
Mystic Fisher of the Lost Waters

In a world once familiar to humanity, a mysterious and cataclysmic event plunged the Earth into water, unleashing a torrent of strange and terrifying beasts. The sudden and inexplicable phenomenon ravaged the planet. But just as all seemed lost, a strange development occurred. People began to disappear and reappear, transformed and imbued with the power of Mana. This powerful source of energy granted them abilities beyond imagination and brought a glimmer of hope to the bleak and perilous world. They transported to a place known only as the Depths, a location of unknown origins but with the promise of unimaginable power for those who could survive its dangers. Meanwhile, the world was further plunged into chaos by the appearance of spatial rifts and massive chains, adorned with ancient runes and mysterious clocks displaying a countdown of twelve months. The countdown marked the arrival of an event known as the Planetary Drift, an inexplicable occurrence that saw cultivators transported to random planets every twelve months. The event drew together the diverse races of the universe, each vying for power and survival in a realm of ever-shifting landscapes and dangerous foes. For Lucas, a humble fisherman from a life of poverty, the cataclysmic event brought both terror and hope. As the waters rose, forcing him and his family to flee, Lucas would come to discover a destiny far beyond what he could have ever imagined. In this world of danger and magic, he would find himself tested to his limits, facing impossible odds and powerful foes, all in the quest for power, knowledge, and survival. !!NO ARROGANT YOUNG MASTERS!! !!WORLD HOPPING!!

ExpiredRice · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs


The ocean was a vast, endless expanse of blue, stretching out as far as the eye could see.

Lucas was struggling to keep his head above water, his limbs flailing as he tried to stay afloat.

Lucas felt his body being tossed around like a rag doll by the immense power of the ocean. The salty water stung his eyes and filled his lungs, making it hard to breathe. He could feel his strength slowly fading away as he struggled to break free from the grasp of the waves.

The sound of the crashing waves was deafening, and the wind howled like a mournful beast. Lucas tried to swim towards the shore, but the current was too strong, pulling him further and further away from safety.

His heart was pounding in his chest as he desperately tried to keep his head above water. But it was no use. The ocean was too powerful, too vast and too merciless. And with a final gasp for air, Lucas succumbed to the depths, his body disappearing into the murky waters.

"So cold," thought Lucas as he sank deeper and deeper into the ocean. The water was like ice, chilling him to the bone. He could feel his muscles stiffening, his body slowly shutting down as he struggled to stay conscious.

The deeper he went, the colder and darker it became. His hand stretched out, desperate for the light which was becoming smaller by the minute until it disappeared completely. He was alone, in the cold, dark waters, surrounded by nothing but the silence of the ocean.

The only sound he heard was the distant sound of his heartbeat, echoing in his ears.

"God?" Lucas thought, his heart racing with fear as he saw a hand coming towards him. Was this it? Was this how he was going to die? Alone, in the cold, with no one to save him?

As the pressure increased and his lungs burned for air, Lucas felt himself slipping away. The water was closing in around him, suffocating him, consuming him. "Is this how it ends?" he wondered, his last thought before he lost consciousness and sank deeper into the endless abyss.


As Lucas regained consciousness, he wondered if he had passed away, his body feeling weak and heavy as though he could fall asleep at any moment. His thoughts wandered, and he tentatively opened his eyes, only to see hazy clouds obscuring his vision.

The only thing he could think was, "I must be dead," as he gazed at the beautiful white sky. Suddenly, a voice whispered his name, and he felt his whole body being shaken.

"What the fuck?" he thought before a familiar face appeared before him. Despite feeling mentally and physically drained, Lucas's eyes widened, and his breathing became erratic. "No... no... NO!" his mind screamed as he looked upon the worried and tearful faces of his parents.

"Why... why are you guys in heaven too? Did you guys die trying to save me?" Thoughts rushed through his mind like shooting stars before disappearing just as quickly. Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked at his parents.

"I'm sorry, because of me yo-" *SLAP* he trailed off as his father slapped him hard across the face, interrupting his thoughts and causing him to feel immense pain. "Lucas, please wake up. Look at me," his father pleaded, shaking him more violently.

"What are you doing, honey?!" his mother yelled, slapping his father hard across the face. As he was about to reassure his parents that he was alright, he felt a sudden pressure on his chest.

