
my vampire daughter

One day I suddenly received a cardboard box, and there was a little lolita in white stockings lying inside. Whether you are a European vampire, a Japanese shikigami, or a zombie girl in the grave, in short, all you weird creatures are here. Come to me, we can cooperate for mutual benefit and raise the cutest daughter.

Daoist2ootOY · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
90 Chs

fishing law enforcement

Ye Shu's face was thicker than the city wall. Wu Miao was no match for him when he tried to be mean, so he had no choice but to admit defeat in embarrassment.

 Ye Shu chuckled and strode away: "Then I'm leaving. Besides, I'm a good and law-abiding citizen. Don't snitch on the red-robed law enforcement officer."

 The red-robed law enforcement officer was too fierce, and Ye Shu was quite afraid of her. It would be a disaster if she tried to deal with him.

 Now that we're gone, it's time to get down to business.

 Liu Youyou and others were still waiting anxiously outside the door, and they were relieved to see Ye Shu come out.

 "How about she be willing to go through the formalities?"

 Liu Youyou couldn't wait to ask. Ye Shu nodded and said with a smile: "I will take action and solve everything that cannot be done. This task belongs to you."

 "Great, let's go to Pan Park in the east of the city to find him now."

 Liu Youyou almost jumped for joy, as if the spirit pill was right in front of her eyes. Aiqier, who was sitting on the back of the Tibetan Mastiff, was also very excited, with an eager expression on her face.

 Ye Shu was also very interested, but he still had to be cautious when doing business, not blindly or recklessly, as the saying goes, a arrogant soldier will be defeated.

 "Don't worry, do you have Weasel's detailed information? Do you have his photo?"

 Ye Shu asked calmly. He had forgotten to ask Wu Miao just now.

 "Yes, it's very detailed. The monsters in the group have great powers and are all helping me."

 A hint of joy appeared on Liu Youyou's face. She took out her phone and opened a photo to show to Ye Shu. It was a weasel.

 Ye Shu took a look and saw that this weasel was short in stature and had a roe head and rat eyes. It looked like a monkey with crooked facial features, especially the chin, which was so sharp that it could pierce his own chest.

 This was the first time Ye Shu had seen such an ugly monster. This guy was uglier than the catfish monster, and he was probably too weak to change his appearance.

 "He is short in stature, like a junior high school student, but his face is very old, like a little old man, which is very noticeable. As long as he appears, everyone will pay attention to him. Therefore, he does not go out during the day and only wanders around Panyuan District at night. Taking the opportunity to molest a young girl."

 Liu Youyou explained, becoming more and more anxious, wanting to fly to arrest people immediately.

 Ye Shu was still not in a hurry, but frowned and said: "Pan Park in the east of the city belongs to the industrial zone. It is a huge area with many factories, as well as many abandoned factories and old rental houses. There are too many places to hide. You Don't be too happy, we not only want to catch him, but also save people."

 Ye Shu told the story about the weasel's kidnapping of a ten-year-old girl. He also analyzed the terrain of Pan Park and showed a perplexed look.

 Liu Youyou also frowned after hearing this: "He also kidnapped a girl. This is causing trouble. We can't arrest people directly. We have to find his lair."

 It is not easy to go to Panyuan District to arrest people, but it is even more difficult to rescue people.

 Ye Shu pondered for a moment and said to the Tibetan Mastiff on the ground: "Zangbazi, please bring the wild dogs into Pan Park first. Just treat them as stray dogs. Spread out and wait for my order to assemble again."

 Zangbazi shook his big tongue and said: "Good Princess Qier, you and the eldest brother go first, I will assemble the team."

 The Tibetan Mastiff was also very excited and seemed to be tired of the life in the east of the city.

 Ye Shu hugged Aiqier into his arms, and the Tibetan Mastiff ran away and quickly disappeared into the night.

 With the dog demon layout, the situation will be much better. But the key is how to find the weasel.

 Liu Youyou and Aiqier both looked at Ye Shu, waiting for him to think of a solution. Ye Shu rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then said in a deep voice: "The weasel showed up late at night to follow the girl and do evil things. Our first step is to find a girl first, and then the mantis will catch the cicada and the oriole will follow."

 Liu Youyou understood immediately after hearing this: "Yes, he is following the girl, so we will follow him, and then follow him to his lair, catch him directly, and rescue the hostages on the way."

 The two of them had decided not to go home, but to take Ai Qier directly to Pan Park in the east of the city.

 Panyuan District is one of the earliest industrial zones in the city. It is full of factories and rental houses. The streets are also very chaotic. It is the kind of place where petty theft is rampant.

 The people living here are basically working people. There are also facilities such as Internet cafes, bars, billiards halls, and skating rinks, but they are all very old.

 Behind Pan Park is the upper section of Xishui River, the home of the catfish monster, the lord of the river.

 A group of three people took the night bus to Panyuan District, found an entrance and went in directly.

 In such a large Panyuan District, many places are sparsely populated and full of garbage, especially the rental area. There are rental areas outside the factory area. There are countless rental houses and shops. Many streets are very lively, and there are many young couples shopping under the neon lights.

