
My way through marvel

Every thing is owned by their people. i only own OC'S A guy gets reincarnated in marvel( with comic elements) and will do his own thing no matter what people say. He will mess things up or he will let thing go as is. lets wait and see. He will be the biggest scumbag so if u don't like don read ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i will do it the way i want to is you have negative things to say please dont i already lost interest in my other stories because of other people so if u dont like it just please stay away

tykee554 · Película
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 ~ Silent Buddha of Slaughter and Battle

This is gonna be a longer chapter because I want to get back to marvel.


{The Constellation of the Abyss has been watching the fight with interest.}

{The Kitty of Lava and Magma. Request a meeting with you}

{The Bannerman of Plague and Darkness. Request a meeting with you}

I know exactly who they are it's the loil and cat. I'm I don't think they can tell me new information, unlike the other constellation I can continue to grow.

"Ok I'll meet you guys just know that I'll become a constellation myself so don't you can tempt me"

{The Kitty of Lava and Magma says, it already knows}

{The Bannerman of Plague and Darkness. Nods it's head}

While I'm going to meet them I continued to practice my katas and footwork. Each move lays waste to the entire terrain, while my speed is getting faster, from a blur to a perfect after image.

{The world resonates with you because you are reaching the peak of existence}

{Your title is, Silent Buddha of Slaughter and Battle}

'No homo'

I felt the ground rumble, then a big behemoth pops out.

"Rocky it's good to see you man, how have you been."

'Man he's adorable, too bad I can't take him with me'

I jumped up and gave him a big hug. I looked over its head and I saw about twelve rock snakes. I'm glad he found happiness.

Then the ground shakes heavy. countless snakes come out of the ground, but it's not like rocky its have flesh. Blood. Bones?

"Rocky get your family to safety," I said while yelling

{The skill World Resonance~Silent Buddha of Slaughter and Battle~ Resonates}

{You are the Silent Buddha of Slaughter and Battle}

{Live a life befitting your existence}

It shoots out poison breath from its mouth, not bothering with the breath I charge in. Attacking all over its body and watching it regenerate. I put so much power in the attacks it's like I'm dropping nukes.

{The power of your existence grows}

The next attack obliterates the head, it didn't even regenerate. 'kinda sucks that I can't keep practicing on it' Hitting the next gear so I can finish it fast, you can't even see where I'm located that's how fast I'm going attacking it all over its body. Using the power of Existence making it flow all throughout my body. When I land you can see all the aftershocks of the hits like he just got hit. Then it's dead.

{The power of existence is a power that can change reality. You are now able to twist reality as you desire.}

{Skill: Power of existence, has been added}

{Rank A+ skill: immortal regeneration has been added}

(A/N; The power of existence: it allows constellations that reach peak existence to rule the abyss)

'Alright, April it's time to log out. I have to study before I go back to the marvel universe. so I need to go to another world, while still having fun from time to time.'

[Where would you like to go, sir]

'Pick someone in the US with military family'

[Where would you like to go, sir?]

'Take me to High School Of The Dead, I don't want to interact with the main cast at all.'

[Right away sir]

The next thing I knew I was in a small body, then I got the body memories. My father is a General in the army, his name is Winston Frank, I know our first and last name is a first name. He is a cool guy, too bad he's always a way for work. My mother died in childbirth, a sad ending. My name is Tim Frank, and I'm seven years old.

Leaving the room I notice I'm in this big house I mean it is massive, that's some nice government money. I start looking for my father following the memories I head to his office. Knocking on the door, I walk right in. Opening the door, I see a 6'2 man with black hair going gray. You could tell he put a lot of effort into his job. I grab the whiteboard and marker. 'Disability will not stop me.' I write on the board.

"I want to go to military school," I write

"how son, you can't hear anything your deaf," He writes back.

"So" I start to fake cry, putting some acting skills to the test.

"I won't let that stop me, ill do everything I can to get into the military" while showing my determination.

"Alright son, ill see what I can do." while sighing

After that, I gave him the cheekiest smile and left his office. I went to my room to get ready for my conversation with April. Once I reach my room I sit in front of the computer.

'April, are you ready to start this.'

[Yes sir, where would you like to start.]

'I need you to buy some things, Enhanced Memory, Absolute Accuracy, Absolute Intelligence, Absolute Precision. I'll also need books on every language and subject."

[I have bought everything you have listed.

Enhanced Memory: The power to remember and recall experiences and events inhumanly well.

