
my vampire daughter

One day I suddenly received a cardboard box, and there was a little lolita in white stockings lying inside. Whether you are a European vampire, a Japanese shikigami, or a zombie girl in the grave, in short, all you weird creatures are here. Come to me, we can cooperate for mutual benefit and raise the cutest daughter.

Daoist2ootOY · Ciudad
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90 Chs

Imperial envoy

The Spider Spirit can also be regarded as a high-level demon from this world, although he is a bit crazy.

 Her words still made Ye Shu very concerned, because Xiao Leng has always been a time bomb. Although Ye Shu has freed Xiao Leng, the art of raising ghosts is mysterious and mysterious, and Xiao Leng is still a self-evil ghost in essence. At present, it can only be said that the danger of Xiao Leng has been reduced. It is impossible to eliminate the risks caused by ghost raising.

 "Okay, I'll learn the corpse control technique from you. How long will it take? I have something urgent to do."

 Ye Shu nodded in agreement, but he was worried about Liu Youyou and still wanted to go back quickly.

 "It won't take long. As long as you have a high level of understanding, just a few hours will be enough. Come in with me and my sister will teach you well."

 The spider spirit rubbed his hands with excitement on his face, almost drooling.

 Ye Shu followed her into a wooden house. The wooden house was full of spider webs, with various props stuck to the webs. Ye Shu even saw Gumantong dolls and some animal corpses.

 The spider spirit led him to a large table. The table was also filled with various bottles and cans, as well as some bottled liquids of different colors and some sharp knives.

 Ye Shu couldn't stand the smell in the room and couldn't help but wrinkled his face. But it was as if the spider spirit couldn't smell it. She was already used to it.

 "Let me explain to you the principle of corpse control first. A corpse is like a puppet, and a puppet needs a string to control it. The same is true for us to control a corpse, except that the corpse's string is not on the outside, but on the inside."

 The spider spirit said, grabbing a bottle of dark red liquid on the table and shaking it: "There is the blood and soul of a rabbit in it, and the rabbit's body is hanging on the net over there."

 The spider spirit pointed at the spider web behind it. Ye Shu looked and saw a dead rabbit hanging on the web.

 "Blood and soul are the key to corpse control. I fed the rabbit and drank my blood. It remembered my taste, and its soul attached to me and built a wire pole."

 Spider Spirit explained seriously, then suddenly raised his hand: "Move"

 As if an invisible wire was pulling the rabbit, the rabbit's arms and legs began to sway. If it weren't for the cobwebs clinging to it, it would have jumped to the ground.

 Ye Shu was surprised and surprised, and asked what to do in detail. Spider Spirit smiled and said: "Raising corpses and raising ghosts are of the same lineage. The most important thing is detention. I can't tell you clearly for a while. I am here." There are also corpses, let me show you."

 This is very good. After all, empty principles cannot be taught to people, and everything needs practice.

 The spider spirit ran to a piece of spider web and picked out a big mouse and placed it directly on the table.

 This big rat probably weighed three or four kilograms. It was covered in shiny hair. It was obvious that it had not been dead for a long time.

 Spider Spirit took out a small bottle from the jars, and there was also dark red blood in it.

 She shook the bottle, then grabbed a knife and cut her fingers open, then pinched open the mouse's mouth and dripped a few drops of blood into it.

 A dead mouse would not drink blood, and the spider spirit did not ask the mouse to drink blood, but only allowed the blood to come into contact with its tongue.

 "The sense of taste of living things is on the tongue. When the mouse tongue touches my blood, it will remember my taste. When the corpse is activated later, the first smell it feels is the smell of my blood."

 The spider spirit explained, opened the small bottle, stretched his bleeding finger inside, and waited for a moment before taking it out.

 Ye Shu looked at it curiously. The spider spirit shook his finger and said with a smile: "The soul of the mouse has attached itself to my finger. The corpse will think that I am a mouse and will obey my orders in the future."

 Seemingly miraculous, Ye Shu continued to watch. Spider Spirit is also a capable person. After setting up the thread pole, he took out a pack of short silver needles from the drawer. The silver needles were less than two centimeters, but the needles were very sharp and shone with a cold light.

 The spider spirit took a total of five silver needles, first inserted them into his fingers, stained them with blood, then pierced the mouse's soles of the feet and palms of the hands, and the last one pierced the heart.

 "Sealing the feet, sealing the hands, and sealing the heart, these are the five seals of the living body, and the foundation of the wire pole is established. At this point, all the processes are completed."