 Ye Shu took stock of the environment, then hugged Aiqier and pulled Liu Youyou toward a place with few people.

 "Weasels must be hiding in dark places with few people and spying on passers-by. We will look for girls in the streets of the rental area and be safe as sparrows."

 The three of them entered a quiet and shabby street. There were no shops on this street and the street lights were broken. But the rental houses at the end of the road were brightly lit. Apparently many workers would take this road to rent houses after get off work.

 Ye Shu did not go to the end, but found an alley and stayed here with Liu Youyou and Ai Qier.

 It was the stupidest thing to do, but it was the only way to go because they couldn't be sure where the weasels would appear.

 After waiting for a while, there were indeed many workers hurriedly walking through the street, and there were also girls of eighteen or nineteen years old, but their appearance was ordinary, so the weasels probably would not attack them. In other words, the weasel will not come here at all tonight.

 At this time, some wild dogs appeared on the streets, looking for food in twos and threes, running around in the streets and alleys.

 Obviously, the wild dogs in the south of the city have entered Pan Park and are spreading out.

 With wild dogs tracking, things are much simpler. If there is any disturbance, the attention of wild dogs will be immediately attracted.

 Sure enough, half an hour later, a dog barked not far away, which was particularly harsh in the darkness.

 Most people don't pay attention to wild dogs, and they just bark when they bark. But Ye Shu and the others knew that this wild dog was not that wild dog, so something must have happened.

 Ye Shu acted immediately, pulling the two women through a small alley and arriving at the street where dogs barked.

 Under the dim street lights, I saw two wild dogs staring in a certain direction in the dark with green eyes open, grinding their teeth gently.

 Ye Shu looked in that direction and saw a young girl carrying a bag walking quickly with her head lowered. She seemed to be frightened by the wild dog.

 What she didn't notice was that more than ten meters behind her, there was a short man walking against the wall like a thief, following her closely.

 Ye Shu and the others had a positional advantage, and it was immediately clear when they looked at it from behind.

 Liu Youyou was overjoyed and said eagerly: "It's him, look at his height and body shape, haha, he's so lucky, he's on the street behind us."

 Ye Shu hissed: "Don't get excited. We can't arrest anyone yet. We have to find his lair. Zangbazi is a smart dog. Give him time to develop, and he will definitely have laid out a plan."

 Ye Shu believed in Zangbazi very much. Although Zangbazi stuttered a bit, he had a very high IQ. It was his turn to perform.

 However, Zangbazi did not perform. He suddenly rushed out from behind the alley, wagging his tongue and exhaling: "You are here, the night wind is too strong, and the smell is no longer good. I have been looking for you for a long time."

 He spoke so loudly that the girl over there was startled and walked faster. The weasel actually ejected instantly and disappeared directly into the alley.

 Ye Shu and Liu Youyou were both dumbfounded and looked at each other. Zangbaazi was very confused and said: "What's wrong? I called all the dogs. What should I do next?"

 Ye Shu was about to vomit blood and had an egg. I thought you had already done something, but it turns out you didn't do anything. The barking was just an accident.

 Ye Shu looked at the two wild dogs on the street. They didn't know where to go to find food.

 Liu Youyou rolled her eyes and volunteered: "Forget it, I'll take action myself. I'm sure he won't be reconciled if the weasel fails to follow him. From his reaction just now, it can be seen that he is very vigilant. I'm afraid it's not safe for us to be sparrows. I want to fish for law enforcement." ."

 fishing law enforcement

 Ye Shu frowned: "You have to seduce him yourself."

 "Yes, for a girl like me, he will definitely be fascinated by me and kidnap me. Then the Tibetan Mastiff will smell the scent and find me, and take him down in one fell swoop."

 Liu Youyou's plan was good, but Ye Shu was not happy with it.

 "Little sister, I don't want you to be taken advantage of by others. Let's just be sparrows."

 Ye Shu said in a dull voice, and Liu Youyou chuckled: "Don't worry, I am a two-tailed demon fox, and..."

 She paused as she spoke, then leaned close to Ye Shu's ear and whispered, "The advantage is only for you."

 Oops, this vixen suddenly felt numb. Ye Shu's heart felt warm and shuddering, and he responded in a low voice: "Okay, I'll let you go fishing, but I want to touch your legs after fishing."


 Liu Youyou cursed and ran away. She couldn't wait to go fishing.

 The Tibetan Mastiff raised his head and didn't understand Ye Shu and Liu Youyou's plan. Ye Shu shrugged and said, "This guy wants to show off. Let her go wandering. Remember her scent, and we will follow her secretly."

 The Tibetan Mastiff nodded repeatedly, while Ye Shu looked at Aiqier. Aiqier lowered her head and looked at her slender legs, looking unhappy.

 "What's wrong"

 Ye Shu picked her up and asked, but Ai Qier snorted angrily: "Big brother wants to touch the vixen's legs again. Do you really dislike mine? Everyone told me to touch them for you. Mine is also very white." It's very slippery"

 Phew, Ye Shu squirted, you vampire have such good hearing that you can even hear adults' funny words: