
My wife is the hero

As the great evil is vanquished by the hero, everything returns to how it once was, with that the hero has lost her job and must settle down. Now a new story will arrive with the hero and her husband, who is also coincidentally the brother of the man the hero has defeated.

Faustianishmael · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs

The swords

In the ancient history of men, one weapon has been continuously used in a plethora of cultures: the sword.

The sword however was eventually replaced by a much stronger weapon of war, the gun. Hundreds of wars would take place in which guns were the predominant weapon and war after war guns only became stronger.

And yet in the current day, centuries after events such as World War One and the Vietnam war, melee weapons like the sword have been dominant in militaries. It all changed with the discovery of magic, one day long after humans migrated from their original planet, some humans started to be able to see things other could not, nowadays this gets referred to as 'the flow of the universe'. Being able to see the flow of the universe made humans be able to understand it that much more. With this understanding came a new discovery, magic. One could only call this the next step in human evolution.

With the coming of magic, its usage in warfare was inevitable, people who were able to use magic were quickly used for all kinds of military purposes, be it for the healing of its soldiers or killing the enemy.

Magic however is not a privilege for everyone, it's only accessible to those who are able to see the flow of the universe and those born with the talent for it. And so, to make magic accessible for everyone, magic started being imbedded into accessories, clothing and of course weapons. The usage of magic with guns is a very delicate matter, a lot of spells will only be truly effective if it's engraved within bullets, which would mean one would need to engrave the spell into a new set of bullets everytime someone wants to use a gun, a huge flaw for a weapon known for its ease of access.

Through this swords and other melee weapons came to be popular within various militaries. Within Oviel there is even a group that swears loyal to the sword, the central bureau of peace. The CBP is an agency within Oviel with as much influence as its central government and is hold by no jurisdiction, they truly do whatever they think is just. 


On a planet, far away from Oviel's capital planet, gun sounds can be heard throughout its capital city. Through the rain of bullets, something that would baffle any normal human can be seen, a group of people running towards the gunfire instead of running away from it. Each of the seven people wearing totally different outfits. If these lunatics were to be seen on the street, any normal human would assume they would be total strangers to eachother. One thing however unites these people, they are all carrying a sword.

"Lynn, you take out the people aiming at us from the museum's roof, the rest of us will go into the ministry's building and take out their main squadron." A man wearing a business suit, running in front of the six other sword lunatics, who must be their leader, commands a young girl running on the far left side of the group. "They'll be taken out in less than a minute! Aah~! I can't wait to use my new sword!" The girl dressed in a school uniform from one of Oviel's most prestigious schools unsheathes her sword from a sheath decorated with all kinds of memorabilia and sprints away from her comrades, towards the museum situated next to the ministry's building.

"Why do you always give her these kind of tasks? You know anyone BUT that airhead could finish the task faster and with you know.. less collateral damage." A boy who must be around the same age as the girl called Lynn, but not dressed in a school uniform, but instead wearing a pair of jeans, an expensive set of glasses, a crop top and a jacket starts complaining to his leader.

"Aawhh~ a bit jealous, aren't we today? Do your best tonight and you might be the next one who's allowed to go on their own mission!" A woman older than both the boy and the girl, wearing a blue and white styled dress, reminiscent of a royal victorian age dress starts to make fun of the boy who's childishly complaining about his teammate Lynn. How she's able to run in this dress? That's a secret nobody has discovered yet.


The leader puts his hands on both of the quarreling group members' mouth. "Quiet down Hanna and Jiy, I don't want them to notice us." The group is momentarily hiding behind a house close to the ministry building. "Sef, can you take out the people on the roof and the those guarding the doors?" 

"Sure, but don't ask much more of me today, those mages haven't been able to completely fix my sword yet and I don't want it breaking on me." The man dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, a pair of shorts and flip flops starts to climb to the roof of the building, once there he unsheathes his sword, which is undoubtedly a longsword of European origin. Once unsheathed Seff takes up a highly unusual stance, with his right arm stretched out away from his body he holds the blade just next to the hild and with his left hand he holds his blade just next to the center. It's a stance only to be used for one thing only, to throw the sword.

The ministry is currently about 300 meters away, no ordinary man could possible throw a sword that far and accurately, but humanity has long broken free from the threshold of 'ordinary'.

Sef throws the sword so fast that even an afterimage is difficult to observe, his throw is aimed at one of three people standing on the roof. Before anyone can notice the sword, the man's heart is pierced and standing right there threehundred meters away from his original throwing point is Sef holding the sword. He removes the sword from the man's heart and slits his throat, within seconds the same fate is given to the other two on the roof. No emotion can be observed on Sef's face, he's like an animal killing its prey, there is no good or bad, only a task that must be done to survive. Sef is not done yet though, he throws his sword down to one of the people standing in front of the door, quickly finishing her off and just like on the rooftop ends the life of the other guards seconds after. this can all of course only be explained by one thing, magic. Sef's sword is imbued with the unique ability of teleportation, anywhere where the sword is, is a place Sef can teleport to. 

