
The Prophet

There was a lot of confidence coming form Ronkin as he declared a fight, and at the same time, there was next to no reaction from Redback. As he looked at the other Dalki and just smiled toward them.

"You, want to fight me?" Redback said. "You must either be incredibly brave, or stupid. I just beat your leader. Did you guys even realize that in your group, all there is right now is a bunch of nobodies. The only person who was worth fighting in your entire group, is your silver badged leader. So I already know the rest of you are nothing, but if you really want me to give you a beating, until all of you in this area comply, then go ahead."

It seemed that the Dalki were aware of a lot more than the vampires had been informed. It was only then, after rehearing the Dalki's words that the others had realized. That there was no one of significance in their group.