"Honey, how are you so dumb? You can't even perform CPR!" his mother shouted, pushing down on his chest so hard he thought his ribs might break. But before he could say anything, he felt a warm sensation in his mouth, he saw his father's dry, slimy mouth covering his own, with saliva flowing into his mouth.

It was too much for him to bear, and with a surge of energy, he pushed his parents away and vomited uncontrollably. The thought of his father's slimy saliva flowing into his mouth made him throw up even more. "Darling, we did it. He's alive!" his mother cried, hugging his father tightly.

"Yeah, he's alive honey," said his father, his voice choked with tears as he held his wife tightly. Lucas had just finished throwing up and felt his stomach turn at the sight of his parents calling each other darling and honey. But when they rushed to him and embraced him with fierce hugs, he felt a warmth spread through him and couldn't help but smile.

For a few moments, they stayed like that, caught up in the relief of having each other safe and sound. Then Richard, Lucas's father, spoke up, his tone serious. "So, Lucas, what happened? I know damn well there's no way you could have drowned. You, of all people."

Lucas sat there, lost in thought as he replayed the events leading up to his near-drowning in his mind. He raised his hand and touched the back of his head, where he felt a dull pain. Looking at his hand, he saw a small amount of blood. His father's eyes widened in disbelief upon seeing the blood, and his mother looked worriedly at him. "That's..." Richard trailed off, waiting for Lucas to explain.

Lucas sighed heavily before finally speaking up, his voice tinged with anger. "I remember... it was Michael. That old geezer hit me on the back of the head and threw me in the water." His mother gasped in shock, while his father's face turned red with anger.

"What? Michael? The owner of the store next to ours?" His mother exclaimed, trembling with rage. Richard nodded his head in agreement, "Hmph, he was probably scared of Lucas's fishing talent. With Lucas around, we have no shortage of fish to sell."

There was a heavy silence after that, with each of them lost in their thoughts until Richard spoke up. "Don't worry, I'll take care of this," he said coldly and marched into the small hut to retrieve his sniper rifle. His mother stayed with Lucas for a while longer before finally saying, "Just rest for now, okay Lucas?" leaving him alone on the bridge next to the beach.

The morning sun slowly rose above the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the beach. The sound of waves crashing against the shore filled the air, as seagulls flew overhead, calling to each other in their distinctive cries.

A light breeze blew in from the ocean, carrying with it the salty scent of seawater and the tangy aroma of nearby seafood stalls. Lucas stood on the beach, feeling the sand beneath his feet and the gentle caress of the wind on his face.

He gazed out at the endless expanse of blue, watching as the sun's rays danced across the water's surface, creating a glittering mosaic of light. The peaceful surroundings belied the tumultuous events earlier today, and Lucas took a moment to savor the tranquility before him.

Lucas sat on the beach, his tanned skin glistening in the morning sun. His dark brown hair was damp from the salty sea breeze, and it tousled in the wind as he stared at his reflection in the water. He looked young, no more than fifteen years old, with a lean yet muscular build.

As he gazed at his reflection, Lucas felt a twinge of sadness. Despite his striking good looks, he was always met with disgust from those around him. The reason for this was his eyes. They were white, almost completely devoid of color, making him look blind. But Lucas could see perfectly fine, and he often wished that people could see past his strange eyes and accept him for who he was.

He cast his fishing line out into the water and settled back into his seat, the rhythmic sound of waves lapping at the shore lulling him into a peaceful trance. The salty smell of the sea filled his nostrils, and he breathed deeply, feeling the cool breeze brush against his skin.

Lucas couldn't shake off the feeling of unease as he watched the sea. Despite the picturesque scene, with the clear blue sky and the soft sound of waves crashing onto the shore, he couldn't help but feel that something was off. His eyes kept darting back to the water, almost as if they were searching for something. And then he saw it - the water level was way higher than it should be at this time of day.

He frowned and leaned in closer, his eyes fixed on the water as if trying to decipher its secrets. His mind raced as he tried to think of a rational explanation. High tide? No, it was too early. A storm? But the sky was clear. As he watched, the water level continued to rise, and he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of dread.

Lucas was no stranger to the sea. He had spent his whole life on these shores, and he knew its every mood and rhythm. He knew that something was wrong, terribly wrong. The water level was now at least four meters higher than usual, and it was rising rapidly. His heart raced as he tried to think of what to do next. He had to warn the others. He grabbed his fishing rod and ran towards the village, his mind filled with a sense of urgency.