
My Wife, You better prepared I am not letting you go

" You are my wife now. It's your duty to fulfill your responsibilities." Rolland said looking at the woman before him with cold eyes. " I never leave house. Don't worry about it." Scarlet was calm as always looking innocent. They were marriage per arrangement by their parents. Rolland Clark was a richest man in their entire country who every women dream of being his woman. Countless rich women try winning him. Rude and cold personalty with devilish handsome looks woman fall more for him. His fate made him meet this quiet girl who was from general family whom his family have good friendship. She was more than what people think about her. She love bad blood. She play with them when needed.

MayMeilucy · Ciudad
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9 Chs


Am i scared of intimacy? maybe i'm never close to any man.

Afterall Scarlet was not experience in those field. She had a relation with bad and brother but that realtionship is different. She married to the number one handsome and cold boss who every woman dream of and she need to treat him different from those guys since he is her husband. Scarlet shiver thinking of him.

But she vow to never show any of her weakness even that fellow, Rolland Clark.

Scarlet thought he would stop her but he didn't and she sleep like other nights.

She was watching news on TV when the housekeeper appear. " Uncle An, Where is Mr.Clark?" she ask.

" He might be at work." he was little disappointed. He know that last night his master didn't sleep at home but went to bar with his friend to drink. He was worried why Mr.Clark didn't stay with his wife after all they only met yesterday for the first time and it also has to be consider as first night since they are already married.

" Okay." Scarlet replied. She already knows that Mr.Clark didn't stay at home and she had not thought anything about wedding night like the butler.


Scarlet look at her phone where some text pop up. She knows it even before checking the content but slowly open her phone.

*Westwind: Run the road*

from Tony*

She is familiar with this and doesn't bother much. She just close the message.

There were dozens of notification and she slowly check one by one.

" I never thought that our marriage would be still trending though it's been a week. Mr.Clark is sure really popular among the people." Scarlet stated.

Uncle An who was in the room sigh at her and said, " Miss it's because they are curious about the wife of CEO." Scarlet told them not to call her madam so they address her as miss.


He show her a smile and nodded, " They are curious about what kind of woman Master marry. Everybody knows who really is Rolland Clark."

" But i don't know him." Scarlet was neither gentle nor polite.

Uncle An was speechless.

" Though i know his name and at least saw him yesterday." she was only looking at the phone so she did not see his reaction.


Miss your now his wife at least show some act. He only says in his mind and he knows she have no interest in his Master. What a pity to my Master but this is good there are some who is not interested in Master like his wife.

Uncle An make a bitter smile.

Scarlet was looking at the comments and all.

' She looks pretty in photo but who knows what methods she used in marrying him.'

' Who is she really? she must be some bitch to seduce CEO Clark.'

' Every one knows Rolland Clark. This woman must be really something even the top celebrities and heiress can't touch him and were turned down by him.' There was a smirk after the comment.

' Who is she? what's her background anyway? i never saw her in the city. Is she from other city?'

' She must be some heiress in other city. I heard Rolland Clark often go out from the city. There is also a rumours.'


' No. She is from this city. I heard that she is the daughter of Niu family but never out in public.'

This comment got Scarlet attention. Who would be this even know her family and there are few apart from her family who know her. They will never leak about her but who care if this fellow knows her.

There were lots more but she don't have time for all this. Who knows she will get old sitting here reading all these.

Scarlet already talk with her family and also told them not to intervene whatever it might be. So there was nothing from her side though they are worried about her. Mr&Mrs.Clark didn't do anything like wise and Scarlet knows nothing about them.

' I hope brother is fine.' she thought. Scarlet know how her brother is.

Scarlet stretches her hands and walk to her room. More important thing is coming and She have to prepared for tonight.

" I am getting excited now." she screams in her room.

Whole day she stayed in her room doing her things.

Uncle An and others didn't bother her as she already told them before not to look for her when she is in her room unless it's urgent. They understand her and since she is always like this from the moment she entered the house. They do their own works.

*where in the world are you hiding, there is still a place where we can go...* Scarlet phone sing.


" You already forget me after getting your husband, little fellow." other end sound like a rude and disappointed.

" Hey, teacher. Ah...i almost forget you if not for your call." Scarlet laughed.

" You brat...dare to. Let's see how i'll teach you when i see you." He yell.

" I'm looking forward to it." she was still laughing.

After screaming he hung up. Scarlet clearly know that she annoyed him but can't help and sigh. She don't have time for such thing now for she still have other things to see. Scarlet smile happily there is nothing more that makes her happy other than this.

"I am coming, baby. Wait for me."

Thank you for reading.

I am going to update extra chapter later for the day.

I hope you like it.

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