"pheww~~" Hanna whistles as she sees Sef taking out all the people in a manner of seconds. "He likes to complain and dress aloof, but whenever he's tasked to do something he acts so serious." 

"The guards have a status check every two minutes, we have to take out a majority before that. Hanna I need you to take out anyone on the east side of the building and I need Gyre and Farew on the west side, Jiy follow me." The man in the suit gives out his orders ready to move, not even bothering giving out an order to Sef, who's already fast asleep on the floor next to the people he just killed.

"why be so hasty Noah~ we could take them out even if they knew we would be coming. shouldn't we make more of a spectacle out of all of this? you know? Invite the press and things like that, our existence will soon be public anyway, taking out some of Osel's last supporters surely will give us some good publicity!" Of course, acting on a planet that hasn't given you jurisdiction to do so, having minors in your midst and killing people without trial is against every rule Oviel as a country stands for and surely Hanna knows this, she's just saying it to get a reaction out of her leader.

"Hanna.." He gives her a stern look.

"It looks like that's my sign to go! Well then everyone, see you soon!" Hanna leaves for the eastern side of the building waving to her teammates with a smile on her face.

"We should be going too Farew, we don't wanna be outdone by Hanna of all people." The man named Gyre wearing a black sweater, a blue pair of jeans and orange tinted sunglasses starts talking to the woman next to him, the woman called Farew wearing a black funeral dress nods towards Gyre and both of them start heading towards the west side of the building.

Both Noah and Jiy start heading to the central part of the building, the place where the parlement of this planet has its debates, while running Noah takes out any person in their way with one quick slash.

"See! This is exactly what I mean, why can't I d-"

"Ssst!" Jiy gets interrupted by Noah. "Be quiet, their leader is most probably behind this door. I'm going to count down from five and after that we will rush into the room, be ready to fight, we don't know how many of them are inside." Jiy nods his head in silence and Noah starts counting down with his fingers, once at zero he kicks the door in and only one woman can be seen, sitting on the chairpersons seat.


"Noah typhean, non other than one of the leaders of the CBP coming to stop me, it's an honor." The woman sitting on the chairpersons seat wearing a field jacket with a red and black motif - customary of the Oxward revolutionaries - and torn black jeans accepts the two man with a smile and open arms.

"Phoenix sertyle, you were the second in command of Osel's army and you and your men were the last remaining revolutionaries of Oxward. Tell me, why did you give up your life like that?.."

"hmmm, you see, we do not care if we are to be dead or alive anymore, that's all there is to it." She says with a playful smile. "Of course, we do kinda regret leaving him behind." She mumbles.

"I see.. that's all there is to it. You should have never threatened the peace of the public's everyday life. Jiyuani, go ahead." Not a second, no, not even a millisecond after Noah gives Jiy the signal, Phoenix's head flies through the sky, almost as if time stopped. The head however, is not done talking yet. 

"The event horizon has been reached. Time will be reset, humanities sin wil be cleansed and everyone will equal." As her eyes start to lose colour and the skin on her head starts to turn pale white, Phoenix leaves these final words behind.

Noah looks down to phoenix with eyes that could almost be called sad. "Spouting foolish words until your last breath huh?"

"wow~ sliced cleanly in one try, you've got a real talent for this Jiy." Hanna, Gyre and Farew start walking into the room.

"Did everything work out on west and east side?" Of course Noah already knows the answer to this question, but he asks anyway.

"Yep, it looks like the remaining forces of Osel aren't all that strong, or maybe they didn't even truly try to fight? Well who cares they're dead." Gyre says with an aloof face. 

"hmm, by the way is anyone feeling this?" Hanna asks.

"Feeling what?" Jiy answers with a confused face.

"The feeling of a rat watching us~" Hanna turns her head with a bloodlusted expression towards a direction where there's seemingly nothing, ready to kill.

All of a sudden a far away explosion can be heard be heard to the west of the building, taking everyone's attention away.

"That was from the museum's direction wasn't it?..." Gyre asks with a defeated tone.

"Farew tell me, how expensive is the museum?" Noah asks with an undecipherable face.

"About a billion viel or in other words, about as much as our annual budget." She answers with a neutral expression.

for the first time today fear can be seen on Noah's face. "Everyone go to the museum now! And stop Lynn from destroying any more than she already did!!" Everyone starts running towards the museum in panic. If they don't stop her in time, they will all be forced to eat unseasoned rice as breakfast, lunch and dinner for the foreseeable future, once again. 

"This is why I told you I should have gone to the museum!!" The screams of Jiy sound through the sky as the CBP's highest ranking squad does what it does best: stop themselves from destroying everything.