 The spider spirit breathed a sigh of relief, while Ye Shu thought of Master Yang. Master Yang had sealed Xiao Leng's feet before, but those were only two seals. These five seals were obviously much more powerful.

 "Then it can survive."

 Ye Shuqi said, the spider spirit snapped his fingers and raised his palms. The mouse on the table sat up straight, opened its eyes widely, and looked at the spider spirit lifelessly.

 Ye Shu was suddenly startled, and he really came to life.

 "It's amazing. Even though the process is simple, it actually requires a lot of luck and proficiency, especially when used on human corpses. It's very difficult to succeed if you don't do it more than a dozen times."

 Ye Shu said he understood, but he had new questions when he looked at the mouse corpse.

 "You can control a mouse, but what can it do and does it have any powerful abilities?"

 When he asked this question, Spider-Man's face became embarrassed and he said sheepishly: "I can just jump and jump. What else do you want?"

 that's all

 Ye Shu tilted his lips, shook his head and said, "Then why should I learn corpse control?"

 He was not happy to say that the spider spirit said this, and immediately refuted him: "This is profound folk culture, how can you belittle it? The focus of corpse control is not on the corpse, but on the soul. The soul of a mouse is of no use, but the evil ghost The soul is very powerful. If you control the body, you also control the soul. The evil self ghost will attach itself to you and listen to your orders, whether you want it or not."

 It's pretty cool to say that.

 Ye Shu nodded in agreement, and the spider spirit waved his hand: "Then you start practicing. You can graduate after seven or eight times of success. It depends on whether your understanding is good or not."

 Ye Shu thought it was quite simple. He didn't know how to do ink, so he started practicing immediately. Spider Jing tried his best to teach him. After seven failures, Ye Shu finally succeeded in controlling a dead rabbit.

 At this time, it was already dark, and Ye Shu was very tired. The spider spirit praised him with satisfaction, and then asked him to practice all night, while she ran to rest.

 Ye Shu was speechless and continued to practice patiently. When he was too tired, he would go to bed. When he woke up, he would continue practicing. Anyway, the big black bear would come to bring food.

 After struggling like this for three days, he succeeded more than ten times.

 He also gained full confidence and missed Liu Youyou very much, so he immediately packed up and planned to leave.

 The spider spirit was almost excited and wanted to go back with Ye Shu to take a look. Ye Shu quickly refused, but the big black bear was already jealous, raised his arms and chased away the person.

 "That's enough, that's enough. Let's go to the east and along the river. I want to have a baby with my wife."

 Ye Shu thanked him and left, but the spider spirit took out another package and gave it to him: "There are silver needles and a jade pendant inside. The jade pendant is made of Yin jade. It was taken out from an ancient tomb. It has a cold nature and is the most powerful weapon for ghosts." I like things to be attached to. You soak the jade pendant in your own blood for seven days, and then let the evil ghosts attach themselves to it. The subsequent process will be the same as what I taught you."

 Ye Shu was startled, then opened the package and took a look. There was indeed a jade pendant, which was cold in hand. It had a unicorn-like animal carved on it, which should be Pixiu. ixiu

 Ye Shu thanked him again, and the spider spirit looked at him with a smile, his eyes full of excitement.

 The big black bear waved his hand impatiently: "Let's go, let's go, I'm so verbose, my wife, I think"

 The big black bear coaxed the spider spirit back to the room. Ye Shu felt funny and walked away.

 There was indeed a small river in the east, flowing out of the canyon. Ye Shu ran along the small river for nearly an hour, and finally heard the sound of people.

 That was the sound of the Yokai Market. The Yokai Market was in full swing, lasting for half a month, and it was only half over now.

 Ye Shu breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to the monster market, returning to the familiar inn area.

 Everywhere was very lively. Ye Shu first went back to the inn to see if Liu Youyou had escaped. Unfortunately, she was not at the inn and was afraid she would be caught.

 Ye Shu was worried and went out to look for the catfish monster again. The catfish monster should not have been caught.

 Sure enough, he wandered around the market, and the catfish monster came to him. He suddenly appeared and pulled him to a place with few people.

 "Brother, you were not arrested. Where have you been these past few days?"

 The catfish monster looked very surprised. He felt that Ye Shu must have been caught. Ye Shu said depressedly: "Forget it, I got lost in the forest and my friend just came out today."

 "The vixen was captured. I just heard rumors yesterday that our area, including the twelve major cities, has been taken over by the red-robed law enforcement officer decentralized from the imperial capital. That guy is an imperial envoy, specially here to control We, a place with high mountains and far away from the emperor, will be miserable in the future, and I'm afraid we won't even be able to buy a single demon crystal."