
my vampire daughter

One day I suddenly received a cardboard box, and there was a little lolita in white stockings lying inside. Whether you are a European vampire, a Japanese shikigami, or a zombie girl in the grave, in short, all you weird creatures are here. Come to me, we can cooperate for mutual benefit and raise the cutest daughter.

Daoist2ootOY · Urban
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90 Chs

Scared to the point of peeing

The Tibetan Mastiff carried Aiqier and ran to the monster office, while Ye Shu and Liu Youyou took the bus. It took more than half an hour to arrive. From a distance, they saw lights on in the yard of the office and the Tibetan Mastiff sitting at the door. Playing with Aiqier.

 The two of them ran over quickly. When Aiqier saw Ye Shu finally coming, she jumped into his arms and acted like a baby.

 Ye Shu pinched her little face and stepped into the courtyard with Liu Youyou and the Tibetan Mastiff.

 It was already late at night, and all the aunts in the monster office were off work. Only Wu Miao was still waiting.

 The group walked into the lobby and immediately saw Wu Miao sitting at the desk drinking water, with several empty bottles next to him.

 Ye Shu was stunned. Seeing him coming, Wu Miao said coldly: "Here he comes, let's start. Where's the vampire?"

 Ye Shu put Aiqier down. Aiqier was a little resistant to strangers, and her expression was a little timid, like a shy little girl.

 Wu Miao was stunned when he saw her, frowned and said suspiciously: "That's her."

 "Yes, this is our international friend Aiqier. She is very powerful. How do you want to test it?"

 Ye Shu replied, Wu Miao glanced at the Tibetan Mastiff again, and finally continued to stare at Aiqier, saying with great disappointment: "I thought it was some powerful vampire, but it turned out to be a child. You are fooling me. It's boring. Let's go."

 She was quite disappointed. She originally planned to have a fierce fight, but it turned out to be a child. Who wants to fight with a child?

 Ye Shu squinted his eyes and said calmly: "Miss Wu Miao, don't be arrogant first. I'm not joking. She will pee and scare you."

 He was quick to talk, and then he mentioned "pee". As a result, the disappointed Wu Miao burst into anger and gritted his teeth: "Did you see the water bottle on the table? I drank a lot of water on purpose. I'm in a hurry now. I just want to Prove it to you, your vampire can't scare the piss out of me."


 Sister, are you mad? I have never seen someone so guilty.

 Liu Youyou also looked confused, and the Tibetan Mastiff hung his tongue and was dumbfounded.

 Only Aiqier was angry. She thought Wu Miao was scolding her big brother.

 "Who are you? Why are you so rude? Stop swearing."

 Wu Miao paused, her anger was cut off halfway, and it was not easy to scold the child, so she could only shout to Ye Shu: "Come on, aren't you very powerful? Let this little guy do it."

 Seeing her like this, Ye Shu was quite distressed. Did he go too far and drive the little cat crazy? Oh, what a sin.

 He had no choice but to touch Aiqier's head and said, "Qier, scare her."

 Aiqier was already a little resentful. When she heard this, she immediately bared her fangs and barked at the witch meow several times.

 Suddenly, an evil aura that did not belong to the East filled the surrounding area. Liu Youyou's skin next to her became cold, and the Tibetan Mastiff also lay down in submission.

 Wu Miao was the first to bear the brunt, facing Her Majesty the Princess without any resistance. She was so frightened that her whole body shook violently, and she sat down on the chair, her face turned pale.

 Ye Shu stopped when he saw the opportunity, making Ai Qier retract her fangs. Aiqier snorted coquettishly and hugged Ye Shu's thigh to take credit.

 Wu Miao almost collapsed on the chair, her fingers were shaking non-stop, her face was white and red, and her crotch was wet.

 Ye Shu couldn't help laughing in his heart, and hurriedly said to Liu Youyou: "Okay, I passed the test, Youyou, you go and wait for me outside, I will go through the formalities with Wu Miao."

 Liu Youyou glanced at him suspiciously, but still went out obediently, taking Aiqier and the Tibetan Mastiff with him.

 As soon as they left, the lobby became empty. Wu Miao couldn't bear it anymore. She covered her face and cried so loudly that she almost died from crying.

 Ye Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had to admit that Miss Wu Miao was indeed too miserable, but she was the one who sought her own death.

 Her personality is very similar to that of a cat. Cats are very neurotic animals and always do things that ordinary people can't understand. The cat demon is still a demon in nature, so Wu Meow is also quite neurotic. He drank enough water to provoke him, and then was frightened to the point of peeing.

 Her crotch was completely wet, even her boots were wet, and some parts were still dripping water on the ground.

 Ye Shu couldn't look straight at it, it was so irritating to his eyes.

 He smiled dryly and reassured: "Miss Wu Miao, don't cry, no one will know. Why don't you go take a shower first, I won't be in a hurry to complete the task procedures."

 Wu Miao didn't listen to him at all. She covered her face and cried more and more fiercely. As she cried, she suddenly started hiccupping and kept hiccupping intermittently.

 So the cat cried several times and then burped again, and then cried several times and then burped again, making the scene very embarrassing.

