mom replied, her voice trembling with anxiety.

"Very well. If you lead us there, I may consider releasing your son," the commander conceded, giving Kai's mom a glimmer of hope amidst her distress.

As the commander issued orders for Kai's mom to guide them to the boys' house, Tekashi couldn't help but feel a shiver of unease coursing through him. His heart raced with worry as he realized that his mom had inadvertently exposed his secret, and a torrent of questions and fears swirled in his mind.Deeper into the mountains they ventured until they stumbled upon a small, self-contained cabin nestled among the trees. The sight of it marked a turning point in their journey, a moment pregnant with anticipation. There, they saw Tekashi's dad, a man whose weathered features spoke of a lifetime of resilience, sitting in front of the house.The commander approached Tekashi's dad with an air of authority, and in a low, firm voice, he asked, "Is there a small boy here?"

As Tekashi's dad heard this inquiry, he cast a cautious glance over at the others, his eyes locking onto Kai among them. He immediately comprehended what had transpired and why they were searching for Tekashi. A sense of dread hung heavily in the air as he contemplated how to navigate this perilous situation.In response to the commander's question, Tekashi's dad calmly stated, "There is no boy here."

The commander returned to Kai and his mom, a hint of skepticism coloring his expression as he asked, "Did Kai's mom lie to me?"

In a desperate attempt to shield Kai, Kai's mom responded, her voice trembling with anxiety, "No... No, I didn't lie. There is a boy here—a boy who is very strong and fast."

Kai's mom looked toward Kai, prompting him to speak up. Kai hesitated, feeling a sense of dread tightening in his chest. Under his mom's persistent questioning, he finally relented and confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

"His name is Tek... His name is Tekashi."

At that moment, Tekashi's dad's eyes widened with concern, and he positioned himself resolutely in front of the house, as if preparing for an impending storm.Seeing this, the commander ordered his subordinates to go and fetch the boy. They approached the cabin, their footsteps heavy with the weight of uncertainty. They tried to enter, but Tekashi's dad, standing as a solitary guardian, staunchly blocked their path.The commander, his patience thinning, warned Tekashi's dad sternly, "You're obstructing the military. Know that there will be consequences, whether you're young or old."

Undeterred, Tekashi's dad remained steadfast in his stance, resolute in protecting his family. Frustrated, the commander's temper flared, and he snapped, "Beat him."

As the soldiers began mercilessly beating the defenseless elderly man, Tekashi couldn't bear to remain idle any longer. Fear and anger converged within him as he rushed out of the house, his voice erupting in defiance.

"You're bullies! Leave him alone! He's an old man!"He tried to attack one of them, his fists fueled by raw emotion, but they easily dodged his blows and retaliated, subjecting him to a flurry of blows.The commander eventually ordered them to stop, realizing that Tekashi was already grievously injured. He instructed them to carry Tekashi away, but Tekashi, even in his battered state, continued to scream, condemning them for their cruelty.Tekashi's mom, her heart heavy with anguish, came out of the cabin, her voice shaking as she pleaded with the commander to halt their actions and not to take Tekashi away.Seeing his parents in tears, Tekashi shouted back to them, attempting to offer solace amidst the chaos. "Don't worry, Mom, Dad! I'll be fine. I'm a strong boy!" he declared, his voice trembling with emotion.

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