
Eyes Everywhere

After finishing up the short battle, Quinn thought that if the girls had an assailant, he could perhaps use the latter for information instead, as long as they weren't carrying the same type of serum, of course.

However, using his ears, he could hear nothing. There was no fighting sound, and he wondered if that was worse. Peter now had Minny over his shoulders; she held tight on top of his head as the two men ran towards the other room.

"Wee...! This is so fun!" Minny shouted, tapping Peter's head like a tambourine. Although it would annoy most, it seemed to do nothing for Peter.

When the two finally arrived, they now understood why there was no sound coming from their room. It was because the fight was over. Once again, Lucia seemed quite injured; her arm was somewhat broken. There were long scratches all over but no serious wounds other than her broken arm.