 She herself was so embarrassed that she didn't want to cry. She lay there helpless and looked at Ye Shu blankly: "Whatever you want to do, just do it."

 Little sister, don't give up on life, there are still many days ahead.

 It was impossible for her to go through the formalities for herself in this state. She didn't even want to take a shower and just broke the jar, which made people helpless.

 Ye Shu couldn't help but feel distressed. After thinking for a while, he forced out an embarrassed look and whispered: "Wu Miao, there is no need for you to be so sad. In fact, I peed my pants last time too."

 Of course he was lying, but as soon as he let it slip, Wu Miao immediately moved, and his eyes lit up.


 She asked rather eagerly, as if she wanted to find a fellow sufferer.

 Ye Shu scratched his head in embarrassment: "Just last time, after you peed, I couldn't help but ran out. There were still some pedestrians looking at me on the street. I was really shameless."

 His acting skills can be rated ten points. Wu Miao regained his vitality, biting the corner of his mouth and staring at him: "Really, wouldn't you be embarrassed?"

 "Yeah, it's so embarrassing. I almost wanted to hit the wall and die when I went back."

 Ye Shu responded quietly, as if telling a secret. The corners of Wu Miao's mouth curved, and she couldn't help but reveal a gloating smile.

 But she immediately endured it again, fearing that Ye Shu would be sad.

 "Actually, it doesn't matter. What are you afraid of as a man? I don't feel embarrassed even if I do this."

 Wu Miao was so good at the reversal of yin and yang. Ye Shu secretly rolled his eyes and smiled like an old friend: "That's right. It's over now. You don't have to be sad anymore. Go take a shower and I'll help you mop the floor."

 Wu Miao blushed, looked at the puddle of water on the ground, blushed with embarrassment, and ran to the bathroom without saying a word.

 Ye Shu breathed a sigh of relief and finally got it done. This cat is so easy to trick, otherwise it would be really hard to get it done.

 He whistled and mopped the floor, and Wu Miao came out clean, with a much gentler look on his face.

 Ye Shu hurried over and said with a smile: "Master Auditor, can you give me the task?"

 Wu Miao was still a little embarrassed and didn't say anything. She just nodded and took Ye Shu to open the computer registration file.

 After registration, as long as the weasel is brought to the office, Liu Youyou can receive a good spirit pill.

 However, when registering, Wu Miao's face suddenly became serious, and she stared at the screen and said: "The mission has been updated. A notice was sent from the Tianleifeng office headquarters. The weasel has kidnapped a ten-year-old girl and is suspected of being imprisoned. The difficulty level has increased. ."

 Ye Shu was shocked. The difficulty coefficient had increased. Could it be that he could no longer claim it?

 "Can Liu Youyou still accept the mission? We are very strong."

 Ye Shu asked hurriedly, Wu Miao nodded: "You have that vampire, it is indeed no problem. But the weasel imprisoned the human girl, and if you let him run away, he might kill someone in anger. According to my experience analysis, in fact, he He is kidnapping the girl as a hostage. You must not let him escape. You must also successfully find his lair and rescue the girl. The reward is three intermediate spirit pills."

 The difficulty has increased and the rewards have increased.

 Ye Shu thought for a while. He had Xiao Leng, a daughter, and a dog demon, so catching the weasel shouldn't be a problem.

 He still accepted the task, Wu Miao also registered Liu Youyou's name, and the procedure was completed.

 As soon as he finished, Ye Shu immediately said goodbye and left. Unexpectedly, Wu Miao suddenly stopped him and said with a wandering gaze, "Wait a minute, are you actually trying to comfort me? You're not the one on the street at all."

 Damn it, this guy has calmed down and his IQ has recovered.

 Ye Shu's heart skipped a beat, and he said solemnly, "I really peed my pants, and I peed in broad daylight. It caused severe trauma to my body and mind. It's so painful."

 He said firmly, but unfortunately Wu Miao's IQ gradually went up and he became more and more doubtful.

 "You are always a crooked person. You tease me every time. It's hard for me to trust you."

 "That's good. To make you believe it, I will open a room with you alone next time and chat slowly. Bye."

 Ye Shu raised his feet and walked away. Wu Miao gritted her teeth. Seeing him, she became more suspicious and jumped to block his way.

 "Tell me clearly now, have you peed or not?"

 Let me go, big sister, someone like you is so perverted.

 Ye Shu was a little anxious. This neurotic cat insisted on tossing him, and there was really nothing he could do.

 He immediately planned to be cruel and started to unzip his pants. Wu Miao was startled and scolded him for what he was going to do.

 "If you didn't believe it last time, then I'll come again this time and pee my pants in front of you so that you can watch to your fullest."

 Ye Shu pretended to take off his pants, "A man's pants are very thick and you can't see clearly. I only wear my underwear for you to see. Don't blink."

 However, Wu Miao turned red with embarrassment and ran away.

 "That's enough, you stinky scoundrel. You bully me every time and count me out of luck. But this is the last time. Next time I will tell Bai Ling that she is a red-robed law enforcement officer and learned from the Japanese Gu Huoniao. If you know your art, cut it off with a sword and wait for death."