
my unique love

A girl with immense talent and great beauty who can make anyone in daze just by her one glance. The girl with high confidence, cold aura and brilliant business mind instead of being just 18. The girl who has an unique and rear purple eyes which were glittering like they have a mini sun in them. Now after three year became the most wanted and mysterious person in the world but now her eyes were no longer sun rays it was now the moon who was shining in darkness. Now nobody knows how she looks like. And this all because of an incident and a promise So what's the incident which made the this sunshine became the moon in the darkness.....

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27 Chs

Welcome Ahi

Hey lovlies and handsome ok so right now I m giving my focus on this so I will upload atleast 5 to 6 chappy in row ...

So without any further do lets get started....


Ahi atharv and yasharth entered in their home. Their home was one of the most luxurious houses in the nation. As soon as Ahi entered in the house she was greeted by the best smell and what else could it be than food. 

The mouthwatering aroma of her favourite dishes was filling the whole house. She immediately put off her boots, threw her bag on one of the sofas and ran towards the kitchen. 

"Emma! I m home and so hungry" shouted Ahi as soon as she entered in the kitchen. She didn't asked how she knew that she was coming cuz she knew her father nor did she said that she missed her cuz that felt like she was away from them so she decided to say 'I m home' which feels like she never left here and nothing has changed yet. 

"Oh Ahi my princess you are back. Come and taste this" replied emma. She also didn't said any thing about the time when she was not here. 

"Ah! Ok...ok but atleast lemme have a bite of....ah" she was sneekly trying to take a bite of the yummy and mouth watering food but what she got was smack on her sneaky hand. 

"Ouch! Emma....um just a lil, small, tiny bite....pleeeeeese!!!" She said pouring all her cuteness and sweetness in her words but still she didn't got even a bite of it.

"Nope! Baby if you want just go and quickly get changed" emma said leaving no room for argument. Ahi knew that emma was cleanliness freak so she pouted and said "uh!!! Fine... Just a sec my food I promise it wont leave u alone in this cruel world for lng time" 

After her lovely promise with her food she ran towards the stairs as her room was on first floor. 

20 minutes later....

Ahi came down like tornado. She was wearing a loose night suit. Her brown hairs were freely dancing, her bangs swaying carelessly on her forehead. 

She came on the dining table and saw Yasharth and Atharv already sitting on the table waiting for her. They haven't yet touched the food as they always have a kind of rule at their house that first the food will be tasted by her. 

So no matter how hard Atharv try to sneak a bite he always ended up getting a smack. 

Listening to the voice of slippers they both looked at Ahi who was running at the table like if she delay one more second her food with breakup with her and disappears from the table.

"Careful doll" Yasharth and Atharv said to her in unison. 

Ahi ignored their words like all she can she was the food. She reached to table and hurriedly sat on the chair. She then rubbed her hands with her tongue licked her lips. 

"Ok, so lets get started" said Ahi without any further do. She then took the fork and took the bite of pasta. "Mmm... Yem this is so good" she moaned in pleasure at the bite of the pasta. 

"Dad can I eat now" Atharv who was almost drooling asked in the mocking tone with his dad and shoved the spoonful of pasta in his mouth without even waiting for his answer. 

"Woah! Really this is great Emma" Atharv said to the middle aged cook with the bright eyes. 

"Eat more sir" emma said with respect to Atharv. 

The dining table was full of food and everything was favourite of Ahi and Atharv. 

They all have ate happily while chatting and cracking jokes. And then gone to sleep. 

11:00 pm, Ahi's room.

Ahi was working on her laptop. Her purple eyes were focused on the screen. She was making several plans for her family's business to which her mom, her dad and her brother worship. 

She always want to make her dad's business more and more successful. Though his dad's business was one of the top business and her dad and brother was one of the best businessman in the entire nation. She wants to make it more and more successful than anyone has ever thoughts. And for that she has already started planning and working long time ago. 

Now she have decided that she will go to her dad's office tomorrow and start working for the best future of the company and will help her brother. 

She worked till late night and finally at 2:00 am she head towards the bed. As soon as her head touches the pillow she drifted to a nice and deep sleep. 

7:00 am....

"Wake up doll its 7 now.... Doll wake up" Yasharth was waking her daughter up. However his words were so soft and full of care.

"Dad... If you will wake her like this then leave hope that she will wake up anytime sooner" Atharv said in mocking tone.

"Shhh! She will wake up... You don't know anything..." His sweet dad answered.

Atharv was speechless after that. Eventually they came for waking her up isn't it then why his dad was scolding him for speaking. He was thinking that why  his dad was so innocent. He want to wake her up but is also worried that his voice will disturb her sleep.

"Dad leave it to me cuz your voice will not wake her up but your voice is more like a sweet lullaby that will make her go even in deeper sleep." atharv said in a irritated tone. Why god have to send him in the family of this mad man.

"Doll wake up look dad is going to company are you waking up or not?" Atharv said no actually Atharv shouted. And with his last word Ahi fully awake. 

"No! Bro I will also come wait for me" she said and sat up quickly. 

Then she saw her dad who was sitting beside her with an annoyed expression glaring at Atharv who was completely ignoring him and he was smiling at her. 

"Bro! Not again...I hate you" Ahi said as she realised that dear brother was lying to her.

"Morning to you too my doll and I love you more" Atharv replied with huge smile and then he ruffled her hair like a small baby. 

"God! Dad look at him what he have don't to my hair.. Ahhh!!!!!" Ahi complained with her cute pouty and puffed face. She was looking like an five year old year girl which made her dad and brother laugh at her.

"You guys are very bad..... I m not golna talk to you..... Hmph!!!!" Ahi said with her crossed arms and pouty face and with that she got up from her bed and rush towards washroom. 

"Don't you both dare to even put a step out of house without me... Ok" she warned both of the laughing crazy pair of father amd son and shut the door of washroom with a thud."

When ahi came out there was no one in her room. She walked towards her walkin closet while rubbing the soft and fluffy towel to dry her hair. Her white jade like feet were bare and shining on the white feather like carpet which was covering the entire floor of her room. 

After several minutes of trying hard to decide what to wear she finally gave up. And peaople says being man is tough they should live one day like a girl. Ah! This dresses, shoes, makeup are not my cup of tea I really want to salute to all the girly girls who loves this.

She gave up cuz she literally was not intrested in these things so she ignored everything and wore what is most comfortable but at the same time looks formal. And this was her favourite combo as she usually wadra cloths like that. 

Let me tell you one thing about Ahi. She looks fragile, carefree and talkative girl who was spoiled to the core but reality was very different with this. She was a strong and sharp minded person who literally does what she think to do once. She was a girl who don't talk to everyone like this, only when she is comfortable with you and you are important to her then only she puts her guards down and as for others she is a cold, smart girl with breathtaking beauty. They can never tell whats in her mind or what she is thinking. 

She wore a formal white full sleeve bow knot shirt and jet black trouser skirt that comes to her mid thighs with white sneakers. Her hair was left free as she likes her hair like this only. No makeup and she was done.

She left the room not before taking her laptop bag and some files that she have prepared from many days. 

little did she knew that todays visit and day was gonna change her entire life and will give a whole new direction to her life...

Note✍️ so thats all for today guys but let me tell you tommorrow's chappy is gonna be rocking and super fun. 

Thankyou for reading hoped you enjoyed the chappy

Take care

Be happy

Stay healthy 

And keep smiling 

I love you 😘😘😘 all so much