Absolute Accuracy: The power to possess a limitless level of accuracy.

Absolute Intelligence: The power to possess a limitless level of intellectual and cognitive proficiency that surpasses anything/everything in existence

Absolute Precision: The power to possess a limitless level of precision]

I felt that everything was on a different level even my intellect was on a different level, I wasn't on the level of Peter Parker or Tony Stark more like an honor student. My sight though was amazing I could calculate the trajectory of everything.

I went to my desk and picked up a toy, I backed away as far as I could. Standing on the opposite side of the trashcan, I threw the toy it went in hitting nothing but the net. 'Kobe'

'Sweet now I can build my intelligence while killing zombies'



Name: Ty Bryant

Job: None

World: Marvel




Avatar: Choi Yeonseung (TCTRFH)

Avatar: Tim Frank (HOTD)


Skills: Absolute Body, Enhanced Accuracy, Supernatural senses, Enhanced Memory, Absolute Accuracy, Absolute Intelligence, Absolute Precision


' WHAT... what happened to all my points. It should be in the hundred billion.'

[Sir it is because of all the recent things you have bought, they are all top-notch skills that are rare even amongst the superpowered]

'Well damn, if I knew that I would've held off. I have a question that's been bothering me, what happens to me when an avatar dies.'

[Well that's it dies and you can no longer use it]

'Well shit, that's some good news.'


18-year time skip.

The last eighteen years were very fruitful, well we did hit a snag in the first two years. Because I'm deaf but all I had to do is show skill, tenacity, and determination and I was in. Also with the help of anime logic in an anime world.

In military school, I was always at the top of every class, it was lonely up there ya'know. I did have the occasional person that tries to put me in my place, but once I beat the shit out of them or they find out my dad in a general they back off. I never threw my dad's name out because I didn't want to be like them 'young masters' shit makes me sick.

I would have been recruited right out of military school but they held back because of my being deaf and I didn't want to accept. In all honestly that never bothered me. Hell, I didn't even finish all the books I bought in those 18 years.

Once u graduated from military school I went straight to work, buying guns and ammo. I made a walkie-talkie (mine has a screen since I can't hear) for me and my dad so we can keep in touch I don't want to lose him as soon the apocalypse started.

Since I didn't want people to know what I was doing and what I had planned I did it by myself. I wanted to build two bases. The two bases have very different functions. The first one let us call it Safe-haven, it had the works plumbing, solar-powered recycled water, defenses, and towers to look at incoming zombies it was beautiful. When people start filtering in they would help with building and expanding. The next one let us call it Bait. This is where ill spend most of my time, it had everything an attack fortress could have while also making it comfortable enough for one person. (you imagine) I even built an electric SUV that charges on solar panels so I wouldn't have to look for grass when shit it the fan.

Then it happened, zombies started coming. I contacted my dad constantly to make sure he was okay. I waited for him and contacted him every morning and night but then it stopped. I put a tracker in the walkie so I could find him and that's what I did. Taking out any zombie I came across one shot to the head.

When I reached my dad he was guarding a group of people, when I saw this the only thought in my head was 'fucking anime' grabbing my sniper picked off the stragglers that tried to pinch them.

Running down to my dad I hugged him, and I'm man enough to say I cried a little.

"I thought I wouldn't see you again dad," I said while staring at his lips so I could read his.

"I know son, I know," he said while hugging me again.

He then turns to the small group of three teenagers and says "This is my son Tim. Since we got extra help we can make it to safety."

After all the pleasantries we left for Safe-haven, and once we reached there my dad was surprised. it really looked like of safe-haven. Once they all got settled in I started the next phase of my plan and to do that I needed to go to Bait.

When I got there I put out all the speakers and they were massive, I was using the speakers to draw out the zombies. But before I even did that I use drones with speakers attached so to draw them out.

Since I knew I was going to be bored I started with slingshots bows guns even rocket launchers. When I wasn't reading that's what I was doing on repeat.

And just like that 130 years passed.

Because of my body, I lived longer.

I cleared half the US of zombies.

I recused all the people I could.

I'm also about half done with the books, ill say I'm pretty freakin smart.

My dad passed and it was pretty sad for me.

But this life I led I was pretty content with it.

I can die peacfully.


this was a long chapter because i didn't want to spend to much time away from marvel at in the beginning

ik my story will have plotholes don't really care but if its something i can fix i might

hoped you liked that chapter.