
My Unexpected Beast

Book 1 in the unexpected series Tori is your typical high school student she has a best friend and makes straight A's. But Tori has a secret that's unlike any other high school student that goes to her school. The thing about Tori is that she doesnt take crap and if you tell her she cant do something she will do anything to prove you wrong even if it kills her. Or she'll just have her pet wolf winter kill you. what happens when Tori meets her match which so happens he's a mafia boss. Will things get hot and heavy between Tori and her new love or will they become as cliche as the love stories Tori's best friend Ryan makes her watch. ~ "I'll be your beauty"i say standing up and walking towards him roughly pulling his collar"if you be my beast"i say whispering into his ear seductively. The boys look over at us confused as to what were talking about. Soon shadow man wraps his hand around my waist"you don't have a choice"he says seductively against my ear I wrap my arms around his neck and smile"oh believe me I always have a choice and I always do and get what I want"i tell him and before he responds I smash my lips on to his. He seemed surprised but just before he kissed me back I backed away from him while smirking. "I always get what I want it's my way or no way, beast"i tell him while smiling. this is my book do not copy please and thank you.

lunar_scarlet · Adolescente
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3 Chs

A Day To Remember


"Ugh I hate the mornings just like I hate people" I tell my best friend Ryan while were standing at his locker.

"I know you do girl because I hate it to" he says closing his locker.

How rude of me my names Tori White and I'm an 18 year old high school student I have shoulder length wavy black hair, I'm 5"11 yes I know I'm tall for a girl, and no I'm not popular I'm just your average teenage girl who doesn't take bull crap oh and the boy next to me is my best friend Ryan if you couldn't figure it out by now he's gay.

"Ugh Ryan can we skip" I ask him while looking at my nails with a bored expression

"Not everyone is smart like you Tori and besides I don't want to miss the king and his friends coming "Ryan says

"Your thirsty" I tell him and laugh and then the hallway goes quiet

"There here, how's my make-up does my outfit look good" Ryan asks like a teenage girl to which I role my eyes at him and say" you look fab"

"Thanks" he said and looked down the hallway just as the schools famous cliché bad boy group comes through well I wouldn't say bad boys because there is one girl in their group and her name is xena never talked to any of them so I can't judge them and I'm not the type of girl to go off rumors I've heard about people I'm the type I have to see it for myself .

Let me give you the quick rundown on what I've heard though, so the leader of this group at school is Zane yes you heard me at school I don't know who the actual top dog is or what the heck is actually up with their weird group and I don't care enough to ask questions, then there's xena I think there are rumors her and Zane are dating but I don't know and really don't care, then last but not least there's Logan and as over guessed I don't know about him either why because I don't care enough to to know I don't ask questions I mind my business.

But anyways they were about to approach when my phone went off and started playing the good, bad, and the dirty by Panic at The Disco.

If you want to start a fight

You better throw the first punch

Make it a good one

And if ya wanna make it through the night

You better say my name like

The good, the bad, and the dirty

As I was fumbling for my phone, I didn't realize it had dropped until Zane the leader of the mysterious group picked it up and handed it to me.

I looked up gave him a bored look and said, "thank you" and I walked off with Ryan on my tail.

"Thank u that's it" Ryan said looking at me like I was crazy

"Yup"i said looking bored as we sat down in the classroom soon came the gang leader and his crew sitting behind us, Ryan shut up then for only a second though.

"You are so nonchalant sometimes god show emotion do something woman "Ryan said

"If I hit you in the face with my book would u be happy then" I ask him and then we hear some snickering we look back and see that Zayn and his posse were laughing at what I said I still had and bored look on my face.

"You suck" Ryan told me

I looked at him and said "I'm pretty sure you swallow" I heard snickering

"black head" he said

"black hair don't care and you know I got that stare" I said and flipped my hair.

"I hate you sometimes" Ryan said

"All you had to do was skip one day with me but no you wanna be bloody difficult" I told him

"Well sorry not everyone has perfect grades like you" Ryan said and I gave him the are your serious look and he gave me the yes, I'm serious look.

"Unbelievable you have a bloody

A+ in almost all your classes and you won't skip a day with me you know what I'm gone" I told Ryan and got up grabbing my phone, keys, and backpack.

Soon I'm out the door and I feel like I'm being followed but I just shrug it off and keep on walking because why not this is not some movie where the high school girl gets kidnapped and then falls in love with her kidnapper that only happens in those stupid Romance movies that Ryan makes me watch when I could be watching anime or iZombie I mean it doesn't get any better than that.

When I'm outside I spot my black jeep, as soon as I made it to my baby and got in it.

I sit there and take a break for a while because that was a long walk yes, that was a long walk for me I'm well aware it seemed like a short distance to you anyways I take this time to look around my surroundings and take notice to this black range rover that pulled up three spots away from me.

Guess who the driver was talking to you'll never guess who, you know what I'm tired of this the driver was talking to none other than Zane, xena, and Logan.

I mean what did I expect I've heard that they are trouble but I didn't want to believe it cause as I've said before I don't like rumors and rumors ruin people's lives haven't you read the books and seen the movies.

Ok I got to get out more, as I sat there deep in thought I hadn't noticed that the mysterious driver had turned and caught me staring at them until my phone went off and I looked him dead in the eyes.

We held each other's gaze neither one of us daring to look away I mean this man was gorgeous, he had blonde hair but I could see the dark roots of his hair, beautiful ocean eyes that held the calm before the storm, nose ring, and I could see that tattoos littered his body from under his clothes, so to make a long story short tis man was a Greek god I mean I was in a trance that was until my phone dinged again finally making me look away from the beautiful stranger.

I rolled my eyes as I say it was a text from Ryan

Ryan: hey

Ryan: I know you got my text

I rolled my eyes but responded

Me: what

Ryan: so rude

Me: what do you want

Ryan: are you still outside

Me: yes

Ryan: why what are you doing? I thought you'd be gone by now driving down the highway.

Me: and you thought I'd risk my safety and text you while driving.

Ryan: I mean it wouldn't surprise me, anyways why you still here?

Me: you think so little of me I'm hurt, anyways you know that's a long walk so I'm taking a break in my baby with the door opened, also having a staring match with this Greek god over here.

Ryan: Greek god if your calling a dude hot he must be, I'm going to come outside

Me: you wouldn't come outside for me, but you'd come for some guy unbelievable? Black range

Ryan: is he talking to Zane and his group

Me: yes, why?

I'm curious now I thought to myself

Ryan: close your door and drive away don't look at them

Me: a little to late for that and why wouldn't I look at him?

Ryan: because he's the top dog he's the leader I know you don't like rumors but he's a mafia leader and Zane, xena, and lagan are a part of it

I look down at the texted show shocked that I don't respond but yet I stop myself and text back.

Me: your right I don't believe rumors

Now its Ryan's turn not to respond as I wait a while to see if Ryan will respond I remember the beautiful stranger and as I look over I see his ocean eyes were already looking at me cold it be true could there be a murderer behind those behind those beautiful eyes and for the first time in a long time I wanna know what story those beautiful eyes have to tell me I quickly snap out of it and decide to break contact again I close my door start my engine and drive home thoughts of the Greek god invade my mind.