
my unique love

A girl with immense talent and great beauty who can make anyone in daze just by her one glance. The girl with high confidence, cold aura and brilliant business mind instead of being just 18. The girl who has an unique and rear purple eyes which were glittering like they have a mini sun in them. Now after three year became the most wanted and mysterious person in the world but now her eyes were no longer sun rays it was now the moon who was shining in darkness. Now nobody knows how she looks like. And this all because of an incident and a promise So what's the incident which made the this sunshine became the moon in the darkness.....

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27 Chs

Beauty with brain

"Are....are you sure she did this?" Asked mr. Bedi. He then looked at the girl who was looking at the wall clock. And then agian turned his face towards the dean. 

"Yes mr. Basu. Infact this was not the first time she did something like this. Actually we also didn't know from how long she was doing this but last week when one of the professsor saw her, the student of first year in third year's class he paused and he was about to ask that why she was there but then he saw that she was actually solving the question that he has given to the students for their test. And that question let me tell you was the one of the toughest questions that hardly anybody can solve."

He then paused for a second and then continued " and that not all. The question she was solving was hundred percent correct. That professsor came to me and told about the happenings and I called some most talented professsors from all departments and then I called her and then I asked them to make the toughest paper ever made and let her solve. It took 4 hours them to make the toughest paper and this is the result."

After hearing to the dean mr. Basu again looked towards the papers that was solved in very neat and clean way. The writing of the student was absolutely best and was written in cursive. But this was not the surprising part the most surprising part is that even after three times rechecking not a single mistake was found on that paper. And that too not only in one department but every department. 

"And most important thing was that she has hardly taken any second more than 30 minutes to solve this. Mr. Basu your daughter is miracle. And thats why I think she don't need to be here for another two years. She can start her career. I m sure her future is very bright."

Just when mr. Basu was about to say something the girl beside him spoke "lets go dad. Lets go home." Mr. Basu looked at her and after some formalities they were out of the dean's office. 

They were walking out. The girl was following the man silently like she was the most innocent girl one would ever seen. But as soon as they reach to their car the man stopped walking and turned back now facing the girl. His tough expression suddenly turned into jolly one. The girl who was walking innocently also looked up at his father and her rear purple eyes shone. She immediately hugged her father and her father also hugged her like she was still small 2 years baby. 

"Oh my baby how I missed you my doll" Mr. Yasharth basu said hugging her daughter. 

"Dad I missed you sooooooo much. You know ot was so boring here. The classes are so easy, the students are umm... Wierd and you know there are no live business classes also like the one you used to give me" the girl said with pout. Her expressions were like a five year old girl who was complaining her father. 

"Ah... My doll thats not live classes thats actually business which I used to teach you cuz sooner or later you and that brat brother of yours have to handle." Mr. Basu said said while he kissed his little doll on her forehead. 

"Dad!!! No one can say anything to my bro" the girl said now keeping her hands on her sylender waist and puffing her cheeks. 

"Oh ok ok Ms. Ahi" he said raising his hands up in surrender. "Now lets go. I bet he will be surprised when he will see you." He said and opened the car. 

"Dad.." Was all Ahi said and looking at her puppy face his dad understood what she wants. 

"Nope!" Mr. Basu said with serious tone. 

"Dad pleaseeeee let me drive please please" requested Ahi with her cutest puppy face and thats where her dad lose.

"Ah! Why! Why I can't ignore this ...." He said in frustrated tone.

"Thankyou dad!" Looking at his frustation she immediately knew that he gave up and now she can drive the car. 

20 minutes later....

They were in airport waiting for their flight. 

4 hours later.....

They stopped infront of an luxurious mansion. Ahi opened the car and quickly got out. Her eyes were literally glittering with happiness. 4 years its been four years since she was not here. 

Ahi lost her mother in an accident 5 years ago. Her mother was the one of the most legendary singer and actor. But after marriage she chose to take a break from her career and give her time to her family. Its not that her father told her to do so. Instead her father was always so supportive. He was proud of her mother. 

He loved her with his live. His father was a businessman and was one of the most handsome and smart businessman all over the country. He fell in love with her mother when they were in collage. And both of them knew that they love eachother but they didn't told anybody about this. They waited and worked hard in their field. After some years both of them became successful in their lives but one thing that never changed was their love. 

When they met again after many year they finally decided to tell their parents and their parents agreed for their marriage. They got married. And after a perfect planning they thought of having child. At the same time her mother decided to take a break from her career and give her time to her family her father tried to convince her that if she is doing that under any pressure then she dont have to cuz he will also support her in raising their childern but she said that she will take a break from her career because she want to. 

Though she has taken break from her acting and singing career but she used to help in her father's businesses. Her mother and father were both scholars and were sharp minded so they both handle everything together weather its business or home. 

Their childern also got their brain, looks and talents. Their elder son Atharv was handsome, smart but cold businessman who was now 24 while their daughter was breathtakingly beautiful, sharp minded, and positive girl. She was 18 and was the most talented student of oxford university. 

What makes people go crazy was her rear and absolutely beautiful purple eyes. She was tall heighted girl. She has long deep brown hair that goes to her waist. Her skin was jade white. Her lips was thin and cherry pink. She has small pointed nose. Her slender body has perfect curves. Each part of her body was like designed and carved so delicately. 

However her looks can make you feel like she is an fragile angel but in reality she was a strong warrior. Yes she was trained by best martial art teachers and shooting and fencing was her favourite activities. She has got the sweetest voice from her mother but at the same time her voice also has the firmness like her father. She was good in business and knew all the tactics like it's a child play. 

However the best thing which she does have was her talent in music. However she never gave any chance to her talent as she always became weak whenever she sings because it reminds her of her mother siya. 

After her mother passed away she was gone in depression for 6 or 7 months. She started to recover with her father and brother support who loved her with everything they have. They were worried that she will not able to get out of all of this here so they decided to send her UK. It was so hard to send her away from them but they managed to send her away and now finally after 4 years she was here. 

Every year when her final exams result were used to come her father and brother come to visit her. She used to top every year and then they used to celebrate her success. But now this year she was here in her own house oh god she can't describe in words how happy she was.

She was busy with her thoughts she felt some one put his hands on her eyes in an instant she knew who he was and before she could say anything she was hugged tightly. And then the next moment she was in air. 

"Bro let me down other wise I will vormit right here and now." Ahi said with Atharv. She was gigglingand when he put her down she hugged het brother and said "bro I knew it was you..."


hey so this was the first episode. let me tell you that there are lot fun in upcoming episodes so keep reading

till then keep smiling.....
