
My ultimate system

Tristan Gad finds himself in a world where the powerful reign and the powerless are voiceless. Everything changes when a mysterious temple descends from the sky, granting people extraordinary abilities. As Tristan embarks on a quest-filled journey, he discovers that his parents, believed to be deceased, may still be alive. With a newfound system and a burning desire to grow stronger, Tristan faces challenges and merges abilities to level up quickly. But the ultimate test lies ahead as he sets out to uncover the truth about his parents while preparing for the darkness that awaits him. Who is Tristan Gad, and who are his parents? Join him on this gripping adventure to find out!

white_panther · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter 4: Tristan's bus ride to the academy

Chapter 4 Tristan's bus ride to the academy

Every day, there was news of tensions between the two races on the rise, making it feel like war could break out at any moment.

Before Tristan embark on his journey to the school with Sargent kongo, he urgently requested a few minutes from him to visit the toilet.

"Sar, please give me a few minutes," Tristan said, feeling the pressure in his bladder like it was going to explode any moment now due to the amount of water he has drank.

After a quick visit to the toilet, Tristan emerged, ready to embark on the journey ahead. But as soon as he stepped outside, something strange happened. It felt like a strange force was draining his energy, and a message appeared before him."Host has been hit by sunlight, your HP will be reduced by half."

Tristan instantly felt the effects, as his body became sluggish and heavy. It was as if he had just finished running a marathon. His arms and legs felt weak and weighed down, making every movement a struggle.

Tristan's mind was racing as he assessed the situation. He then called out his host attributes. All of his stats were affected and reduced to half , except for his bravery.

[Host Attributes]

-Host: Tristan Gad

- Level: 1

- Experience: 0/100

- HP: 4/10

- Strength: 5/10

- Stamina: 5/10

- Bravery: 10/10

- Agility: 5/10

- Energy: 10/30

He notices his energy has all most recovered, it was at 20 but now it has been half again.

"what kind of backlash is this, this system is completely weird". Tristan thought.

He couldn't help but think that this system was completely weird. But then he remembered one of his tasks , is to avoid sunlight for 18 hours. It seemed like a strange task compared to the others, but Tristan realized that by staying indoors, he could easily accomplish it without anyone noticing his absence.

As he pondered the workings of the system, Tristan realized that if it functioned like RPG games, reaching 100 exp Points would allow him to level up and improve his stats. With this in mind, he became even more determined to complete as many quests as possible. The more quests he completed, the faster he could level up and become stronger.

Suddenly, Sergeant Kongo's voice snapped Tristan back to reality. "Walk faster, soldier! Why are you moving at a snail's pace? The school will chew you up and spit you out if you don't pick up the pace!" Kongo shouted, pushing Tristan to move faster.

Tristan hopped onto the big ol' bus parked right outside his house. As he stepped inside, he noticed a bunch of students of his age, but he didn't recognize any of them. It turns out, they all came from different schools. Tristan quickly grabbed the only available seat at the front row.

Just as he settled in, a message popped up in front of him saying, "all stats have been returned to normal." It seems like avoiding direct sunlight really does wonders for him. He couldn't help but think, "Wow, I really feel the difference when I'm not hit by the sun!"

The students on the bus were chattering away excitedly when Tristan entered, but as soon as Sergeant Kongo walked in, it got real quiet. Kongo didn't even need to say a word. Just one look from him and everyone knew to keep their mouths shut.

With Sargent Kongo in charge, the bus started moving and the students embarked on their journey to the military academy. The whole ride was as silent as a library. If any student dared to speak up, Kongo would shoot them a look and they'd zip it right away.

After about 15 minutes into the journey, Tristan received another message from the system. It said, " There's some weird substance detected in the air, and it's trying to make the host sleepy." Tristan was like, "What the heck is going on?"

As he looked around, he noticed that most of the students were either dozing off or already fast asleep. It was like a scene from a zombie movie! But before Tristan could fully process what was happening, his own eyelids started to droop. He was feeling the effects of the mysterious substance.

As Tristan started to feel sleepy, he received another message from the system.

"New Attributes unlock, Resistance "

"Resistance +1"

"your resistance to the substance just got stronger! Resistance +1!"

It was like the system was giving him a boost to fight off the sleepiness. Just as Tristan was about to pass out, he heard heavy footsteps approaching. He looked up and saw Sergeant Kongo standing right in front of him.

Tristan's heart raced as he tried to process Sergeant Kongo's words.

"It seems like a few of you were able to resist the anesthetic. Then we just have to go with plan B then".

Tristan's heart pounded in his chest as a cold sweat formed on his face. He could feel the tension in the air as a black bag was suddenly thrown over his head, completely obscuring his vision. The gas from earlier began to seep through, and despite his best efforts to stay awake, Tristan succumbed to its effects and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

The next thing Tristan knew, he felt a splash of cold water on his face. It was like an instant wake-up call! He opened his eyes and found himself surrounded by a field of lush green grass. He looked around and saw several other students lifting their heads, just as confused as he was.

There were a whopping total of 220 students standing on this strange, foreign field. None of them had any idea where they were or how they got there.

Sargent Kongo's voice boomed, "This is where you'll be spending the next three years of your lives!" The students stood in awe as they took in the sights of a city unlike anything they had ever seen before.

Everyone there was dressed up in a military uniform and they found themselves surrounded by advanced technology and engineering that surpassed anything of their time. The city was so alive, giant AI battle robots moved with precision, handling crates and constructing machines. Flying ships, battle ships, and levitating trains filled the sky, a testament to the military's exclusive access to cutting-edge technology.

The city's advanced state was a result of the great war with the chaos race. In the aftermath, humanity made significant leaps in technological advancement. Salvaging equipment from the chaos race had played a crucial role, but the military had chosen to keep most of it for themselves, leaving the ordinary people unaware of the advancements.

Tristan's eyes widened as he took in the futuristic surroundings, but his focus quickly shifted to the mysterious smartwatch on his wrist. It resembled a typical smartwatch, but the screen remained blank, leaving him curious about its purpose.

Sargent Kongo's booming voice filled the air, explaining that the watch was more than just an identification tool. It granted access to restricted areas, served as a payment method, and provided various other functions within the academy. However, the most intriguing aspect was the power level displayed when the watch was not in use.

Tristan clenched his fist, feeling a mix of determination and uncertainty. He had anticipated that life at the military school would bring change, but now it seemed that the challenges would be even greater than he had imagined.

With a smile on his face, Sargent Kongo announced that the students would immediately undergo a level test, he wishes them the best of luck with their test. Tristan and his fellow students braced themselves for the test.